Do you think swinging is an acceptable lifestyle?

Males are fated to mate with females and then be eaten. Tis the law of nature!!!

Besides, it's a waste of a chunk of flesh if you don't do something exciting with it before eating it.
Males are fated to mate with females and then be eaten. Tis the law of nature!!!

Afterwords sounds icky. :(
I resign myself to my fate. I shall be eaten by the one I love. Eat me, Xev!! But mating must coe first. Take my genetic material and then my calories :D

Originally posted by Xev

That is not love. And that's hardly the essence of love.

You're looking at a subjective phenomena as if it could be an objective phenomena, and you're asking me to do the same.

I never said that was the "essence" of love Xev, the point I was trying to make is there is a special type of friendship in a long term relationship.

So you do have a higher meaning of love. What's this "essence"?

It's an emotion. I linked to several articles showing what the emotion was "about".

Love is a sensation produced in the brain by several different types of neurochemicals. That's what it's "about".

That is what it is. People have other meanings about what it is about.

Any additional interpretation is purely subjective.

That is why it's a conviction.

I'm an athiest and a materialist, Chosen. Now I realize you have problems understanding athiesm, but you should have gotten the materialist bit down.

Materialists don't believe in spiritual woo-woo concepts like "higher meanings" of love. In fact, it's kinda the definition of a materialist....:rolleyes:

I never did mention any spirits or anything. You are trying to avoid the question. What do you think love encompasses? Respect? Loyalty? Honesty? WHAT?

If you believe it is *just* lust then I feel you need to explore your feelings more...

I never said that was the "essence" of love Xev, the point I was trying to make is there is a special type of friendship in a long term relationship.

D'OH! Why didn't you just say that? And what's your point?

So you do have a higher meaning of love. What's this "essence"?

A: I don't have a higher meaning of anything. Things mean what they mean and that's that.

B: The "essence" is/are the poorly understood effects of certain neurochemicals.

I never did mention any spirits or anything. You are trying to avoid the question. What do you think love encompasses? Respect? Loyalty? Honesty? WHAT?

What love encompasses? GAAAAAAA!!!! Chosen, get this through your head:

Love is the mind's interpretation of the effects of certain neurotransmitters.

That's my conception of love.

You seem to think that I'm going to say "Well, I think love is about honesty and trust and fuzzy little bunny rabbits and little chocalate heart thingies and woo woo woo".

Not happening. The basic phenomena of love ( the mind's interpretation of the effects of certain neurotransmitters) encompasses many different phenomena. Some people think that love involves trust. I don't see how one can trust somone they love, but that's my own variation on the phenomena. I think love involves lust and posessiveness- that is, I don't think I could ever be an agapic lover. But others can be agapic lovers.

Are you asking me for my subjective feelings on the matter?

No one is talking about swinging anymore. 90 replies later I still haven't seen someone mentioning a good reason for swinging.
Define "higher". How are we different from animals? What animals? How much time have you spent studying ethology?

Higher as in intelligence and emotions. For example in the book Heart of Darkness by Joesph Conrad, we humans have morals which I don't think animals have, they live solely by instinct, with some emotion and intelligence, but nothing compared to ours, and I believe we are very different from animals, but......believe what you want. ;) These seperates us greatly from any animal. You can still call us an animal, but we have just evolved to be uniquely different.

Anyways, the desire to impregnate manifests itself in the desire to fuck. That is why, as Xev says

"No, sex is about fun!"

Not all about fun, but I agree with you partially baby :D

Coming from another "DJ", this is inadvertently hilarious. Mr. "Getting Girls through Hypnosis" and "Learn Hypnotic Seduction" is telling us that he tries to "stop those natural instincts"?

First of all, it's when your in love or for whatever reason you can stop it. I'm saying you can stop it. But I'm not in love, not yet, so that means I don't need to try and stop it. :D yes i plan to fully enjoy my life before I get married. ;)

hahaha, that is funny, you still look at a DJ the wrong way, best thing you can do now is shut your hole ;) Because you don't completely know it soooo just don't talk about it :rolleyes:
Higher as in intelligence and emotions. For example in the book Heart of Darkness by Joesph Conrad, we humans have morals which I don't think animals have, they live solely by instinct, with some emotion and intelligence, but nothing compared to ours, and I believe we are very different from animals, but......believe what you want. These seperates us greatly from any animal. You can still call us an animal, but we have just evolved to be uniquely different.

