Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

have you done any study on the subject ?
look at the highest selling books and TV interviews etc...
Yes, that would be why I made the statements I did.
For every debunker that's seen on TV (here at least) there's 4 or 5 "psychics".
For every debunker known by name to the general public (if they could name even one) there's 10 "psychics" known.

Like churches ?
why not go after them or is that because they are too powerful and they cant beat them up like a poor person with no support ?
That would be atheists, no?
Or are you trying to change the subject?

they are classic bully personalty types with very little to no real empathy
As opposed to classic predators going for the gullible.
What would those sort do with empathy?

where is your proof of more profit ?
I didn't mention "profit" I said "publicity".

because that is my point.
trying to change the subject of the argument to infer something else is not going to work with me.
Change the subject?
(BTW the word is "imply").

as i said refer TV interviews web sites and book sales.
No you didn't: you simply said "media promotion".
TV here (again) gives FAR FAR more publicity to the frauds, I can't remember the last time a debunker was given an interview for their latest book (if ever).

and !
look at who they chase after.
not the big organised churches of the pedophile farms in the american bible belt with generations of systematic rape and kidnapping of children but some little old lady seeking some solace about her dead husband etc...
Because that's who the so-called "psychics" prey on maybe?
Or are you STILL trying to change the subject?

they go for the soft targets because they are weak coward psychopathic bullys.
Nope, they're people concerned about general gullibility in the public domain.
For every debunker that's seen on TV (here at least) there's 4 or 5 "psychics"..

your trying to own the name debunker as if it only relates to the action of saving little old women from nasty money making psychics

do you really think i would simply sit on the buss you decided to steer into a brick wall ?

come on man at least bring out a "B" quality game if your going to bother responding to me.

as i said a test of their merit is that they never go after organised religion which does far more damage and takes many millions of times more money.

they go after the soft target (my theme running right through all my posts)

atheism is a belief not a vocation or hobby of outlined actions like "debunking and your attempt to attach it solely to non organised religious belief.

sheesh this is kindergarten level stuff.
your trying to own the name debunker as if it only relates to the action of saving little old women from nasty money making psychics
In other words you haven't got an argument.

come on man at least bring out a "B" quality game if your going to bother responding to me.
You're kidding, there's no need for me to even wake up so far.

as i said a test of their merit is that they never go after organised religion which does far more damage and takes many millions of times more money.
Again you're changing topic.
The subject under discussion is psychic abilities.
But consider that religion has a definite (largely protected) legal status for one thing, unlike the frauds.

they go after the soft target (my theme running right through all my posts)
Nope, they go after frauds.

atheism is a belief not a vocation or hobby of outlined actions like "debunking and your attempt to attach it solely to non organised religious belief.
Atheism is a lack of belief.

sheesh this is kindergarten level stuff.
That would explain the *cough* quality of your posts and argument then.
I can see why you claim "psycho" powers.:rolleyes:
Wrong. Atheism is a lack of belief.

I think this pretty much sums up your entire premise of reality and logic.

the hole in the ground is the example that anti matter exists according to your ideological philosophical doctrine !
LOL is all i can say.
I think this pretty much sums up your entire premise of reality and logic.
Meaning (again) that you have no actual argument?
You'd just prefer to spout glib "dismissals" instead of providing evidence or supporting data?

the hole in the ground is the example that anti matter exists according to your ideological philosophical doctrine !
LOL is all i can say.
Ooh, long words!
Are you sure you know what they mean? (It doesn't appear to be the case).
WTF does anti-matter have to do with it?
Is this yet another (ignorance-based) attempt to avoid the topic?
Meaning (again) that you have no actual argument?
You'd just prefer to spout glib "dismissals" instead of providing evidence or supporting data?Ooh, long words!Are you sure you know what they mean? (It doesn't appear to be the case).WTF does anti-matter have to do with it?
Is this yet another (ignorance-based) attempt to avoid the topic?

classic low intellect response, just keep repeating the same thing over and over like you did in the school play ground
problem is that doesn't work around the smart people.
i suggest you go back to your little group of retard freinds and continue your retard life in nice familiar retard surroundings.

LOL people like you think you know everything, but all you do is go about shouting at others telling them how ignorant you are.
classic low intellect response, just keep repeating the same thing over and over like you did in the school play ground
problem is that doesn't work around the smart people.
Classic half-wit avoidance of the subject.
You can't give an real answer so you've resorted to insults.
Oh, and incidentally implying you're a smart person.
Also wrong.

i suggest you go back to your little group of retard freinds and continue your retard life in nice familiar retard surroundings.
So you STILL haven't got an actual valid response.

LOL people like you think you know everything, but all you do is go about shouting at others telling them how ignorant you are.
This coming from the idiot who hasn't yet given a worthwhile answer to any of my replies?
And who's had to resort to nothing but (attempted) "put downs"?
Looking in the mirror again?
How do you consistently manage to fail so spectacularly nearly every time?

