Do You Want To Be Homosexual?

Do you want to be homosexual?

  • I am homosexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I am homosexual and I want to become heterosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am heterosexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 12 70.6%
  • I am heterosexual and I want to become homosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am bisexual and I do not wish to change orientation

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • I am bisexual and I want to become homosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am bisexual and I want to become heterosexual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm unsure of my sexual orientation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know what I want

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
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Your constant name calling is not acceptable, please don't post on this thread unless you can stop.

You're right.

I have removed the offensive comment.

Your saying that third world people are so uneducated that they cannot decide if homosexality is right or wrong?

Countries where religion has a strong hold, in particular, tend to promote homophobia as part of their religious traditions. If you are not introduced to alternative views, you may well not think that there are alternatives to bigotry.

And you call me a bigot?

Are you a bigot?
original: No. The reasons for hating homosexuality are subjective for each person.

James R: No. Most homophobia comes from deep-seated issues with one's own sexuality. Homophobes are fundamentally insecure.

original: Right. People with homophobia (a fear or dislike of homosexuals) have their own issues (subjective reasons; interpretations of the individual) with this form of sexuality.

- - -

original: The only objective error of human homosexuality is related to reproduction.

James R: There's no "error" there, seeing as the vast majority of sex acts have nothing to do with reproduction.

original: The only proven error of human homosexuality is the inability to reproduce. I know that there is more to sex than reproduction. That is why I said it was an objective error, it is scientific fact that two human males or females cannot reproduce. I know that sex is more than reproduction, but I don't care to talk about anyone's opinion on the morals of sexual gratification.

- - -
You're right.
I have removed the offensive comment.
Thank you.
Countries where religion has a strong hold, in particular, tend to promote homophobia as part of their religious traditions. If you are not introduced to alternative views, you may well not think that there are alternatives to bigotry.
You clearly believe if people do not accept homosexuality as a norm they are somehow uneducated.

Are you a bigot.
Why not? Changing your sexuality is natural in animals, so why not humans?
They change their sex, in the example you gave.
Which IS available for humans, but not fully as yet (does not include reproductive capacity).

You clearly believe if people do not accept homosexuality as a norm they are somehow uneducated.
No, we believe that someone who espouses that homosexuality is "freakish", "deviant", "un-natural" etc. is uneducated, or at least unwilling or unable to look at the facts.

2. A person who regards his own faith and views in matters of
religion as unquestionably right, and any belief or
opinion opposed to or differing from them as unreasonable
or wicked. In an extended sense, a person who is
intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own, as in
politics or morals; one obstinately and blindly devoted to
his own church, party, belief, or opinion.
If the cap fits, wear it.
Why not? Changing your sexuality is natural in animals, so why not humans?

The Wilder Side of Sex
by John Tidwell

So there you are, gazing proudly at all those cute, colorful reef fish in your saltwater aquarium, serene in the knowledge that you know precisely which fish is what, right down to the species’ names and the individuals’ genders. But wait—weren't there supposed to be two red female stoplight parrotfish? How the heck did a green male get in there?

Better get used to it—he used to be a she. In the wild, gender ambiguity is natural and practically anything goes, as long as it works. For the past couple billion years, plant and animal species have tried all sorts of ways to solve the problem of how to survive and make as many babies as possible. In that time, they evolved a mind-reeling array of solutions.

From protozoa to pill bugs to porgies, changing from one sex to another is not just biological ingenuity, it’s a way of life.

Are you just going for the hormone treatment or the full operation, Willy?

Seriously, if you think this is at all relevant to homosexuality you need to go back to school.
They change their sex, in the example you gave.
Which IS available for humans, but not fully as yet (does not include reproductive capacity).
It is not all about reproducing, it also is about changing your sexual desires.

No, we believe that someone who espouses that homosexuality is "freakish", "deviant", "un-natural" etc. is uneducated,
I have never used the words "freakish", "deviant", "un-natural". It is clear in an extended sense, your a person who is intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own
or at least unwilling or unable to look at the facts..
What facts?
It is about sexual desires and if one can change them, it happens in the animal kingdom, so why not in humans?

Because all available research at this time shows that sexual preferences are hardwired in the human brain at some stage of early development. As hard as many have tried, there is no evidence that anyone has yet been successful. Even in the Christian ex gay movement, they admit that they do not eliminate same sex desire, but only help those "afflicted" with it resist temptation to act on it. There have been no success stories of changing the desires of pedophiles either, just therapies to teach them to not act on their desire.

