Developing Telepathy

SkinWalker said:
Had you bothered to do even a casual literature review, it wouldn't appear that you were so ignorant. I cited but two primary sources of the many, many available on the subject (Eaton et al 1998; Aiello 1987)

You guys don't get it. You are children who refuse to believe in anything that is not in your dictionary. I don't need permission to believe what I do. You can complain all you want that your books don't approve of what I believe. Too bad.

SkinWalker said:
The notion that there is some 'spiritual' energy is poppycock since it is without evidence. Just saying it exists doesn't make it so.

It does exist. If instead of going to such extreme lengths to defend this meaningless concept of "personal space", people simply acted as if they did have energy. After awhile, they would find it was true. It makes no difference in your daily life if you mentally say "They moved away because of my energy". No one knows but you. Try it for a year or two and see if you don't feel like you begin to understand all kinds of mysterious things you have no answer for now.

This conversation is like a movie. There must be a hundred movies where the old eccentric or the hippie or the homeless man or whoever teaches the tight butt establishment person what life is really about. "But those are just movies", I hear you moan. Movies based on the human condition.

Off the top of my head, The Fischer King is catching my attention for some reason. Robin Williams is the loony I think. He teaches some ruler straight guy what life is about.

SkinWalker said:
No, the actions of people involved exactly mimic how they would behave knowing there was someone in close proximity to them. Take away this knowledge via visual and auditory deprivation, you you have no proximity issues between people.

I do not understand how intelligent people can be so stubbornly clueless. Taking away auditory and visual clues is exactly what they do to train various martial artists of the highest level. Specifically so they learn to feel their opponents energy. You need to get out more. Get out of those books and into real life to see how other people view the world.

SkinWalker said:
Claims made with supporting evidence rarely make one feel ignorant. Ironically, it is apparent by your continued wild and unsupported claims that those made without evidence don't even supply one with a feeling of shame much less ignorance. Though, the ignorance is clear to all with an education and the ability to think rationally and critically.

Your argument basically boils down to, you know what has happened in my life better than I do. Your books, written by people whom I bet you have never met in real life, or spoken to, these mysterious people dictate your life. Do you realize that? Men you never met, who did nothing more than sign their name to an authoritative book, control your mind completely.

Just to be contrary, everything you cite could be lies. There could be a government department somewhere pumping out authoritative sounding stuff and just making up names to sign it with. Did you read 1984? They had entire government departments devoted to rewriting history whenever it was necessary.

I doubt if that is the case with those references you cite. I stand by my point. Personal experience trumps mysterious unknown men signing authoritative sounding books.
Happeh said:
This conversation is like a movie. There must be a hundred movies where the old eccentric or the hippie or the homeless man or whoever teaches the tight butt establishment person what life is really about. "But those are just movies", I hear you moan. Movies based on the human condition.

Off the top of my head, The Fischer King is catching my attention for some reason. Robin Williams is the loony I think. He teaches some ruler straight guy what life is about.

Hey everyone,

I guess we all, including me of course, have been a little slow here but I think we're finally catching on to him.

While many of us have been presenting proven facts, others have provided quotes from recognized authoritative sources, etc., what has he done and continued to do? He cites things that are works of fiction - books, movies, TV shows.

So it's finally become obvious that he lives in his own little fantasy world based upon nothing but the fiction he enjoys. He's quite safe there because scientific truths and reality cannot touch him. It's this child-like quality of his mind that allows him to call himself a scientist and not even blink when it's pointed out that he lied about it. In his fantasy world he IS a scientist and employs the energy used by mystics and wizards who live there with him. They are his friends and equals - not us. We are the poor deluded masses that live in his "otherworld."

He is helpless and hopeless and there is no truth or reason within him. He cannot allow it because it would destroy his smug little universe that he had created for himself.

He did not even realize it when I tested his credibility by asking him to prove his claim as a scientist. And then proceeds to claim that I never even tested him. How stupid.

Do what you wish, but as for me, I'm finished with the idiot. I'll let him have his version of reality, it - nor he - is not worth the effort of trying to bring him out of it.
Light, if you give in now then you will have done two things:

* Failed to help Happeh distinguish the difference between reality and fantasy.
* Seperated yourself from some great insights into the power that 'belief' holds over affected individuals.