Never mind, one day you'll get into the big wide world and discover things aren't the way you think they are.
It's called "reality".
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Classic half-wit avoidance of the subject.
You can't give an real answer so you've resorted to insults.
Oh, and incidentally implying you're a smart person.
Also wrong.
So you STILL haven't got an actual valid response.
This coming from the idiot who hasn't yet given a worthwhile answer to any of my replies?
And who's had to resort to nothing but (attempted) "put downs"?
Looking in the mirror again?
How do you consistently manage to fail so spectacularly nearly every time?

Never mind, one day you'll get into the big wide world and discover things aren't the way you think they are.
It's called "reality".


awww you poor thing
you have soo much of your self worth invested in this you cant let go
your like a dog with a bone
awww you poor thing
you have soo much of your self worth invested in this you cant let go
your like a dog with a bone
I really like how you keep coming back to tell me so.
Ironic isn't it?
Or is that you have some deep-seated need to get the last word in, regardless of its actual worth?
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Its hard to have a interesting conversation Ripple of death, when your having a conversation with Dywyddyrr, because their needs to be a intrest in the subject to make discovery.

All people have Psychic powers.

Its hard to have a interesting conversation Ripple of death, when your having a conversation with Dywyddyrr, because their needs to be a intrest in the subject to make discovery.
More bullshit.
You'll never understand the depth of my interest in the subject.

All people have Psychic powers.
Outright bullshit.
Okay, I'm not gonna side with anyone here as I thought this was a forum where people were allowed to post their opinions freely and not be judged. As a result, please do not bring me or my comment into any past row on this thread. Thank you in advance for that. I just wanted to say that I personally believe that everyone has some kind of higher knowledge, some just choose to shut it out. Personally? The female side of my family is all the same and seem to have some kind of ability (if you choose to believe it) as does my best friend's family. I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience to mine.

My best friend and I have known each other for about 4 years, however we just became very close in the past year. Whenever he is over at my place late, it seems like activity in my house kicks up. Now, I'm very scientific about so called "paranormal" experiences, and I try to debunk what I can, as does he. There are some things, though, that cannot seem to be explained. We are both very similar, both in personality and beliefs. (Sidenote: If you choose to believe it, we both have clairaudient tendancies) Now, if he is over, the activity seems to kick up more. I thought it was him at first, but then I went over to his house, and nothing happened that we couldn't debunk.

Also, who here believes in past lives? Again, if you choose to believe it, I have reason to believe that we had a past life together which I don't feel like going into right now.

Another thing: Has anyone here ever had a relation with a person (doesn't matter if it was a relationship, a friendship, a relative) who seemed to have the ability to change someone's mood? Not by being nice or something, but by just being there. This leads into my next question, which is energy.

Life energy is something I work with constantly (I am trained to do Reiki [for those of you who do not know, reiki is healing with energy]) and my best friend, being a dancer and performer, often comes back from class or compition with twisted ankles or swolen joints. I regurally perform reiki on him, and I have found that over the course of our friendship, it has become impossible for me to "sneak up" on him. We were bored one day, and we started a game where we would walk around the yard silently and look for the other's energy (don't ask, haha, like i said, we were bored) and found that we were able to. Does anyone here know about that or how that would work?

Thanks for reading and responding in advance.
I personally believe that everyone has some kind of higher knowledge family is all the same and seem to have some kind of ability (if you choose to believe it) as does my best friend's family.

...we both have clairaudient tendancies...

I have reason to believe that we had a past life together...

I am trained to do Reiki ...

I'm very scientific about so called "paranormal" experiences, and I try to debunk what I can, as does he.

Just to point out, GVK2012, your latter quote is contradicted by the former.

Like churches ?
why not go after them or is that because they are too powerful and they cant beat them up like a poor person with no support ?
they are classic bully personalty types with very little to no real empathy


and !
look at who they chase after.
not the big organised churches of the pedophile farms in the american bible belt with generations of systematic rape and kidnapping of children but some little old lady seeking some solace about her dead husband etc...

they go for the soft targets because they are weak coward psychopathic bullys.

Actually, you make some good points here. This is the main reason psychic frauds, faith healers, diviners, etc. etc. aren't all living behind bars right now. If governments were to actively go out and challenge every snake oil salesman making absurd unsubstantiated claims in the media, they would have no choice but to apply the same standards to the more accepted religions. Don't think it would sit too well with a majority of voters or the politicians they elect if governments were to start demanding proof every time churches called for action based on some baseless fantasy.
Just to point out, GVK2012, your latter quote is contradicted by the former.

No it isn't, but I suppose that did sound a little weird. Let me clairify. See, I do believe in the paranormal, but I try and be scientific about not automatically labeling it paranormal. If I hear a noise, I don't automatically say it was a ghost, I try and figure out what made that noise, you know what I mean? I try and be fair so to speak to both sides of the argument. Thanks for pointing out the contradition there, though! :)
No it isn't, but I suppose that did sound a little weird. Let me clairify. See, I do believe in the paranormal, but I try and be scientific about not automatically labeling it paranormal. If I hear a noise, I don't automatically say it was a ghost, I try and figure out what made that noise, you know what I mean? I try and be fair so to speak to both sides of the argument. Thanks for pointing out the contradition there, though! :)

You're still contradicting yourself. There is no evidence whatsoever related to the paranormal, yet you believe in the paranormal. Scientists don't label anything paranormal if no evidence exists for it.