Do you believe in miracles?

Atheists - "Even though the existence or non-existence of FSM, an Invisible Pink Unicorn, etc...has absolutely nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God, we can just pretend it does...checkmate!!"

These examples have everything to do with the idea of God. They are all wild claims without evidence.
These examples have everything to do with the idea of God. They are all wild claims without evidence.

NO they don't, tell me how do they? There's no correlation or relation to the existence or non-existence of God...

Its like saying the geocentric theory has to do with the theory of evolution, they're both theories, case closed, right?

Now that you've said they really have to do with God you've confirmed that you're a fool, because clearly the existence or non-existence of FSM has nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God...
It's a hypothetical premise designed to show you the logical fallacy of arguments in favor of the existence of God.
It's a hypothetical premise designed to show you the logical fallacy of arguments in favor of the existence of God.

How does it logically show that God doexn't exist? It doesn't, its non-sequitur or illogical, there's no correlation between the two things existing, yet atheists falsely believe so "if FSM doesn't exist, then God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter that they have different attributes, properties, or characteristics and one can exist while the other can not exist"

Its a illogical argument, it doesn't make sense, if you want to show that God doesn't exist then talk about how God can't exist, not how some other completely different concept with no connection to the existence of God doesn't exist...
Can you logically show the FSM not to exist? If you cannot, then it's existence is just reasonable to assume as God.

The premise is that the idea of God is just an idea, not capable of being proven, and thus not reasonable to accept as fact.

Just as I cannot prove God doesn't exist, you cannot prove FSM doesn't exist, and no one can prove a million other crazy ideas can't exist, so not being able to prove it's non-existence is not a point in it's favor.

We use FSM because the attributes, properties, and characteristics ascribed to God are just as ridiculous to the non-believer. What about the properties of God make it more likely than FSM?
Can you logically show the FSM not to exist? If you cannot, then it's existence is just reasonable to assume as God.

The premise is that the idea of God is just an idea, not capable of being proven, and thus not reasonable to accept as fact.

Just as I cannot prove God doesn't exist, you cannot prove FSM doesn't exist, and no one can prove a million other crazy ideas can't exist, so not being able to prove it's non-existence is not a point in it's favor.

We use FSM because the attributes, properties, and characteristics ascribed to God are just as ridiculous to the non-believer. What about the properties of God make it more likely than FSM?
ROFL...everything you said is completely illogical to very highest possible limit

Let's see first of all, it doesn't matter how ridiculous something sounds, thats an argument from personal incredulity, basically everything in modern science we know to be true would've sounded ridiculous without evidence in the past, but regardless it would've still been true...for instance if someone told you millions of years ago gigantic monster-like creatures over 200 feet tall existed (dinosaurs) I'm sure it would've "sounded ridiculous" but it would've still been true

Also, the point that theists make on "you can't prove God doesn't exist" is the fact that God is unverifiable, since you can't prove God does or doesn't exist, then its unverifiable, meaning there's no way to know if its true or false, meaning its unknown whether its true or false, meaning the rational conclusion is "unknown" not "oh well it just doesn't sound true, case closed" also known as the atheistic assumption, just like how you can't prove the many-worlds interpretation is true or false doesn't mean its not true (the atheistic assumption), it means its unknown whether's its true or false

Also, a lack of evidence for an unverifiable claim isn't an indication that it's false, that's illogical, an argument from ignorance

Also, its irrevelant whether there's millions of other ideas, there's also miillions of theories in science, that doesn't mean that we can throw away science completely just because of that, the properties that make God more likely to exist than a FSM are smiple, God is unborn, unchanging, unmade, there is a good chance that there is something unborn and ever-existing from which the universe came from, instead of what atheists believe, which is that the universe just spontaneously came into existence, also the anthropic principle shows that all the constants are fine-tuned specifically for intelligent life to exist, ofcourse the atheist will favor the many-worlds interpretation to explain this, but they forget that there's no evidence for the many-worlds interpretation, so atheists simply favor it because it satisfies there personal bias, which is that there cannot be a God, so atheists are just as irrational as theists in this respect

So whats irrational about believing in God in comparison to not believing in God?

