Did The Moon Landing Occur - Yes or No?

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No way , they are not fools, they are among the smartest people in the world, the only problem is that they are a breed thats Einsteins in matters of money, and thats a danger to good of the world. So when it comes to science or thinking of the future of planets well being or other peoples well being they always choose to remain at the top of the food chain instead.
So just fools when it came to faking the Moon landing. Again, how convenient for you.
This is why one must watch all those most downloaded torrent videos. When u run moon videos at double speed u will be amazed how earth real they look. U will have no doubt about their earthyness.

So i asumed that the video should be 6 times faster for the jumps to look earth like.

This is what I meant by common sense being a sign of lazy thinking. If you had taken the time to study the matter rather than jumping to the conclusion that common sense led you to, you would have discovered that the time it takes to fall a given distance(starting at rest) on the Moon is only 2.45 times that of on the Earth, not 6 times.
The time it takes to fall from said height is proprotional to the squareroot of the acceleration due to gravity and is not directly related to said velocity.
So yes, if you double the speed of the video of someone on the moon, it will look a lot like someone on the Earth.

You are making the same type of "common sense" errors in your crater assertion and in your belief that the LEM, as designed, was unstable.
If you had taken the time to study the matter rather than jumping to the conclusion that common sense led you to, you would have discovered that the time it takes to fall a given distance(starting at rest) on the Moon is only 2.45 times that of on the Earth, not 6 times.

This was not my conclusion, this was the analysis of many people, and the hoax related video that i have seen.

The time it takes to fall from said height is proprotional to the squareroot of the acceleration due to gravity and is not directly related to said velocity.
So yes, if you double the speed of the video of someone on the moon, it will look a lot like someone on the Earth.

Hmm, i take your word on this one, based on my previous experience on other issues. But the hoax video makers seems to be interested in selling the videos then.

You are making the same type of "common sense" errors in your crater assertion and in your belief that the LEM, as designed, was unstable.

Nope, its not only the common sense, theres also the sixth sense called the gut feeling.

I still believe that the LEM was faked, due to the way it ascends from moon in the Apollo 11 video. I still believe that a nozzle at the center wont work as we think it should.
And the reason is that there has to be an onboard computer installed to control those side nozzles. And i think they were hand controlled.
I still believe that a nozzle at the center wont work as we think it should.
Which shows that you know very little... It's already been explained to you.
And the reason is that there has to be an onboard computer installed to control those side nozzles. And i think they were hand controlled.
You THINK? Have you checked, asked, tried to find out? Nah, you go by "gut feeling" because then you don't have to think.
This was not my conclusion, this was the analysis of many people, and the hoax related video that i have seen.
But you bought it, didn't you? And you repeated here. You didn't bother to check it out because it supported something you already believed in. Where was your "gut-feeing" then?
Hmm, i take your word on this one, based on my previous experience on other issues. But the hoax video makers seems to be interested in selling the videos then.
No need to take my word, here's the math:
With 'D' being the distance traveled, 'a' the acceleration and 't' the time, you can find the distance traveled by
D= at²/2
this can be solve for t to get
t = sqrt(2D/a) = sqrt(2D)/sqrt(a)

And, yes, they are most likely just interested in your money.
Nope, its not only the common sense, theres also the sixth sense called the gut feeling.
Gut feeling is only reliable if you already understand the subject at hand. It's caused by half-remembered knowledge. And even then, it needs to be double-checked by doing actual research or math. Gut feeling by itself just doesn't cut it.
I still believe that the LEM was faked, due to the way it ascends from moon in the Apollo 11 video. I still believe that a nozzle at the center wont work as we think it should.
And the reason is that there has to be an onboard computer installed to control those side nozzles. And i think they were hand controlled.

Here, read this:

Who do u think U r PETE ?
Hi Singularity,
That was Roy, not me.
I don't mean to put you down. I know I have in the past, and I apologize. In future, I'll try to focus on what you say, and not make judgements about who you are.
Not only did they land on the moon, there is some evidence extraterrestrials met them on the moon. Google 'shadow government' or 'mj-12' or 'haarp'.;)
Hi Singularity,
That was Roy, not me.
I don't mean to put you down. I know I have in the past, and I apologize. In future, I'll try to focus on what you say, and not make judgements about who you are.

Now, can u use your google skills and show me where they had kept that Land Rover, hope they didnt missed it.

Hi thare,

earwg is a Russian site, i offer this for your personal education. DO NOT deface this site Singularity.
there is some evidence extraterrestrials met them on the moon.
No there isn't.

Google 'shadow government' or 'mj-12' or 'haarp'
Google the fruitcake sites and you can find anything you're dumb enough to believe in.