Do You Believe in Science?

What is responsible for discoveries about nature and new technologies?

  • God

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Science

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • Both

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Neither

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Don't know/don't want to answer

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
Who cares? Do you follow the bible to the letter? No? Then, you're going to hell like the rest of us. Case closed.

Atheists do their best and are good people, yet your cult would have us swinging by a rope, at the very least. So, don't feed us your bullshit about it's "just belief."

Interesting. Let's try something. I say that religious belief is subjective and speculative, thus my belief is not your belief, thus I believe that I am not going to hell, and I'm hopeful that God in the final judgement will allow some extra credit. You believe... well... something different. You don't believe in God, but you do believe that people should not believe in God, and that you are right in calling down their beliefs. Q, you, along with stranger, are some of the only evangelical fundamentalist atheists I have ever met.
You are assuming that the point I am making is to prove that God exists. No. My participation in this thread has been to prove that atheists here are incorrect about certain things.

Too bad you have to resort to lying to make your point, though.
Interesting. Let's try something. I say that religious belief is subjective and speculative, thus my belief is not your belief, thus I believe that I am not going to hell, and I'm hopeful that God in the final judgement will allow some extra credit.

Utter hypocrisy and delusion on your part. Extra credit, indeed.

You believe... well... something different. You don't believe in God, but you do believe that people should not believe in God, and that you are right in calling down their beliefs. Q, you, along with stranger, are some of the only evangelical fundamentalist atheists I have ever met.

Yet, you and Simon have to resort to fabrications and lies to argue your beliefs. Neither of you has an ounce of ethics in your deluded brains.
I apologize Q. I'm just too lazy to do that kind of homework. I would like to point out you like to use absolutes in your statements. Never, and always make quick liars out of their users. Is a tafftard some kind of pie?
Please. Tell me where I have resorted to fabrication or lie that you have not, Q? Oh I'm sorry. I must believe what you say I must believe to be a christian. If I am a christian and believe what you say I must I am wrong and deluded. If I believe I am a christian and do not believe what you say I must, I am lying and deluded too, right? Nice box you make there, the only exit is to declare atheism. Too bad I don't find you worthy of belief. Guess I'll just kick the walls down. :)
Since, you are going to lie about what I said, I see no reason to continue.

here is where you started deciding who is a Christian and who is not. They 'purport' they are of a religion and 'pick and choose'.

Thank you. You just described the hypocrisy of many theists who purport they are of a religion, but instead, pick and choose from religions that which they feel they want to believe. He isn't a Christian, he's made up his own fantasies based on what he wants to believe and has created his own false hopes to make himself feel better.

I did not lie. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you simply forgot and do not really understand the position you are taking.
and here
Wouldn't a "real" Christian follow his religion as outlined in scriptures? Are there any people who actually do? If they did, they'd be labeled as fundamentalists, right? They follow their religion, they obey their god's command.

And, isn't that what every Christian is supposed to do in order to quantify themselves as a Christian? Are they not supposed to follow their religion and obey their gods commands, word for word, just like the fundamentalists?

Or, is Christianity the picking and choosing of selective bits and pieces that conform to ones worldview? In other words, the god is tailored to fit the person instead of the other way round.
the problem of logic in this last bolded portion is dealt with in the other thread.
So, now you have to fabricate lies to make your point? I clearly stated that it is entirely up to the god in question who would dictate what their followers will do, and if they don't, they shall endure gods wrath.
I can see where you do not understand that you are taking the authority position because you are assuming that the Bible must be taken literally since it is God's word, using the same problematic tautology that fundamentalists use. If one does not take the Bible literally, then one does not have to take the Bible as authority, especially on all points. Which in fact is the case with many Christians who focus on the Gospels and even there do not take every word as exactly as God or Jesus said or wants.

So I can see where you think I am falsely accusing you are claiming authority. But that is because you are taking the fundamentalists side in the Christian world and assuming that that is the only position there is. Why would you side with the fundamentalists?
Please. Tell me where I have resorted to fabrication or lie that you have not, Q? Oh I'm sorry. I must believe what you say I must believe to be a christian. If I am a christian and believe what you say I must I am wrong and deluded. If I believe I am a christian and do not believe what you say I must, I am lying and deluded too, right? Nice box you make there, the only exit is to declare atheism. Too bad I don't find you worthy of belief. Guess I'll just kick the walls down. :)
Are you a Christian Ham?
God is essentially everything and science is a tool to discover almost everything...because God cannot be discovered, because God was never lost/forgotten...God makes us all including the ways we discover this world through science.
What is most astounding in all of this is how well versed in the bible Q and Stranger are. I'm not that big a fan of hitler, thus I don't generally read things about him. Weird that you two would seek out that which is such an affront to you. Is it like homophobes secretly being homosexual? You are so against christianity because you secretly want to be a christian?

Like Q said, he does what a theist never does, which is study up on the material before forming an opinion. You know how you don't know jack shit about evolution but decide it's evil and impossible anyway? Yeah, he likes to make sure he knows what he's talking about before he, like you and yours, gets made to look like a fool.
here is where you started deciding who is a Christian and who is not. They 'purport' they are of a religion and 'pick and choose'.

You're still not listening. I don't make up the rules, your gods do that for you, hence THEY are the ones you need to obey, not me. If you don't obey your gods, you go to hell. It's really that simple.

If you make up your own religion, then that is a fantasy you've contrived.
You're still not listening. I don't make up the rules, your gods do that for you, hence THEY are the ones you need to obey, not me. If you don't obey your gods, you go to hell. It's really that simple.

If you make up your own religion, then that is a fantasy you've contrived.
You're still not listening. If the people in question do not take the Bible as the direct word of God and as the literal truth then they are not bound in the way you are saying.
I have made this clear both within this thread and the thread especially focusing on your fundamentalism.

You have still not dealt the other theist I presented you with. And you have not admitted that I had good foundation for saying the you are presenting yourself as an authority figure in relation to Christians - see quotes of your above. You are saying that a Christian must take the Bible literally and in no way can they decide that any portion was unduly influenced by the writers culture or personality or failure to understand.

You, an atheist, are taking the position that only fundamentalists/literalists are Christians.
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