Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

problem dont believe that we will come to your party...because you dont believe any of us psychic powers...thus you will never have a party for us to use psychic powers to know of...therefore noone will come to you party since there isnt any.

Which means I get to drink all the alcohol, so I may throw a party in the hope that none of you show up. :D
I could swear that sometimes I dream about future events---for example, after some event happens, I think "Oh yeah, I dreamed about that". But I'm a scientist and chalk it up to chance or fancy. I don't put too much weight in it.

Why not put weight in it? Something in your mind obviously tells you that you have seen something before it has happened, but you disregard your first instinct because you're a scientist. Why can't you have both? The same thing happens to me all the time. I have these crazy dreams about people I have never seen, places I have never been, things I couldn't possibly know. Then one night I have this weird dream about a car accident...two days later the accident is in the paper. This is the first and only time this had happened, I'm not some crazy person who searches the papers trying to prove I am psychic. This seems crazy, but I am not just talking about "Oh I saw a car accident in my dream, therefore any real accident after that makes me a psychic" NO! I am saying I knew the types of cars, the color of the cars, the different vehicles at the scene of the accident, the color of the ambulance, the road it happened on, even names of people involved. I understand about Confirmation Bias and the Law of Truly Large Numbers, but this was too freakin' weird. I tried to write it off, but couldn't.
those who have real psychic powers tend to consider them as much a curse as a gift.
a large proportion of the population of the earth still have soo many hang ups and issues the very notion of a society like one depicted in the xmen being possible is many generations away.
greed for power and corruption is soo heavily ingrained in the nurture of babies that it perpetuates the canabalistic society that trys to self justify that survival of the fittest and not considering other peoples feelings and sharing is something that is a fools game for idle aristocrisy.

i must say it is odd that soo many people (a vast majority of the worlds population) are religous in varying forms and yet the vast staggering hate and fear of the concept of psychic ability not to mention the witch hunt mentality and attempt to victimise people with a lynch mob mentality.

this fact quite clearly illustrates that fear, guilt, shame and misstrust are used as corner stones of the nurture of the majority of children.
Technology races ahead while social evolution is EXTREEMLY slow in comparrison.
i kinda dream of the future like a dayja vu or watever you spell it like you kinda know the future vaguely
Your psychic powers are noticeably absent.

What a common battle you have going on in your mind.
Realy it is fairly common, although most get through it by the time they get to 20 years old.
you poor victim of the structure of the normal society...
i would shed a tear if i realy cared, but i don't.

just another victim desprately trying to prove there is nothing better.

You do have the power to choose you know.
that is actualy your choice.
but until you stop making a war out of reality then you wont find any peace and reason in your thinking, hence your hunger for the strugle.
you gotta be carefull because it can lead you to other addictions,
like emotional addiction and stalking, if you dont get into drugs in a big way.
Good luck (i am seriouse with that).

just another victim desprately trying to prove there is nothing better.

but until you stop making a war out of reality then you wont find any peace and reason in your thinking, hence your hunger for the strugle.
you gotta be carefull because it can lead you to other addictions,
like emotional addiction and stalking, if you dont get into drugs in a big way.
Good luck (i am seriouse with that). still waiting for your psychic powers to kick in too?

I'll let you know if you get one right. still waiting for your psychic powers to kick in too?

I'll let you know if you get one right.

its not about psychic powers, that i may or more likely may not have.
my point is your wholesale dismissal of potentialy scientific facts that are mearly unknown as yet.
which is why i used the flat earth society as an example, because at one stage it was a perfectly normal concept, just like the speed of sound, and maybe (note only maybe) the speed of light idea also.
now don't assume i am saying Einstien is wrong or such like, i am mearly pointing at the fact that there are many aspects about quantim physics that are not known.

you have come stamping into an area shouting people down instead of applying scientific discusion and analysis.
that in its self is a sign of a pre disposed agenda on your part.

take it and the whole topic exactly as you like but why is it that you come into these thread areas and attempt to disrupt the discusion by runnign people down ?

whats that about ?
You've done nothing except psychologically analyze me just because I approached this topic from a skeptical angle. If a good psychologist is the best choice for a psychic then my intentions were to see just how far your analysis of me would go. I'll play the part of the malingering anti-psychic just to piss you off because the one thing a psychic can't do is lose their composure. In the same vein it was hoped that you could look past that and see my retorts as nothing more than an attempt to show you just how fragile the whole concept of psychic ability possession is. I don't have to prove psychic powers exist but you do.

Dismissing psychic accounts with conventional logic proves that the only way you are ever going to convince the world that there is indeed psychic power present and available is to basically recite for us here and now the powerball numbers or something else with stunning accuracy. No imagination required but hard factual evidence down to the last detail would satisfy the unbeliever. So good luck.
3 26 30 54 55 15

Psychics are all so filthy rich from lottery spoils that they are now willing to share the powerball numbers.:cool: We should each get a couple of bucks.

Unbelievable, you have my birthday in the first 2 numbers. Q, you are truly gifted:D Hmmm...... How much for a consultation?;)
Unbelievable, you have my birthday in the first 2 numbers.

The next set of numbers signifies the range of your age in which you'll have intense thoughts of fast cars and faster women. The last set of numbers represents the street crossing where you'll meet your fourth wife.
The next set of numbers signifies the range of your age in which you'll have intense thoughts of fast cars and faster women. The last set of numbers represents the street crossing where you'll meet your fourth wife.

I'd rather have Hefner's range, is that the best I can do? I will be avoiding 15th & 55th.
"Worship Q"
Sweet One
5500 15th Avenue
New York, NY

"Q is a warm and gentle spirit. I felt the glow of his personal aura, a repository of Kirlian energy in harmony with nature. His power to transcend the membrane of time that separates the Now from the Then is as mysterious as it is wondrous. I no longer dread waking up in the morning knowing that in my future there is only joy. And its cheap too!' ....Psychotic
You've done nothing except psychologically analyze me just because I approached this topic from a skeptical angle. If a good psychologist is the best choice for a psychic then my intentions were to see just how far your analysis of me would go. I'll play the part of the malingering anti-psychic just to piss you off because the one thing a psychic can't do is lose their composure. In the same vein it was hoped that you could look past that and see my retorts as nothing more than an attempt to show you just how fragile the whole concept of psychic ability possession is. I don't have to prove psychic powers exist but you do.

Dismissing psychic accounts with conventional logic proves that the only way you are ever going to convince the world that there is indeed psychic power present and available is to basically recite for us here and now the powerball numbers or something else with stunning accuracy. No imagination required but hard factual evidence down to the last detail would satisfy the unbeliever. So good luck.

You are right psychology is an interest for me.
and obviousely you can not realy psychoanalyse someone on a forum,
would you agree ?
You are right psychology is an interest for me.
and obviousely you can not realy psychoanalyse someone on a forum,
would you agree ?

I would.

I think most good psychics are excellent psychologists who understand the human psyche so well that they can, for lack of a better word, convince enough gullible people to believe in them.

What makes a bad psychic? Ans....One that believes they're actually psychic.
It is meaningless to spend years to be able to predict something that is good it is just as well to just enjoy it when it comes, and the bad things can cause people to think you are causing them or they just will not believe you and there is little point to put yourself in that position. The earth has natural warning systems for almost everything you just have to relate the cycles of the planets to happenings on earth, earthquakes, volcano's, plate tectonics and weather over what we know of history to present. people give a lot away by there actions,words and everything that we do has reason and effect.