Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

Since this thread has degenerated into silliness, let me just conclude by saying this:

I don't have psychic powers yet, but I predict that I will.

I foresee that I will.

It is in my future.

Thanks folks; I'll be here all week.
psychic powers

there are literally millions of people who can read minds i call them teletubbies or tele.and reading minds disables other abilities.think of it as reading a book and absorbing what you read while watching a movie and talking on the phone.too much interference.its not a secret,it is actually the lowest on the ladder of genetics needed,mostly used to steal secrets and be nosy!there are other things which are hundreds of times better.if you search long enough youll find a few hints.(if you know what and who to look for)beware of the fonies they will mislead you and mess up your natural thought process causing you to lose concentration everytime.
It always strikes me as odd how people argue against anything remotely 'psi' on the assumption (or more appropriately 'preconception') that its a violation of the laws of science.
Im not really sold on telepathy either but i certainly wouldnt bother arguing against it on grounds of impossibility, i wouldnt put it past the ability of the universe atall to be able to exchange raw information between seperate organisms.
But people still insist of working on false preconceptions of what science actually tells us, not that dis-similar to the way in which christian fundi 'family values' types will argue on the basis of their misconceptions of what the bible's teaches, rather than what it actually says.

bohm on non-locality and interconnected order..

If man thinks of the totality as constituted of independent fragments, then that is how his mind will tend to operate, but if he can include everything coherently and harmoniously in an overall whole that is undivided, unbroken, and without a border then his mind will tend to move in a similar way, and from this will flow an orderly action within the whole.
The notion that all these fragments is separately existent is evidently an illusion, and this illusion cannot do other than lead to endless conflict and confusion. Indeed, the attempt to live according to the notion that the fragments are really separate is, in essence, what has led to the growing series of extremely urgent crises that is confronting us today.
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I'm not saying it can't occur, but only that as a jerk I have to be skeptical of it. There needs to be a plausible system. For example: intergenomic epistasis was poo-pooed for a long time in genetics, but may well occur on the basis of genomic conflict.

Also, it's incredibly amusing to make fun of psi stuff. That might be more "jerkiness" than actual science, however.
Nothing wrong with skepticism, im a huge skeptic myself - i think its all very healthy. And im certainly not against people who use critical reasoning to put forward why they believe its unlikely. Or even suggesting that there isnt enough proof to really believe anything as yet.
But its just hard to take people seriously who are really fighting from a stand-point which is really just outdated materialism. Unless of course you offer a reasoned argument for re-embracing materialism. :)
So has anyone actually got any powers yet?
I thought I had, I was making the room spin, but it turned out I was just drunk.
So a little test, I'm thinking of an odd number between one and four....
When I get angry closed doors fly open as do hinged windows or slam shut when open. Any electric watch in close proximity is fried (1 ft), radios and TV's are besieged by static and digital calculators experience weird errors and people have accidents.

When I am being pushed by other people they receive the full range of bad karma lawyers have been threw in prison and psychiatrist commit suicide

As for meditation I use different techniques for different purposes. To calm and clear my mind I use the void technique. I concentrate on my breathing while visualizing an abyss that is totally empty I place my self in the center then open my mind to the void and let all my thoughts to drift away to its furthest corners.

For energizing my spirit I follow the void with the ball of light. I visualize a ball of pure energy being formed above my head. When formed I draw it down through my head to the region of my solar plexus I then start it to vibrate and spread through my body this continues till I am filled and my body resonates with the flow of the energy and universe.

For protection I use the sphere of protection. I calm my mind and visualize a sphere forming around myself this sphere is clear from the inside and silver on the outside it reflects all negative energy back to its source while allowing positive energy to pass through.

with respect
doors fly open? are you serious, or just screwing around?
psychic and being correct is just being an accurate predictor. sometimes our information is correct, sometimes it's not, sometimes it's incomplete, sometimes it's interpreted incorrectly, sometimes the information is just not there. that's why no one is accurately able to predict correctly every time. guessing is not being psychic either.

what we think of as consciousness is more than our conscious thought but other sensations we pick up as well as noticing causal relations that are not officially recognized since they are in flux anyways. this is what psychism is.
Truth be told i have had psycho powers for a very long time.
ever since i was a child.
i was in fact born with psycho powers and have spent my life refining them.

now i can make anyone i like turn completely psycho.
prior to my years of skill refinement it was just a side effect from mutual association.
check this out, >>>>>THIS WOMANseems to be doing something.

ok note what i was looking for was the black and white video of the Russian women(not sure if she is bultic or whatever etc..)

all the other stuff in the video looks odd ish so i cant be bothered watching it.
the bombing some city video clip makes it look seriously dodgy.
James Randy does a typical debunking of this demonstration by showing how he can replicate a few seconds of the footage...completely ignoring the fact that this woman moved balls, matches, and objects inside a plastic box...under the view of several investigators.

people like him are actually feeding off the situation.
after years of research into the paranormal i discovered that 99% of all debunkers are infact doing it to make money while they claim the expereincers are doing the same thing and thus must be dishonest.
i came to the conclusion that i would not piss on a debunker if they were burning to death.

we are talking about people that set out to extract and demolish hope from the lifes of those reaching for a little compassion and aspiration.

yet we dont see them doing the same to people going to church every sunday in the millions.
they prey on the weak these debunkers.
they are not only scum sucking swamp creatures but they choose to spend their life sitting right in the middle of the paranormal world attempting to destroy everything they can with their nasty cynical vindictive personalities.
some of them are soo far gone they are sociopaths and start out pretending to believe to win freinds and bring people close to them to eventually take the plane down with all on board in a burning mess and feed monetarily off the plane crash.

you will notice there is more media promotion behind the debunkers books than anything else.
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after years of research into the paranormal i discovered that 99% of all debunkers are infact doing it to make money while they claim the expereincers are doing the same thing and thus must be dishonest.
That would explain why the debunkers are so famous and so numerous compared to the frauds then.

we are talking about people that set out to extract and demolish hope from the lifes of those reaching for a little compassion and aspiration.
As opposed to the frauds who set out to extract money and psychological dependence from the gullible?
You'd rather false hope and continued ignorance prevailed?

you will notice there is more media promotion behind the debunkers books than anything else.
The frauds get far more publicity for their "work".
That would explain why the debunkers are so famous and so numerous compared to the frauds then.

have you done any study on the subject ?
look at the highest selling books and TV interviews etc...

As opposed to the frauds who set out to extract money and psychological dependence from the gullible?
You'd rather false hope and continued ignorance prevailed?

Like churches ?
why not go after them or is that because they are too powerful and they cant beat them up like a poor person with no support ?
they are classic bully personalty types with very little to no real empathy

The frauds get far more publicity for their "work".

where is your proof of more profit ?
because that is my point.
trying to change the subject of the argument to infer something else is not going to work with me.
as i said refer TV interviews web sites and book sales.

and !
look at who they chase after.
not the big organised churches of the pedophile farms in the american bible belt with generations of systematic rape and kidnapping of children but some little old lady seeking some solace about her dead husband etc...

they go for the soft targets because they are weak coward psychopathic bullys.
