Does free will exist?

Truly, none of you are even close.

I am !! O.K. Bibble bangers Romans 9 verse 17
The Scriptures says to Pharaoh ( Greathouse) Even for this same purpose I have raised you up, that I might show My power in you and that My name might be declared in all the earth .
Then it goes on to say:
Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills and whom He wills He Hardens .

O.K. Christians explain free fill from the Christian point of view for Me would you? Now that is the fucking shits when your name is Greathouse and all you want to do is be free. Let go of my little piggy toe. Little piggies gots to go to market
I am !! O.K. Bibble bangers Romans 9 verse 17
The Scriptures says to Pharaoh ( Greathouse) Even for this same purpose I have raised you up, that I might show My power in you and that My name might be declared in all the earth .
Then it goes on to say:
Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills and whom He wills He Hardens .

No mercy for the enslavement of the people. What else do you have on Greathouse in the bible? im very interested.

O.K. Christians explain free fill from the Christian point of view for Me would you? Now that is the fucking shits when your name is Greathouse and all you want to do is be free. Let go of my little piggy toe. Little piggies gots to go to market

Christians have no free will, they are controlled by their church.
are you saying that there are valid reasons to kill 'in the name of God'?

I do not hold a definitive position on this.

I only said that killing in the name of God is categorically different from other motivations for killing.

this assumes that the ppl who are killing 'in the name of God' are actually doing what God wants them to.
not every one who says 'God told me' means that God told them.

No, it doesn't, you have taken for granted your assumption from your previous post.
So why does the notion ''belief'' differ when it comes to God.

I didn't say that, did I?

Belief in God is different from all other beliefs, because it is a belief in God, and God is unique, absolute, has no comparison, no match.
Thus, belief in God is also in its own category, just as God is in His own category.
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I do not hold a definitive position on this.

I only said that killing in the name of God is categorically different from other motivations for killing.

No, it doesn't, you have taken for granted your assumption from your previous post.

If you are truly killing by the word of God you are killing in your own name which God holds in high standard, or he wouldn't have given you contract in the first place. I am contacted by God to walk my path, if I so happen to strike a man down it was because God put him in my path to be struck down. I killed the man by my hand, in my name through God's will. As a follower of Christ I know I will not harm thee who did not threaten God's will. Ultimately everything I do walking my path is in the name of the LORD.
If you are truly killing by the word of God you are killing in your own name which God holds in high standard, or he wouldn't have given you contract in the first place. I am contacted by God to walk my path, if I so happen to strike a man down it was because God put him in my path to be struck down. I killed the man by my hand, in my name through God's will. As a follower of Christ I know I will not harm thee who did not threaten God's will. Ultimately everything I do walking my path is in the name of the LORD.

Did Jesus kill anybody?


So wtf gives you the right?

What kind of a Christian are you, if you don't
try to follow in the footsteps of Christ?

Did Jesus kill anybody?


So wtf gives you the right?

What kind of a Christian are you, if you don't
try to follow in the footsteps of Christ?


If a man trys to strike me down I will unleash a force greater than he can match, only if he brings upon himself. By the word of God it is not my right, but my duty. I am not Christ, I am not charged with being the messiah. I follow my own footsteps, if I fall off path I pray the LORD sets me straight. I will be judged as you will, me first.
If a man trys to strike me down I will unleash a force greater than he can match, only if he brings upon himself. By the word of God it is not my right, but my duty. I am not Christ, I am not charged with being the messiah. I follow my own footsteps, if I fall off path I pray the LORD sets me straight. I will be judged as you will, me first.

Oh! You mean ''self-defence''.
What does ''God'' have to do with it?

If a man trys to strike me down I will unleash a force greater than he can match,
so you want God to do unto you as you do onto others?

only if he brings upon himself.
have you ever studied the concept of forgiveness?

By the word of God it is not my right, but my duty.
'in the name of God'... eh?
James make me moderator already so i can ban him..please?

I follow my own footsteps,
lean not on your own understanding.

if I fall off path I pray the LORD sets me straight.
how can he set you straight if you won't listen to anyone but yourself?

I will be judged as you will, me first.
It is not your right/duty/calling to judge others.
IOW it is easy to point your finger and say what is wrong with other ppl..its not a gift/talent, its a curse, even the dumbest of ppl can do that.
so you want God to do unto you as you do onto others?

he has and he will again

have you ever studied the concept of forgiveness?

Yea, im a follower of Christ. Im just not as easy going as my brother.

'in the name of God'... eh?
James make me moderator already so i can ban him..please?

By the will of God my word is gold

lean not on your own understanding.

But my understanding is greater than yours could ever possibly be, or anyone for that mater, save the Christ, or the Father himself.

how can he set you straight if you won't listen to anyone but yourself?

I listen to those with something to teach me, they are few and far between these days. Im listening to you.. you are a smart fella, you question, but you seem to keep faith.

It is not your right/duty/calling to judge others.

I judge in the name of God

IOW it is easy to point your finger and say what is wrong with other ppl..its not a gift/talent, its a curse, even the dumbest of ppl can do that.

But to take constant judgment from others and stand tall is a gift.
he has and he will again
so quit it.

Yea, im a follower of Christ. Im just not as easy going as my brother.
you do not follow Jesus's teachings.

By the will of God my word is gold
so why did God tell me to focus my OCD on you?

But my understanding is greater than yours could ever possibly be
false arrogance.

I listen to those with something to teach me, they are few and far between these days. Im listening to you.. you are a smart fella, you question, but you seem to keep faith.
so listen to me when i say QUIT IT!
learn more about Jesus/God,
find a church home to help you.

lean not on your own understanding.(if you get nothing else from me, get this one.)
seek out wisdom and understanding,do not glorify in your own understanding.

I judge in the name of God
WRONG! (damn it, now look what you made me do..;)@Dyw)
you do not follow Jesus's teachings.

I do were im put

false arrogance.

False arrogance

so listen to me when i say QUIT IT!

Quit what?

learn more about Jesus/God,


find a church home to help you.

Find a church home? I have a home. Church? CHURCH?! I AM THE CHURCH!!!

lean not on your own understanding.(if you get nothing else from me, get this one.)
seek out wisdom and understanding,do not glorify in your own understanding.

Thank you mr. Kindergarden. Do you think I came up with this crap?