Do you believe in miracles?

I too am an ordinary miracle.

There is nothing ordinary about you. You are special and unique. There is no one else like you. God made you that way. He wants you back and He uses people like me to get you. Oh you can resist. That's fine. It may not be me that plants the right seed, but someone will. That's when your spirit will turn and become open. I know that I know that I know that you will NOT be one of the ones left behind. You'll "get it" before you die. I hope. :)
"Its not a contradiction, this is your personal universe, and this is my personal universe, where's the contradiction?"

Well, this is my personal car and this is your personal car too... see any contradictions there ? :bugeye:

Not if we each have different cars :rolleyes:

You exist in your universe and me in my universe, the reason we appear to exist in the same universe is because everything is in-tune for our interaction
You exist in your universe and me in my universe, the reason we appear to exist in the same universe is because everything is in-tune for our interaction
Then what distinguishes the "we're all in the same universe" theory from the "we're each in our own universe" theiry you're espousing? What makes you so certain that we're each in some kind of in-tune but seperate universes?
Not if we each have different cars :rolleyes:

You exist in your universe and me in my universe, the reason we appear to exist in the same universe is because everything is in-tune for our interaction

Ofcourse, but you said "this is your personal universe too", implying that one single universe is my personal universe as well as yours. Which is a contradiction.
Then what distinguishes the "we're all in the same universe" theory from the "we're each in our own universe" theiry you're espousing? What makes you so certain that we're each in some kind of in-tune but seperate universes?
Because we can't all be in the same universe, you see when I change myself, the reality/universe I exist in also changes, this is why we each exist in our own personal universe

Everything I experience is perfectly in-tune with my thought-energy (karma)

Ofcourse, but you said "this is your personal universe too", implying that one single universe is my personal universe as well as yours. Which is a contradiction.
No, there is no "one single universe", although it might appear that way, I meant you also exist in your own personal universe, I exist in my personal universe, as well all the infinite observers in the infinite universes
Because we can't all be in the same universe, you see when I change myself, the reality/universe I exist in also changes, this is why we each exist in our own personal universe

Everything I experience is perfectly in-tune with my thought-energy (karma)

No, there is no "one single universe", although it might appear that way, I meant you also exist in your own personal universe, I exist in my personal universe, as well all the infinite observers in the infinite universes

So, then we are back at this:
If your are in your personal universe and I am in my personal universe, that means that the Vitalone in my personal universe is not the Vitalone as in anyone else's universe.
And the Enmos in your personal universe is not the same Enmos as me. That way you are always going to be able to say you converted me, namely the Enmos in your personal universe, while the real me has not been converted at all.
If your 'theory' is correct then nobody can ever really be sure to influence anyone by anything.
So, then we are back at this:
If your are in your personal universe and I am in my personal universe, that means that the Vitalone in my personal universe is not the Vitalone as in anyone else's universe.
And the Enmos in your personal universe is not the same Enmos as me. That way you are always going to be able to say you converted me, namely the Enmos in your personal universe, while the real me has not been converted at all.
If your 'theory' is correct then nobody can ever really be sure to influence anyone by anything.

What? I think you misunderstood...

I'm in my personal universe, and the Enmos in my personal universe happens to be you, and vice-versa

The universe I exist in depends on the thought-energy (karma) within me, everything I experience is in-tune with this thought-energy

The universe you exist in depends on the thought-energy (karma) within you, everything you experience is in-tune with this thought-energy

The reason we are both who we are in this universe is because it is in-tune with my thought-energy as well as yours thought-energy

If I managed to successfully manifest a desire, what happens is I generate thought-energy of the desire, then enter into the universe where the desire has already happened. So you can influence any and EVERYthing, do you understand now?

For instance if I manifested you being theistic what happens is I enter into the universe where you really are theistic, in that universe all the thought-energy within you (karma) is in-tune for you to be theistic and you are theistic
What? I think you misunderstood...

I'm in my personal universe, and the Enmos in my personal universe happens to be you, and vice-versa

The universe I exist in depends on the thought-energy (karma) within me, everything I experience is in-tune with this thought-energy

The universe you exist in depends on the thought-energy (karma) within you, everything you experience is in-tune with this thought-energy

The reason we are both who we are in this universe is because it is in-tune with my thought-energy as well as yours thought-energy

If I managed to successfully manifest a desire, what happens is I generate thought-energy of the desire, then enter into the universe where the desire has already happened. So you can influence any and EVERYthing, do you understand now?

For instance if I manifested you being theistic what happens is I enter into the universe where you really are theistic, in that universe all the thought-energy within you (karma) is in-tune for you to be theistic and you are theistic

Yes I think I got it now.. the universe revolves around you.
Whichever change happens to you affects everyone's universe.
I even think one could say you are God !
well my idea in a miracle is the same measurement as a superstring very dam big and not for the faint hearted and very compicated to aknowledge in a dictionary there is no word that can explain the power of just one miracle we only hear what it can do or has done not how it works
well is my eplanation and only angels have the responsibility to use when apropriate not us humans the inteligence of god is no match for a man on this earth so miracles must exist in forms of superstrings cause man cant work it out and never will and the posibiities of keeping the miracles safe is endles when it comes to just males or humans we are not inteligent enough to control the power miracles have only angels have that authority over man
