Do You Believe in Science?

What is responsible for discoveries about nature and new technologies?

  • God

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Science

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • Both

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Neither

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Don't know/don't want to answer

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
They are few and far between, and they obviously do not use critical thinking.
You should let their employers know this, their work is probably misleading them.

They are clearly deluded.
I suspect you are confusing a lack of evidence with a contradiction. I also assume you don't know what a deist is.

It doesn't. Why do those theists constantly berate science while taking advantage of everything science has to offer?
I would guess that the phenomenon is much more complicated than you'd like to notice. For one thing if people who 'like science' - IOW scientists, but especially groupies of scientists - confuse lack of evidence with contradiction, there's a problem. For another I would assume that some theists would find it offputting that they are all assumed to be fundamentalists and monotheists. And last for now fregarding confusions amongst scientists, but again primarily their groupies...the confusion between science as a methodology which has produced knowledge and is at a certain point in its history AND science as metaphysics and ontology AT SOME FINAL STAGE of knowledge. Science does not give the kind of foundation for speculation about the liklihood of certain phenomena hitherto not supported via empirical methods, but also not contradicted by them, that many groupies seem to think it does. Couple this with a confusion between a lack of proof AND contradiction and you get a lot of science groupies making pronouncements about the non-existence of certain things. If these groupies were more aware of the history of science they would be more cautious, and essentially more scientific, and avoid making these pronouncements.

I am quite sure some are also pinheads who cannot see the hypocrisy that you are focused on.

It is contradicted by critical thinking.
Well, as I am sure you would agree
saying it does not make it so.

Please show me the line of reasoning and or evidence.
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Human inquisitiveness and thirst for knowledge is responsible, philosophy and science are key fctors in advancing tech, I do not see how religion plays a part in tech advancements it hinders it sometimes. Like genetic eng and cloning is hindered by religious ethics.

But if god does exist which I think he does, then without god there would be no science. To be honest I don't see why god would ahve a problem with science, I think god would encourage it 100%, maybe he wants us to figure out everything ourselves to see if we can one day.

Religion is mostly stupid.

You should let their employers know this, their work is probably misleading them.

How is it misleading them?

I suspect you are confusing a lack of evidence with a contradiction. I also assume you don't know what a deist is.

Yes, I do.

I would guess that the phenomenon is much more complicated than you'd like to notice. For one thing if people who 'like science' - IOW scientists, but especially groupies of scientists - confuse lack of evidence with contradiction, there's a problem.

Groupies? What does that have to do with anything?

For another I would assume that some theists would find it offputting that they are all assumed to be fundamentalists and monotheists.

Those would be the hypocrites.

And last for now fregarding confusions amongst scientists, but again primarily their groupies...the confusion between science as a methodology which has produced knowledge and is at a certain point in its history AND science as metaphysics and ontology AT SOME FINAL STAGE of knowledge. Science does not give the kind of foundation for speculation about the liklihood of certain phenomena hitherto not supported via empirical methods, but also not contradicted by them, that many groupies seem to think it does. Couple this with a confusion between a lack of proof AND contradiction and you get a lot of science groupies making pronouncements about the non-existence of certain things. If these groupies were more aware of the history of science they would be more cautious, and essentially more scientific, and avoid making these pronouncements.

Again, what do groupies have to do with anything?

Please show me the line of reasoning and or evidence.

Ok, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
Simon --- I think atheists have this idea that if you take away religion you take away unnecessary morals and irrationality and people will be nice to each other. I see absolutely no evidence of this.

Stranger======= I think antiNazis, antiKKKs, antiTalibans & antiAlQuedas have this idea that if you take away these things you take away unnecessary morals and irrationality and people will be nice to each other. I see absolutely no evidence of this.
Simon I think atheists have this idea that if you take away religion you take away unnecessary morals and irrationality and people will be nice to each other.

Where did you pick up this weird idea? Atheists are usually realists about life.

By and far the atheists I've known are concerned with removing a key source of irrational and superstitious thought. They cleave to the truth and theism is frankly not he least bit true.

Some of them would like to not have a repeat of the xtian dark ages and the islamic dark ages (1400s-to current). But usually simply being rational is sufficient. Well that and the enjoyment of watching irrational people make fools of themselves. Its nice to be able to point out how absurd and ludicrous the theist position is without having to worry about being burned to death.
I guess being burned to death isn't much of a worry now but society still often treats atheists unfairly & even cruelly punishes them.

That's true. Considering that faith is considered a virtue, then not having faith would mean you are short a think that a guy like John McCain (not endorsing him here, just sayin') would have to invoke the name of God, and pretend to be religious, after spending his entire career fighting against the religious sucks to see someone surrender their own beliefs to run for office.
Do you believe that science is responsible for discoveries in nature and the development of technologies?

Or, do you believe gods are guiding people to make discoveries and develop technologies?

The bible says that God controls people's lives. So I'll have to go with that since the track record of scientists isn't too good. ;)
The bible says that God controls people's lives. So I'll have to go with that since the track record of scientists isn't too good. ;)
M*W: It's pretty clear that you are being controlled by your religion.

Do you live in a cave or something? Maybe you should consider doing some extra-biblical reading. You might learn something.
The bible says that God controls people's lives. So I'll have to go with that since the track record of scientists isn't too good. ;)

The track record of science is enormously better than the track record of religion.
If 20% of science theories are wrong, that says nothing for your baseless beliefs.

Do you realize how ridiculous it is to preach to animals?

Do you believe that science is responsible for discoveries in nature and the development of technologies?

That is like asking if I believe Usain Bolts legs were responsible for the way he simply devastated his opponents in the olympic 100 and 200 meter event. Obviously they played an integral role, but were no soley responsible for his success. Science is like the legs in this instance, it can help (if used properly) bring about a desired situation, by the process of understanding objective knowledge, but it is not the reason why we are alive, or why we are conscious, nor can it shed any real light (by its nature) on why these things are.

Or, do you believe gods are guiding people to make discoveries and develop technologies?

If gods do exist, and people have desires, then it could be possible that gods could help people who are prepared, to get what they want, including fame and fortune. It all boils down to belief, and as such discussions will only be about whether one believes in gods or not, and will not yield anything of value.

The bible says that God controls people's lives. So I'll have to go with that since the track record of scientists isn't too good.

That includes murderers and rapists, too?

If the track record of scientists isn't too good, why are you not living in a cave?
nor can it shed any real light (by its nature) on why these things are.

Yes Jan, you seek the why while we seek the how. Unfortunately, for you, the why will always be whatever your ignorance can muster as you refuse to understand the how.

gods could help people who are prepared, to get what they want, including fame and fortune. It all boils down to belief, and as such discussions will only be about whether one believes in gods or not, and will not yield anything of value.

No Jan, the discussions will always be "how" did your god do such things, a discussion you'll be unable to participate. :)
That's the problem with such radicals as Carico; they've never even read a science magazine, let alone a textbook. And yet they think they have the knowledge to step in here and argue about science. It boggles the mind.