Do You Believe in Science?

What is responsible for discoveries about nature and new technologies?

  • God

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Science

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • Both

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Neither

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Don't know/don't want to answer

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
A man feels the presence of God when he prays. It has made him feel better. He believes he will be united with God after death.

That does not imply that there is a god. That simply indicates that the person praying really believes in their god.
That does not imply that there is a god. That simply indicates that the person praying really believes in their god.
Q has asserted that if you believe in God, you must believe in things that are contradicted by science. I do not think this is the case. Do you?

It is in that context I use that example. (as always, I must make it clear that I am not presenting these arguments as evidence or proof of God. I do get tired of saying it, but there it is. Maybe I will make it a permanent footer to my posts.)

He's smug and evasive and on this issue wrong even if you think he is 'on the right team'.
Q has asserted that if you believe in God, you must believe in things that are contradicted by science. I do not think this is the case. Do you?

The same thing can be said of MynameisDan, who says that evolution is contradictory to science...why are you not over there giving him What For?

Anyway, to answer your, god is not contradicted by science. However, there are fundamentals within the Bible (which is the god I'm sure he was referring to) that simply do not stand up under the microscope of modern science. So if you had to lean one way or the other based on the scientific evidence, you'd have to lean towards the Christian God not being real. Or at least not being how he is portrayed by the Bible.

Also, we call God "He". The fact that the lone omnipotent, and by all accounts celebate, being in the history of everything would have a doesn't add up.

It is in that context I use that example. (as always, I must make it clear that I am not presenting these arguments as evidence or proof of God. I do get tired of saying it, but there it is. Maybe I will make it a permanent footer to my posts.)

The reason I took it that way is for the reason I stated above: You only get on the atheist. You say that atheists here make these outrageous claims, but the truth is that far more theists make far more outrageous claims. You're a learned dude, from what I can tell, so why aren't you telling them how wrong they are?

You silence speaks volumes.

[/quote]He's smug and evasive and on this issue wrong even if you think he is 'on the right team'.[/QUOTE]

Well, according to what we know about the claims made in the Bible...he is on the right team. Evasive, maybe. But it's your choice to debate him. Nobody's forcing you.
Now you are being even more silly. Differences of opinion amongst people do not demonstrate the nonexistence of single God. Differences of opinion amongst people do not demonstrate the non-existence of anything except consensus around that issue. I am sure you are smart enough, with a second look, to see the implications such 'logic' would have even on your own existence as a single person.

If there were one god, we'd all know about it, and agree with the one, single message one god would reveal. There would be no differences of opinion.

You are clearly not an expert in Christianity. I can't believe you do not know that. But this is mere distraction.

Appeal to authority.

Take out my reference to the Bible, Christ and Christianity.

Isn't that convenient of you to move the goalposts.

A man feels the presence of God when he prays. It has made him feel better. He believes he will be united with God after death.

Clearly, you are but a child believing in delusions and fairy tales. Grow up.
He's smug and evasive and on this issue wrong even if you think he is 'on the right team'.

YOU are the one who is being evasive. You keep moving the goalposts because you refuse to accept the fact that people who purport to follow a religion do no such thing, that they are hypocrites, much like yourself.
What's the definition? No one has defined Christian here. It would be odd, as Hamstatic has delightfully - and me rather more prosaically - pointed out if Q or you somehow were the authorities on what a Christian is, let alone a theist. People like the man I described are members of congregations and are 'out' with their beliefs. Next you'll be telling Hindus which versions of their myths their must adhere to, how Buddhists should meditate to be proper Buddhists and Jews whether they must believe in an afterlife or not to be true believers.

Care to weigh on whether the Sufis are truly practitioners of Islam or should be viewed as a sect?

The definition is concluded the same way any such word is defined. Muslims follow & live by the Koran. Mormons follow & live by the Mormon bibles. The Art Preservation Society tries to preserve art.
Nothing else makes any damn sense.
The Holy Babble is clearly against homosexuals. It states clearly they should be killed. It is absurd for homosexuals to claim to be Christian. If they absolutely must believe in some god, it is not the god of the christian bible & they should call it & them something else.
I feel the presence of something I can't explain when I masturbate. THERE IS A GOD!
I am an expert in Christianity. You, Simon, obviously are not.
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What is most astounding in all of this is how well versed in the bible Q and Stranger are. I'm not that big a fan of hitler, thus I don't generally read things about him. Weird that you two would seek out that which is such an affront to you. Is it like homophobes secretly being homosexual? You are so against christianity because you secretly want to be a christian?
What is most astounding in all of this is how well versed in the bible Q and Stranger are.

That's one of the primary differences between us and theists, theists never do their homework. Theists make light of the atrocities and contradictions of their religions while we bring those nasty bits to the forefront to demonstrate the hypocrisy of worshiping cruel and immoral gods.
YOU are the one who is being evasive. You keep moving the goalposts because you refuse to accept the fact that people who purport to follow a religion do no such thing, that they are hypocrites, much like yourself.
I move the goalposts because to keep you from distracting on the issue.

I mention a person with certain beliefs.
You say that they, as Christians, must have these other beliefs and then 'show' they are hypocrites.
I spend some time pointing out how ridiculous this is, that you shall judge what a real christian is, get no acknowledgement for from you, so I shift to easier ground.

a theist who is not a Christian, who feels close to God when he prays and feels he will be united with God when he dies.

No contradictions with Science.
You are so against christianity because you secretly want to be a christian?

If I did, it would be a simple matter of conducting some medieval ritual like someone sprinkling water over my head and muttering the relative prose.