Sure ya' wanna' bail?
Happeh said:
Why did you make me look at that?
I'll have to agree Wikipedia is not a valid scientific reference, but the article seemed valid to me.

Why not your own words.
I do not entertain the illusion that I could have put it better than the author of that article.

It says the ability to do work. That is what I said basically. The ability to reach out and cause some change.
No, above you mentioned "shields", and "human energy". That's not equivalent to "the ability to do work".

Look, there is no evidence for your theory. In fact, already evidence has been presented by Skinwalker which would suggest the contrary. Your case is looking bleak.

What you are saying is "do it my way or the highway. I am not willing to work with you to see if we can iron out the communication problem".
Frankly speaking, yes. I'm not prepared to waste my time in trying to understand what you think of some word, which is already quite well described in standard bodies of knowledge.

If you do not understand it, that is because you do not understand, not because what they are doing or saying has no meaning to them.
Oh, I'm sure that you attribute some meaning to the word energy. But you fail to present it in a concrete form. Rather than to define it in unambiguous terms, you retreat into the realm of fiction.

I would like to hear in your own words why humans do not have energy
Sure they have energy. For example, I live on the fourth floor, I'm just bubbling with potential energy.

and why the effects of that test I described, which you conveniently did not address, can not be described in terms of interacting energy fields.
As already pointed out by at least Skinwalker and Crunchy Cat, there are already perfectly mundane explanations available. When I have a choice between a simple and supported explanation, and one which is unsupported and needlessly complex, I tend to elect the former.

If you say "Because my gods, the authorities, told me so", you are telling me you are not an independent being capable of your own independent thought.
The reason that I subscribe to my textbooks, is because the stuff in it seems to work so well. If I doubt it, I can test it, or, if the equipment would be too expensive, look up a peer review. I assume you have completed high school. Then, you too must remember how in practical courses the formulae, presented in theory classes, came to life in front of your very eyes.
Crunchy Cat said:
Light, if you give in now then you will have done two things:

* Failed to help Happeh distinguish the difference between reality and fantasy.
* Seperated yourself from some great insights into the power that 'belief' holds over affected individuals.

Sure ya' wanna' bail?

Hello Crunchy Cat, :)

I might hang around now and then just to observe but I've lost interest in trying to help him. Several of us have made serious efforts to do so and it simply has no effect. Two old adages come to mind: beating a dead horse and casting pearls before swine.

I'm all too aware of the power - sometimes GREAT power - that beliefs hold over affected individuals. All the way from the mundane to blowing themselves up to suicide so they can ride the spaceship hiding behind the comet. Belief is probably the most influential motivation in humans second only to greed/selfishness.

He doesn't want to improve or accept any help because he truly IS comfortable living in his land of make-believe. No only is he a liar and a fool, he has blocked himself off from anything and anyone that dares encroach upon his world. People like him can provide a degree of entertainment and amusement for the rest of us, but just like our paranoid English lady who accepts every outrageous thing she can find, he is beyond being helped.
Light said:
Hey everyone,

I guess we all, including me of course, have been a little slow here but I think we're finally catching on to him.

While many of us have been presenting proven facts, others have provided quotes from recognized authoritative sources, etc., what has he done and continued to do? He cites things that are works of fiction - books, movies, TV shows.

So it's finally become obvious that he lives in his own little fantasy world based upon nothing but the fiction he enjoys. He's quite safe there because scientific truths and reality cannot touch him. It's this child-like quality of his mind that allows him to call himself a scientist and not even blink when it's pointed out that he lied about it. In his fantasy world he IS a scientist and employs the energy used by mystics and wizards who live there with him. They are his friends and equals - not us. We are the poor deluded masses that live in his "otherworld."

He is helpless and hopeless and there is no truth or reason within him. He cannot allow it because it would destroy his smug little universe that he had created for himself.

He did not even realize it when I tested his credibility by asking him to prove his claim as a scientist. And then proceeds to claim that I never even tested him. How stupid.

