Developing Telepathy

mouse said:
Oh, for crying out loud...

By now, I should have known better than to mention another mythical entity and let the discussion derail completely once more. To all who were genuinely interested in an objective approach to the topic of telepathy, mea culpa. see, what is so ironical about you wannabe scientists is that you turn yer noses up at one of the deepest respurces of info about how we all tick---MYTHOLOGY. itnever seems to connect with you that the research about this filed can be 'scientific''ll are soooo 2D. an eyes bein kiiiind
Mythology has been explored extensively as part of studies in anthropology, psychology and ethology. Perhaps you could explain its relevance to astronomy, biochemistry, calculus, dynamics, electromagnetism, geophysics, horology, or a host of other sciences. You seem to have a very anthropocentric view of the Universe Duendy.
Ophiolite said:
Mythology has been explored extensively as part of studies in anthropology, psychology and ethology.

me)))that so? whaty from--- a patriarchal perspective me wonders?...dont know less i en see what you refer to..?

Perhaps you could explain its relevance to astronomy, biochemistry, calculus, dynamics, electromagnetism, geophysics, horology, or a host of other sciences. You seem to have a very anthropocentric view of the Universe Duendy.
who is speakin here? us humansa right?....why do you believe you and your 'objectivity' exist in some vacuum divorced from your connection with mythology?...THAt is THE'll strut about without an concern about your depth, as refelcted in mythology.....remember, it's 'you' who started goin on about 'dragons'---yet apparently not knowing what you RE ACTUALLY REFERRING TO. so i wanted to point out the mythical significance of what you insult peoples with
I didn't start 'going on about dragons'. I pointed out that Happy Daze had got the origin of the word screwed up. You have to learn to compartmentalise. Do you honestly think Mythology has any significant role to play in making a scone? So, what doe sit have to do with static loads on I-beams in construction? Answer: bugger all. Stop trying to claim, fallaciously, that the mechanical objectivity - that you choose to call materialism -that is responsible for the efficient working of plains, trains and micro-waves, is somehow evil because it arrives at its conclusions without the benefit of mythology. Get real.
Light said:
A myth smells just like reality to them.
I'm just wondering, in your professional opinion, how do you think that came that to be? Is it just the need for sensationalism, which motivates them?
mouse said:
I'm just wondering, in your professional opinion, how do you think that came that to be? Is it just the need for sensationalism, which motivates them?

Hello Mouse,

It varies between individuals. For a relatively few, it's a true psychosis. For some it's simply a rebellion against authority (science/teachers/parents). Another fairly common cause is an inherent desire to believe in things beyond the ordinary - like supernatural beings and beasts.

But the most common of all is just a lack of mental maturity. Practically all children are enthralled with stories of talking animals, magic, witches, charms, etc. and that explains the success of books and movies like the Harry Potter series. Unfortunately, many cling to such fantasies simply because they want it to be true and carry that over into adulthood.

In that first case, many people with Asperger's Disorder actually believe they can cast spells on other people. And in the latter class, quite a few will also recant if they are pressured hard enough.

Yes, it offers quite a few people some excitement to brighten their otherwise fairly dull lives. That's where the sensationalism comes in. They are bored and lack the mental drive to notice all the truly fascinating real mysteries of the everyday world that surrounds them. Such individuals are quite often excessively lazy and have very little motivation or ambition.
Ophiolite said:
Evidence is, apparently, a rude word Crunchy Cat. It implies an inherent disbelief on the part of the person requesting the evidence. This has several negative connotations:
1) It denigrates the persons stating that telepathy is real.
2) It supports the global Jewish conspiracy of media control.
3) It reveals a dark, spirtual void on the part of the materialist bastards requesting the evidence.
4) It shows a complete lack of respect for the many well meaning, uneducated, intellectually challenged, gullible people who believe in it around the world.
5) It goes against all the tenets of true, open minded science, by being close minded and unimaginative.

I think I got all the highlights. So the answer to your quesiton is 'No.'

As humerous as that response was, nearly fell off my seat reading that, it serves as a really good summary of the obstacles people face whom choose the path of 'belief'.
There is nothing remotely "intelligent" about making derogatory comments about other people. My personal view is that the need to put down other people is a sign of low self-esteem so I feel pity for those who must do such things to feel good about themselves.

