Does God make mistakes?

Not nonsense every time I meditate on the person of Christ I am filled with peace, love and a sense of eternal security I know in the last day he will again stand on the earth bringing universal everlasting peace and happiness
Yes nonsense.
I suggest you look up the definition of the word "proof".
Purely subjective experiences do not constitute proof of external phenomena.

I still cant grasp why atheists are so angry with the idea of a divine creator, he who is above and inscrutable to man
Another error. We're not angry at the idea of a "divine creator" any more than we're angry at the idea of Winnie the Pooh or Batman. What we do find rather annoying however is the numerous people telling us that this idea should be accorded the credence they give it.
God decides what the consequences to actions are. You can do whatever you want, but god decides how what you do affects you and everything else.

This is the kind of garbage believers spout without any thought process whatsoever. Of course, when it comes to trying to answer questions as to why tens of thousands of children starve to death every day, for example, they'll back peddle and come up with an even bigger bag of garbage.
we don't get to choose the consequences of our actions.

why is that when people do the wrong things bad shit happens? why is it when people are greedy, or hateful, or liars that people suffer and die? really suffer. starvation, violence, fear, and fire!

You just said so, your god chooses for those things to happen. We don't choose, according to your hypocrisy. Hence your god is greedy, hateful, lies and makes people suffer and die from starvation, violence, fear and fire.

Totally and completely psychotic.
Exactly. YOU are telling us how to live.

no i'm not. i'm telling you how i live, and what i think, and what i believe and why.

and as far as i can tell, that has nothing to do with you.
This is the kind of garbage believers spout without any thought process whatsoever. Of course, when it comes to trying to answer questions as to why tens of thousands of children starve to death every day, for example, they'll back peddle and come up with an even bigger bag of garbage.

most of the time children starve because of greed. what's your point?
You just said so, your god chooses for those things to happen. We don't choose, according to your hypocrisy. Hence your god is greedy, hateful, lies and makes people suffer and die from starvation, violence, fear and fire.

Totally and completely psychotic.

i know this is rocket science, but try harder...

WE are greedy, hateful, liars, and because of that people suffer and die. god could have set it up to where greed and hate and lying produced good results, but didn't.
The notion of a Messiah is not about eternal life, angels with harps or paradise with vestals. The Messiah premise, introduced in Judaism, refers fundamentally to knowing the reason for creation. We do not know this yet - there has not been a Messiah yet.

This knowledge is not meant for the Messiah but for humanity as a whole. A Messiah is only a postman with a message to deliver. Today, even if a Moses like figure appears and delivers a message as at Sinai, and 50 million people witness it - we must still reject it. This time we must be hardier stiff necks and demand that it be given to all humanity, openly and simultainiously, otherwise it is not a Messiah. In its absence, none can claim revelation or villify others for not *BELIEVING*. I believe this is what is expected of us and shifting from this is cowardice, self interest and a great folly of crimes against other sectors of humanity.

The Abrahamic and Mosaic premise is they reject CHOSEN - and are yet accused of this by those who went on to invent far greater chosen premises. The Creator must know that not a single human would reject an open and direct revelation - so why should any human group accept anything less? As it is, Christianity is a result of 2nd hand assurences which not a single christian demanded proof for, and is based on unethical premises of belief which fullfiled away the most majestic laws and criteria - and lost that battle.

jesus was born without sin. he did not suffer from this condition as the rest of us, and therefore he and god were one. in the kingdom, we will all be without sin just as jesus was, and we will all be one with god and each other. this is the restored communion, that was broken when sin entered man in the garden. and this is why jesus is the messiah. through him, we will be restored and perfected.

communion is the reason for creation.
no i'm not. i'm telling you how i live, and what i think, and what i believe and why.

and as far as i can tell, that has nothing to do with you.

Lori Dear ignore these hard nosed skeptics if god came down and took them to heaven they will say they are hallucinating

Hi Guys, please have a look at the amazing link below which should make us realize the enormity of the Almighty God
WE are greedy, hateful, liars, and because of that people suffer and die. god could have set it up to where greed and hate and lying produced good results, but didn't.

Yes, we are. BUT, so is the Biblical God. He has lied, he is greedy, he kills, he tortures and so on and so on and Christians walk around blind to it or ignore it or try to sugar-coat it with fluff interpretation.

If someone were to take the actions and stories of the Biblical God out of the Bible(his lies, his manipulative tactics, his punishments, his out of control emotional fits that have lead to killing, him ordering babies and children to be slaughtered, men, women etc...) and inserted the name Bubba or Zeus in place of God- I guaranfreakingtee that you or any other Christian would think those actions are horrible and NOT something that you would aspire to be like, let alone your children to be like. Which is why you will not answer the question I presented to you numerous times of would you intentionally inflict unbearable pain on your child just because they don't believe or behave the way you want them to? (I'm not talking about a swat on the butt either) Truth is, you can't even begin to fathom someone doing that. Why would you pat a god on the back that does? It just doesn't make sense.
Dywyddyr, ignore those Christains who are in denial about their Biblical God's brutality- They'd still be in denial if God were to come down and admit to them what a true a-hole he is.

Hey Guys, have a look at this amazing link below, this should help you realize just how brutal your god is.

(you can stop watching at 1:42- the rest is an advertisment for their site)

It seems to me jpappl's implied stance on God and man is basically a Calvinist one.

I doubt it.

According to Calvinist doctrine, man has free will - but only to do evil; man has no power to do any good; if man does any good, it is the work of God, not man.

Not so much; "man has no power to do any good", as, man is inclined by nature to serve himself, as a result of the "original sin".
I suppose there is truth to that

You actually imply such theology too when you say:

jan said:
If God curtailed all movement that led to irresponsible acts performed by humans. There would simply be no activity.

As if all human action would be irresponsible. (Meaning yours too, right now!)

I think that is a point that could be argued, yes.

Originally Posted by Lori_7
WE are greedy, hateful, liars, and because of that people suffer and die. god could have set it up to where greed and hate and lying produced good results, but didn't.
Does this include babies and toddlers? Why didn't he set it up so babies and toddlers, who had not had a chance to become greedy hateful liars, could avoid some of the lives they do before they die young?
Yes nonsense.
I suggest you look up the definition of the word "proof".
Purely subjective experiences do not constitute proof of external phenomena.
Then we have no proof of external phenomena. At least, empiricists haven't.
Then we have no proof of external phenomena. At least, empiricists haven't.
Um, that isn't quite what I said, or implied. :p

One single person's "experience" of "Jesus" does not constitute proof of Jesus, especially when the claim was that
faith , peace and love this god man emanated
was his "proof".
Faith does not provide proof.
Peace? Where?
Love? Love is "proof" of Jesus?