Do what you wish, but as for me, I'm finished with the idiot. I'll let him have his version of reality, it - nor he - is not worth the effort of trying to bring him out of it.

I would stop telling people you are a retired psychologist. When they find out, they are going to figure that you had to quit because you got senile and couldn't think anymore.
mouse said:
I do not entertain the illusion that I could have put it better than the author of that article.

That's my point. You have no faith in yourself. You give your power to someone else. They tell you whatyou can and cannot believe.


mouse said:
No, above you mentioned "shields", and "human energy". That's not equivalent to "the ability to do work".

Look, there is no evidence for your theory. In fact, already evidence has been presented by Skinwalker which would suggest the contrary. Your case is looking bleak.


mouse said:
Frankly speaking, yes. I'm not prepared to waste my time in trying to understand what you think of some word, which is already quite well described in standard bodies of knowledge.

Hey. That is honest. You are happy with your view of the world. You don't care if you know all about it. Oh well. I do not understand that viewpoint but it is your life to do with as you please.

mouse said:
Oh, I'm sure that you attribute some meaning to the word energy. But you fail to present it in a concrete form. Rather than to define it in unambiguous terms, you retreat into the realm of fiction.

In an attempt to provide something your frightened mind can hold onto. You are afraid to imagine for yourself, so I provided a popular fiction example so you wouldn't have to imagine.

mouse said:
Sure they have energy. For example, I live on the fourth floor, I'm just bubbling with potential energy.

See. You have no alternative. But you are not man enough to admit it.

mouse said:
As already pointed out by at least Skinwalker and Crunchy Cat, there are already perfectly mundane explanations available. When I have a choice between a simple and supported explanation, and one which is unsupported and needlessly complex, I tend to elect the former.

I can tell. Simple minded world view for simple minded people.

mouse said:
The reason that I subscribe to my textbooks, is because the stuff in it seems to work so well. If I doubt it, I can test it, or, if the equipment would be too expensive, look up a peer review. I assume you have completed high school. Then, you too must remember how in practical courses the formulae, presented in theory classes, came to life in front of your very eyes.

Just like everything I am talking about here came to life before my very eyes.
Light said:
Hello Crunchy Cat, :)

I might hang around now and then just to observe but I've lost interest in trying to help him. Several of us have made serious efforts to do so and it simply has no effect. Two old adages come to mind: beating a dead horse and casting pearls before swine.

I'm all too aware of the power - sometimes GREAT power - that beliefs hold over affected individuals. All the way from the mundane to blowing themselves up to suicide so they can ride the spaceship hiding behind the comet. Belief is probably the most influential motivation in humans second only to greed/selfishness.

He doesn't want to improve or accept any help because he truly IS comfortable living in his land of make-believe. No only is he a liar and a fool, he has blocked himself off from anything and anyone that dares encroach upon his world. People like him can provide a degree of entertainment and amusement for the rest of us, but just like our paranoid English lady who accepts every outrageous thing she can find, he is beyond being helped.

You are as bad as Snakelord. The training the both of you have received has no effect on me. You are at a loss as to what to do. You resort to this stuff.
Happeh said:
You are as bad as Snakelord. The training the both of you have received has no effect on me. You are at a loss as to what to do. You resort to this stuff.

No, I'm not at a loss. I just recognize when it isn't worth it to expend any effort on someone as hopeless as you. My time is better spent elsewhere. But being perfectly normal, I can appreciate some comedy as much as anyone else and that's why I'll continue to read your posts now and then.
know what i think?
i think he is hopeing the mods will ban him so that he can say CENSORSHIP
but i doubt it will happen. the posters themselves will chase him off
leopold99 said:
know what i think?
i think he is hopeing the mods will ban him so that he can say CENSORSHIP
but i doubt it will happen. the posters themselves will chase him off
No, I don't think so, Leo. He hasn't been overt enough to be trying for that.

The best way to chase someone off a forum is to just stop talking to them - period. They are all looking for responses and interaction from someone. And if he, just like the rest, doesn't get that, he'll just go slinking off to to cage an sulk.
Light said:
Hello Crunchy Cat, :)

I might hang around now and then just to observe but I've lost interest in trying to help him. Several of us have made serious efforts to do so and it simply has no effect. Two old adages come to mind: beating a dead horse and casting pearls before swine.

