Did Jesus Suffer Enough?


Thanks for the break. What do you think is most important; the death and resurrection of Christ, or the suffering of Christ. in other words do you think he needed to suffer to fulfil his mission or was it enough just to die?

i actually think it's a bit more involved than that. i think his whole life was a sacrifice, but when people refer to the blood of christ healing, redeeming, restoring, i think they're interpreting it incompletely if not incorrectly. perhaps the blood that was spilled on the ground meant something, but many, many people have been crucified. i think it's the blood that wasn't spilled that saves us, or the purity of it.

i think sin is genetic. it resides in our flesh. we're born into it. jesus was the only one born without it, and when our bodies are made sinless like his, or perhaps even, when his blood is pumping through our veins, we will be made perfect like him.
i think sin is genetic. it resides in our flesh. we're born into it. jesus was the only one born without it, and when our bodies are made sinless like his, or perhaps even, when his blood is pumping through our veins, we will be made perfect like him.

Do you not think it is in spirit that that people will be made like Christ, rather than in the flesh?
Do you not think it is in spirit that that people will be made like Christ, rather than in the flesh?

i think it's about the flesh. i mean, don't get me wrong, i've learned a lot from the spirit, but that hasn't made me perfect by a long shot.

the communion ceremony is a ritual that represents a time when our bodies will be made like christ's body...sinless. and communion will be restored with god and our flesh will be made eternal.

think about that ceremony...we're ingesting his body, and his blood, into ours.

think about the holy grail. it's a vessel right? filled with the blood of christ. what are our bodies? vessels...filled with blood. and what is the body of christ? it's the church.
i think it's about the flesh. i mean, don't get me wrong, i've learned a lot from the spirit, but that hasn't made me perfect by a long shot.

the communion ceremony is a ritual that represents a time when our bodies will be made like christ's body...sinless. and communion will be restored with god and our flesh will be made eternal.

think about that ceremony...we're ingesting his body, and his blood, into ours.

think about the holy grail. it's a vessel right? filled with the blood of christ. what are our bodies? vessels...filled with blood. and what is the body of christ? it's the church.

But the bible seems to indicate that we would become Christ like in spirit, I mean after death. We can attain christ after death; ascension.
Look at Matt 22:30 “ For when the dead rise to life, they will be like the angels in heaven”.
But the bible seems to indicate that we would become Christ like in spirit, I mean after death. We can attain christ after death; ascension.
Look at Matt 22:30 “ For when the dead rise to life, they will be like the angels in heaven”.

if i understand that scripture correctly, it is in regards to marrying each other and having sex (procreating).

in regards to spirits, we are already eternal spirits. god says he knew us before he formed us in the womb. if we just go back to being our spiritual selves, then there doesn't seem to be a point to creating our flesh in the first place. and no purpose for christ. sin doesn't reside in our spirit, only in our flesh.

when jesus was resurrected, he had a physical body, it was just different. when he exited the tomb, if i'm not mistaken, he told mary m. not to touch him, and he traveled and met with his disciples. did they share a meal perhaps?

in revelations, it also says something that i find very intriguing. it says that those days will be cut short to save the flesh of the elect. i wonder about these people.
if i understand that scripture correctly, it is in regards to marrying each other and having sex (procreating).

Nothing about sex, it does mention marriage, but the key is that men will be like angels i.e. spiritual; not physical.

in regards to spirits, we are already eternal spirits. god says he knew us before he formed us in the womb. if we just go back to being our spiritual selves, then there doesn't seem to be a point to creating our flesh in the first place. and no purpose for christ. sin doesn't reside in our spirit, only in our flesh.

If we go back to Genesis the sin was Adam’s. We were eternal spirits, then thrown out of the garden of Eden (the spiritual realm) and cast down to toil the earth and live physical lives. Christ being the path to the way back, that is the purpose of Christ. Forgiveness for the original sin; which was separation from god.

when jesus was resurrected, he had a physical body, it was just different. when he exited the tomb, if i'm not mistaken, he told mary m. not to touch him, and he traveled and met with his disciples. did they share a meal perhaps?
in revelations, it also says something that i find very intriguing. it says that those days will be cut short to save the flesh of the elect. i wonder about these people.

