Does free will exist?

No you don't.
This is as inane, and ridiculous, as your previous contention that we are centred in our hearts.

Still wrong.

Yes, i do!! i can't help it if you can't comprehend the most obvious. i never said we were centered anywhere. i said that most feel in their heart area. if you unaware of that then you are beyond help and truly utterly clueless beyond comprehension. seriously. but then that is probably why people like you are called 'nerds' who can't comprehend common sense. i know you are talking out of your ass because there is nothing inane or ridiculous about my posts in this thread. you're just being an ass to just be an ass, basically. if something is not spelled out for you in painful detail, it's not good enough. that's your problem.

as for my opinion of you, that's not wrong. it's called an 'opinion' for that reason. pfft
Yes, i do!!
Still wrong.

i can't help it if you can't comprehend the most obvious.
And simply because it's "obvious" to you does NOT mean it's correct.

i never said we were centered anywhere.
Oops, incorrect.

i said that most feel in their heart area. if you unaware of that then you are beyond help and truly utterly clueless beyond comprehension. seriously.
Yet all you could do was persist in claiming so, when you had already been told told by several people that it is not so.

but then that is probably why people like you are called 'nerds' who can't comprehend common sense. i know you are talking out of your ass because there is nothing inane or ridiculous about my posts in this thread. you're just being an ass to just be an ass, basically. if something is not spelled out for you in painful detail, it's not good enough. that's your problem.
And now we get the insults...

as for my opinion of you, that's not wrong. it's called an 'opinion' for that reason. pfft
Still wrong. Just because it's an opinion doesn't make it correct.

Like Signal pointed out, you are ignoring (or ignorant of) 2 millennia of philosophy on the subject.
lol. first of all, i'm not ignorant of the philosophy on the subject. because i don't wax on in the 'usual' way parroting it doesn't mean i'm not aware of it. i just used an example that is more concrete and everyday. was that hard to figure out or do you need it in textbook form? lol.

also, as usual you don't contribute much. if you really believed i was incorrect and you knew better, you should provide a real counterargument instead of being a passive-aggressive coward and just being your usual 'naysayer' self. eh? that's right. i called you a coward! come on with it and express an actual, real counterargument or is it because you really can't? lol. all you can do is chirp, 'where is the proof? where is the "citation", where is the documentation waxed on by previous gurus!' lol. well, i have my own thoughts and opinions on the matter and i may not agree with all of the philosophy on the subject, though some of it i will.

i'm sure i haven't pegged you wrong. do you need a citation for this too? lol.
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lol. first of all, i'm not ignorant of the philosophy on the subject. because i don't wax on in the 'usual' way parroting it doesn't mean i'm not aware of it.
Yet you ignore it to make an unsubstantiated claim...

i just used an example that is more concrete and everyday. was that hard to figure out or do you need it in textbook form? lol.
Nope, you made a claim that isn't supported.

also, as usual you don't contribute much. if you really believed i was incorrect and you knew better, you should provide a real counterargument instead of being a passive-aggressive coward and just being your usual 'naysayer' self.
Since you didn't provide any reasoning I fail to see why I should should put any effort into my replies: that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

that's right. i called you a coward!
Of course you did. Because, as usual, you prefer to resort to insults instead of actually supporting your "argument". It's so much easier, isn't it?

i'm sure i haven't pegged you wrong.
But then again you're sure of a number of other things, too. Which also turn out to be wrong.
as usual, no counterargument. absolutely pathetic.

btw, anyone with a brain cell could understand my posts and it's not inane or ridiculous. the fact you don't get that means you just like to be a naysayer or you are really dull.

your one or two liners are really stupid too. it shows an unwillingness to express your own thoughts. you hide behind the work or words of others. lol
as usual, no counterargument. absolutely pathetic.
There is a chain of causal determinism.
A set of cases have, as a consequence, a single well-determined effect, which in turn becomes a cause for the next eferct.
So you get out of this determination should be a random.
So if you can demonstrate a random then there is free will.
as usual, no counterargument. absolutely pathetic.
One more time: because you have provided no argument. Just assertions.

btw, anyone with a brain cell could understand my posts and it's not inane or ridiculous. the fact you don't get that means you just like to be a naysayer or you are really dull.
And you continue to misinterpret: I do understand your posts. And I also understand you have no support.

your one or two liners are really stupid too. it shows an unwillingness to express your own thoughts. you hide behind the work or words of others. lol
More insults? Well done.
free will exists in context. we all have free will but it depends on a lot of variables, nature and circumstances. to say that there is no free will whatsoever is unrealistic, irresponsible and fatalistic just as to think we have absolute free will.

You know I like you Right . Here is the thing . The next level of thought . There are reasons you make the choices you make. Premeditated reasons . Now throw in the fact when you see your self in the mirror you are looking at the past how ever long that time delay is . We all live in the past by perception.

Here is my experiment to gauge your true freedom and it could be you are freer than we think . I think maybe you are cause we have had similar pasts experiences and I like to think I am at least on the road to freedom . The problem it was already premeditated for us to do it . Now for the experiment .

Try to come up with something . A thought . Something like a Meme . Like Black waggers or what ever . Make up a word . Google it . See how many hits you get . See how many that suggest similar meanings . See if you can think of something that comes up with out a hit . Hey Varda ! I feel a game coming on ! Think about it ? Possibilities . "Call it Gauge your American Freedom " SlaveorNots Or are you so far you you classify as Aliens

Back from my Black Waggers search. I got this!
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I suppose that in order to be a philosopher, one has to master the current forms of philosophical discourse. be a master philosopher, yes, one must master the current forms, but to be an amateur philosopher, one just needs an ability to think outside ones own experiences, to be able to question ones own beliefs, regardless of how one feels about it, (isn't there a logical fallacy term that addresses refusal to acknowledge a point just because it doesn't feel right?)