ROFL...everything you said is completely illogical to very highest possible limit
Let's see first of all, it doesn't matter how ridiculous something sounds, thats an argument from personal incredulity, basically everything in modern science we know to be true would've sounded ridiculous without evidence in the past, but regardless it would've still been true...for instance if someone told you millions of years ago gigantic monster-like creatures over 200 feet tall existed (dinosaurs) I'm sure it would've "sounded ridiculous" but it would've still been true
Also, the point that theists make on "you can't prove God doesn't exist" is the fact that God is unverifiable, since you can't prove God does or doesn't exist, then its unverifiable, meaning there's no way to know if its true or false, meaning its unknown whether its true or false, meaning the rational conclusion is "unknown" not "oh well it just doesn't sound true, case closed" also known as the atheistic assumption, just like how you can't prove the many-worlds interpretation is true or false doesn't mean its not true (the atheistic assumption), it means its unknown whether's its true or false
Also, a lack of evidence for an unverifiable claim isn't an indication that it's false, that's illogical, an argument from ignorance
Also, its irrevelant whether there's millions of other ideas, there's also miillions of theories in science, that doesn't mean that we can throw away science completely just because of that, the properties that make God more likely to exist than a FSM are smiple, God is unborn, unchanging, unmade, there is a good chance that there is something unborn and ever-existing from which the universe came from, instead of what atheists believe, which is that the universe just spontaneously came into existence, also the anthropic principle shows that all the constants are fine-tuned specifically for intelligent life to exist, ofcourse the atheist will favor the many-worlds interpretation to explain this, but they forget that there's no evidence for the many-worlds interpretation, so atheists simply favor it because it satisfies there personal bias, which is that there cannot be a God, so atheists are just as irrational as theists in this respect
So whats irrational about believing in God in comparison to not believing in God?
These foolish atheists, why do you fools try so hard to act as if you're smart when in reality everything you believe is 100% irrational, just the same as any other faith-based belief system?