Did The Moon Landing Occur - Yes or No?

I believe...

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You have not presented any evidence to support this stance. How much thrust was the LEM producing at touchdown? How much dust would it have moved? How much dust was there to begin with, What pattern would this movement take under the conditions of a vacuum? You haven't considered any of these. Relying on "common sense" doesn't cut it. Too often common sense is just completely wrong.
If NASA wanted to fake it, they could just as easily faked a crater if one were required to maintain the hoax.
These footprints are "proof" of nothing. According to what? Your "common sense" interpretation of how it "should" look? The descent engine was mounted on gymbals so that the direction it pointed could be changed. Constant adjustments kept the LEm balanced the same way that you can balance a upended stick on the palm of your hand. On top of that, the ascent stage had attitude rockets that could be used to help maintain stability.

All of the rest fall in the catagory of assumed gross imcompetence on the part of the alleged Hoaxers.
As far as the photos go, you use the word "impossible" way too freely. How many Photos were actually taken? How many out-of-frame shots were just discarded? The astronauts also likely had quite a bit of practice with the cameras before the mission. It is also just silly to think that "faked" pictures wouldn't have been taken the same way as the real pictures were taken.

If NASA were have to faked it, you can be sure that they would have been thorough about it; everything would have been checked, double-checked and triple-checked. The types of mistakes that you point to as give-aways to a Hoax would have never made it through the screening process if that were what they actually were.

All very well said, Janus. I find it to be both amazing and amusing that people who claim to be thinkers cannot seem to think with any real depth or clarity and thus wind up accepting the absolute absurd.

Singularity, I honestly doubt you are old enough to have actually witnessed any of the Apollo missions. It was a simple matter of luck, but I along with many thousands of others had the privilege of seeing that very first launch in July, 1969. We were all standing on the mainland and could see the Cape clearly across the water.

While I fully realize the foregoing will mean absolutely nothing to you, the following should be enough to convince you how foolish your position on the matter really is.

The moment that craft rose high enough, every single country in the world - including the Russians - that was able to started tracking it. And they all knew exactly where it went. Not only that, but they also used radio direction-finding to monitor the transmissions coming to the Earth form the Moon. There was no faking that, either.

And if there had been even the slightest hint of a scam, the Russians would have SCREAMED bloody murder because they wanted very much to be the first there. But they immediately gave up their plans and never said one word about what the US had done. Do you know why? Because they observed it real time, KNEW it was real and knew that they had been beaten.

Regardless of all your photos and other arguments, it shouldn't take any more than the two paragraphs above to settle the whole issue.
How could these cosmonauts traverse the ether? What would protect from the harmful radiation and devouring beasts of madness that haunt between the spheres?

And if there had been even the slightest hint of a scam, the Russians would have SCREAMED bloody murder because they wanted very much to be the first there. But they immediately gave up their plans and never said one word about what the US had done. Do you know why? Because they observed it real time, KNEW it was real and knew that they had been beaten.

Now this is really sad, i have already told u the answer so stop wasting time. USSR was controlled by illunimati, the idea is to make u people pay your taxes from both sides.

War on terror, whats that for, to use u like a milking cattle,
you do the job of grazing and keep paying taxes.
So in other words, the only way your conspiracy about the moon landing is real requires there to be another, far larger conspiracy? Occams razor anyone?
You have not presented any evidence to support this stance. How much thrust was the LEM producing at touchdown? How much dust would it have moved? How much dust was there to begin with, What pattern would this movement take under the conditions of a vacuum? You haven't considered any of these. Relying on "common sense" doesn't cut it. Too often common sense is just completely wrong.

U r a free woman and u r free to choose to ignore facts.

If NASA wanted to fake it, they could just as easily faked a crater if one were required to maintain the hoax.
Fortunately the arrogance of illuminati finally got them.

These footprints are "proof" of nothing. According to what? Your "common sense" interpretation of how it "should" look?

When u run the video twice the speed its clear that they are using rope/rubbers to make look things light. They should be 1/6 the slower.