Oh okay. I more or less agree.

But I'm not sure why you bring up Conrad?

Not all about fun, but I agree with you partially baby

True enough. Sex is more or less whatever you want it to be.

First of all, it's when your in love or for whatever reason you can stop it. I'm saying you can stop it. But I'm not in love, not yet, so that means I don't need to try and stop it. yes i plan to fully enjoy my life before I get married.

You - try to stop yourself from falling in love?

How do you do that?

hahaha, that is funny, you still look at a DJ the wrong way, best thing you can do now is shut your hole Because you don't completely know it soooo just don't talk about it

Devastating rebuttel, twat. Are you always this brilliant or are you trying to impress me?
First of all, it's when your in love or for whatever reason you can stop it. I'm saying you can stop it. But I'm not in love, not yet, so that means I don't need to try and stop it. yes i plan to fully enjoy my life before I get married.
How do you know you can stop it, if you are not in love yet? :bugeye:


Good link on that agapic love..
You separate love and friendship (same person, same time)? How do you do that? :)

Oh, I don't mean to separate love per se and friendship.

I think that friendship is a kind of love, but not romantic love.

Of course, lovers can be and (I feel that they should be - all of my lovers have also been and remained friends) friends.
Hmm.. Which type suits you best?
Just guessing...

"A land where love was not base, but a divine possession of the soul! Where there might be some one kindred spirit
which could speak to hers through mortal lips like her own; whose being could merge with hers in a sweet communion of soul to soul, even as their breaths could mingle in the ambient air! I know the feeling, for I have shared it myself. I may speak of it now, since the blessing has come into my own life. I may speak of it since it enables me to interpret the feelings, the very longing soul, of that sweet and lovely Queen, so different from her surroundings, so high above her time! Whose nature, put into a word, could control the forces of the Under World; and the name of whose aspiration, though but graven on a star-lit jewel, could command all the powers in the Pantheon of the High Gods."

Margeret, in Bram Stoker's "Jewel of the Seven Stars"

That is close to my conception of love. Like I say, most unnatural in an age like this.

Storge is a fair way of describing it, but incomplete. You know how they have those ads "Find your soulmate!" ?

Well, that's not a bad description either.
Originally posted by Xev

Oh okay. I more or less agree.

But I'm not sure why you bring up Conrad?

Because humans have morals, that seperate us from animals. Animals have no morals. But in Conrad's novella, heart of Darkness, he states without morals humans would be evil, because morals are what keep us from becoming the natural evil as the world is. But he only says it's evil because of his moral on life, so once I say again, it is all based on what you believe, and how you lived life. Read the book, it's good. Which makes us, I believe so, "higher" beings. I shouldn't have stated higher, it is just my definition, more like highly intellectual beings.

You - try to stop yourself from falling in love?

How do you do that?


Ok there's a misunderstanding here, I meant as in how you can stop your natural instincts with love and your thoughts. Remember how you said, too lazy to scroll for it, you shouldn't stop your natural instincts. I'm just saying you can, doesn't mean it's natural you're enslaved to it. It may be instinct to do so, but all I said is that you can stop it.

But to stop yourself from falling in love, is a difficult task. I can name two ways and yes I have been in love before.

1st: You're falling in love with her but she doesn't like you much anymore and wants to leave you.

You let reality in and stop your emotions from clouding your thoughts, but she no longer cares for you . Love doesn't work two ways for a relationship to work. It may be hard if your alone. But move on to someone else and believe they are worth it better then the person you were with, it helps. Or like my girl, I faced the fact she didn't love me anymore, so move on. IT is sometimes better to let go, jsut realize you're no longer holding on to truth, but a belief.

2nd: You're falling in love and she is too (strong, respectful bonding)

First of all, why even stop yourself?! I don't think it is achievable if you fight this strong bond between two people. To resist this love is probably impossible because she loves you too. To not love anymore for no reason, just to fall out of love in this situation, is virtually impossible. Now I believe this will enslave anyone.

Devastating rebuttel, twat. Are you always this brilliant or are you trying to impress me?

Haha, using my logic I see right through this. No wonder women are natural manipulators. So this is how you get people to worship you? And no, I'm not trying to impress you, although the thought of it is nice Xev. :p