Developing Telepathy

Quantum Quack said:
If I said I could read a persons mind by the smell of their pheromones would this amount to describing a telepathic experience and if I could do this reading of pheromones with a degree of repeatability and predictablity to satisfy any skeptic would this be considered as telepathy, psychic pheno or just plain physical pheno?
Thus explaining psychic pheno in the form of pheromone interpretation would render any reward for psychic pheno proof redundant? As it is imposssible to determine whether the performance was pheromonal or some other more mystical mechanism?

and so on.....the questions and potential answers just blow the whole show out of the water don't they?

depends WHOSE 'show' ya mean.......i have tried and tried to point out to the materialists here, gung ho'ing--that trhey are seriousy behind the cusp.....tere not not with it....old fashioned are they, indeedo. OTHERWISE they would know that presently the IMPORTANT question concerning SERIOUS scientific inquiry is to do with C O N S C I O U S N E S S...!!

SEE how the know-it-all here who accuse others of being 'ignoramouses' conveniently I G N O R E this when i bring it up. my question/inquiry about this suddenly becomes invisible to them as they continue prattling on within the limitation s of their rusty old shared- worldviews

well this question is not going ANYwere. it is a vital inquiry, and if not even acknowledged, your limited inquiires just go round nd round in sad fruitess loops ad nauseum. so as...painful as it may be for you'll itis wise to acknowledge about it

now QQ, how does what i say relate to what you askin?

well, the important insight is that this inquiry about consciousness is now acceptining SUBJECTIVITY into the equation, whereas before for many centuries it has been denigrated and dimissed entirely. NOW it is FOREMOST for study.
It implies that there is a connecting factor btween subjectivity and objectivity, between matter-energy and spirit/consciousness.

I have shown with the chart i mentioned (see philosophy forums) 'The Evolution of Dualism' that the parevious patriarchalreligios paradigm AND the present materialsitc paradigm swapped the emphasis from 'spirit' to 'matter', howefver whe you look closely at how the former religos paradgim UNDERSTOOD spirit and dogmatized about it they ALREADY had split 'spirit' from 'matter'

so the ting yo need to seriously consider is that all the wway down the patriarchal line of seemingly differnt religios belief systems and thewn humanism and science there hasbeen a MAINTAINANCE of theidea that 'spirit/conscious' and 'matter-energy' are separate, and i stress that wit materialistic science , it totally dismisses 'spirit' altogther and believes consciousnessis a product of MATTER. is this clear

so your question about unconscious scents. why should that deny the realy of even deeper awareness? why cannot you see a continuum. fori matter-energy is ALWAYS with consciousness, there is nodivision between sensual awareness and deeper levels of conscious awwareness
duendy said:
OTHERWISE they would know that presently the IMPORTANT question concerning SERIOUS scientific inquiry is to do with C O N S C I O U S N E S S...!!
Science is about a lot more than biology and psychology, Duendy. My interest lies with Planetology. Can you explain to me how consciousness effects the formation of planetesimals?
duendy said:
depends WHOSE 'show' ya mean.......i have tried and tried to point out to the materialists here, gung ho'ing--that trhey are seriousy behind the cusp.....tere not not with it....old fashioned are they, indeedo. OTHERWISE they would know that presently the IMPORTANT question concerning SERIOUS scientific inquiry is to do with C O N S C I O U S N E S S...!!

SEE how the know-it-all here who accuse others of being 'ignoramouses' conveniently I G N O R E this when i bring it up. my question/inquiry about this suddenly becomes invisible to them as they continue prattling on within the limitation s of their rusty old shared- worldviews

well this question is not going ANYwere. it is a vital inquiry, and if not even acknowledged, your limited inquiires just go round nd round in sad fruitess loops ad nauseum. so as...painful as it may be for you'll itis wise to acknowledge about it

now QQ, how does what i say relate to what you askin?

well, the important insight is that this inquiry about consciousness is now acceptining SUBJECTIVITY into the equation, whereas before for many centuries it has been denigrated and dimissed entirely. NOW it is FOREMOST for study.
It implies that there is a connecting factor btween subjectivity and objectivity, between matter-energy and spirit/consciousness.

