Did Jesus Suffer Enough?


oh, so you want the jews to make some one pertend to be jesus, and torture him and put him on a cross?
or go back in time and tell them to torture him more, and keep torturing him while he's dead?
who knows, maybe the tooth fery will come and make that wish come true, on a one condition, every one must give a tooth on the same night.
Well if Jesus didn’t suffer enough, subsequent Christians certainly did;

“Therefore, Maturus, Sanctus, Blandina, and Attalus were publicly exposed to the wild beasts. To give the heathen public a spectacle of cruelty, a day for fighting wild beasts was appointed on account of our people. Both Maturus and Sanctus again endured every form of torture in the amphitheater, as if they had no suffering at all before. Or rather, like athletes who had overthrown their enemy several times and were now contending for the crown itself. Again they endured the usual lashes. They were dragged about by the wild beasts and suffered every indignity which the maddened people cried out for from around the amphitheater. Last of all they were placed in the iron chair, on which their bodies were roasted. They themselves were filled with the fumes of their own flesh. But the heathen did not stop even here, but became still more frantic in their desire to overcome the endurance of the Christians. But still they did not hear anything else from Sanctus except the confession which he had made from the beginning. These, then, after life had lasted a long time throughout the great contest, were at last sacrificed. Instead of all the variety which usually takes place in gladiatorial shows, they alone were the spectacle to the world throughout that day.”

I thank the amount of sufferin is irrelevent... the magic-spell (which was to insure that everbody woud go to heaven) was based on Jesus dyin... an sinse he only stayed dead for 3 days (prolly got bored)... well... thats why hell will be filled to the rim wit siners.!!!
I thank the amount of sufferin is irrelevent... the magic-spell (which was to insure that everbody woud go to heaven) was based on Jesus dyin... an sinse he only stayed dead for 3 days (prolly got bored)... well... thats why hell will be filled to the rim wit siners.!!!
No, it had to be a lot of suffering. Otherwise why feel guilty? Why knuckle under? What's the debt to someone who returned to eternal bliss by dying?
No, it had to be a lot of suffering. Otherwise why feel guilty? Why knuckle under? What's the debt to someone who returned to eternal bliss by dying?

O... i see... then Jesus didnt suffer near enuff cause acordin to the holey-bible mos everbody is goin to hell.!!!

But aparently thats what God wants :shrug:
All of which came from an earlier stone age culture that had the superstition that the gods could be put into a good mood by giving them the smell of burning meat. Weird!
O... i see... then Jesus didnt suffer near enuff cause acordin to the holey-bible mos everbody is goin to hell.!!!
Oh, no. Jesus upheld his end. He suffered enough so that they had a chance to get into Heaven despite Original Sin - talk about blaming the children for the sins of the father. But these ungratefuls were not swayed by this suffering.
But aparently thats what God wants :shrug:
No, God wants them to choose correctly. That is what hell is, a deterrent. He is doing everything he can, short of turning us into robots - he leaves that to earthly forces like the media and politicians.
Oh, no. Jesus upheld his end. He suffered enough so that they had a chance to get into Heaven despite Original Sin - talk about blaming the children for the sins of the father. But these ungratefuls were not swayed by this suffering.

No, God wants them to choose correctly. That is what hell is, a deterrent. He is doing everything he can, short of turning us into robots - he leaves that to earthly forces like the media and politicians.

Souns complicated... but luckly for me im a manber in good standin of the NACA :worship: so im guranteed not to go to hell.!!!
Whose sacrifice was it?
If you sacrifice a lamb, the sacrifice is your's not the lamb's.

Surely, the crucifixion was God the father's sacrifice of his son, not Jesus's sacrifice of himself.

The pain of Jesus would have made the sacrifice worse for his father.

that is like saying, if i set you on fire for my ritual, it's me who suffered more. if i use your credit card to pay my bills, my own bank account suffers. please.

if you sacrifice yourself, then that would apply.

I read this commentary on Austin's Atheist Blog: Did Jesus Suffer Enough?


I would like to know what your comments, feelings and opinions are.

if the story of jesus is true, then he definitely suffered.

but what i've heard christians say is that jesus suffered more than anyone else citing the physical pain of the crucifixion alone. that is preposterous and even strange since others were crucified too. besides, there are many torturous ways to suffer and anything to do with burning is the most torturous and horrific of all. as a matter of fact, i don't think there is any justification to do that to anyone short of someone evil enough to inflict that on another. it's just so heinous and evil. there are people who have been burned and survived who tell of wishing someone would have killed them as the pain was that terrible.

i find christians mentality very strange and unrealistic which indicates to me on some level, they do not have real empathy.
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Souns complicated... but luckly for me im a manber in good standin of the NACA :worship: so im guranteed not to go to hell.!!!
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics?
Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America?
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific?
National Agency for the Control of AIDS?

hey, I'm not making these up, but googling is not, I think, bringing me closer to the organization of your salvation.
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics?
Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America?
Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific?
National Agency for the Control of AIDS?

hey, I'm not making these up, but googling is not, I think, bringing me closer to the organization of your salvation.

Hmmm... thats odd... its a rapidly growin religion... why... jus las year manbership doubled an yet you ant herd of it :confused:

Anyhow... "NACA" is New Age Christan Atheist.!!!
Hmmm... thats odd... its a rapidly growin religion... why... jus las year manbership doubled an yet you ant herd of it :confused:

Anyhow... "NACA" is New Age Christan Atheist.!!!
So your positive thinking focuses on the fact that you will be saved by something that does not exist while the wind chimes chime and you smile a brittle smile. It should catch on.
So your positive thinking focuses on the fact that you will be saved by something that does not exist while the wind chimes chime and you smile a brittle smile. It should catch on.

Everbody is welcom... jus let me know.!!!

You dont have to go to church.!!!

Ther are no Tythes to pay.!!!

I personaly gurantee that you wont go to hell.!!!