The descent engine was mounted on gymbals so that the direction it pointed could be changed. Constant adjustments kept the LEm balanced the same way that you can balance a upended stick on the palm of your hand. On top of that, the ascent stage had attitude rockets that could be used to help maintain stability.
Easier said than done, there were no vertical stabilizing jet nozels.

All of the rest fall in the catagory of assumed gross imcompetence on the part of the alleged Hoaxers.
As far as the photos go, you use the word "impossible" way too freely. How many Photos were actually taken? How many out-of-frame shots were just discarded? The astronauts also likely had quite a bit of practice with the cameras before the mission. It is also just silly to think that "faked" pictures wouldn't have been taken the same way as the real pictures were taken.

If NASA were have to faked it, you can be sure that they would have been thorough about it; everything would have been checked, double-checked and triple-checked. The types of mistakes that you point to as give-aways to a Hoax would have never made it through the screening process if that were what they actually were.
Who had dreamed that time about a revolution called torrent technology could sweep humanity a thousand years in to the future in just 30 to 40 years.

Forget that, before 2001 9/11 there were no torrent, it was invented in 2002, now they are regretting killing 3000 own Americans. No not out of remorse, but due to the Exposze resulting from COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS on internet through torrent technologies. This is just the beginning.
Moon mission minutes,

Apollo 11........1 EVA .....2 hours, 31 minutes......(151 minutes)
Apollo 12........2 EVAs.....7 hours, 50 minutes......(470 minutes)
Apollo 14........2 EVAs.....9 hours, 25 minutes......(565 minutes)
Apollo 15........3 EVAs...18 hours, 30 minutes....(1110 minutes)
Apollo 16........3 EVAs...20 hours, 14 minutes....(1214 minutes)
Apollo 17........3 EVAs...22 hours, 04 minutes....(1324 minutes)

Astoundingly high number of photos,

Apollo 11........... 121
Apollo 12........... 504
Apollo 14........... 374
Apollo 15..........1021
Apollo 16..........1765
Apollo 17..........1986

Just compare number of minutes and photos.

Seems like a vacation on moon but only for photo sessions. :D
Thought there were pyramids on the moon?

No thats on the other side of the moon , the Alien stuff.

In this thread we are discussing about human trips to moon.

Now think why there is no low orbit imaging satellite around moon and give us google.moon.com. And why is Russia too not doing it.

The lunar lander was festooned with nozzles pointing in all directions. Take a look at a diagram or photo of it.


Fortunately they forgot the important one, ie. vertical nozels. No wonder Armstrong nearly died testing it on earth. The damn thing couldnt stay upright. Though the side nozels were useful to maneuver side ways.

What Diagram ?
Please, Singularity, you're embarrassing yourself. Why do you insist on regurgitating half-remembered factoids when you can easily check the real facts for yourself? Google is your friend.
The Descent engine is probably what you're looking for. As well as the four sets of four reaction control thrusters.

The vehicle that crashed when Armstrong lost control due to low propellent pressure in the control thrusters and ejected was quite different. It was LLRV-1, a Lunar landing research vehicle, essentially a flying simulator designed to provide practice for controlling a lander in Lunar conditions. It wasn't a test LEM, it was a training vehicle. A flight simulator, if you like.
LLRV-1 had at least 198 successful flights before its accident. Four other LLRVs and three LLTVs (training vehicles) were also flown many times.

NASA fact sheet
This 1963 NASA document is interesting:
Application of LEM technology to NASA lunar landing research program
It's long, but worth reading, or at least skimming.

It implies that the LEM design was largely complete before the LLRVs were designed, and describes the reaction control thrusters:
3.1.1 Attitude Control System
The LEM attitude control system comprises 16 rocket nozzles arrayed 45 degrees from the principal horizontal plane axes as shown in Figure 4.2, and it is recommended that an equivalent arrangement be installed on the LLRV. While LEM handling characteristics could be achieved with a number of arrangements, assuming all the rockets worked, the LEM arrangement provides a high degree of redundancy. Present work indicates that adequate flying qualities are retained with certain nozzles inoperative and it is necessary to verify these conclusions under realistic conditions. Hence, an LLRV nozzle array equivalent to the LEM together with LEM jet command logic equations would permit flight checks with selected nozzles out.
The preliminary LEM logic equations are given in Reference 7.

