Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

I am telapathetic :D

That aside, until you see the headline, "Psychic wins lotto" I wont believe it.
I must know If any of you guys have psychic powers yet. I don't want lies :( I really would like to talk to you about it.


goodbye...until we meet again...

Yes. I have such powers.

I predict that this thread will go nowhere and involve lots of ad hominem attacks.

Go on and see if I'm right.
i was gifted with temporary psychic dreams of knowledge for a while. They did not predict the future ( yet ), Bush hasnt been shot (yet), but they sure did exemplify the psychic power of what they were.
The more we switch off the more switched on we become. With all the distractions we endure and accept within this society, it's only a matter of time that that fully fed ego rivals what really matters in ourselves. Perhaps this thread and such like it are a realisation of this and an instinctive diversion to what the system wants us to be. We - amplifiers of everything - but only if we want to be. Capitalism compartmentalises the mind. That's why we have no "psychic" powers "yet" K.S.
What a common battle you have going on in your mind.
Realy it is fairly common, although most get through it by the time they get to 20 years old.
you poor victim of the structure of the normal society...
i would shed a tear if i realy cared, but i don't.

just another victim desprately trying to prove there is nothing better.

You do have the power to choose you know.
that is actualy your choice.
but until you stop making a war out of reality then you wont find any peace and reason in your thinking, hence your hunger for the strugle.
you gotta be carefull because it can lead you to other addictions,
like emotional addiction and stalking, if you dont get into drugs in a big way.
Good luck (i am seriouse with that).

I know you've done and thought the same. That's why you're replying to this thread.
Whats so hard to believe.

Talking about telepathy or other psi experiments has validity within a science forum.

I admit there are extremists and have even found people in these forums who claim to be aliens, but there is legitimacy to the quest for knowledge.

Imagine trying to sell a satellite TV to "King Arthur" (yes of course he was real. lol).


a) have you shot for implying there was such a thing as electricity.

b) have you shot for implying that light need not come from fire.

c) have you shot for implying invisible signals travel through the air attempting to sell you corn pops.

d) have you shot for trying to sell him corn pops.

e) none of the above.

Yes, it has to be E because guns and rifles did not exist in medieval times.

In all of mankinds thousands of years of history, radio waves were not discovered until less than 120 years ago by Hertz.

Many scientists allow for telepathy and other "Para"-psychology psi theories into their own hypothesis.

"para" from the greek means similar-to. We are in the "similar-to"-psychology forum". I contend that some day some of the topics listed here will be title pages among science journals without the "para".

The Final Frontier of science is the human mind.

Yes, I do have psychic "powers" as do we all. I started the send thoughts thread because of this thread. Furthermore; I am trying to research the effects of communication between cells. Calcium, or in fact Ca2+ ions seem to play an important role in "psychic" phenomenon. I am assuming that I am speaking Jibberish to the Naysayers, as they have a little "catching-up" to do.


For those interested in cell research, and "para"psychology, we cannot explain how cells can communicate injury to other cells in unaffected areas, yet cells respond to these injuries. Are cells capable of telepathy?

Try that question on for size? I know, I know. I can hear the Graffiti now. If you do not wish to at least pretend to assume possibilities, and provide intelligent possibilities, why bother? O.K let me have it.
Imagine trying to sell a satellite TV to "King Arthur" (yes of course he was real. lol).

Yes, I do have psychic "powers" as do we all.

After retrieving the 'Newt' with my time machine, we sat all day enjoying football with beer and pizza on Charlie. He was convinced it worked after demonstrating that it did in fact work.

And you are demonstrating what powers?

O.K. Newt. Time Machine. I get it.

I started a New Thread in the "para"psychology forum (sending Thoughts)because of the negativity in your thread Kinetic Spirit. You seem to have a lifestyle that invites bullying. Yes I have read all of your entries here.

How can you call yourself scientists if the quickest sarcasm you can think of materializes in your response.

This type of Newt/Time machine Graffiti is what I had predicted in a non Jean Dixon way. It would seem that "The Flat Earth Society" is well rooted in SciForums.

Kinetic Spirit. Your name suggests "spirit in motion". I cannot believe that you started this thread with any such aspirations. "Halted Spirit", or "Old Spirit" would seem more applicable names.

There. What a waste of my time. You obviously have only started this thread to attack the possibility of psychic phenomenon.

One month ago you would have attacked the possibility of "Ball Lightning", yet after years of sightings the "mystery" has been solved. It is simply lightning hitting silicon.

You can check it out on wikipedia where it is still in the category of "unexplained mysteries". OOOOOOOO <<(eerie ghost sound).
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When you peel back the layers of fallacy (appeals to authority; personal incredulity; etc.) and attempted pejoratives (opponents are members of Flat Earth; grafitti artists, etc.), the only thing that remains is: "I believe."

No evidence. No data worth discussing. Just belief.
O.K. Newt. Time Machine. I get it.

I don't think you do.

How can you call yourself scientists if the quickest sarcasm you can think of materializes in your response.

You see, you didn't get it, the key word is demonstrate.

This type of Newt/Time machine Graffiti is what I had predicted in a non Jean Dixon way. It would seem that "The Flat Earth Society" is well rooted in SciForums.

It would seem that you are still unable to demonstrate anything, especially your predictions.
I must know If any of you guys have psychic powers yet. I don't want lies :( I really would like to talk to you about it.


goodbye...until we meet again...
I have the uncanny, if not magical, power to perceive idiocy.

This place always makes my senses tingle with reactive certainty.

I’, projecting an image towards you…guess what it is.
I can prove cells can communicate as far as 10 rows removed. I know this because of cell reactions. How this occurs is yet unexplained.

How to create a hypothesis?

It would seem my only avenue is to create my own hypothesis, and continue. I cannot seem to find a single supporter in this sciforum who even accepts telepathy, never mind at a cellular level.

I will close off my thread. Looking here was obviously a waste of time.

Thanks for your "creative input" everyone.
I can prove cells can communicate as far as 10 rows removed. I know this because of cell reactions. How this occurs is yet unexplained.

How to create a hypothesis?

It would seem my only avenue is to create my own hypothesis, and continue. I cannot seem to find a single supporter in this sciforum who even accepts telepathy, never mind at a cellular level.

I will close off my thread. Looking here was obviously a waste of time.

Thanks for your "creative input" everyone.

Cells communicate through cell to cell matrix, receptors, and ligands released in response to a change in the level of substrate or product or through hormonal stimulation.

It is an established and recognised mode of communication.
But to the undereducated significance-junkie and to the mystery-monger, this is .... significant and mysterious!
Sorry, that was meant to be my last response. I am not here to educate you on signal transduction. Enzymes and pathways (primary/secondary), or their effects. If you want to learn biology go to school.

Sorry, that was meant to be my last response. I am not here to educate you on signal transduction. Enzymes and pathways (primary/secondary), or their effects. If you want to learn biology go to school.


You said how this occurs is yet unexplained.
I said.

Am I spelling poorly.

"Cells are reacting as far away as 10 cells" with no apparent communication and with T-typ.

Never mind.. You are T-types. Hows that for a swear word.
I said.

Am I spelling poorly.

"Cells are reacting as far away as 10 cells" with no apparent communication and with T-typ.

Never mind.. You are T-types. Hows that for a swear word.

Give me an example of cells reacting as far away as 10 cells with no apparent communication.