It may someday be possible to change the human brain so that peoples sexual desires could be changed. Maybe a rogue geneticist will create a virus capable of altering the brain that way, and intentionally infect a prominently homophobic televangelist so that he will experience very strong same sex attraction.
It is not all about reproducing, it also is about changing your sexual desires.
Yeah, do the studies show that that all fish that change sex also change orientation?
A large number of species engage in bi- or homo-sexuality.
Just because an ex-female fish becomes male does it stop engaging in sexual activities with other male fish?

I have never used the words "freakish", "deviant", "un-natural".
That was not aimed at you specifically, but all homophobes.
But you have claimed it is "wrong", "not equal" (without explaining what you meant by equal) and implied they could bring about the end of humanity.

It is clear in an extended sense, your a person who is intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own
I'm pointing out your own bigotry.
Intolerance of intolerance, you see...

What facts?
One of them being that homosexuality is not, in and of itself, wrong.
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Yeah, do the studies show that that all fish that change sex also change orientation?
A large number of species engage in bi- or homo-sexuality.
Just because an ex-female fish becomes male does it stop engaging in sexual activities with other male fish?

That was not aimed at you specifically, but all homophobes.
But you have claimed it is "wrong", "not equal" (without explaining what you meant by equal) and implied they could bring about the end of humanity.
Equal = No difference. I never said anything about "the end of humanity" nor do I even think this way.

I'm pointing out your own bigotry.
Intolerance of intolerance, you see...
Just because I think homosexuality is wrong does not make me a bigot. I'm not trying to stop homo's from being homo's, I can totally tolerate homo's.

One of them being that homosexuality is not, in and of itself, is not wrong.
So tell us how you think homosexuality is right.
Link please.
That must have been a hell of a long study.

Equal = No difference.
Any more than the difference between one individual and another?

I never said anything about "the end of humanity" nor do I even think this way.
My apologies, that was Draqon.

Just because I think homosexuality is wrong does not make me a bigot. I'm not trying to stop homo's from being homo's, I can totally tolerate homo's.
So why is it "wrong"?
That's the bigotry.

So tell us how you think homosexuality is right.
By being "not wrong" - it is something that occurs in nature.
Is it wrong for some people to have differently coloured hair, eyes?
That's how things are.
You might as well legislate for height.
If it is not causing harm (yeah, Genji and some others aside (sorry Genji man :D )) how can it be wrong?

And just for amusement:
Wow! Stupid or what? :eek:
My Mom always says,

The way to find out if something is wrong or right, is to ask yourself,

what if everybody was doing it?
My Mom always says,

The way to find out if something is wrong or right, is to ask yourself,

what if everybody was doing it?

Oh well, incontrovertible authority...

Specious argument.
No-one assumes that if 100% of humans were to be gay it would be a good idea - we'd soon die out. (On the other hand there is a group who are highly in favour of humans dying out and leaving the planet to the other creatures).

So the way your mother thinks is equally wrong, by her own logic, since if everyone thought the same way as her we'd all want to live where you do, have her job (if she has one) and be married to your dad.
I just wanted to add that I love Landover Baptist. But Judy O'Christian's monthly column was the best feature, and it's been gone for years.
Oh well, incontrovertible authority...

Specious argument.
No-one assumes that if 100% of humans were to be gay it would be a good idea - we'd soon die out.
So what makes you think that being homosexual is good for any percent of the population?
So the way your mother thinks is equally wrong, by her own logic, since if everyone thought the same way as her we'd all want to live where you do, have her job (if she has one) and be married to your dad.
If every one tried to be who my mom is, she would think that was wrong.

The point is before you do something, think what the world would be like if everyone did that.
So what makes you think that being homosexual is good for any percent of the population?
If every one tried to be who my mom is, she would think that was wrong.

The point is before you do something, think what the world would be like if everyone did that.

What else did mommy tell you?
So what makes you think that being homosexual is good for any percent of the population?
Because it's something that occurs naturally and I'm not under the impression that I can (or should) dictate that what nature produces is "wrong".
Individuals are individuals.

If every one tried to be who my mom is, she would think that was wrong.
So what makes you think that your mother being who she is is right?
Makes my point really doesn't it?

The point is before you do something, think what the world would be like if everyone did that.
Yup, home-spun philosophies work every time...
They're not a bad guide to life, but hardly reliable as the final arbiter of right and wrong.
It is about sexual desires and if one can change them, it happens in the animal kingdom, so why not in humans?

Can a bird change from a male into a female? can a dog? can a tiger?

Some species are hermaphrodites does that mean all species can be both a mother and father in an istant?
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