Do you believe in miracles?

Because when you change gravity by 0.1% other life forms can still exist, but not intelligent life :rolleyes:, what a deluded atheist, go ahead try all you want to preserve atheism

Come on spidergoat, just admit it, you and all other atheists simply don't want to believe in God, it has nothing to do with anything else

Maybe not the current intelligent life, but maybe another one would have evolved under those circumstances. Anyhow, why the division ? Life=life.
You are missing the point, but then my example wasn't all that good.
Listen to Spidergoat:
Let me illustrate this principle. A puddle of water happens to find itself in a hole perfectly suited to it's shape. The sun dries it out, but miraculously, the puddle always fits perfectly!

It's the same with all life. Penguins happen to find themselves in an environment which suits them perfectly. Those shrimps around black smokers at the bottom of the ocean happen to find the environment perfectly suited for them. It's not because the environment were carefully matched to the animal. Rather, the animal evolved to fit that environment. We evolved under the present conditions, thus find the conditions to be a perfect home. Throw some deep sea shrimp into my kitchen, and they will find their world to be very unsuitable, and never would have evolved in such circumstances.
Hmm....who is a physicist? Paul Davies or spidergoat? Not spidergoat, spidergoat simply tried to falsely equate macro-evolution and simplistic occurences with the anthropic principle in order to preserve the atheistic faith-based belief system

First of all, water fitting into a puddle of mud doesn't make any type of sense, water fits into ANY shape, the puddle has no fine-tuned design specifically just for water, unlike with the constants, one thing changes and specifically just intelligent life is gone, where as with the puddle of mud, one thing changes in the shape of the mud, and WATER STILL FITS. I don't know what would make spidergoat think this makes sense to any degree, I guess it must be the great atheistic faith

Also equating macro-evolution doesn't make sense, the environmental conditions plus mutations cause macro-evolution, there is no fine-tuning, yet another nonsensical illogical argument
Hmm....who is a physicist? Paul Davies or spidergoat? Not spidergoat, spidergoat simply tried to falsely equate macro-evolution and simplistic occurences with the anthropic principle in order to preserve the atheistic faith-based belief system

First of all, water fitting into a puddle of mud doesn't make any type of sense, water fits into ANY shape, the puddle has no fine-tuned design specifically just for water, unlike with the constants, one thing changes and specifically just intelligent life is gone, where as with the puddle of mud, one thing changes in the shape of the mud, and WATER STILL FITS. I don't know what would make spidergoat think this makes sense to any degree, I guess it must be the great atheistic faith

Also equating macro-evolution doesn't make sense, the environmental conditions plus mutations cause macro-evolution, there is no fine-tuning, yet another nonsensical illogical argument

You are really hung up on that water thing eh.
Try and read the rest, because that's how it is.
The point beings its a stalemate, noone can ever win this argument, as long as stuff exists in this universe we will strive to explain it, and as long as there is stuff yet unexplained people will use god to explain it. Nobody wins this debate, its just a repeated and painful display to observe....but I guess it can be fun to talk to a brick wall every once in a while :p

Yeah because atheism, naturalism and theism are unsfalsifiable, atheists can't handle that atheism is unfalsifiable nor that atheism is illogical
You are really hung up on that water thing eh.
Try and read the rest, because that's how it is.

Yeah, the absurd explanation, "no need for cause and effect, things just happen to be perfectly fine-tuned just for intelligent life to exist, thats just the way it is, case closed, problem solved"
Because when you change gravity by 0.1% other life forms can still exist, but not intelligent life :rolleyes:, what a deluded atheist, go ahead try all you want to preserve atheism

Come on spidergoat, just admit it, you and all other atheists simply don't want to believe in God, it has nothing to do with anything else

I don't think your premise is supported. Are you guessing?

Actually, I wanted very much to believe in God, as well as other kinds of magic. It broke my heart when I finally realized there wasn't any magic, and God doesn't answer your prayers, doesn't respond in any way distinguishable from pure randomness. It sucks, but I guess I got used to it. Anyway, I found Buddhism, which doesn't depend on such nonsense.
Yeah, the absurd explanation, "no need for cause and effect, things just happen to be perfectly fine-tuned just for intelligent life to exist, thats just the way it is, case closed, problem solved"

If it weren't suitable for life, there would be no life to observe it. Your interpretation is a logical fallacy.
Yeah, the absurd explanation, "no need for cause and effect, things just happen to be perfectly fine-tuned just for intelligent life to exist, thats just the way it is, case closed, problem solved"

Vital, you are totally unreasonable.. I see no point in continuing this, have great day and dream on.
I don't think your premise is supported. Are you guessing?

Actually, I wanted very much to believe in God, as well as other kinds of magic. It broke my heart when I finally realized there wasn't any magic, and God doesn't answer your prayers, doesn't respond in any way distinguishable from pure randomness. It sucks, but I guess I got used to it. Anyway, I found Buddhism, which doesn't depend on such nonsense.

