Did We Really Go To The Moon

They obviously took a second "salute" pic, after a short spot of walking around (the pictures were taken at different times). And maybe he left his camera somewhere, perhaps it was hard to plant the flag/place instruments with a bulky camera on his chest.

More likely:
There were two camera's, one for black and white photo's the other for colour.
This would mean potentially a reposition and change of camera during the "salute" photo and a change of camera where one is removed from his chest an used in the other shot.
If the Moon landing was so obviously a hoax, then why release any pictures about it at all? after all wouldn't it give evidence for the hoax?

Wouldn't of it been much simpler declaring they had been and suggested to the public that pictures couldn't be shown due to censorship from the sensitive nature of National Security? After all isn't this what you expect from all the usual black-ops propaganda that people usually spout about the US government?

Quite frankly the consensus of the world is Man (Men) walked on the moon and only the few crackpots and sensationalists continue to attempt their own version of "debunking" by "non-science"(or perhaps... nonsense.)
Stryder's points are well made and accurate. What amuses, then saddens me is the psychological mindset that is necessary to indulge in the fantansies of such conspiracy theories. It suggests a major lack of self worth on the part of those who choose not to believe what is so well established.
The last post's make good points. Cosider the scope of a hoax this large and the reprecussions of getting caught in a lie when the whole world has you under a microscope.

The thousands of people who worked on the project, the worldwide media, the Soviet Union and their own investigations.

For what purpose? A politician making a promise he could'nt keep? well that's never happened before has it? All the time, energy and money to make a movie??? but wait a minute wasnt the first useable film camera invented in the U.S as well?:D

Forty years later would it have mattered? Or are we just responding to this htread to satisfy the amusement of a child?
If the Moon landing was so obviously a hoax, then why release any pictures about it at all? after all wouldn't it give evidence for the hoax?

Wouldn't of it been much simpler declaring they had been and suggested to the public that pictures couldn't be shown due to censorship from the sensitive nature of National Security? After all isn't this what you expect from all the usual black-ops propaganda that people usually spout about the US government?

Quite frankly the consensus of the world is Man (Men) walked on the moon and only the few crackpots and sensationalists continue to attempt their own version of "debunking" by "non-science"(or perhaps... nonsense.)

So u mean to say if the whole world says something wrong then it makes fake things right ? is that science or protection of national ego ?

Do u think NASA will keep these photos for public ?
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So u mean to say if the whole world says something wrong then it makes fake things right?

I am not saying if the whole world says something is wrong, fake things are right. What I'm saying is if a group of people say something is fake and the rest of the world knows (because of patents, research and physical proof) it's right. why bother flogging a dead horse?

is that science or protection of national ego?

Where exactly is the science in trying to prove something that happened to be fake, other than PSEUDO-science. I know I've never been to John F. Kennedy Space Center and looked around there for myself, however I doubt you have either. Obviously a lot of man hours and tax dollars were invested into the science there to deal with that task in hand and this is shown in what you'll find there.

Do u think NASA will keep these photos for public?

NASA surely does have photo's that you can't have access to publically for a number of reason (Mostly Security I would guess), however for rest of them you'll find most of them available on the internet and this is obviously true from the amount of scrutiny certain crackpots do with them.
Yes... we went to the moon. The Russians and East Germans were listening to everything we were doing and would have lept upon any opportunity to destroy the US's credibility... but somehow didn't. All the moon-landing-doubters fail to ever talk to the people who they should, namely: the astronauts, foreign AMERICAN HATING agencies, and the general facts involved.


Here is an photo of Area51 from Russian spy satellite.


I am unable to find it on internet, the photo clearly shows the massive expense made for the Hoax, just look at the scale of that real life size mock up, i wonder if they still have money to take things off the internet.

Hmm, but go inside Area51 and u wont comeback alive, ie. if u can.