Did We Really Go To The Moon

An interesting note


Between 1969 and 1972 six Apollo missions brought back 382 kilograms (842 pounds) of lunar rocks, core samples, pebbles, sand and dust from the lunar surface. The six space flights returned 2200 separate samples from six different exploration sites on the Moon. In addition, three automated Soviet spacecraft returned important samples totaling 300 grams (approximately 3/4 pound) from three other lunar sites. The lunar sample building at Johnson Space Center is the chief repository for the Apollo samples. The lunar sample laboratory is where pristine lunar samples are prepared for shipment to scientists and educators. Nearly 1000 samples are distributed each year for research and teaching projects.
Study of rock and soil samples from the Moon continues to yield useful information about the early history of the Moon, the Earth, and the inner solar system. Recent computer models indicate that the Moon could have been formed from the debris resulting from the Earth being struck a glancing blow by a planetary body about the size of Mars. The chemical composition of the Moon, derived from studies of lunar rocks, is compatible with this theory of the origin of the Moon. We have learned that a crust formed on the Moon 4.4 billion years ago. This crust formation, the intense meteorite bombardment occurring afterward, and subsequent lava outpourings are recorded in the rocks. Radiation spewed out by the Sun since the formation of the Moon's crust, was trapped in the lunar soil as a permanent record of solar activity throughout this time.
Hey wet1 ...

Why even try to convince the Yahoo's with logic?

I'd be willing to bet that some of them even believe that the Earth is flat and at the center of the universe!

In this day and age, when a few hundred thousand dollars will buy you a telescope with sufficient resolving power to see the landing sites in detail, how could the Moon landings be considered to be part of an enormous hoax? I don't know.

As I said, why even try? Let them prattle on and just enjoy their posts.

Well spoken. Anyone who thinks we did not go to the moon should leave this flat earth, travel outwards in any direction then stick two fingers up at the earth in the middle!:D ;)
To and From the Moon we came!

We have been to the moon! And it was not staged, that would be going to far just to win a race!:rolleyes: I just believe, and we sat in our 2cd and 3trd grade class rooms, watching the whole mission, well much of it any way, and we will go again someday!
did man go to the moon?

well i am afraid man has never been to the moon
only one apollo mission was actually going to the moon
and that was apollo 13 and nasa realised they had stretched themselves too far the rest is history,as soon as nasa realised
it was not possible to get there they had to abort the mission.

Japan is sending a satelite early part of next year to take pictures of the lunar landing sites i think then the truth willbe told.

Or will the japanese sattelite be shot down?

just something to think abaout.
In a word: DUH...

Well, a part of some experiments to determine the speed of light to a greater degree were conducted through the use of lasers bouncing off of a mirror on the moon. Now, if we hadn't been there, it seems unlikely that a mirror would be, either.

Enough foolishness, naysayers! :mad:

Yes. But if you think it was shown live on TV you are most likely mistaken.
The mission was just too important as propaganda and a flick on the USSR nose. It is politics. Big stuff. And politics aren´t sports, cheating is part of the game.

Nasa is sooo cool. There aint much they can´t do. They can put a man on the moon. No question about it. But at that time failiure was not an option, so rest assured serious steps to ensure that the landing would´ve taken place even if the rocket blew up on the pad. And those who would tell buried in the desert.

Yesterdays news. I´m looking forward to the first mech on the moon now.
Japanese technology makes me giddy :)

I disagree with those that say we did not, but do not agree with those that call everyone "Yahoos that cant be convinced with logic"... (coughchagurcough) .. keep an open mind people... there is no way we could know for sure right now... If Japans satellite makes it up there, well find out, i guess, but until i actually touch it, I will not take sides... you never know... As for Wet1, please try to look at it this way: when you were a kid and saw the landing, you WANTED to believe that we landed on the moon. We like to and will believe what we WANT to believe... like... ghosts, or an afterlife of any sort... wouldn?t it be great if we still lived after we died, except we lived without troubles and were with our loved ones forever and ever... we believe it because we WANT to believe it... we believe in hell, because to our selves, we all look good enough to make it to heaven... only the people that are bad and disagree with our views radically go to hell... and they deserve it, right? We WANT to believe that we made it to the moon, but there is no way we can know for sure. Unless they show it to me and let me touch it, I wont take sides :) maybe we did, maybe we didn?t, I DONT KNOW :)
They were Faked!

I do also beleive the original Apollo missions were hoaxed.

If you want to be convinced try ordering the "What Happened on the Moon?" twin video tape set!

These videos are filled with compelling evidence, which puts into serious doubt the authenticity of the original Apollo missions.

"Stunning! Blows apart the accepted version of Apollo"
- NEXUS Magazine.

"The evidence put forward is compelling and amply sufficient to raise genuine concerns over the entire Apollo mission programme."
- Graham W. Birdsall, Editor UFO Magazine.