God is spirit, man is spirit. Religious teaching is called ‘spiritual teaching’ for that very reason. Try these passages;

John 4:24 “ God is spirit”
Gen 1:27 “god created human beings, making them to be like himself”.
John 10:34 “ you are gods”
PS 825:6 “ you are gods”

Man therefore is of the same substance as god , both are spiritual beings. The purpose of man would be to become as god. Christ (and others ) show the way.
i'm sorry but, i don't agree with your viewpoint at all.

man was created along with the earth, plants, animals, and was made of the earth. man walked in the garden with god, until they were genetically manipulated (sin) to know evil. the purpose of christ is to bring us genetically, back to our original state (biologically), only now, knowing of good and evil, because of our opportunity to experience it.
this is after the resurrection in matthew 24...

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

36 As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!” 37 But they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit. 38 And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” 40 And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. 41 And while they still disbelieved for joy and were marveling, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, [2] 43 and he took it and ate before them.
"Christ being the path to the way back, that is the purpose of Christ. "

"What do you think is most important; the death and resurrection of Christ, or the suffering of Christ. in other words do you think he needed to suffer to fulfil his mission or was it enough just to die?"

If Christs mission/purpos was to insure that hell woud be filled to the rim... then i say the amount of sufferin he received an the resurrection was spot on... no.???

<Lori to Litht Travelling>
...i don't agree with your viewpoint at all.

Ether you or LT is rong... but no prollem... Gods plan includes a place for people who dont corectly figer out the puzzle of makein it to heaven... an heres anuther puzzler... its a hot place... begins wit "H" an has 4 letters... eh.!!!
Gods plan includes a place for people who dont corectly figer out the puzzle of makein it to heaven.

hey clueless..long time no read..lol..

i believe there are ppl on this earth that do not believe in god (they don't not believe either) that are qualified to enter heaven..i think it has to do with the way you treat other ppl..you don't have to know all the rules to treat others respectfully..your heart just has to be in the right place..
hey clueless..long time no read..lol..

Yeah sam here... i guess our ships have pased in the nite.???

i believe there are ppl on this earth that do not believe in god (they don't not believe either) that are qualified to enter heaven..i think it has to do with the way you treat other ppl..you don't have to know all the rules to treat others respectfully..your heart just has to be in the right place..

Well for myself... i have no idea if ther realy is a God or Gods... but if a "God" did create life the way it is... "its" a monster-God... so for me... the idea of "livin" forever ant a very sweet deal if it involves spendin eternity wit a sadistic mass murderer.!!!
I agree with clueluss.

This thread has gone astray. This is a science forum, and it is not an appropriate place for the religious and superstitious to discuss the details of their favourite superstition.
I agree with clueluss.

This thread has gone astray. This is a science forum, and it is not an appropriate place for the religious and superstitious to discuss the details of their favourite superstition.

astray from what? the name of this thread is "did jesus suffer enough"?
I agree with clueluss.
what if you are wrong about who/what god is?
This thread has gone astray. This is a science forum, and it is not an appropriate place for the religious and superstitious to discuss the details of their favourite superstition.

the religious forum is not the proper place for religious disscusions??????
i believe there are ppl on this earth that do not believe in god (they don't not believe either) that are qualified to enter heaven..i think it has to do with the way you treat other ppl..you don't have to know all the rules to treat others respectfully..your heart just has to be in the right place..

Why are som peoples harts not in the rite place... an what is Gods plan for 'em.???
I entered this thread some time ago because I had some information I thought was of interest. However, I involve myself in this science forum because I love science. Religion is not science. Some aspects of religion can be discussed scientifically, and that is appropriate for this part of the forum.

However, I find myself somewhat bemused when the discussion in a science forum goes into pure superstition. Science and superstition are opposites, and pushing superstition is definitely inappropriate here.

I might get into a thread on astrology, and discuss the scientific testing of astrology. That would be of real interest. But if I started telling everyone to believe astrology in spite of the vast scientific literature that demonstrates it is invalid, I would be off the rails. Ditto for religion.
"mythology, comparison of religious tradition, history of world religions"

you want to discuss the scientific testing of mythology, tradition, and history? go for it.
Ether you or LT is rong... but no prollem... Gods plan includes a place for people who dont corectly figer out the puzzle of makein it to heaven... an heres anuther puzzler... its a hot place... begins wit "H" an has 4 letters... eh.!!!

i think it's ironic that the only people on this forum i ever hear this "you're going to hell" crap from are atheists.