Do You Want To Be Homosexual?

Do you want to be homosexual?

  • I am homosexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I am homosexual and I want to become heterosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am heterosexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 12 70.6%
  • I am heterosexual and I want to become homosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am bisexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I am bisexual and I want to become homosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am bisexual and I want to become heterosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm unsure of my sexual orientation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know what I want

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
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Animals rape and murder, there for it is natual and these acts should not be punished or looked down on with humans.

Utter and complete bilge.
You're trying to insinuate that since we do make rape and murder criminal offences then we should do the same for homosexuality.
Rape and murder are crimes because they cause harm to the recipient.
Homosexuality qua homosexuality does not.
Rape and murder are crimes because they cause harm to the recipient.
So what if you think it causes harm, it is still a natural act.

Looks as though homosexuality has caused this homosexual much harm:
Originally Posted by Genji
I hate that I am a homosexual.

It isn't an easy life and when you age you realize you really are alone after all. You die in your own arms.
The point is after 250 some odd posts no one has claimed to want to be homosexual, not even a homosexual.
So what if you think it causes harm, it is still a natural act.
It is illegal because it causes harm.

Looks as though homosexuality has caused this homosexual much harm
So you're going to make it illegal to have a genetic/ hormonal predispostion?
And cause harm (as has been done for many years/ decades) to those who have no choice?
And, apologies Genji, the "harm" (personal unhappiness) to one is not shared by ALL.
Genji is the only person that hates what he is?
Only homosexuals hate what they are (in one way or another)/
Genji is the only person in the world that is going to die alone?
I'm probably in that category. SFW?
Oh wait, you're going to outlaw falling out of love so that no-one suffers heartbreak.
And kerbs tones so that no-one stubs their toes.
You got my vote.
The point is after 250 some odd posts no one has claimed to want to be homosexual, not even a homosexual.

The point is that out of the half-dozen/ dozen, or whatever, or so people that replied to this thread no-one wanted to be.
And ONE of the homosexuals on this forum said he hated that he is.
Hardly a valid survey.
But I suppose you never studied statistics.
So what if you think it causes harm, it is still a natural act.

Looks as though homosexuality has caused this homosexual much harm:
Originally Posted by Genji
I hate that I am a homosexual.

It isn't an easy life and when you age you realize you really are alone after all. You die in your own arms.

Ultimately, we all live and die alone . Some gays make happy monogamous couples, even into old age. Some heterosexuals never find anyone, and are lonely their entire lives. Being gay doesn't assure unhappiness, being straight doesn't assure happiness. Gays have to do their best to be happy while being gay, because people have been no more successful changing their sexuality than they have been at changing their race.
Gays have to do their best to be happy while being gay, because people have been no more successful changing their sexuality than they have been at changing their race.
Why not? Changing your sexuality is natural in animals, so why not humans?

The Wilder Side of Sex
by John Tidwell

So there you are, gazing proudly at all those cute, colorful reef fish in your saltwater aquarium, serene in the knowledge that you know precisely which fish is what, right down to the species’ names and the individuals’ genders. But wait—weren't there supposed to be two red female stoplight parrotfish? How the heck did a green male get in there?

Better get used to it—he used to be a she. In the wild, gender ambiguity is natural and practically anything goes, as long as it works. For the past couple billion years, plant and animal species have tried all sorts of ways to solve the problem of how to survive and make as many babies as possible. In that time, they evolved a mind-reeling array of solutions.

From protozoa to pill bugs to porgies, changing from one sex to another is not just biological ingenuity, it’s a way of life.
It's not always about reproduction, its about pleasure as well but guess what? woman + man is still nonetheless the only right way

The only right way to ... what? Get sexual pleasure? You have a lot to learn about sex.

It doesnt happen naturally, its nasty and wrong. If you are a jew or christian or Moslim, you'd know that

Many Jews, Christians and Muslims see nothing wrong with it. It's mainly fundamentalists who have a problem.

i am disgusted by watching 2 guys have sex or even kiss. it gives me the creeps. but 2 women getting it on? thats a different story and would turn any straight man on.

