Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

Actually, you make some good points here. This is the main reason psychic frauds, faith healers, diviners, etc. etc. aren't all living behind bars right now. If governments were to actively go out and challenge every snake oil salesman making absurd unsubstantiated claims in the media, they would have no choice but to apply the same standards to the more accepted religions. Don't think it would sit too well with a majority of voters or the politicians they elect if governments were to start demanding proof every time churches called for action based on some baseless fantasy.

i really don't mind what people choose to believe in (this puts me in a very small group of people in the world which collectively have a vastly higher than average IQ i suspect).
Sure things like the crusades and the inquisition and such like holy wars and genocides annoy me just as much as any genocidal maniac type pursuit like the nazis or any other number of current groups actively engaged in genocide and oppression of people.

that is why i think it is critical to the survival of a peaceful society to have a secular government with an even handed liberal collective non violent mandate.
the irony of trying to raise debates of "the right to life" as far as abortion is concerned is just lunacy when you advocate capital punishment and actively repress scientific technology like basic contraception.

what we currently have is religious groups trying to dictate what type of sex you can have, who you can have it with and who you cant have it with and what type of sex that constitutes.
i really do think that is an absolutely absurd concept to apply to consenting adults however there is a vast number of people who wish to meddle in other adults sex lifes as much as they can.

is there any other type of pervert that we define that does this that goes without a religious banner to hide behind like some sycophantic pedophile grooming a community ?

strange way to define supposed divine love for all.

what a twisted bunch of nutters they all are, soo far from real love they must create hate to try and fool themselves to think they have something greater than bland mediocrity of collective single minded ignorance.

anywho... im rambling now
im sure you get my point.
there is no actual proof that can hold up in a court of law to prove Jesus existed as the son of any god like being.
just as much as there is no proof that would hold up in court of any other religious groups declaration of religious "rite".

and yet they are exempt from tax...

the biggest tax collector of known human history (organised religion) is exempt from paying tax on all its billions in profit.
why cant i be exempt from paying tax if i declare i am in fact an alien ?

if you can not foster freedom of choice of belief with your religion then your religion is a genocidal paradigm waiting for a moment to seize absolute dictatorship over the souls of those who are purportedly not yours to control.

oh the irony !
You're still contradicting yourself. There is no evidence whatsoever related to the paranormal, yet you believe in the paranormal. Scientists don't label anything paranormal if no evidence exists for it.

Okay, maybe scientific wasn't quite the best word, haha, but I figured people would understand what I was trying to say. What I mean is that I don't automatically label something paranormal, but try to find an explanation for the occurance. I.E. Bangs, water turning on and off (pressure in pipes) ect.

That clear it up?
Okay, maybe scientific wasn't quite the best word, haha, but I figured people would understand what I was trying to say. What I mean is that I don't automatically label something paranormal, but try to find an explanation for the occurance. I.E. Bangs, water turning on and off (pressure in pipes) ect.

That clear it up?

Nope. Labeling anything paranormal is false.
Nope. Labeling anything paranormal is false.

all kinds of evidence exists of the paranormal. i know, i know, it doesn't fit in with your paradigm. not much does really. :shrug:
you know, it occurred to me Q, that if anything ever paranormal, or spiritual, or supernatural ever did happen to you, it would ruin your life. because you would sooner check yourself into an asylum, and spend the rest of your life so drugged up all you could manage to do is drool, than to admit you were ever wrong about anything. maybe that's why god doesn't allow you to experience stuff like that. you couldn't handle it.
you know, it occurred to me Q, that if anything ever paranormal, or spiritual, or supernatural ever did happen to you, it would ruin your life. because you would sooner check yourself into an asylum, and spend the rest of your life so drugged up all you could manage to do is drool, than to admit you were ever wrong about anything. maybe that's why god doesn't allow you to experience stuff like that. you couldn't handle it.

and that's not even beginning to mention how much of his reality hinges on his ego that cant afford to be proven wrong.

it is no different to believing that the world is flat.
you can give all the evidence you like but they can still sit there and say prove it and since they have never expereinced it they will never believe it...
yet they believe all sorts of things that they have not actually expereinced.

such people invest faith in themselves so not ever having to challenge their reality because it is soo fragile.
ive seen it time and time again.

hence the concept of faith and it being a basic requirement on the path to true love.
and true unselfishness also...
all these type of people think humans are inherently selfish and think there is no such thing as giving freely to another.
'or they perceive it as a weakness that should be exploited.

while i admire people who try to change them i see many of them who never change until they get to old age and can no longer defend themselves and fear creeps in then the dark side takes over and they spend their remaining days swinging madly between insanity and a state of pre cursor evil causing much distaste and misery about themselves in their community...
like an old witch who has lost control and cant not inflict black magic upon others as they have no inner peace or inner faith(seen and expereinced that a few times).
you know, it occurred to me Q, that if anything ever paranormal, or spiritual, or supernatural ever did happen to you, it would ruin your life. because you would sooner check yourself into an asylum, and spend the rest of your life so drugged up all you could manage to do is drool, than to admit you were ever wrong about anything. maybe that's why god doesn't allow you to experience stuff like that. you couldn't handle it.

One thing truly amazing with the insane is that nothing magical or mystical is ever doubted as not being real. The amount of fantasies conjured from them appears to be endless. From ghosts and goblins to alien visitations, the insane will surely tell you it's as real as the nose on your face.

Then, the insane will tell you that you're insane for not believing in their fantasies.

One can only pity the insane, especially when they refuse to seek treatment and are in denial.
One thing truly amazing with the insane is that nothing magical or mystical is ever doubted as not being real. The amount of fantasies conjured from them appears to be endless. From ghosts and goblins to alien visitations, the insane will surely tell you it's as real as the nose on your face.

Then, the insane will tell you that you're insane for not believing in their fantasies.

One can only pity the insane, especially when they refuse to seek treatment and are in denial.

I think the pity extends to the point that no one feels good about arguing with them. Basically they live in their own little fantasy world with others of their kind. For me they are a branch on the tree of religion.
Nothing reliable, just pseudoscientific garbage.

Just a question, if you think pseudoscience is garbage, why do you come on these threads? Or do you just have nothing better to do than argue with people about something they are 100% entitled to like their opinion?
Just a question, if you think pseudoscience is garbage, why do you come on these threads? Or do you just have nothing better to do than argue with people about something they are 100% entitled to like their opinion?
Possibly because although this is Pseudoscience it's a sub-forum on a science forum.
And making sure the woo woos people know that their opinion is just that - and an uninformed opinion at that, is the responsible thing to do.
Or maybe you wouldn't point out to someone that putting sugar into a car's fuel tank is not a good idea even though in their opinion it may be.
ok soo ive got this cyclic power and its really really cool
it gets me to the shops and back
and faster than a mule
it even helps me stay fit
and keeps me off the ground
it really is quite powerful
my cyclic pedals going around

I had the ability to not wake up in class even when my teachers poked me with pencils while the class laughed. Is this special, or merely amusing?
A universe formed in my head for 1.4^-122 seconds, its aftermath I carry everywhere, the knowledge of it's civilizations in my head forever.