Developing Telepathy

leopold said:
like i said, you are here to "win" yours
if you call that critisizing and ridiculing . . .

you are right! your belief about what i am here to achieve is your belief, it is not critisism or ridicule. never did i say it was.

as i said you are not the only person who is insulting people. so there is no need to take offense when i say, i am not offended by people critising me. the comment was not directed to you particularly in the first instance. it was directed to anyone who was critising me.
Objective descriptions of actions with accompanying assessments of motivation are often misinterpreted as criticisms. To avoid such perceived criticisms change the character of the actions. This need not impinge on the motivation.
what i believe is irrelevent
you stated that you were here to balance the argument.
so does telepathy exist or not yes or no
Ophiolite said:
Point 1: A minor issue, but if you have never heard the term 'personal space' (used by psychologists, a form of scientist, to describe, well, personal space) how are you able to tell us about it? There is no need to confirm your stupidity.

A minor confirmation of your stupidity. If I had never heard of personal space, why was I the first person in the thread to mention it?

Ophiolite said:
Point 2: Conduct this experiment. Take a meal at a good restaurant with a friend, but not one with whom you have had or are likely to have intimate relations. Sit opposite your friend. During the course of the meal move items from your side of the table onto their side of the table: napkin ring, unused cutlery, salt shaker, etc. Notice how your friend becomes increasingly uncomfortable, even though you are not invading their personal space for more than a fraction of a second. EXplain how these results are explicable in terms of an energy field.

If you want to be stupid, so can I. Hit your friend in the head with a rock. Explain the results in the terms of energy. Anyone can make up silly examples to be troublesome if they want to. Being stupid is easy. Ask the kids at the back of the class who ruined school for the other 30 students.

Ophiolite said:
Point 3: I am truly impressed by the consistency and firmness of your delusion.

And, being the intelligent person you are, it has never crossed your mind that the consistency stems from the fact that I am reporting reality.
why would i need to avoid criticsm? they are only poorly formed judgements of my behaviour. the need to avoid them would signify that i did not like what you said.

like if you called me a liar.
if i am not a liar i can sit here and laugh at you secure in the knowledge of self. knowing that you are just a weak person that seeks empowerment in the weakening of others.

if i am a liar and i do not want to be found out because it would damage my credibilty then i would need to take action to avoid remarks of that nature.

i am here ot balance the argument even though you believe i am here to win something.

for some poeple telepathy exists for some people it does not.

my personal experience and my reality it does.

we also have this
leopold said:
but can it be duplicated under controlled conditions?
or are we talking random chance.
ellion said:
i dont know i dont really care. i am sure it could be replicated, and i cannot see why it is not beeing controlled already, none of that matters to me. i have no desire to prove anything only to balance the arguments.
mouse said:
Oh, I guessed you wouldn't use the term energy in it's well defined physical sense.

What do you mean? Heat energy crosses a distance. So does human energy. Heat energy is usually invisible. So is human energy. Heat energy produces an observable effect. So does human energy.

Please be more specific in you rebuttal so I understand what you are talking about. That is if you understand what you are saying well enough to put it to print.

mouse said:
But there lies a part of the problem in communicating with you. People have done their best to define these words in a manner that is usefull and logical. Many of us have learned those definitions, so that we could sensibly and concretely talk about the concepts they represent.

Now, here you come along and you concoct your own version of it, which no one understands. That's not very productive, in the same sense that it wouldn't be very productive if I started talking Dutch to you.

But what you say is not true. As I asked above. Post your definition of energy. Point at the part where it contradicts what I am saying. Then I will be able to clairify it for you.

You know? People like to talk. People are lazy and sloppy. No judgement. When they talk, they are sloppy with their words and lazy with their thoughts. It does not matter because we are all friends having a discussion. This discussion is not an application for a science job or a grant.

Different people around the world use words differently. Energy in english may be the only word that is close to the meaning of a word in a different language. Because you only understand english, I must use a word in your language to try and express myself.

If you can provide a definition of energy that in english makes sense to you, maybe I can find some other word besides energy to describe what I am referring to. A word that won't bother you or make you think what I describe is not real.
what makes you believe in telepathy?
by telepathy i mean that you can make another person think what you are thinking soley by brain pwer
What makes you believe I am adressing any remarks to you? Supreme egoism?
If I am called a liar I take reasonable measures to counteract the claim. Credibility is the one asset I value above all others. I am not surprised that someone unfamiliar with the truth would take a more sanguine view of it.