These foolish atheists, why do you fools try so hard to act as if you're smart when in reality everything you believe is 100% irrational, just the same as any other faith-based belief system?
ROFL...everything you said is completely illogical to very highest possible limit

Let's see first of all, it doesn't matter how ridiculous something sounds, thats an argument from personal incredulity, basically everything in modern science we know to be true would've sounded ridiculous without evidence in the past, but regardless it would've still been true...for instance if someone told you millions of years ago gigantic monster-like creatures over 200 feet tall existed (dinosaurs) I'm sure it would've "sounded ridiculous" but it would've still been true

Also, the point that theists make on "you can't prove God doesn't exist" is the fact that God is unverifiable, since you can't prove God does or doesn't exist, then its unverifiable, meaning there's no way to know if its true or false, meaning its unknown whether its true or false, meaning the rational conclusion is "unknown" not "oh well it just doesn't sound true, case closed" also known as the atheistic assumption, just like how you can't prove the many-worlds interpretation is true or false doesn't mean its not true (the atheistic assumption), it means its unknown whether's its true or false

Also, a lack of evidence for an unverifiable claim isn't an indication that it's false, that's illogical, an argument from ignorance

Also, its irrevelant whether there's millions of other ideas, there's also miillions of theories in science, that doesn't mean that we can throw away science completely just because of that, the properties that make God more likely to exist than a FSM are smiple, God is unborn, unchanging, unmade, there is a good chance that there is something unborn and ever-existing from which the universe came from, instead of what atheists believe, which is that the universe just spontaneously came into existence, also the anthropic principle shows that all the constants are fine-tuned specifically for intelligent life to exist, ofcourse the atheist will favor the many-worlds interpretation to explain this, but they forget that there's no evidence for the many-worlds interpretation, so atheists simply favor it because it satisfies there personal bias, which is that there cannot be a God, so atheists are just as irrational as theists in this respect

So whats irrational about believing in God in comparison to not believing in God?

These foolish atheists, why do you fools try so hard to act as if you're smart when in reality everything you believe is 100% irrational, just the same as any other faith-based belief system?

Don't you think the existence of God is a tiny bit improbable ?
Of course we can never know for sure, because God is unverifiable as you put it. But you can still make a rational assumption based on probability.
Because of this, to assume God doesn't exist is a whole lot more logical than to assume God does exist.
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Q if there are people suffering then they will be honored more than I in the next world if they try to live like Jesus. Wouldn't you say it would be harder to live for others when you are surrounded by pain? Thus their test is greater, and their reward will be too.
Q if there are people suffering then they will be honored more than I in the next world if they try to live like Jesus. Wouldn't you say it would be harder to live for others when you are surrounded by pain? Thus their test is greater, and their reward will be too.

Yea, they will definitely be thanking Jesus.. :rolleyes:

Do you think it's fair that their test is greater than yours ?

And... why don't you send me all your money, give away your house and car etc. ? Your reward in the afterlife will be so much greater :rolleyes:
Q if there are people suffering then they will be honored more than I in the next world if they try to live like Jesus. Wouldn't you say it would be harder to live for others when you are surrounded by pain? Thus their test is greater, and their reward will be too.

First of all, it is your god who is causing the pain and the killings. Does he do that so he can honor them in the afterlife? Do you realize how utterly ridiculous that is? And secondly, you appear to be one of those theists who thinks life here on Earth is merely a nuisance, a stepping stone of sorts to heaven? Why bother to have Earth at all. Your god creates tens of thousands of children every day only to murder them the next day, so they can be honored?

Try thinking that through before responding.
Don't you think the existence of God is a tiny bit improbable ?
Of course we can never know for sure, because God is unverifiable as you put it. But you can still make a rational assumption based on probability.
Because of this, to assume God doesn't exist is a whole lot more logical than to assume God does exist.

No you can't, what probability are you talking, I know its the atheistic probability "well it just doesn't seem so, so it must be unlikely", you can't even measure the probability
No you can't, what probability are you talking, I know its the atheistic probability "well it just doesn't seem so, so it must be unlikely", you can't even measure the probability

I was going to write up some arguments but then I realized that they would never be acknowledged as viable arguments by any theist. So.. never mind.
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I was going to write up some arguments but then I realized that they would never be acknowledged as viable arguments by any theist. So.. never mind.

Hahaha, yeah right, this is just another way of saying "I have no argument, but at least I can pretend I do", nice try though :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Come on tell me how did you measure the probability, is it another illogical atheistic argument like "Well I don't believe in a FSM or teapots orbiting Jupiter?" or is it the "There's no evidence, so its not likely (even though there shouldn't be any evidence present)"
Hahaha, yeah right, this is just another way of saying "I have no argument, but at least I can pretend I do", nice try though :roflmao: :roflmao:

Come on tell me how did you measure the probability, is it another illogical atheistic argument like "Well I don't believe in a FSM or teapots orbiting Jupiter?" or is it the "There's no evidence, so its not likely (even though there shouldn't be any evidence present)"

Think whatever you want lol
Meanwhile why don't you give your arguments for God's existence.. see if you can convince me :bugeye:
Think whatever you want lol
Meanwhile why don't you give your arguments for God's existence.. see if you can convince me :bugeye:

Thats not really my argument, my argument is that atheism is just as irrational as theism, its just another faith-based belief system
Thats not really my argument, my argument is that atheism is just as irrational as theism, its just another faith-based belief system

Then, it would appear you have no argument whatsoever.