Do you think swinging is an acceptable lifestyle?

Originally posted by Xev
Are you asking me for my subjective feelings on the matter?


I asked you that all along. Now you understand. And it's because I want to hear what you have to say. :eek:

Originally posted by Dark_Master
Because humans have morals, that seperate us from animals. Animals have no morals. But in Conrad's novella, heart of Darkness, he states without morals humans would be evil, because morals are what keep us from becoming the natural evil as the world is. But he only says it's evil because of his moral on life, so once I say again, it is all based on what you believe, and how you lived life. Read the book, it's good. Which makes us, I believe so, "higher" beings. I shouldn't have stated higher, it is just my definition, more like highly intellectual beings.

Evil is subjective and does not exist in the real world. We call what doesn't suit us morally, evil. Evil is more of a concept than of nature. Nature is nature.
at least swingers don't cheet on there partners and cause the hurt that comes with it:mad:
Geez Asguard... I said you said something smart. The fact that you may or may not recognise it as being so does not alter that.

hehe... and you don't want Mallory Knox to come back ;)
Re: ndrs

Originally posted by Xev
"A land where love was not base, but a divine possession of the soul! Where there might be some one kindred spirit
which could speak to hers through mortal lips like her own; whose being could merge with hers in a sweet communion of soul to soul, even as their breaths could mingle in the ambient air! I know the feeling, for I have shared it myself. I may speak of it now, since the blessing has come into my own life. I may speak of it since it enables me to interpret the feelings, the very longing soul, of that sweet and lovely Queen, so different from her surroundings, so high above her time! Whose nature, put into a word, could control the forces of the Under World; and the name of whose aspiration, though but graven on a star-lit jewel, could command all the powers in the Pantheon of the High Gods."

Margeret, in Bram Stoker's "Jewel of the Seven Stars"

That is close to my conception of love. Like I say, most unnatural in an age like this.

Storge is a fair way of describing it, but incomplete. You know how they have those ads "Find your soulmate!" ?

Well, that's not a bad description either.

I like U2's "One":
"One love, one life, we got to share it. [...] We one, but not the same. We got to carry each other, carry each other. "

Unfortunately, I am much more an Eros (like my mother..), just trying for storge - probably will never happen. :(
nice subject joedude!

I really dont have the eyeball capacity to read all of your posts... im sure they're great!;) .... but im really not sure on this one. I think, if your partner agrees, and you can come to a point where you both are comfortable enough and trust each other enough to allow it, them more power to you!.. i think it shows that you honestly trust and know the person. LIke they say, if you love someone enough, let them go and if they come back you know its true, or something.....

asguard, your right, when you have too many rules and restrictions, you just end up breaking mroe rules!