Yes it is, go look it up yourself :rolleyes: , when gravity is changed by -0.1% specifically just intelligent life can't exist anymore

- There is no such thing as magic, only ignorance causing things like God and miracles to appear magical
- God does answer prayers, if you pray the way Jesus describes it works all the time
- Buddhism is one of the most supernatural religions of all time, there's heaven, hell, miracles, demons, angels, spirits, ghosts, Maras, Brahmas, etc...must be the western image deluding your mind
Yes it is, go look it up yourself :rolleyes: , when gravity is changed by -0.1% specifically just intelligent life can't exist anymore

- There is no such thing as magic, only ignorance causing things like God and miracles to appear magical
- God does answer prayers, if you pray the way Jesus describes it works all the time
- Buddhism is one of the most supernatural religions of all time, there's heaven, hell, miracles, demons, angels, spirits, ghosts, Maras, Brahmas, etc...must be the western image deluding your mind

When I went to church and I was little, god never answered my prayers. I realized that he didnt exist when my parents told me santa wasnt real, i thought to myself "If this guy who brings me presents and runs around on a sleigh cant be real, then how can a giant guy who made everything and knows everything be real"
Buddhism is one of the most supernatural religions of all time, there's heaven, hell, miracles, demons, angels, spirits, ghosts, Maras, Brahmas, etc...must be the western image deluding your mind

Buddhism isn't a religion, and it doesn't depend on any supernatural concepts.
When I went to church and I was little, god never answered my prayers. I realized that he didnt exist when my parents told me santa wasnt real, i thought to myself "If this guy who brings me presents and runs around on a sleigh cant be real, then how can a giant guy who made everything and knows everything be real"

Did you ever try praying the way Jesus describes? Jesus says believe that you already have your desire, and have no doubt that you already have your desire, and you will have it, it must become true...
If it weren't suitable for life, there would be no life to observe it. Your interpretation is a logical fallacy.
No its not, your interpretation is a logical fallacy, you assume that "it just happens to be that way, no need for cause and effect, things just happen"

If a software program is fine-tuned specifically just to perform certain tasks, it means the software program arose naturally :rolleyes:

Vital, you are totally unreasonable.. I see no point in continuing this, have great day and dream on.
In other words you can't explain why, so you have no arguments, why not just say what I said is unreasonable, offer no explanation, then pretend you're right :rolleyes:
Yes it is, go look it up yourself :rolleyes: , when gravity is changed by -0.1% specifically just intelligent life can't exist anymore

- There is no such thing as magic, only ignorance causing things like God and miracles to appear magical
- God does answer prayers, if you pray the way Jesus describes it works all the time
- Buddhism is one of the most supernatural religions of all time, there's heaven, hell, miracles, demons, angels, spirits, ghosts, Maras, Brahmas, etc...must be the western image deluding your mind

Jet pilots can endure many times the G-force most experience on Earth, and astronauts can survive no gravity. Therefore you are wrong.
In other words you can't explain why, so you have no arguments, why not just say what I said is unreasonable, offer no explanation, then pretend you're right :rolleyes:

I'm not saying that what you've said is unreasonable, I'm saying you are unreasonable. And I don't see that changing anytime soon, so why would I continue this 'discussion' with someone who is deaf to anything but his own ranting ? There is really no point in this.
You can "design" software using evolution. The result can accomplish the desired result with unpredictable facility, and no one need program every line.
Did you ever try praying the way Jesus describes? Jesus says believe that you already have your desire, and have no doubt that you already have your desire, and you will have it, it must become true...

I've never had a prayer answered and the notion that if you dont pray right you dont get an answer seems to be just an excuse justifying why people dont get a response from god.
Jet pilots can endure many times the G-force most experience on Earth, and astronauts can survive no gravity. Therefore you are wrong.
No I'm not, go look it up man...DNA could not exist, astronauts can survive no gravity, but intelligent life can't arise in that condition

All physicists agree that everything is perfectly fine-tuned for intelligent life to exist

I'm not saying that what you've said is unreasonable, I'm saying you are unreasonable. And I don't see that changing anytime soon, so why would I continue this 'discussion' with someone who is deaf to anything but his own ranting ? There is really no point in this.
Oh so its just a personal attack, why can't you address the argument?

You can "design" software using evolution. The result can accomplish the desired result with unpredictable facility, and no one need program every line.
Someone needs to program it, not every line

In what condition would you even consider an intelligent cause? It seems like none, you've firmly made up your mind that nothing has an intelligent cause besides man-made things we observe...right?

I've never had a prayer answered and the notion that if you dont pray right you dont get an answer seems to be just an excuse justifying why people dont get a response from god.
An excuse? Its like someone saying "I don't get it, saying I have to take the right medicine to become healed is just an excuse, why can't I just take any medicine and blindly expect results in every condition?"