I have shown with the chart i mentioned (see philosophy forums) 'The Evolution of Dualism' that the parevious patriarchalreligios paradigm AND the present materialsitc paradigm swapped the emphasis from 'spirit' to 'matter', howefver whe you look closely at how the former religos paradgim UNDERSTOOD spirit and dogmatized about it they ALREADY had split 'spirit' from 'matter'

so the ting yo need to seriously consider is that all the wway down the patriarchal line of seemingly differnt religios belief systems and thewn humanism and science there hasbeen a MAINTAINANCE of theidea that 'spirit/conscious' and 'matter-energy' are separate, and i stress that wit materialistic science , it totally dismisses 'spirit' altogther and believes consciousnessis a product of MATTER. is this clear

so your question about unconscious scents. why should that deny the realy of even deeper awareness? why cannot you see a continuum. fori matter-energy is ALWAYS with consciousness, there is nodivision between sensual awareness and deeper levels of conscious awwareness
Duendy, I must admit I was being a little, how should I say it, ....contraversial...hmmm ...please excuse me I was just acting out of a little frustration at reading all these posts in this thread.

It struck me as ironic that the scientists have so readilly dismissed physical causality for the telephathic experience and that it may yet prove to be a valid pheno even if rooted in the physical and non-predictive due to it's nature.
The other point that comes to mind with your post is that I do not see any difference in saying that all is physical and yet at the same time hold the view that all is imagination and yet at the same time hold the veiw that all is me it is not all that important as to which is what except that to work with the physical or material is merely a convenience simply because that is the fashion at the moment. For me the spiritual is just as material as material is spiritual. So I do not need worry about from which perspective one wishess to view from as in the final wash it is all the same stuff.

The Material could be explained in consciousness terms amd consciousness could be explained in materialistic terms. What is needed though is tolerance for all POV's. as we can learn a lot more from each other if we allow for the differing perspectives. I do understand that this is your fight, to open minds to a bigger view point.

For example I could argue that everything is imagination and that imagination obeys certain rules or laws which we have called physics which of course is also a construct of imagination etc etc.
I could argue for collective imagination and thus consciousness and so on, but how does this benefit me or others.

To me it is better to work with all perspectives and see if they can be unified into a more holistic approach some time in the future.

However I bring up the issue of pheromones to show that even the most ardent scientist can miss the most obvious. And all this talk about how effective science can be is shown to be lacking simply because of not being open to possibilities beyond the narrow perspective of deciding what is material and what isn't.

You see that if pheromone induced imaginings are taken seriously then there could be physical causality for the telepathic experience. Thus nothing mystical is occuring and therefore there is no cause for flaming and slandering someone simply due to our ignorance of that "physical" causality.

I know for one thing that the imagination is very easilly sturred by pheromones and symptoms such as paranoia and the other fear based responses could be caused to over sensitivity to those pheromones.
It begs the question however why we are so prepared to accuse someone of "flimsy" imaginations when in fact it may be phsycial in causality thus real and not fiction. [ just amplified sensitivity not coped with ]

So in my view neither camp in this debate is correct and neither is entirely wrong.

If we could only open our minds to the reality of our senses and their incredible nature we could make progress.
Ophiolite said:
Science is about a lot more than biology and psychology, Duendy. My interest lies with Planetology. Can you explain to me how consciousness effects the formation of planetesimals?

you underestimate the question being asked Oph, if you respond with this....assuming that the question o consciousness-in-its-dynamic-entiretity is ohly about 'biology' and 'psychology'. No, O, it is about everything and inbetween. so yes, it IS about rock/planet isabout ALL matter-energy

what is beling exploed ito can't be clearer than this: that matter-energy is not the be all and end all as materilists would have it. ie., in that IT is THE PRODUCER OFconsciousness. N, rather what is being sai is that consciousness has ALWAYSbeen with matter-energy---eternally

what are you using now to explore about this Oh, ? consciousness no? how does science even exists, operate, move about. with matter-energy AND consciousness, yeah?...yes apparently consciousness has bee utterly ignored by your mindset even till now, yet you couldn't budge without it.
remember, this thread isn't specifically about lanetisimas, etc, but abou people experiening phenomena you mscientists are not familiar with, and love to ridicule and demand 'physical evidence' for ad naus-----

so i am trying to tell you to look deeper so as to get over this ongoing impasse of misunderstandings. IFyou ignore this apsect then it stayes UN-conscious doesn't it. i know it may be painful, but it cnt be ignored. cause that is being an ignore-amous isn't it?
Quantum Quack, concerning your last message..........there's a danger of confusing energy talk wit consciousness talk. for example, many new agers will speak of consciousness as waves, etc. thatr i energy talk. ie., trying to imply that conciousness IS energy. are you with me? tis confuses things utterly

see it like this: yes there is matter-energy---in PRINCLIPLE it can be measued---as you point out about phermones, whih mascientists tend to not calculate, as them beeing too subtle. BUt what i am saying is that these scents are yet STILL --in principle at least--measureable.......ok?

