Do you believe in miracles?

According to the Bible miracle no longer occur. There purpose in the Early Christians at Pentecost 33 CE was to further the preaching work and to exemplify the power of God as the prophesied messiah would display.
According to the Bible miracle no longer occur. There purpose in the Early Christians at Pentecost 33 CE was to further the preaching work and to exemplify the power of God as the prophesied messiah would display.

So miracles, as portrayed in the bible, actually are to be expected nowadays from a theists point of view.
With the rising numbers of atheist and all, why are they not happening now ?
Strange things can happen. But, are they miracles?

Well "miracles" as in seemingly supernormal things occuring do exist, but all depends on how you look at it...ofcourse the way it happens isn't supernatural, outside of nature, for instance the way Jesus walked on water was that using his mind he made his body very very light, so light that he could walk on water

You can either say that everything is a miracle or that nothing is a miracle, it just depends on how you look at it...

Ofcourse there is one thing that is truly outside of nature, supernatural, God
So miracles, as portrayed in the bible, actually are to be expected nowadays from a theists point of view.
With the rising numbers of atheist and all, why are they not happening now ?

The bible explains that the Christian congregation would be corrupted early after the passing of the apostles who were specially chosen by God or anointed as Jesus was. After the apostles passed away Christianity was well on it's way to being established but also corrupted. As a results God's spirit does not follow the rising Christian Organization ...

No more Prophets...means no more miracles.
One of the biggest misconceptions of Christianity is that Jesus was meant to suffer and die on the stake. That's not so. It was predicted...but that wasn't what was supposed to happen. The Jews were to expect their savior...they were to follow their savior and the change he was introducing...

But that did not happened and it wasn't unexpected. The miracles have always proved to show God's ability to shepperd his people. But what happens when the people refuse to follow?

That leads to a break in the covenant...No nation on the Earth today is under God thus miracles are also absent.
One of the biggest misconceptions of Christianity is that Jesus was meant to suffer and die on the stake. That's not so. It was predicted...but that wasn't what was supposed to happen. The Jews were to expect their savior...they were to follow their savior and the change he was introducing...

But that did not happened and it wasn't unexpected. The miracles have always proved to show God's ability to shepperd his people. But what happens when the people refuse to follow?

That leads to a break in the covenant...No nation on the Earth today is under God thus miracles are also absent.

So God has effectively deserted us, even the Christians ?

As a side note: The only reason Christianity could become corrupted is because God didn't make himself known well enough either through miracles or otherwise.
Think about it, how would a person that truly believed become corrupted ?
So God has effectively deserted us, even the Christians ?

As a side note: The only reason Christianity could become corrupted is because God didn't make himself known well enough either through miracles or otherwise.
Think about it, how would a person that truly believed become corrupted ?

Christianity did certainly become corrupt, just as Jesus thought it was, its no wonder he said the same generation of vipers would exist today...

Someone who sincerely follows Jesus's two commandments won't become corrupt:
"Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." (NIV, Mark 12:28-31).

These are the highest commandments, which have been forgotten and corrupted by the generation of vipers
One of the biggest misconceptions of Christianity is that Jesus was meant to suffer and die on the stake. That's not so(1). It was predicted(2)...but that wasn't what was supposed to happen(3). The Jews were to expect their savior...they were to follow their savior and the change he was introducing...

But that did not happened and it wasn't unexpected(4). The miracles have always proved to show God's ability to shepperd his people. But what happens when the people refuse to follow?

That leads to a break in the covenant...No nation on the Earth today is under God thus miracles are also absent.

Wait... so Jesus suffering and dying on the stake (1)wasn't meant to happen, (2)was predicted, (3)wasn't what was supposed to happen, did happen, and (4)wasn't unexpected.

All referring to the same thing.

Dude, wtf?
Christianity did certainly become corrupt, just as Jesus thought it was, its no wonder he said the same generation of vipers would exist today...

Someone who sincerely follows Jesus's two commandments won't become corrupt:
"Of all the commandments, which is the most important?" "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." (NIV, Mark 12:28-31).

These are the highest commandments, which have been forgotten and corrupted by the generation of vipers

I have not forgotten them and I'm an atheist.
I honor the second one, but as you can understand I can't honor the first.
So God has effectively deserted us, even the Christians ?

As a side note: The only reason Christianity could become corrupted is because God didn't make himself known well enough either through miracles or otherwise.
Think about it, how would a person that truly believed become corrupted ?

Would you really have a righteous God have anything to do with the religous systems you see at work today? Religion in bed with politics every where you look.

But the bible says that his people will heed the voice of the Great Shepperd, Jesus Christ. There are still true christians throughout the the Earth who follow what is up right according to the bible.

as for corruptioin...well we should all know that money, and power, are things that can trasfix us if we lend to obsessive desires. This happens every day to the best of us.
Wait... so Jesus suffering and dying on the stake (1)wasn't meant to happen, (2)was predicted, (3)wasn't what was supposed to happen, did happen, and (4)wasn't unexpected.

All referring to the same thing.

Dude, wtf?

Yes I know it's sort of a temporal paradox.

You see Genesis 3:15 is the first prophesy in the bible. Without the full explanation it provides the way out for humanity because of sin. Jesus had to give up his life and he's represented by the "seed" in that scripture. That is known as the ransom sacrifice. One perfect man balancing the scales of justice for the loss of a perfect life, Adam."

Eye for an Eye.

But did Jesus have to die at the Hands of his own people? No that was their choice. God prophesied in detail how his son would die and Isreal fullfilled that prophecy. That prophesy had a purpose that serves us to day.
Well "miracles" as in seemingly supernormal things occuring do exist, but all depends on how you look at it...ofcourse the way it happens isn't supernatural, outside of nature, for instance the way Jesus walked on water was that using his mind he made his body very very light, so light that he could walk on water

Ofcourse there is one thing that is truly outside of nature, supernatural, God

Well that's obvious Vital, Jesus just used his mind to make his body very very light, we all learn that basic physics at school!

Same goes for the supernatural God, and the supernatural Unicorn, FSM....etc.
I'm new to the thread, and new to the whole forum. So rather than chime in randomly I am just going to answer the question.

Yes, I don't believe in coinsidences I believe everything happens for a reason.

God influences my life all the time. He shows me signs whenever I am lost and it's not because I am asking him to prove himself. For if you have to ask that, then you have no faith. He answers me because I know he exists, because I have faith in him.

The fact that we can't prove he exists is not a coinsidence. Enmos, it sounds to me like He is living in you, love that part of you and strive to become more like it.

Try this experiment.

Take a group of people who are standing and flip a coin.

Tell one-half the group to force the coin, with their minds to land on heads and the other half tails. Whatever the coin lands, tell those who tried to force the coin to the opposing side to sit down. Keep doing this until one person is left standing.

Since that one person had 100% of the time forced the coin to land on the specified side, heads or tails, they must be psychic.

Now take a group of people numbering one or two million and try to imagine something "miraculous" NOT happening to at least one of those people on any given day.

Remember the experiment, and your question is answered.
good post. Add to this a number of charlatans and we have our answer
I'm new to the thread, and new to the whole forum. So rather than chime in randomly I am just going to answer the question.

Yes, I don't believe in coinsidences I believe everything happens for a reason.

Ah, then your god is deliberately killing tens of thousands of children every day? Your god is a mass murderer.

God influences my life all the time. He shows me signs whenever I am lost and it's not because I am asking him to prove himself. For if you have to ask that, then you have no faith. He answers me because I know he exists, because I have faith in him.

So, your god shows you wonderful signs, just for you, and the parents of those tens of thousands of children are left ignored? What makes your life so special over and above those tens of thousands of dead children and grieving parents?
Ah, then your god is deliberately killing tens of thousands of children every day? Your god is a mass murderer.

God didn't do it, and to blame him for the mistakes of others isn't very nice of you.

So, your god shows you wonderful signs, just for you, and the parents of those tens of thousands of children are left ignored? What makes your life so special over and above those tens of thousands of dead children and grieving parents?

God didn't do any of that, either, so why are you blaming him?

Baron Max
Well that's obvious Vital, Jesus just used his mind to make his body very very light, we all learn that basic physics at school!

Same goes for the supernatural God, and the supernatural Unicorn, FSM....etc.

Typical foolish atheist response, can't blame you though, you atheists sure are fools

Atheists - "Even though the existence or non-existence of FSM, an Invisible Pink Unicorn, etc...has absolutely nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God, we can just pretend it does...checkmate!!"

These foolish pretenders, when will atheists realize that they're all fools living in an imaginary fantasy, unable to handle the truth, they say "oh there just can't be a God, a soul, a heaven, a hell, karma, etc...there just can't be"