Haven't I led you through this misapprehension before? What you imagine is lesbianism in porn is not - it is merely a show for your entertainment. Lesbians aren't attracted to men. They don't just need a "real man" to convert to heterosexuality. They are as gay as gay men. They're not interested in you.

I'm not changing my mind. Sex must be straight.

You are not educated. Nobody is born gay

An empty, unsupported claim based on prejudice.

No. The reasons for hating homosexuality are subjective for each person.

No. Most homophobia comes from deep-seated issues with one's own sexuality. Homophobes are fundamentally insecure.

original said:
The only objective error of human homosexuality is related to reproduction.

There's no "error" there, seeing as the vast majority of sex acts have nothing to do with reproduction.

That would be nice if homosexuals got on with their perverted lives, but they don't!

How are their lives "perverted"? Perversion implies a moral failing. Having a homosexual orientation is not a moral failing.

They keep having rallys, keep trying to get special rights, keep throwing their perverted sexual desires up in everyone's face all the time!

I haven't heard anything about these supposed "special rights" you mention? What do you imagine they are?

What do you think would happen if men started forming public "Pussy Eating Rallys" and women began to have public marches for "Cocksucker's Rights" and husbands and wives began to have large public gatherings to announce to the world the joys of anal sex?

I think they would probably be caught under public decency laws in many cases.

See? That's what homosexuals do ....they throw out their perverted sexual desires for everyone to see ...and to gag about and be disgusted with!

You seem to react very strongly to the idea of homosexuality. Are you sure you're comfortable with your own sexuality? See my earlier posts to Willy.

With gays, on the other hand, their perverted sexuality is what defines them as humans. So sad, so terribly sad.

Bigotted stereotyping.


Wrong. Many things on earth are naturally homosexual. Educate yourself.

And in most of the world it is frowned upon (in some places, action is taken)

Many places in the world are undeveloped backwaters of enlightened thinking, populated by bigots.

No, because they, like me, find it wrong for this atrocity to take place. So what if animals are like that? Dogs smell each others ass, should we as well? That is what makes humans different, we have standards and morals.

Morality concerns choices. Homosexuality is not a choice.

What I have read from the publishers who say homosexuality is a lifestyle, a choice, that has convinced me, is the twins argument. Identical twins share identical DNA and genetic information - this, to my knowledge, is undisputed. However, we see that one identical twin becomes gay later in his or her life, whereas the other only (by studies) is gay as well 50% of the time. To me, if homosexuality were genetic, all indentical twins who had a "gay gene" would both be homosexual, considering they have the same genes.

I agree. There's no "gay gene" as such that absolutely determines sexuality. That doesn't mean there is no genetic influence on sexual orientation, though, does it?

Nope, but being gay is wrong. It's wrong to be attracted to the SAME sex for gods sake.

No it isn't. You're wrong.

What is the point of genders if everybody in the world is gay?

Do you know that there is a difference between sex and gender? Educate yourself. By the way, everybody in the world is not gay.

No, not my personal view. It is wrong, universally.

Wrong again. What would make it universally wrong? Your say-so? I don't think so.

It is just so wrong for the same sex to be attracted, so disgustingly wrong

Most likely, you say you're disgusted because you worry that you are attracted.

The majority of the world frowns on Homosexuality.

The majority of the world's population live in uneducated third-world nations.

Is America the only nation that, I believe, accepts it?

America doesn't accept it. Look at Willy and Baron Max and others here. America is as full of bigots as anywhere. Luckily, they don't always make all the laws all the time.

There may not be jails or other punishments implemented universally against homosexuality, but just about everywhere on the globe, they are "discriminated" by the law in some way.

Yes. Wrongly.

defintion for gay (in my view, dont post some stupid wiki definition or whatever)= anyone that is attracted to the same sex or feels no disgust with the idea.

Nobody cares about your attempted redefinition.

If you dont find it wrong, that means you have no problem doing it yourself.

Educate yourself.

Animals rape and murder, there for it is natual and these acts should not be punished or looked down on with humans.

You've lost track of your own argument again, I see.

Do you think homosexuality and heterosexuality are equal?

Equal to what?

If you going to claim how animals behave defines how humans should behave, then rape and murder should be ok for humans too.

Who claimed that? Nobody.
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