Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

Once again I have navigated home from my place of work. What's so amazing about this? Well I did it and don't remember a thing about doing it. This has happened multiple times. I don't know if I was daydreaming, lost in thought or in some kind of stupor but I managed to once again drive a sophisticated piece of mechanized transport home while zoned out completely. I am feeling very psychic today. Oh.... the untapped wonders of humankind!!!!
Once again I have navigated home from my place of work. What's so amazing about this? Well I did it and don't remember a thing about doing it. This has happened multiple times. I don't know if I was daydreaming, lost in thought or in some kind of stupor but I managed to once again drive a sophisticated piece of mechanized transport home while zoned out completely. I am feeling very psychic today. Oh.... the untapped wonders of humankind!!!!

if we cant do a better job than pigeons then its probably about time we gave up
Instead of asking if people have developed any psychic powers I thought I`d devise a little test just to see if anybody actually has.....

This really happened.....

The other night about 3 a.m. I`m on my way home via country roads when I approach a really nice car parked at the side of the road with its motor running and driver`s side door open. I slow down to see if anyone is there thinking that someone is in trouble. Not seeing anyone I jot down the licence plate number and move on when all of a sudden as I`m leaving the scene a black guy appears on the road in front of me holding something in his arms......

What did I do next?

What was the black guy holding in his arms?

Why was he out of his vehicle in the middle of the night on a country road?

The licence plate was from one of the 50 States in the USA. I live close to the American border so this is not unusual. Which state was it?

What was the make of the car?

Other than not seeing anyone, what did I see on the front seat that prompted me to write down the licence number?

Obviously I didn`t have use of a cell phone at that moment.....I made a phone call when I got home. Who did I call?
What did I do next?

You stopped and got out of your car

What was the black guy holding in his arms?

A dead animal

Why was he out of his vehicle in the middle of the night on a country road?

He hit the animal

The licence plate was from one of the 50 States in the USA. I live close to the American border so this is not unusual. Which state was it?


What was the make of the car?

It was an F150 truck

Other than not seeing anyone, what did I see on the front seat that prompted me to write down the licence number?

A hunting rifle

Obviously I didn`t have use of a cell phone at that moment.....I made a phone call when I got home. Who did I call?

The police

So, how did I do?
Wrong on all accounts but like in all psychic investigations your answers may improve the odds for the next guy. I think once its established what he was holding in his arms the rest will come easy. However the make of car has already been narrowed down to a nice one...NOT A FRIGGIN`TRUCK:D. The odds of getting the plate right have improved to 49:1 from 50:1. It is now definitely obvious that I never left my vehicle...should also help next guy.
Yes. I knew this thread would have high nonsense fraction before opening it. :D
As was expected. Thanks. :)

unfortunately you committed an amateur psychic faux pas by answering directly to the point. Remember it is always a psychic investigation. There needs to be questions answered and evidence.

You would have been better off saying something like 'oh, I see something blue or the picture is fuzzy' and it also helps to include a range such as " I have a number between 1 and 9' or there's a sign nearby with the letter E or it could be a B or a C'. All designed to illicit a positive response in the form of an actual object or view from the scene.

As for evidence, I gave a lot of it in my post. Deductive reasoning should take care of the rest. I may have said something to throw you off or play on your prejudices plus there may be some things that are irrelevant, or don't fit. However all are legit questions. Then again I might not have played any tricks.
Once again I have navigated home from my place of work. What's so amazing about this? Well I did it and don't remember a thing about doing it. This has happened multiple times. I don't know if I was daydreaming, lost in thought or in some kind of stupor but I managed to once again drive a sophisticated piece of mechanized transport home while zoned out completely. I am feeling very psychic today. Oh.... the untapped wonders of humankind!!!!

you may be schizophrenic ... its been know to happen

(who am i 3rd year Psychology student)
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you may be schizophrenic ...
I think some forms of narcolepsy and/or localized epilepsy are more likely than schizophrenia. Many routine actions are preformed well with localized epileptic seizures yet when the seizure terminates there is no memory of doing them. Normally an epileptic seizure is terminated in a few minutes by metabolic exhaustion of the cells that are evolved, so if you {PsychoticEpisode} are driving ~7 minutes or more in this condition, and epilepsy is the cause, then you do not have even a fully developed localized, or “Jacksonian seizure” if epilepsy is the cause.

If you think “split personalities” are real, that is also a possibility. (I tend not to believe they are real.)

None the less, despite these possibilities, my money would be on just a minor memory defect. – I.e. possible you may need more than most some emotional involvement to form a recallable memory. I usually cannot remember what I ate for lunch yesterday etc. And many other routine things, but as my “mainly by memory” (little Google searching) posts here show, I have an enormous number of easily recalled facts fit into the “web of knowledge” I have built over past 60+ years and am still constantly updating.

BTW, Lumina: Welcome to Sciforums. As a psychology student, you should be concerned about how perception works. After spending a year of sebattical leave in Johns Hopkins Cognitive science departkent and about 10 years of reading the literature, I came to the firm conclusion that the accepted POV is wrong. I.e. perception does NOT "emerge folowing many stages of neural transformation of sensed enviroment nerve impulses sent to the brain," but is a Real Time Simulation,RTS, construct of the brain made in parietal lobes that uses the sensory imputs to usually accurately modle the sensible external enviroment. See my crackpot (but very well supported by both psychological , neural anatomy data) at:

That is not the earliest post here - just a recnet one I first found. It is half about how free will may be possible (without conflicting with the way chemistry and physics 100% control the firing of every nerve via diffusion of neurpotransmitter molecules across synaptic gaps). That part should interest you too but the RTS is directly related to the heart of perception based psychology. My RTS explains dozens of mysteries of human performance, behavior, and perception. To name just one: Why nearly the whole view in fornt of you seems equal sharp and clear despite the high resolution fovea processed part of your visual imput being only one degree wide.
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unfortunately you committed an amateur psychic faux pas by answering directly to the point. Remember it is always a psychic investigation. There needs to be questions answered and evidence.

I would agree if I were "cold" calling you. But, if I was psychic, I would simply know and there would be no need for questions and evidence.

As for evidence, I gave a lot of it in my post. Deductive reasoning should take care of the rest. I may have said something to throw you off or play on your prejudices plus there may be some things that are irrelevant, or don't fit. However all are legit questions. Then again I might not have played any tricks.

Not really. You might assume that what you gave was a lot of evidence since you already know the scenario, but it's very generalized info.
I would agree if I were "cold" calling you. But, if I was psychic, I would simply know and there would be no need for questions and evidence.

Not really. You might assume that what you gave was a lot of evidence since you already know the scenario, but it's very generalized info.

You're right on the first count. It's just how I'm used to seeing so-called psychics articulate. Even police psychics never give a direct clue, always generalize. Let them hold victim's clothing and the picture is always fuzzy. Most times the perp is envisioned wearing blue, well no shit.

No, there's a perfectly good reason why someone would stop their car at 3 a.m. and get out holding something in their arms. Now I've just about given it away.:D
Instead of asking if people have developed any psychic powers I thought I`d devise a little test just to see if anybody actually has.....

This really happened.....

The other night about 3 a.m. I`m on my way home via country roads when I approach a really nice car parked at the side of the road with its motor running and driver`s side door open. I slow down to see if anyone is there thinking that someone is in trouble. Not seeing anyone I jot down the licence plate number and move on when all of a sudden as I`m leaving the scene a black guy appears on the road in front of me holding something in his arms......
I'm sensing heat. A definite sense of heat from somewhere.
And water?

And a feeling of safety as well.

I'm sensing heat. A definite sense of heat from somewhere.
And water?

And a feeling of safety as well.


Yeah... He reached for his cigarette lighter, which promptly flew out and landed in his crotch while driving along. The sudden intense fear that his child would be an only child, forced him to hastely try to grab the glowing end of the electric lighter to find the searing heat penetrate his skin with such speed that instance pain caused him to swerve.

The swerve took him across the road and into the verge before coming back. Suddenly the realisation of fear, of the luck of still being alived gripped him as a 12 wheeler hurtled passed the opposition direction. If only the swerve had been 20 seconds later, it could have been a fatality...

While pulling over to get over the initial shock of how close he was to death, he finds the electronic part of the lighter firmly welding his trousers to the carseat due to it's composite of a Nylon compound.

Feel free to extrapolate further... I'm psychic enough to know it's false, because I made it up :).

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I'm sensing heat. A definite sense of heat from somewhere.
And water?

And a feeling of safety as well.


That's how you do it. Now I feel obligated to answer.

Heat? Depends how you look at it. As in making you sweat....I'm sure that might come into play for some people. I would say sensation is a good part of it and water, well, probably in some form or another.

Safety is subjective here but definitely the actions of the driver in this case made the ride home easier.