Did The Moon Landing Occur - Yes or No?

I believe...

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What is your evidence that they are scared rather than disinterested?
Also, in what way can an organisation said to be scared? If you mean it metaphorically, what is do you mean literally?
Nope, not a bit. ;) They made it fine before without them and are already cooperating with them (and several other countries) on the ISS.

Russia has already missed several critical delivery dates on ISS stuff and NASA doesn't want them messing up like that on the Moon mission. They just don't want the trouble.

I think they are scared that in 15 years NASA fakes missions will be exposed.

Russia, China, Japan, India; All are going on moon. So it will become clear what the real thing look/feels like, if these countries actually attempt these missions.

Hence its important for USA to reach moon again to save their noose.
india?:bugeye: . Besides why do you believe that we could land there now only 30 years later while we now have such great CGI. No offence but the world has spend the last 30 or so years on the development of software and miniaturisation and okay screens with nano fibres in it are cool and today tech is going to be real useful but they won't take you a inch closer to the moon and miniaturisations doesn't wreally work when you have to put people in it.
The biggest thing the thrust ratio of rockets hasn't really changed much sins apollo and that's most proberly the most important fact.
So unles youre really into alloys that weights a couple of gramslighter per cm², some beter lifesupport and a somwhat more efficient rocket nozzle then this one is going to be pretty much the same
I think they are scared that in 15 years NASA fakes missions will be exposed.

Russia, China, Japan, India; All are going on moon. So it will become clear what the real thing look/feels like, if these countries actually attempt these missions.

Hence its important for USA to reach moon again to save their noose.
Make your mind up idiot - if they've never been how can they go AGAIN? Or are you now admitting they actually have been.
Singularity, by posting the particular link do you acknowledge what was actually discussed in the video. (I ask as you've stated the landings being a hoax, but how about now?)

For those of you that don't want to follow the link the explaination was based upon dust particles which require atmospheric molecules to distribute their weight and that dust clouds weren't present suggesting a low-zero atmosphere environment.

People tend to neglect just how dependent our normal world is on atmospheric pressure, without it people couldn't fly unless using rocket systems that deliver their own atmospheric pressure through gas exhaust.
Make your mind up idiot - if they've never been how can they go AGAIN? Or are you now admitting they actually have been.

Is this what your parents taught to u ?

Is this the way educated people talk ?

You r a third grade person from a third world country with third class education system with a third class passing grade.

Where are u from Pakistan ? Arent there enough Woowoo's in your area ?
Singularity, by posting the particular link do you acknowledge what was actually discussed in the video. (I ask as you've stated the landings being a hoax, but how about now?)....

I dont care if landings were Hoax or not, i am here to use humans as specimens, After all i am Singularity, I must know if i make mistake by destroying your civilization.
I dont care if landings were Hoax or not, i am here to use humans as specimens, After all i am Singularity, I must know if i make mistake by destroying your civilization.

Technically the only singularity I am aware of is the suggestion that:

'In the beginning, before time, light or matter... only space existed. Space was a singularity'

So with that in mind, you are pretty much stating that humanity was destroyed by 'Nothing'.
Is this what your parents taught to u ?
Is WHAT what my parents taught? And it's "taught me" not "taught TO me".

Is this the way educated people talk ?
Presumably, since I am educated, the answer is self-evident.

You r a third grade person from a third world country with third class education system with a third class passing grade.
Actually no. On all counts. I have never been third grade at anything. And your grade of "insult" hasn't improved either. It's still annoyingly adolescent.

Where are u from Pakistan ? Arent there enough Woowoo's in your area ?
Nope, not from Pakistan. And there are woowoos all over. Especially here on SF which IS my area.
Technically the only singularity I am aware of is the suggestion that:

'In the beginning, before time, light or matter... only space existed. Space was a singularity'

So with that in mind, you are pretty much stating that humanity was destroyed by 'Nothing'.

...there are woowoos all over. Especially here on SF which IS my area.