A small request. Would you learn to write English correctly. Much of the time your posts are incomprehensible. For example "my personal experience and my reality it does." Now, just what does that mean? Not that I think anyone especially cares, but if you are going to the extent of typing some words, you might as well make them coherent.
Or, "and i cannot see why it is not beeing controlled already". In reference to Leopold's demands for controlled experiments. It sounds as if you have never heard of a controlled experiment (i.e. you are ignorant), or you have heard of them, but do not understand what they are (i.e. you are stupid), or you a being deliberately obtuse (i.e. you are rude). None of the alternatives seem especially attractive. They suit you.
like i said your judegements have no meaning for me. i do not consider anything you say as a put down. your beliefs are your own and are no reflection of me. i see you as you are and i take no offence in you being different to me.
i dont believe in it.

i have experiece of it.

there is a difference.
OneLie, I wasn't making any judgements. Why would you think that? I asked you to learn to write intelligibly. You ignored that request. Does that mean you are ignorant? Is asking a question a judgement? Are you congenitally stupid? Is that a fair question for a fool?
Why do you believe in telepathy?
How do you know you are different from me? How do you know I do not take offense at the similarity? Why should I wish to put you down? Do you wish to put yourself down? Do you want help? In either sense?
Can you handle these questions? Can you handle yourself?
Now, why do you believe in telepathy?
i will say again! it does not matter to me what you call me! i am not offended by you. your judegments are rooted in your beleifs about me these are poorly formed and improper and so your insults are water form a ducks back. as the accusation of lie to a man of truth.

as regards my writing, my grammar. i write what comes to me i do not write to please you or make you happy? it does not require a great deal of tolerance to decipher my writing.

with sincerity i speak of my expereinces not my beleifs.
Where have I called you anything?
Where have I made a judgement about you?
Where have I insulted you?
Are your beliefs rooted in your judgements?
Are they beautifully formed?
Does water, indeed, form a duck's back?
Do you like philosophy? What are your views on language? Do you think language a form of communication? Do those communicating have any responsibility? Should the writer seek to communicate his intent clearly?
Could you describe someone who chose to write for their own amusement only, as a narcissistic egotist, or would you use fewer esses?
most of your posts including the above contain insluts, ridicule and critiscm of myself or others. all water forma ducks back to me. i am not offended by this. it is weak!
Happeh said:
What do you mean? Heat energy crosses a distance. So does human energy. Heat energy is usually invisible. So is human energy. Heat energy produces an observable effect. So does human energy.
Still, I haven't the slightest idea what you mean with "human energy".

Post your definition of energy.
Well, look here (links to Wikipedia).

Point at the part where it contradicts what I am saying.
For one thing, it doesn't include "human energy". It does include different forms of energy, but human is none of them.

It does not matter because we are all friends having a discussion. This discussion is not an application for a science job or a grant.
It matters, always. I will hold my friends to the same standards, if they claim something extra-ordinary. Moreover, they would expect nothing less of me.

Different people around the world use words differently. Energy in english may be the only word that is close to the meaning of a word in a different language.
Ah, there is the beauty of it. Crunchy Cat understood what I meant, and I'm guessing we are not living in the same country. Or perhaps not even the same continent, for that matter. But somewhere during his education the notion of energy was explained (in English, I assume), and it happened to be very similar to what a teacher explained to me (in Dutch). That's not a coincidence. In science there is a consensus of what that word means. Either you apply that, and I may understand you, or you do not, and I'd have great difficulty following you.

Because you only understand english, I must use a word in your language to try and express myself.
If you feel more comfortable in Dutch or German, go right ahead. French might be possible too, but I'll need to find a good online dictionary first. In this case, it wouldn't help though. The word energy in all those languages would refer to the same concept, if one uses it in a scientific context.
How can asking questions be insulting? Are you reading to much into my simple curiosity? It is quite true that I have insulted Happeh, Robert_JS and MetaKron for being fools; I have attacked Baron Max and JB for being racists. I have castigated vallich for posting inaccurate interpretations of well established science.
Do you have a problem with this? Do you wish to support crackpot theories ? Are you in favour of racial prejudice? Do you wish scientific inaccuracies to be promoted? Perhaps you do. If so you insult yourself. There is no need for action on my part.
So, where have I called you anything? Where have I made a judgement about you? Were have I insulted you?
asking questions is not insulting. i have never said that.
i am not going to go picking over your posts for you, to show you how you critise, judge, ridiclue and insult. you will learn that yourself in the course of time.

again, i am okay with you being who you are and i will repsond to the self that is behind the deprecating atitude.