Did We Really Go To The Moon

Some Links about the "Moon Hoax"

Hi all -
Just a few links to various web-sites I have found useful in shedding some light on the details of the Moon/Apollo Hoax. I hope these provide a little amusement and quite a few eye-opening epiphanies.









Just my two cents, and realize that my opinions (or, actually, ANYBODYS opinions) do not count as evidence. Let's let the facts speak for themselves.
You guys are so funny, why do you even pay attention to those who are obviously nuts… flag wavers etc..

Alright, first of all I have to inform you that I am Russian. Second, I do believe that men were on the moon, but they were Russian…… just kidding :)

I truly believe that the States made it. But it’s amazing how all of a sudden US won the space race! How does that work? Who is to say that it was over then!… why not when the first man made it into space? Or when the first man ventured outside the rocket into open space? Why the moon? Or why even claim it’s over? May be it still goes on?
It’s like when Donovan Bailey of Canada won the 100 meter race on the Summer Olympics who was racing against some American dude, you have to forgive me – I don’t remember his name. Through the entire history of Olympics, the fastest man on Earth was the one that won the 100 meter race and when the American won the 200m, FOR SOME REASON THE AMERICAN PRESS DECLAIRED HIM TO BE THE FASTEST MAN ON EARTH! Give credit where it’s due people! Be fair!

Second, I do believe that the American government murdered JFK, but believe it or not it was done for the good of the world – the fool could have started nuclear war.

Thirdly, I do realize the need for competition – if there would be no “space race” I doubt that we would be walking around with cell phones and having THE BEST INVENTION EVER – yes, I am referring to the zippers! It would be so painful to button up the fly every time.

I believe in “space for everyone” – I don’t think a single planet should belong to one country – it belongs to the human kind! Leave that territorial bull on Earth.
:) :D
Welcome to sciforums, Dmitri.

Your countrymen won first honors for the first satellite into space, the first live creature into space, and very nearly made the first man to the moon. There was no one else in the race.

Maybe JFK was killed by our government people. It has been a suspision but never proven. Personally, I think not but that is my thoughts.
HEY! you forgot first MAN in space, first WOMAN in space, first MAN outside the spaceship. And from what I was told (but then again it was in Russia so it could be biased) Russia scrapped the moon program because they didn't think it was necessary to put a man up there. The first extra-terestrial rover was sent out by the Russians, and it was sent to the moon....sending all the information (including soil samples) that American Astronauts provided without ever risking anybody's life. I am not sure if the rover was sent there before or after the Apolo moon landing, it would make sence if it was sent there before, but who knows.
You will find no arguement from me on the many firsts that Russia has contributed to the effort of getting mankind into space.
To the Moon!

We were the first to land on the Moon!

But China and Russia will be the next to make that giant leap, for communist kind! Maybe this century or the next, but they are shooting for the stars!
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Sir Loone....

Current affairs alert ! Communists are no longer in power in Russia. The USSR is now broken up into 15 republics. Democracy rules.
Umm, Q, Sir.Loone believes that the Devil exists. I don't think rational argument is going to reach him. Nonetheless, thank you for reminding him that the Cold War is over.....

Welcome Dmitri. Russia has made some truely remarkable contributions to space exploration, and I hope that they will continue to do so, perhaps Russia and America can even join forces in exploration.

Ah, Xev ...

Sir Loone isn't the only one behind the times considering that the
US and Soviet Russia were cooperating spacewise since the early
'70's. How do you think the Apollo/Soyuz linkup occurred on July
17th, '75 ... Or didn't you know about that?

And, they have been ISS* partners since the start.

Take care :rolleyes:

*International Space Station
Re: To the Moon!

Originally posted by Sir. Loone
We were the first to land on the Moon!

But China and Russia will be the next to make that giant leap, for communist kind! Maybe this century or the next, but they are shooting for the stars!

Yes you three :), I know about the USA & Russin Space thing, and that Russia at the time is not Communist but they could in the future fall back into it!:eek:

What I was texting about :) is that China and Russia are planing on going to the moon one day, and to the stars with probes one day as we have, but I know that their (at the time) tecnically less advanced as of we! :rolleyes:
Some day they will be on the moon!
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I think it is somewhat interesting to note that the current thinking at NASA is that manned missions are not the way to go and that robotic or probe missions are. This was the thinking of the USSR at the time the US landed on the moon (and of course we did). Perhaps they were more interested in science and "we" were more interested in showboating. Dont get me wrong, it is a great human achievement, but we did it for ego. Regarding the following comment:

their (at the time) tecnically less advanced as of we!

China and "the russians" are not technically less advanced, the russians, unfortunately, are financially unable to carry it out, and the chinese have the technology but a less mature space program ( but better rockets). Further, the political views of the government that send people to the moon are irrelevant.
Chagur: I knew that. Forgive me for being rhetorical. ;)

Loone: And what use is the moon, now that we have been there?
Oh well ...

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Man on the moon - fact or fiction?

A few years ago I saw a late-night tv discussion show in the uk that talked about the evidence to suggest the landings in 1969 (and later) were faked. It stuck in my mind and here seems a good place for me to learn a bit more.

So, rather than inflame the more knowledgable types may I ask for your comments?

I await enlightenment :)
For that matter, why fake just a lunar mission? Why not keep them there, build a base as a testament to American ingenuity? You could have a weekly special about the comings and goings of the lunar colony.

quoted from starman avatar

lol the offworld version of big brother
on 2nd thoughts-considering the loonyness of the bb lot downunder

PANIC PEOPLE we never did make it after all (TIC)