Some one had ask for the source of an event I cited having to do with mother/daughter/accident. I did it from memory but I believe I read it in "Awakening Intuition" by Mona Lisa Schulz.

As to the hit and miss nature of telepathy if you want to figure out how the hits happen you have to concentrate on them not the misses since the misses would be how it does not work.
It maybe a case of have not yet been duplicated in a controlled environment.
Not having succeeded so far is not a reason to stop trying.
Focusing on the "hits" may lead to a pattern emerging of how it may work. Dismissing it as impossible will never lead to an answer as to how it has occurred.

In case I do not get a chance to come back here soon. Happy New Year.
Light said:
They are bored and lack the mental drive to notice all the truly fascinating real mysteries of the everyday world that surrounds them. .

Not me. I notice everything. The most fascinating mystery to me? How people can be so certain of things they know nothing about.

The idea that someone can tell a person, "no you didn't experience that, it is all in your head", blows me away. It is impossible for a rational intelligent person to make that statement. There is literally no way you can know what has or has not happened to a person.

But these people stand up on the highest mountain, firmly declaring, "no, that didn't happen to you, no, that didn't happen to you, no, that didn't happen to you".

You would think they would wake up after they told 20 or 50 or 100 people they were wrong. You would think they would begin to wonder about 100 people all claiming the same thing. They never do.

That is a mystery of the ages.
telepathy would be perfect for the military.
if that is true you can bet the farm that they have poured every last dollar they could afford into it.

telepathy is in my opinion impossible without a suitable encoder/decoder

true there are things that happen between people that cannot be explained.
but telepathy? i don't buy it.
Light said:
Hello Mouse,

It varies between individuals. For a relatively few, it's a true psychosis. For some it's simply a rebellion against authority (science/teachers/parents). Another fairly common cause is an inherent desire to believe in things beyond the ordinary - like supernatural beings and beasts.

But the most common of all is just a lack of mental maturity. Practically all children are enthralled with stories of talking animals, magic, witches, charms, etc. and that explains the success of books and movies like the Harry Potter series. Unfortunately, many cling to such fantasies simply because they want it to be true and carry that over into adulthood.

In that first case, many people with Asperger's Disorder actually believe they can cast spells on other people. And in the latter class, quite a few will also recant if they are pressured hard enough.

Yes, it offers quite a few people some excitement to brighten their otherwise fairly dull lives. That's where the sensationalism comes in. They are bored and lack the mental drive to notice all the truly fascinating real mysteries of the everyday world that surrounds them. Such individuals are quite often excessively lazy and have very little motivation or ambition.

Ya. I remember when I used to be this arrogant. Certain I knew it all. I was so stubborn I almost died before I finally woke up to reality.

That is why I can smile and laugh at you. I said all of that myself to other people. If you finally wake up, you are going to kick yourself silly at being so stubborn, and wasting so much time you could have been using to learn what life is really about.
Happeh said:
Ya. I remember when I used to be this arrogant. Certain I knew it all. I was so stubborn I almost died before I finally woke up to reality.

That is why I can smile and laugh at you. I said all of that myself to other people. If you finally wake up, you are going to kick yourself silly at being so stubborn, and wasting so much time you could have been using to learn what life is really about.

Right. So dragons, elves and fairies really do exist, eh? Right!

There's nothing arrogant about it and the descriptions aren't even mine. They are the cumulative results of years of studying human behavior and it's oddities. Probably in excess of a thousand human life-times all totaled together. Hardly something that pooped out of tree or from under a bush yesterday like your beloved mythical creatures.

And as long as we're more or less on the subject of human behavior, there are at least two of us here who separately asked you to provide some credentials and tell us the field you are working in as a self-proclaimed "scientist." Your failure to do so is resulting in your credibility rapidly dropping. Are you going to provide the requested information or should we simply conclude that you are nothing more than a fraud?
read some of his nonesense in the "masturbation is for losers" thread
starting from page 18 or so
leopold99 said:
read some of his nonesense in the "masturbation is for losers" thread
starting from page 18 or so
Wow! Some of that was just plain pitiful. :bugeye: