Did The Moon Landing Occur - Yes or No?

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Singularity, what makes you think we should have more hi-res images of the Moon than of the Earth?

We have satellites capable of taking hi-res images of the Earth because we need that imagery for many, many reasons. One important reason why Congress and its equivalent in other space-faring nations fund the development and operation of those satellites is because many of these needs for Earth imagery are connected with dollars.

That need doesn't exist yet for lunar imagery. Congress is not going to fund a hi-res lunar imager just to satisfy a bunch of woo-woos.

Ya sure i am a woo-woo and u r a retard , u beleive all that u r told, or else u wouldnt have argued so much about this issue

instead u should have told this in your initial post, but u couldnt because u r just a milking cow of the illuminati, u just graze for them.
I think you'll find that Google does not rely on satellites alone for its images. The higher resolution ones come from sources that provide aerial photograghy.

I know that, and u know that we can recognize cars from the google satellite images (not the aerials ones). The images could have been even more high res, but its a policy adopted for protection from peeping tom/terrorists.

There is no doubt that the moon satellite could had even better at resolutions with no atmospheres and very low orbits but .....
Ya sure i am a woo-woo

Tell me something I don't know.

and u r a retard

I didn't know that. However, since you have also cast that same aspersion upon Ben, all I can say is "thanks".

I argue about this because I find this woo-woo garbage is highly insulting to the people I work with every day who were involved in putting people on the Moon.
Tell me something I don't know.

I didn't know that. However, since you have also cast that same aspersion upon Ben, all I can say is "thanks".

I argue about this because I find this woo-woo garbage is highly insulting to the people I work with every day who were involved in putting people on the Moon.

No worries. Singularity can't possibly be for real. No one could be that dense and make it past their 10th birthday.:D
I know that, and u know that we can recognize cars from the google satellite images (not the aerials ones)
Arrant nonsense, once more, cars and sometimes even registration plates are recognisable from aerial recce imagery
There is no doubt that the moon satellite could had even better at resolutions with no atmospheres and very low orbits but .....
but there is not the same need as there is for good imagery of the Earth and most likely not the budget
Arrant nonsense, once more, cars and sometimes even registration plates are recognisable from aerial recce imagery

but there is not the same need as there is for good imagery of the Earth and most likely not the budget

Ya sure, they will have to manufacture a low cost imaging system specially for lowRes, since there is no need for it or ....

And the there is a billion dollar difference between the highRes and lowRes systems. I mean whats the use of using the same fabs , after all the public pays for NASA.
after all the public pays for NASA.

I believe NASA realy is strabed for cash.

The graph is wors then it look, you only have to look at the orange line to get a clear picture of the destortian of the change in value of money. But to be more exact you should actually make a pie graphic showing the amount of rechearge done, it's proberly clear that in the 1960's their was little need in fundings to develop nano materials and complex ion engines, and offcourse their was no ISS other costs pretty much stayed the same. So you can see that NASA's isn't doeing to well
nothing that gets over 16.3 billion dollars anualy from the state is going to go bancrupt any time soon but their competence is severly reduced. Note that their isn't realy a good amount of money for funding NASA because if they got 10 trilion anualy then their still would be strapped to build something like project daedalus.
However their current budget seems quistionable to be able to fund a new series of moon mission and building a lunar base let alone be able to continue further mission like galileo and cassinie huyghens or even those rover missions and many others
However their current budget seems quistionable to be able to fund a new series of moon mission and building a lunar base let alone be able to continue further mission like galileo and cassinie huyghens or even those rover missions and many others

Soi it seems like the announcements are for checking the public nerves. If they are too busy working to take notice of, just siphon the money.
What do the Illuminati need money for if they already own all the world banks?

The idea is to make people work so much that they wont get time to be involved in govt matters. In long run they get used to this life style and loose all the skills to help their country.

Its called POWER.

For example they show no reaction even after knowing that they dont have to pay any taxes.

Total control.
The idea is to make people work so much that they wont get time to be involved in govt matters.
So that's why you're unemployed.

So, to summarise: NASA is getting lots of money, but it's actually the Illuminati getting the money. They don't need the money, but they do need to take the money away from the people (taxes) so they have to work harder to get more money, so they keep their eyes out of the government.

Remind me why this is more plausible than "NASA is a government agency which explores space and needs money for it"?
people who create such threads should be banned.I mean whats the difference for you did they or did they not land,our technology reached a lot now and nasa is preparing for mars landing and dont see why they couldnt land on the moon back then.The only thing is money wich is the problem coz it costs fck*** billions for a such trip and cant be done every time like someone would like ,only to bring some rocks from there back then it was race for usa and russians wich could go to space faster and further.
As stupid as it sounds NASA has to set it's priorities right. The space shuttle in favor of more moonlandings was a big mistake (I still think the moon missions could have been a absolute succes with a different mission planner). The ISS altough interesting should not have been build with the current space budget or more countries like india korea china and japan chould have invested in it. Earth rechearge chould prioreties and basicly NASA chould act more like the russian space agency and work together on certain projects and also get over this stupid taboo against nuclaer propulsion especialy when out of earths atmosphere. And offcourse other propulsion methodes like solar sails and ion engine chould be used more often.

PS I believe that singularity isn't employed because she sometimes sounds like a teenage girl (no offensef I hope if it's not true it's the woowoo's and bubbleheads)
If space travel isn't possible, then how come I have a satellite tv

p.s. We could go to the sun, but it'd have to be at night.
As stupid as it sounds NASA has to set it's priorities right. The space shuttle in favor of more moonlandings was a big mistake

That doesn't sound very stupid. NASA will decommission the Shuttles in 2010 in part to pay the way for landing people on the moon in 2014.