There's lots more great stuff about the lander and the LLRV in that document. Read it!

Figure 4.2
Now this is really sad, i have already told u the answer so stop wasting time.

Now this is the difference between us and you. We will not take anyone's word on the matter as truth, we have to find out for ourselves objectively. You, being the rebel adolescent most likely, seem have heard one or two dissenting amateur theorists and immediately agreed without looking further. Do you agree simply because you want to feel like you are smarter than someone?

Now that is sad. I really do feel sorry for you, Singularity.
U r a free woman and u r free to choose to ignore facts.
Present some and I'll look at them.
Fortunately the arrogance of illuminati finally got them.
Pliable entity your "illuminati" , efficient enough to secretly control world governments when it convenient to your argument, yet bumbing fools when that is convenient to your argument.
When u run the video twice the speed its clear that they are using rope/rubbers to make look things light. They should be 1/6 the slower.
Just to make sure I'm following the argument. You're saying that, for instance, it should take 6 times longer for someone to jump to a given height and return to the ground on the moon, and that by running the video at double speed you can see that this didn't happen?
Easier said than done, there were no vertical stabilizing jet nozels.
Because none were needed, regardless of what your "common sense" tells you.
Now this is the difference between us and you.

Oh, U mean u dont believe in boundaries, hey just stay away buddy , dont u try to stick to me, okay.

We will not take anyone's word on the matter as truth,

U mean not even NASA ?

we have to find out for ourselves objectively.
Who do u think U r PETE ?

You, being the rebel adolescent most likely, seem have heard one or two dissenting amateur theorists and immediately agreed without looking further.

Nope i think there were 10293 theories to be precise.
Are u afraid of Rebels U son of illuminati. :D

Do you agree simply because you want to feel like you are smarter than someone?

What do u mean "want to feel", i dont have to do anything to feel that, thats why i come here in search of people who would put me down, Like James R, Janus58 or Pete now.

U have no idea man how dementing it feels to be among APEs all the time.

Now that is sad. I really do feel sorry for you, Singularity.

I agree, its sad, i hope there were more smart people around.
Present some and I'll look at them.Pliable entity your "illuminati" , efficient enough to secretly control world governments when it convenient to your argument, yet bumbing fools when that is convenient to your argument.

No way , they are not fools, they are among the smartest people in the world, the only problem is that they are a breed thats Einsteins in matters of money, and thats a danger to good of the world. So when it comes to science or thinking of the future of planets well being or other peoples well being they always choose to remain at the top of the food chain instead.

Just to make sure I'm following the argument. You're saying that, for instance, it should take 6 times longer for someone to jump to a given height and return to the ground on the moon, and that by running the video at double speed you can see that this didn't happen?Because none were needed, regardless of what your "common sense" tells you.

This is why one must watch all those most downloaded torrent videos. When u run moon videos at double speed u will be amazed how earth real they look. U will have no doubt about their earthyness.

So i asumed that the video should be 6 times faster for the jumps to look earth like.
Fortunately the arrogance of illuminati finally got them.

I already told you that there was no such thing as us. I mean: them.

When u run the video twice the speed its clear that they are using rope/rubbers to make look things light. They should be 1/6 the slower.

? Based on what analysis?

Easier said than done, there were no vertical stabilizing jet nozels.

How do you know?

Who had dreamed that time about a revolution called torrent technology could sweep humanity a thousand years in to the future in just 30 to 40 years.

Forget that, before 2001 9/11 there were no torrent, it was invented in 2002, now they are regretting killing 3000 own Americans. No not out of remorse, but due to the Exposze resulting from COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS on internet through torrent technologies. This is just the beginning.
