Did We Really Go To The Moon

Oh, and Sir Loonie,

Aren't you a little out of place in Science fora?

How can you lay claim to an iuota of the Land of Rationalism being a Holy Warrior of Irrationalism.

You must be more congfused than even you suspect.
The moon has a USA flag on it!

Originally posted by Mr. G
Oh, and Sir Loone,

Aren't you a little out of place in Science fora?

How can you lay claim to an iuota of the Land of Rationalism being a Holy Warrior of Irrationalism.I have freedom to roam and post, and Christianity is more "rational" then Atheism, it was our kind that built this land the United States of America! So live with it! :D

You must be more congfused than even you suspect.
You are confused, the science and Faith in GOD can go hand in hand, but Faith is more for our life and the life to come, science is for the exploration of the natural! Some people are trying to use science to disprove our Faith but they can never, it is of the Heart of man. :) You just have to find out the hard way in life you will see the truth in the end!

And we did land on the moon, and may go again! GOD bless America!:D
Mr. Loone,

<<...Christianity is more "rational" then Atheism...>>

Christianity may seem more logical than Atheism to irrationalists but, by definition, it cannot be rational since it is founded on unprovable assertions.

<<...It was our kind that built this land the United States of America! So live with it!...>>

You're confusing theists with deists. Can't you folks get anything right?

<<...the science and Faith in GOD can go hand in hand...>>

Is that why Bruno was buirned at the stake and Galileo was place under house arrest for the remainder of his life?

<<...Faith is more for our life and the life to come...>>

No, faith is about fear of death and irrational fear of non-existence. Search on these terms: "temporal lobe" and "spirituality".

<<...Some people are trying to use science to disprove our Faith but they can never, it is of the Heart of man...>>

See above.

<<...You just have to find out the hard way in life you will see the truth in the end!...>>

Sorry, I have no faith in your assertion.

<<...And we did land on the moon, and may go again!..>>

Yes, and yes.

<<...GOD bless America!..>>

I, too, ascribe to the tenets of the First Ammendment.

Long live your right to say "Allah bless America".
And long live my right to say that America exists without implied blessings from invisible things indistinguishable from non-existent things.

Try as you might, you cannot produce rationally reasoned evidence of irrationally evident concepts. Even to try shows how little you know about empirical reality.

That was an excellent reply. As far as it being to Loone, if you have time take a look at he's contribution to the religious forum...he's a nutter and rational arguments are completely wasted on him....

I did enjoy your reply though.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your implied compliment. Really. But at the same time, I must stand in defense of Sir Loone's right to express his irrational views, whatever they are, in any privately-funded venue he can find to express them.

It is his right to express them; it is our right, and our responsibility to the uncertain minds umongst us, to falsify his expressions and expose them for what they are.

We rationalists accept the additional burden because we are up to the challenge. That's what inarguably distinguishes us from the irrationalists, who aren't.
Mr G.

You Wrote:

"It is his right to express them; it is our right, and our responsibility to the uncertain minds umongst us, to falsify his expressions and expose them for what they are. "

I agree with you completely and I would never suggest that he's right to post non-sense be taken from him...but as I said check out he's contributions and see if rational arguments get through to him....the answer is they don't and attempting to point out his mistakes is an utter waste of time....sorry but thats just the way it is. Further this is a forum on astronomy and loone has to bring God into it...there's a place for it in the religious forum he's got free reign to be as stupid as he wants in there, the visual polution which he insists on tainting otherwise inteligent and entertaining discussions with makes my stomach turn and I'm at a point where I can only refer to him as a waste of time....sorry but he's well past being given the consideration you would otherwise give to a sane human being.
Ask Sir Loone if he's also Mr. Palco.

He may not be, but he is from the very same mold: assembly line, irrational thinking.
Welcome to Sciforums, Mr. G. I respect peoples' rights to be able to say their opinion. Right or wrong I support that. You give good answers to the tenants given by Sir Loone. But discourse upon this subject will have to go to the reglious forums, where it's place is.
To the moon and back again!

Originally posted by Mr. G
Ask Sir Loone if he's also Mr. Palco.I know not "Mr. Palco", and I am Christian and we have a more "rational" train of thought then you who do not believe in GOD and his Son and that science does not and can not disprove Him!

He may not be, but he is from the very same mold: assembly line, irrational thinking.

And America really has been to the moon and back, that is that! It's a fact! :D

Spiritual arguments tobe on the "Spirituality Forum", join the 'hay-wire' fray! :)
To the moon and back.

I am looking to chat about astronomy and would like to keep it just that and not a bible class. Thanks, but I do not want to be a witness of an argument on the existence of God.
We all hear ya Sunken Monkey Prod........

But I fear this particular discussion has been infected by the likes of old mate Loone...apparently he's delusion is proportional to the size and colour of he's preferred font....makes it hard to ignore even if you try to....

Anyways don't hold your breath he's contributions are always about God and unfortunatley he's decided this is an apropriate place to purge that particular strain of verbal dioreah (sp?)
Landing humans on the moon required the collective efforts of many thousand human participants.

Anyone of those people could have come forward to inform us that the moon landings were a hoax.

A secret known to more than one person is no longer a secret.

Name one person involved in the Apollo moon landing program who knows the landings were faked.

Of course, this would have to be a person still alive so that any one of us can confirm with them the assertion that they can truly attest to the landings having been faked.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Time to produce the evidence or be dismissed out of hand. Anyone?
Well I figured.....

Since we're indulging in fantasy then real people weren't a requirement :D
Moon Landing

The first time I heard about the doubt that we sent astronauts to the moon was by a man who claimed the earth and moon were flat as a pancake. Not long after the actual event took place in front of the eyes that watched on national television.
Ahh... being rational is weakness. It is the need to organize and prune the world into collatable data instead of diving headfirst into the marvels of excistance. The walls crumble sooner or later, no matter what dogma is preferred building blocks. Lack of vision and reason is not exclusive to religious fanatics. Putting faith in science and shunning spirituality is just as bad as the other way around.

Many science buffs who seem to have skimmed past the chapters on holism and quantum theory. That´s the place to find reason in science. You know something, but not anything final. How can one put faith in "empirical" evidence when the evidence always is dependant on the perception or interaction of the individual?

Protecting a moonrock, doesn´t mean it has to be a moonrock. It means you´ve been told it is a moonrock :)

Btw, CapricornOne is the movie to see if one wants to theorize on this hoax stuff.




I´m a balloon.... and there is no cheating in politics. Noo.. trust your masters :D

As I said before, yes, I believe the landing took place. But if something had gone wrong, the world would have been none the wiser.
Yeah baby....
Yes we did go to the moon!

Originally posted by Mr. G

Yes we have been to the moon! And I have faith in what I saw! And in GOD ! :)
America has been to the moon and back many times! That is That! :)
Originally posted by DeRez
I dont think we did go, the government has lied to us before (JFK, Roswell, countless UFO sightings, etc ....) and they will lie again.

They will never let us know the truth, it would cause panic and the government would fall.

i totally agree with you!