Did We Really Go To The Moon

Originally posted by Mr. G
Oh, and Sir Loonie,

Aren't you a little out of place in Science fora?

How can you lay claim to an iuota of the Land of Rationalism being a Holy Warrior of Irrationalism.

You must be more congfused than even you suspect.

I agree 100%
Re: Oh what a Fool!

Originally posted by Ice Phoenix
Quote: "The Heavens declares the Glory of GOD!" - Sir Loone.

Oh Goodness!

Holy Shit people.... back away.... back away....


"The Heavens declares the Glory of GOD".... well.... I back down, he's got ALL THE FACTS NOW HASN'T HE???

Somebody get this Ignorant, "full-of-himself" Fool outta here, PLEASE!!!
Both of those statements I made are from The Word of GOD! And don't be a fool to think any other way! :eek: You must not be in ignorance but to come to the truth that we did go to the moon and back! And GOD created the Heavens and the Earth! :rolleyes:AMEN!
The Eagal has landed!

Originally posted by Gotenrules the word

I agree 100%
I disagree 100%, I have stated the moon is ours! Now the truth will stand never the less! To the Glory of GOD! Free speach statment! :)

This is SCIforums... as in SCIENCE.... please go to www.RELIGIOUSFANATICSforums.com if you want to talk about god... god my ASS. god ans Science don't get along very well. So please take your preaching somewhere else. god was created by rich people to keep poor people happy. "you are poor, but ull be happy in heaven... while we rich people will suffer". MY ASS. theres no heaven, theres no hell. when you die, your conciousness no longer exists. we cannot imagine that... cuz we have never experienced it... but when you are dead, you are GONE... and whether or not we went to the moon... if we did, it was all Science. god had nothing to do with it, if we didnt, it was not god who stopped us. It was the error of Scientists.
Re: SCIENCE,yes! Discrimenation no!

Originally posted by GRO$$
This is SCIforums... as in SCIENCE.... please go to www.RELIGIOUSFANphanomsforums.com if you want to talk about god... god my ASS. god ans Science don't get along very well. So please take your preaching somewhere else. god was created by rich people to keep poor people happy. "you are poor, but ull be happy in heaven... while we rich people will suffer". MY ASS. theres no heaven, theres no hell. when you die, your conciousness no longer exists. we cannot imagine that... cuz we have never experienced it... but when you are dead, you are GONE... and whether or not we went to the moon... if we did, it was all Science. god had nothing to do with it, if we didnt, it was not god who stopped us. It was the error of Scientists.
Science yes, discrimenation no! :) You are as smart as your avitor looks to me! :D WE had been to the moon! That would be going whay too far to stage the whole thing to win a race! We have actualy been on the moon and back! Wise up people and stop listening to propaganda from some jernalist looking to start some contriversey! We have been to the moon! Have a nice day ! Pray for the USA! :D
Im glad you like my avitor, but the USA needs not your prayer. The world needs less religion and more action. Religion was created to bring peace... but realigion has killed millions, if not billions of people. Starting from Hitler and the countelss religious wars, and ending with the 6000 in the WTC disaster.
Can i ask a question please?

Im not really aconspericy person although i do belive that extra terestrial life exsists i have i hard time thinking that the US goverment dosen't have better things to do than cover it up


If the moon is a chunk of earth why are the minrals and so forth different from anything on earth?

wouldn't that sort of prove the conspericy theroists point
Maybe the goverment took asteriods that had crashed into earth and said they were moon rocks?

I ask this not because thats what i belive but because im surprised they are not using this as there argument

B\W My grandfather had a saying
I may dissagree with what you are saying but i will die for your right to say it
come on guys everyones intileted to an opinion
At no time has Earth's crust been thick enough for a piece to be knocked off to form the moon. I prefer to think that as Earth developed in its own little acreetion disc, a dense band in the disc simply coalesced into the moon.
Hey! There is no 'religiousfanaticforums.com'! What a gyp!

Hey Loone, nice to see you outside Religion. You've hit the proverbial nail on the head:

WE had been to the moon! That would be going whay too far to stage the whole thing to win a race!

It would be a very complex conspiricy. Ockham's razor, folks!

BTW, nice flags.

Adam: Yes, that seems to be the current theory.

Asguard: If you go that far, then we may as well say that NASA picked up any old pebbles and claimed them as moon rocks - it's all rather silly, IMO.

Gro$$: He's actually quite reasonable when he isn't prostletizing...if you weren't right about the afterlife, I'd tell you to shut up and leave him alone. Oh wait, I will anyway.

Stop the ad hominems, Loone's got it right.
Oh Adam, I am going to fly down to Australia and kick your ass for that comment.

(Yeah, and the 20 about Loone that preceded it!)

I mean it, boy. I have half a chance at going to Australia over the summer, or next winter (winter here).

i didn't say thats what I thought but im wondering why no one ELSE has thought of it?

Is there a REASON why (even though them moon is belived to have come from earth) the rocks are unlike anything they have seen before?
Oh, sorry Asguard, I was a bit preoccupied thinking of how I would kick Adam's sorry ass if he made one more comment.....right. :p

The reason is rather complicated - it has to do with the way the moon cooled, because there was less mass of 'moon' than there was 'earth', the moon and earth cooled differently, and developed differently.

According to some theories.
I posted some of this in "Pseudoscience" so my apologies to anyone who has alread heard this.
NASA is in a constant battle for funding, political and public interest in the space program has steadily dwindled since the moon landing, with some predicting that the coup de grace came with the collapse of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA.
Now, this being the case why not fake a Mars landing, a lunar colony or some other goal to garner further funding? The struggles of NASA in the past few years are well documented, one wonders why they wouldn't simply pull another hoax over the foolish American people.
For that matter, why fake just a lunar mission? Why not keep them there, build a base as a testament to American ingenuity? You could have a weekly special about the comings and goings of the lunar colony.
The sad truth is that we landed on the moon in 1969 and may not land on another world for quite sometime. Technology improves but ambition dwindles.
At no time has Earth's crust been thick enough for a piece to be knocked off to form the moon. I prefer to think that as Earth developed in its own little acreetion disc, a dense band in the disc simply coalesced into the moon.

Some evidence please.

The most acceptable theory is that a Mars sized planet impacted with the Earth. The Moon is mostly composed of lighter material formed from the crusts of both planets. The iron core of the impactor added to the Earth's core and a little formed the Moon's core.
Just go look in any geology book. Really, it will take you a few seconds. Look at the thickness of the cooling crust.
Yeah, I don't mind the theory too much, but I think the other is more likely. Maybe the moon coming from a dense band in the accretion disc seems 70% likely to me compared to the collision theory being about 30%. Just drunken odds on planetary gambling.