However, that is the point exactly. Is that all it takes to be a Christian?

I would suspect that one must live by the literal word of their god, unequivocally and unfettered. If you don't, you go to hell. Clearly, the vast majority of Christians are hell bound and they would be lying if they denied it.
You have to understand, ham, I am afraid of christianity. That's why I go on the attack all the time. It's also why I only partially quote anybody and respond to whatever piece of their post pleases me. I'm just too much of an embarrassing mental midget to think things through fully. I am an example of bigotry in it's lowest form.

Come now, Q. Don't be so hard on yourself. God loves you, buddy!:)
Q-it takes less than that. No water. Just belief. Christ's death absolves us of all sin. He wants us to do our best to be good people, but that's about it. Jesus was pretty mum on the whole homosexual issue, actually.
I move the goalposts because to keep you from distracting on the issue.

No, you move the goalposts because you assume that if someone sprinkles a little water on your head and says the magic words, *poof* you're a Christian.

I mention a person with certain beliefs.
You say that they, as Christians, must have these other beliefs and then 'show' they are hypocrites.
I spend some time pointing out how ridiculous this is, that you shall judge what a real christian is

So, now you have to fabricate lies to make your point? I clearly stated that it is entirely up to the god in question who would dictate what their followers will do, and if they don't, they shall endure gods wrath.

a theist who is not a Christian, who feels close to God when he prays and feels he will be united with God when he dies.

No contradictions with Science.

So, what religion exactly is your theist, or has he fabricated his own version of delusion?
The definition is concluded the same way any such word is defined. Muslims follow & live by the Koran. Mormons follow & live by the Mormon bibles. The Art Preservation Society tries to preserve art.
Nothing else makes any damn sense.
The Holy Babble is clearly against homosexuals. It states clearly they should be killed. It is absurd for homosexuals to claim to be Christian. If they absolutely must believe in some god, it is not the god of the christian bible & they should call it & them something else.
I feel the presence of something I can't explain when I masturbate. THERE IS A GOD!
I am an expert in Christianity. You, Simon, obviously are not.
there are so many errors of logic in the above and reference to my position I don't know where to start.
A Christian is someone who believes that Christ is a special case and can help them be good and find peace, etc. It includes people who believe the Bibles every word is the word of God, but is not restricted to them.

noun 7. a person who believes in Jesus Christ; adherent of Christianity.
8. a person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ: He died like a true Christian.
9. a member of any of certain Protestant churches, as the Disciples of Christ and the Plymouth Brethren.


I never, ever anywhere in Sciforums, have said that someone's experience of God proves there is a God. But somehow atheists like you have such blinders on that you cannot understand any nuance in argument.

This is just bullshit misreading and misunderstanding of context on your part.

I feel the presence of something I can't explain when I masturbate. THERE IS A GOD!


I was giving him as an example of someone whose beliefs are not contradicted by science.

Read that a couple of times. If you cannot understand the distinction, there is no point in going further.

You are assuming that the point I am making is to prove that God exists. No. My participation in this thread has been to prove that atheists here are incorrect about certain things. Phlogistan about the words 'atheism' and 'atheist', Q about his assertion that belief in God means believing that some scientific theory is false, etc.

You have such a clear image in your head about what a theist must be doing that you cannot notice what I am doing despite repeated assertions on my part. IOW you are hallucinating.
Originally Posted by (Q)
You have to understand, ham, I am afraid of christianity. That's why I go on the attack all the time. It's also why I only partially quote anybody and respond to whatever piece of their post pleases me. I'm just too much of an embarrassing mental midget to think things through fully. I am an example of bigotry in it's lowest form.

Come now, Q. Don't be so hard on yourself. God loves you, buddy!:)

I used to defend you Ham and from time to time helped you out. Why would you make up something like that?
No, you move the goalposts because you assume that if someone sprinkles a little water on your head and says the magic words, *poof* you're a Christian.
Ah, so now you are mind reader. And hallucinating. And also still claiming to be the one who decides who is a Christian and who is not.

So, what religion exactly is your theist, or has he fabricated his own version of delusion?
He has come to it himself.
Q-it takes less than that. No water. Just belief. Christ's death absolves us of all sin. He wants us to do our best to be good people, but that's about it. Jesus was pretty mum on the whole homosexual issue, actually.

Who cares? Do you follow the bible to the letter? No? Then, you're going to hell like the rest of us. Case closed.

Atheists do their best and are good people, yet your cult would have us swinging by a rope, at the very least. So, don't feed us your bullshit about it's "just belief."
Originally Posted by (Q)
You have to understand, ham, I am afraid of christianity. That's why I go on the attack all the time. It's also why I only partially quote anybody and respond to whatever piece of their post pleases me. I'm just too much of an embarrassing mental midget to think things through fully. I am an example of bigotry in it's lowest form.

I used to defend you Ham and from time to time helped you out. Why would you make up something like that?

Come on, puddin. 's okay. I don't recall you defending me, though. Nor helping me out. Perhaps any such memories have been erased by your constant near random quotations of things other people say. You quote it, pick some you want to refute, then post it on up there. You have driven me to cursing on more than one occasion doing this, so, turnabout is fair play, right?:rolleyes:
And also still claiming to be the one who decides who is a Christian and who is not.

Since, you are going to lie about what I said, I see no reason to continue. And, if that is your set of beliefs, then you have some serious problems, pal.
Come on, puddin. 's okay. I don't recall you defending me, though. Nor helping me out. You have driven me to cursing on more than one occasion doing this, so, turnabout is fair play, right?

I criticized your cult but defended you, personally. So, you can fuck off, now.