"The proof is in the detail." - physicist David Groves PhD.

Yes we really did go to the moon back in the 60's and early 70's! It was 'all' real and was not staged! And that is that! :mad: ;)
we did not got to the moon the first time get a telescope and look at the moon try to find the lander or any other equipment up there you wont because we never went the FIRST time , you will find the equipment from the other landings . we did go to the moon we are the only ones that have however we never went the first time.. also japan is sending a crew next year to the moon they will also will testify what is up there..

Yes we did go to the moon the first time, and the last! We have set feet on the lunar surface and planted the American flag there! All was not staged, all was a really heroic feat of ingenuity and perseverance! "The Heavens declares the Glory of GOD!"
Oh what a LOSER!!!

Quote: "The Heavens declares the Glory of GOD!" - Sir Loone.

Oh Goodness!

Holy Shit people.... back away.... back away....


"The Heavens declares the Glory of GOD".... well.... I back down, he's got ALL THE FACTS NOW HASN'T HE???

Somebody get this Ignorant, "full-of-himself" Fool outta here, PLEASE!!!
I have looked at this arguement from both perspectives, Most of the arguement against a moon landing happening, was:

A bunch of people claimed that the "Moon set" was located at Area 51.

Some of the images of supposedly different locations were the same location but taken at different times.

There was no stars in the sky.

The shadows of the Apollo landing weren't right.

Some of the images brought back had what were called "Positioning Crosses" which are placed infront of whats being taken but some of them showed these crosses to appear behind the astronauts.

I noted...

Area 51 is an US forces Base. What occurs within side it's walls aren't hollywood cinematics like Autopsy'd aliens and the filming of the Apollo mission... If anything you might want to watch the Bond film "Moonraker" (At least I think thats the one) theres a point where commander Bond goes past an Apollo Movie set.

The location images wasa problem at first, Because they showed an image of where the apollo landing occured, and an image before it had landed???? In truth they neglected to mention that the landing wasn't just one single lander, as with everything there is always equipment drops, take for instance the moon buggy.

there was no star's in the sky?? well the moon had such an ambient glow that those stars wouldn't be fully visable because our own blurs them out. Although their is no breathable atomsphere there is still the fact a camera can be blinded by light.

The shadows looked wrong when one of the astronauts walked to the landing module, of course they would look wrong... first the colour of the module was dark and the astronauts suites were light, meaning they would glow because of the ambient white light bouncing off the moon surface (which it itself is quite light) So nothing odd there.

What was called "Positioning Crosses" wasn't for the postioning of something infront of the camera, the crosses were actually on the photogenic paper after being processed, (Namely the paper was positioned with the crosses) This would give reason that the cross that went behind an astronaut only did so because the photogenic nature of hte paper was stronger than the cross (Namely the picture occured over the cross)

Of course on top of that you have these points:
Some things were left behind just like climbers going up to Mount Everest, Not just a flag and plaque and a bunch of footprints and tiremarks, there is sure to be other bits and pieces (perhaps the moon buggy)

Rocks and dust samples were brought back.

The astronauts were seen leaving in a rocket destined for space.. not lounging around in some film set.

Anybody that denies they went is probably because they want a conspiracy to champion or they are selling some film at $24.99
I appreciate your opinion Stryderunknown, thanks for the reply!

I beleive we all appreciate those that are willing to attemp to cross-examine such a difficult subject in such a knowledgable way!

Once again however, I recommend you check out the "What Happened on the Moon?" twin video tape set!

That's the only way you'll ever really know if your explanatory theories concerning the Apollo moon landings are accurate and really do counter the pro-conspiracy evidence sufficiently.

Live long and prosper!
if you have to buy the 2 video set it seems as if its more of a money making gimmick to fool guillible people rather than anything scientific and credible

oh and gday ice pheonix

im also from perth :)
I am from Donnybrook WA, just down the road from Pkunk and Ice Phoenix.

I agree with Pkunk and say to Ice Pheonix that you should try reading more reliable science text. Nexus and UFO mags well......

There are plenty of independent sites on the web that debunk ALL the points brought up by the posters who don't believe we landed on the Moon.
The Moon was visited! By U.S.A.!

[font=Roman, Times] I saw them take off and cruised, and land, and returned from the moon several times! And that would be going too far to 'cheat' to win the 'space-race'! So we were on the moon!
Having earned, and being in possession of, the requisite NASA certification for the examination, guardianship and transportation of lunar material -- an irreplaceable national treasure -- I can attest to having seen and handled actual Apollo lunar material from the moon.

Anyone is free to say the US never landed US citizens on the moon, and I will be free to laugh at their claim to a measureable I.Q..

Anyone also is free to question my assertion, but that will not change the fact.