now consciousness. we are saying that it is ALWAYS WITH matter-energy yet is distinct--like the shape and substance of a tennis ball...?....consciousness is how matter-energy feels-inside, experiences-inside, AHD consciousness is IMmeasureable. so its not 'inside' as say the brain is inside the skull

so yes,i agree with you that subtle material events are possibly undetected by materialistic acience---no question. BUT that doesn't mean the undetected material-energy IS consciousness, for consciousness canNOT BE measured. how for example can you measure love?...doesn't make sense does it to ask how gid, wide, etc 'love' it. yet we FEEl it, dont we?

the mscientists usually rush in now and give you the low down on the chemicals involved in the love thang.....but that isn't th SUBJECTIVE FEELING of love

one can say that matter-energy can bo non-local and that consciousness is not-located....for something to havelocation it has to be measureable doesn't it?
Duendy, I expect to be dead before we figure out what consciousness is. I do not expect to be dead before we figure out a lot of interesting things about planetary formation. I know where my goals are.
Ophiolite said:
Duendy, I expect to be dead before we figure out what consciousness is.

me)))))so you know wht matter-energy isthen do you?

I do not expect to be dead before we figure out a lot of interesting things about planetary formation. I know where my goals are.

this your problem then maybe. having set 'goals' keeps yu from going off the beaten track
Light said:
No, I'm not at a loss. I just recognize when it isn't worth it to expend any effort on someone as hopeless as you. My time is better spent elsewhere. But being perfectly normal, I can appreciate some comedy as much as anyone else and that's why I'll continue to read your posts now and then.

Allow me to paraphrase

"I am at a loss. As a professional psychologist, I know when to leave a losing battle. I can stay here and let this guy make me look bad, or I can run away with my reputation intact."
Light said:
No, I don't think so, Leo. He hasn't been overt enough to be trying for that.

The best way to chase someone off a forum is to just stop talking to them - period. They are all looking for responses and interaction from someone. And if he, just like the rest, doesn't get that, he'll just go slinking off to to cage an sulk.

Still being buddies with Leo huh? How low can you go? I see he got banned.

You really ought to choose your allies with more care. Otherwise, you get painted by the brush of their actions.
Ophiolite said:
Science is about a lot more than biology and psychology, Duendy. My interest lies with Planetology. Can you explain to me how consciousness effects the formation of planetesimals?

Your interest is in planetology, but you feel expert enough on the human body to completely disregard all evidence for telepathy. Do you see the problem? You are in the wrong field.
Ophiolite said:
Duendy, I expect to be dead before we figure out what consciousness is. I do not expect to be dead before we figure out a lot of interesting things about planetary formation. I know where my goals are.

U are funny. I still think you are being taken for a ride. I am honest, yet people accuse me of all kinds of things. I think you are being taken for a ride but you don't know it.

If I am a smart guy who has a good heart and doesn't mind being dishonest, I can teach you by playing games. Because you are so smart, like Skinwalker, and Light and all the other oh so intelligent know it alls, you won't accept anything but proof and evidence.

I come in here and talk to you straight. Man to man. You guys want evidence and studies and my qualifications. When it turns out I don't have those, you dismiss me.

Let's say I am a smart guy who knows how to manipulate people. I go to these oh so smart know it all's that love to think about how intelligent they are, and I play the fool. I pretend to be stupid. That way, I play to their ego. I am always the stupid guy and they are the smart guys trying to help me.

My way, talking to you straight like men, you guys get pissed off and angry and run away. You refuse to talk to me anymore because I am "impossible".

But if I tak like i cnt spel to gud, I can sneek my poynts into yor hed witout you noing it. You r so full of your ego at beng the intllgent guy, that you never wake up the fact that I can spell perfectly fine and make total sense if I want to.

So I keep speeking lik a reetard. Playing U for the foolsh vein fish u r.
I can fool even "smart" people like Light. He claims to be a psychologist, yet I hve him foold lik the rst of ya. I coud convnce him I was Jack the Ripper and he wood nevr no.
duendy said:
alright you have made an assertion tere haven't you. let me ask you ...what then WOULD suggest the existence of 'spiritual energy'. forexample if you KNOW that THAt doesn't you MUSt know what DOES? right? wrong?

It's a good question duendy. Heat, light, and electrical energy are a few of the available forms. They can be observed (directly or indirectly), measured, mathematically modeled, their behaviors predicted, and the predictions verified with experimentation.

If the same can be done with 'spiritual energy' then it's good to go.
Happeh said:
Your interest is in planetology, but you feel expert enough on the human body to completely disregard all evidence for telepathy. Do you see the problem? You are in the wrong field.
Which evidence is this?