Says a lot of your family background, let me guess.

My psychoanalysis says that you think your dad is a WooWoo, and to get out your frustration u r always on hunt for other woowoos.
Says a lot of your family background, let me guess.

My psychoanalysis says that you think your dad is a WooWoo, and to get out your frustration u r always on hunt for other woowoos.

Amazing! You spelt psychoanalysis correctly. Your spell-checker must have come on-line at last.
But you're wrong with everything else, including the implication you know psychoanalysis or are qualified to do it.
My father was anything but a woowoo and but had considerably more tolerance for blatant stupidity than I have.
I don't hunt for them by the way, they just crawl out of the woodwork, one after the other, spouting the same specious rubbish the last one did....
Amazing! You spelt psychoanalysis correctly. Your spell-checker must have come on-line at last.
But you're wrong with everything else, including the implication you know psychoanalysis or are qualified to do it.
My father was anything but a woowoo and but had considerably more tolerance for blatant stupidity than I have.
I don't hunt for them by the way, they just crawl out of the woodwork, one after the other, spouting the same specious rubbish the last one did....

I think the primary problem with u is your narrow mindedness, whenever u dont understand something u instantly assume that the person saying that must be a WooWoo, since u have such a wonderful experience with woowoos at your hostel.

Just like u assumed that i was born in england and i did my phd in English.
I think the primary problem with u is your narrow mindedness, whenever u dont understand something u instantly assume that the person saying that must be a WooWoo, since u have such a wonderful experience with woowoos at your hostel.
Ahh, no. It's because I understand SO MUCH and you don't, that I know you're a woowoo.
I've studied far more than you could take in on most of the subjects woowoos cover, so I can see their "arguments" from the start. And, like you, the vast majority are going over very old ground thinking they've exclusivel and recently discovered these subjects.

Just like u assumed that i was born in england and i did my phd in English.
Oh so now you're making statements on what I assume? FYI it never occurred to me that you're English (in fact I assumed from the start that you aren't). And I wouldn't even believe, let alone assume, you have a PhD, (unless it's in a fluffy subject by mail order), since your critical thinking abilities are nearly non-existent, your capacity for following a logical reasoned argument match, and your overall mien is barely in your teens.
Adolescents very rarely get PhDs.
Ahh, no. It's because I understand SO MUCH and you don't, that I know you're a woowoo.
I've studied far more than you could take in on most of the subjects woowoos cover, so I can see their "arguments" from the start. And, like you, the vast majority are going over very old ground thinking they've exclusivel and recently discovered these subjects.

Oh so now you're making statements on what I assume? FYI it never occurred to me that you're English (in fact I assumed from the start that you aren't). And I wouldn't even believe, let alone assume, you have a PhD, (unless it's in a fluffy subject by mail order), since your critical thinking abilities are nearly non-existent, your capacity for following a logical reasoned argument match, and your overall mien is barely in your teens.
Adolescents very rarely get PhDs.

Hey, Oli,

It's all very much a part of the act that he/she/it is putting on here. In fact, "it" could actually be a male, aged 40 who is pretending to be a 13-year-old girl. And I'm inclined to believe that's actually the case. "It" has made many slip-ups and errors in it's persona and is far from consistent in trying to play ANY particular gender or age. It's all a fake.
...(unless it's in a fluffy subject by mail order),
Wow, mail order, where did u get that from ?

Sounds like a slipup :D .

since your critical thinking abilities are nearly non-existent, your capacity for following a logical reasoned argument match, and your overall mien is barely in your teens.
Adolescents very rarely get PhDs.

Interesting that in your country people have to wait for their forties to get PhD. No wonder u r bored and frustrated. :p
Actually I'm neither bored nor frustrated. Where did you get the stupid idea people have to wait until their forties?
Or is this another of your ridiculous baseless assumptions?

It's all very much a part of the act that he/she/it is putting on here.
Regardless, it's a troll.