Do you believe in miracles?

There are no empty spaces but even if there were, it's still nothing, thus reinforcing my view that everything changes. If it doesn't change, it isn't a thing, it can have no interaction with our world, it can't learn anything, it can't be surprised at human behavior, it can't think.
There are no perfect vacuums, not even outer space.

But, you are helping me prove my point, everything in this world changes, thus an unchanging thing cannot exist in this world. Yours is a supernatural viewpoint based on nothing but fantasy.
There are no perfect vacuums, not even outer space.

But, you are helping me prove my point, everything in this world changes, thus an unchanging thing cannot exist in this world. Yours is a supernatural viewpoint based on nothing but fantasy.

Actually, you just helped prove my point. Everything in the world is changing, inconstant, etc...therefore God must be something outside of nature or supernatural in order to exist as unchanging, constant, eternal, etc.....

Your viewpoint is based upon nothing but atheistic speculations used in order to rule out all possibility in your mind that God can exist, this way you feel better knowing that your atheistic faith must be true
Nothing outside of nature exists. Can you contradict this?
How can you prove this or disprove this? Yet again another atheist making blind atheistic assumptions that fit into their propaganda....

Eventually it will be shown that something outside of the system (all the universes) exists...

As Jesus says:
"If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.'
Can you please tell me why its unlikely? Atheists always say that but can never explain why except for "oh well I'm a foolish person, so I'll say since I don't believe in a FSM I also don't believe in God" or "I'm such an amazing fool that I think since there's no evidence when there shouldn't be evidence present that it indicates that God doesn't exist"

Also I already explained why I'm not agnostic, its because my personal experiences, read my previous post

Not just unlikely, unlikely in the extreme.
There is nothing whatsoever in nature to suggest anything that even comes close to any God-like 'thing'. The concept of God itself seems contradictory to nature. And... personal experience ;)
But personal experience cannot be considered evidence, now can it.
How can you prove this or disprove this? Yet again another atheist making blind atheistic assumptions that fit into their propaganda....

Eventually it will be shown that something outside of the system (all the universes) exists...

As Jesus says:
"If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.'

LOL you are joking right !? :roflmao:
Do you even know how the universe is defined ?
How can you prove this or disprove this? Yet again another atheist making blind atheistic assumptions that fit into their propaganda....

Eventually it will be shown that something outside of the system (all the universes) exists...

As Jesus says:
"If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.'

According to your logic, if you can't disprove it, it could be correct. I point to the fact that nothing has yet been found that isn't natural. To accept your theistic premise, you would have to assume that some realm exists which has never yet been observed. Which assumption is more logical?
Not just unlikely, unlikely in the extreme.
There is nothing whatsoever in nature to suggest anything that even comes close to any God-like 'thing'. The concept of God itself seems contradictory to nature. And... personal experience ;)
But personal experience cannot be considered evidence, now can it.
Woah, ROFL, another atheistic fool

Let me explain something that even your thick atheistic skull may comprehend, can you give an example of WHAT CAN BE CONSIDERED EVIDENCE OF GOD and not a "god of the gaps"? Oh what's that, you can't? Well then by default there CANNOT BE EVIDENCE OF GOD

Just like how you can't say what evidence of the many-worlds interpretation is, what a retarded fool, but then again I can't blame you, you are an atheist, and most atheists are fools believing themselves to be superior to everyone else

There's lots of evidence of God existing, just by default ALL EVIDENCE is automatically a "god of the gaps", what a fool, ahahaha, I always get a great laugh from these foolish atheists, why are you all so foolish for?

Why is it unlikely in the extreme again, oh yeah thats right "because I say so" ahaaha

LOL you are joking right !? :roflmao:
Do you even know how the universe is defined ?
Yeah, but you don't, ever heard of the many-worlds interpretation?

One simple discovery would change everything :rolleyes:

According to your logic, if you can't disprove it, it could be correct. I point to the fact that nothing has yet been found that isn't natural. To accept your theistic premise, you would have to assume that some realm exists which has never yet been observed. Which assumption is more logical?
No, listen carefully

If something is unverifiable it means there's no way of knowing if its true or false

Do you understand that?

ROFL at your last statements, I always get a laugh out of this, can you give an example of what would be evidence of something that isn't natural? No, you can't? Why? Is it because science is naturalism and ALL THINGS HAVE TO BE NATURAL BY DEFAULT?

Also no one's talking about realms which have never been observed (although the many-worlds interpretation suggests it), I'm talking about something outside of the system from which everything comes from
VitalOne said:
If something is unverifiable it means there's no way of knowing if its true or false

Do you understand that?

What you're saying is that you don't know if what you believe to be true actually is true.

What you're saying is that you don't know if what you believe to be true actually is true.

No, I'm saying that what the rational response is...

However, I'm also saying that YOU don't know if what you believe to be true is actually true

I personally know what I believe to be is true from personal experiences, observations, science, etc...
How can you prove this or disprove this? Yet again another atheist making blind atheistic assumptions that fit into their propaganda....

Eventually it will be shown that something outside of the system (all the universes) exists...

As Jesus says:
"If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.'

Using your logic...

Magic, leprechauns, unicorns, dragons, fairies, and non-corrupt politicians exist.

Prove they don't.

As for your quote from Jesus, it has the same weight as what I say. We're both mortal men. We both can prove nothing about religion.

As soon as there is any definitive proof of religion, I will believe in it. Until there isn't, science outweighs because it has a basis behind it. In an actual structured debate science would win because it outweighs. That's the whole premise of argument. Proving your standpoint is more solid than the other persons. While religion has absolutely no proof at all other than books that are works of fiction, science has definitive observations. If you say that observations do not matter and do not reflect anything, then existence doesn't matter anyway and all arguments are pointless.
I can show you how your religion came about, how it follows a general pattern among cultures, how it evolved to fit a social role, how it changes over time with society. There's alot of evidence about the inaccuracies of the Bible and the contradictions between religions, and within the Bible itself.