I have been away and there is too much to read.
Quantum Quack said:
It's sort of funny you know that even though the obvious potential of sensing pheromones in the wind thus driving a person nuts is out there, nothing is ever done to research this.

Why don't the medical scientists take the issue of pheromone induced psychosis seriously?
We have known for ages that we are all sensitive to pheromones secreted by others yet this seems not to be the subject of serious study when it comes to issues of mental instability etc.

It seems such a simple possibility doesn't it?
That persons claiming telepathy are simply sensing pheromones and interpreting them in the way they do. Certainly if someone was acutely sensitive to these pheromones would this not give them the impression that they are experiencing a form of telepathy?
And if interpreted correctly as evidenced by the secreters behaviour, would this not reinforce the notion that it is telepathy?
Taken seriously possible therapies are available.....

QQ, take a look:{5FE84E90-BC77-4056-A91C-9531713CA348}

Most mammals rely heavily on pheremones for communication and I could easily see variations pop up in the human species that are sensitive to the encoded messages in pheremones. There is no evidence to suggest that pheremones mechanisms can encode and decode anything other than social cues (emotional content). Humans can often determine the emotional states of each other by facial expression. Other mammals realy heavily on smell for this.

It's not 'psychic' and using some nebulous 'spiritual energy'. It is a real means of emotional communication via smell.
Quantum Quack said:
If I said I could read a persons mind by the smell of their pheromones would this amount to describing a telepathic experience and if I could do this reading of pheromones with a degree of repeatability and predictablity to satisfy any skeptic would this be considered as telepathy, psychic pheno or just plain physical pheno?
Thus explaining psychic pheno in the form of pheromone interpretation would render any reward for psychic pheno proof redundant? As it is imposssible to determine whether the performance was pheromonal or some other more mystical mechanism?

and so on.....the questions and potential answers just blow the whole show out of the water don't they?


It's not a matter of satisfying skeptics. It's a matter of providing evidence for a claim. If a claim was made of being able to 'smell' the thoughts of others and this was verifyable, then guess what? That's evidence supporting the claim! The next step would be understanding how this occurs instead of concluding it is a 'mystical thing' (which is utterly meaningless).
Happeh said:
Your interest is in planetology, but you feel expert enough on the human body to completely disregard all evidence for telepathy. Do you see the problem? You are in the wrong field.
You are quite right. I need to play to my strenghts. Clearly I should get into astrology.
Crunchy Cat said:
It's a good question duendy. Heat, light, and electrical energy are a few of the available forms. They can be observed (directly or indirectly), measured, mathematically modeled, their behaviors predicted, and the predictions verified with experimentation.

If the same can be done with 'spiritual energy' then it's good to go.
it is like i was explaining to QQ etc., a shortwhile ago......we have matter-energy which in principle it is possible to measure....whereas 'spirit'/consciousess, cannot be measured

where i feel the ridicle, hostility, sneering, arrogance, fear, etc., comes from materialists when speaking about -what-can't-be-measured- is the fear of 'chaos'---of supersitition. ie., all the so-called phenomena of the religious paradigm they/you imagine you have disentangeled yourself from.......but, have you??? big question....

So this is why it is IMPORTANTO to really understand how 'spirit' was undertood by the paradigm you 'rebelled' against--
TO cut to the chase. you mscientists PRETENDyou are freee from superstition, and delusion, as you fear was much part of all the religious dogma, but i can very clearly see you haven't resolved all of that. you have simply changed terms and emphasis .....from 'spiritus' to 'materia' KEEPING the psychological assumption of division between 'spirit/consciousness and matter!

For as i have already pointed out, the Church TOo separates 'spirit' from 'matter'. for it assumes 'spirit' is some form of transendental reality which can exist witout matter-energy, and its mystical branch,gnosticism even assumes matter-energy is evil....etc

so all of this may SEEM to your solid-reality sense to be mere mystical fancy, but the research into all this is ALSO scientific. you are researcing about consciousness. in this case how men have created ideas that cause division between our sense of being and Nature

NOT understanding all about this, the problem dont go away but becomes UNconscious. because you are NOT just what yur measurements assume you are, JUSt objective machines--glorified computers. that is what we're exploring here
The problem I see with pheromones as an explanation for telepathy is that pheromone detection would require proximity so it can not explain long distance events.

Happeh exactly which psi skills have you mastered?
From what I have read there appears to be 3 avenues to psi, 1) Focused attention, 2)deep relaxation, 3) intense fear. Does this work for you or do you employ another method?
4) Self delusion.
It is more powerful than the first three and will function in any circumstances.