I'm all too aware of the power - sometimes GREAT power - that beliefs hold over affected individuals. All the way from the mundane to blowing themselves up to suicide so they can ride the spaceship hiding behind the comet. Belief is probably the most influential motivation in humans second only to greed/selfishness.

He doesn't want to improve or accept any help because he truly IS comfortable living in his land of make-believe. No only is he a liar and a fool, he has blocked himself off from anything and anyone that dares encroach upon his world. People like him can provide a degree of entertainment and amusement for the rest of us, but just like our paranoid English lady who accepts every outrageous thing she can find, he is beyond being helped.

ok ok... I know that it can tiresome dragging a whale through sand. Don't hesitate to drop the thread a line ;)
Light, while working through the overnight (for me) postings I had just reached the point where I thought I had finally figured out what made Happeh tick. "This will impress the others", I thought, when bugger me, there you go with the same explanation - a fantasy world based upon works of fiction, whether books, TV or cinema.

This started me a thinking. Metaphor is a powerful tool in the human tool kit. It is argubly lies at the heart of all art, and plays a key role in science (replete with its models of reality) and technology (for example, the use of maps as a metaphor for the territory). Has any particular 'school' of pyschology focused on this aspect of how the brain interprets reality, especially as it relates to chronic failure to distinguish between the metaphor and the reality, the analogy and the actuality?
Crunchy Cat said:
ok ok... I know that it can tiresome dragging a whale through sand. Don't hesitate to drop the thread a line ;)

Ha! :D "Dragging a whale through sand!" Excellent - I'll remember that one! ;)
Crunchy Cat said:
Oh wow man, like can you feel those positive vibes? Most of the time hippies are using energy to describe emotional euphoria that is intensified with recreational drugs.

me))))))yes, and you have dismissed subjective awareness, as being lesser than your 'objectivist' religion. ie., you are part of a mscientific cult which depends on the authority of measure to dictate your life, an its meaning.......And qualities you cannot measure become denigrated and ridiculed. so you are only half a person. you are saturated with indoctrinaton.

You can see the same in teams of employees sometimes. They are close-knit, have a gung ho attitutde, and will encourage / be loyal to each other to the very end.

me))))))and you cant see this 'gung ho' shit with you lo of back slappin mscientist-types here. do you know how childish you all acting to those not part of ya club? or do you need to MEASURE it to know it? get me?

It's emotional perception and human behavior. Positive emotion that is reinforced can feel great and it doesn't even remotely suggest the existence of 'spiritual energy'.
alright you have made an assertion tere haven't you. let me ask you ...what then WOULD suggest the existence of 'spiritual energy'. forexample if you KNOW that THAt doesn't you MUSt know what DOES? right? wrong?
It's sort of funny you know that even though the obvious potential of sensing pheromones in the wind thus driving a person nuts is out there, nothing is ever done to research this.

Why don't the medical scientists take the issue of pheromone induced psychosis seriously?
We have known for ages that we are all sensitive to pheromones secreted by others yet this seems not to be the subject of serious study when it comes to issues of mental instability etc.

It seems such a simple possibility doesn't it?
That persons claiming telepathy are simply sensing pheromones and interpreting them in the way they do. Certainly if someone was acutely sensitive to these pheromones would this not give them the impression that they are experiencing a form of telepathy?
And if interpreted correctly as evidenced by the secreters behaviour, would this not reinforce the notion that it is telepathy?
Taken seriously possible therapies are available.....
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If I said I could read a persons mind by the smell of their pheromones would this amount to describing a telepathic experience and if I could do this reading of pheromones with a degree of repeatability and predictablity to satisfy any skeptic would this be considered as telepathy, psychic pheno or just plain physical pheno?
Thus explaining psychic pheno in the form of pheromone interpretation would render any reward for psychic pheno proof redundant? As it is imposssible to determine whether the performance was pheromonal or some other more mystical mechanism?

and so on.....the questions and potential answers just blow the whole show out of the water don't they?