Developing Telepathy

Ok, I can solve this debate!

Someone get there fancy web-cam out and make a video of you or someone you know, doing some sort of telepathy (personally I would like to see a psi-ball but obviously it's up to you).

If you can't produce this video is 2 days then, I think, it proves that telepathy does not exist... :cool:

I'll be back in 2 days to check in on the progress! :m:
leopold99 said:
i am still waiting for someone to tell me what is on my desk

A general guess based on the law of averages:
A coffee mug stain.
i am still waiting for someone to tell me what is on my desk

Fake doggy doodoo?
Happeh said:
There are a whole bunch of them. The man is famous and rich from them. His name is Simon Green and the books are called the DeathStalker series.
Ah, fiction.

The rumours themselves may not be worthwhile. But they lead you in the right direction.
They can lead you in the right direction. They can also send you into the forrest.

Police use rumors all the time to solve cases. Maybe the rumors are false, but they lead the police in the right direction.
I'm not familiar with methods employed by the police, but I'm sure that once a rumor leads to a dead end, they abandon it and move on. That's what I'm about to do, too.

What you are asking me to do is tell you where you could find people that you, skinwalker, light and the rest could go and harrass. Why would I tell you the names or groups of people so you can go harrass them?
Your assumption that I would want to harrass them is invalid. I have no intention to bother any one, but I do want to give people their chance to proof themselves.

The people that could prove it to you would never speak to someone like you.
How close minded of them.

You are too coarse and demanding.
Coarse? I've done my best to remain polite. My excuses if it was perceived otherwise.

Don't get mad at me.
I'm not. Why should I be mad at you? I think you are misguided and in dire need of a proper education. If anything, I pity you.

You are a pestering dog that won't stop sniffing their leg.
Nice mental imagery. Is your book full of that too? I still do not have its ISBN, so I wouldn't know.

What you and the others refuse to accept is that these are people, not chemicals in an experiment. These people have feelings. They don't want to be berated and hounded by doubters and haters.
They won't. If they are truly telepaths, they'll be delivering the evidence we seek and ultimately increase our understanding of the human brain.

Over in another thread, Snakelord made me literally physically sick with his hate and demands. That is what happens to these kinds of people when they are the subject of hate or ridicule or derision or whatever.
I can't speak for all scientists, obviously, but it is my experience that the run of the mill scientist is not out to ridicule. He or she is out to model reality as accurate as possible.

Telepathy is subjective. You experience it or you do not. You cannot see it from the outside.
That's too bad, because if that's true, it will never leave the pseudoscience section.

Any kind of test would always leave you in doubt you had been tricked.
Among other things, that's why tests should be repeatable. If someone is in doubt of the result or thinks the test was done improperly, they can do it again.

Stop attacking people that bring up the subject.
I'm not attacking. I'm asking questions and I give my opinion about the answers, if given.

Walk around thinking about telepathy all the time.
You want to get me killed? I prefer to concentrate on traffic when I navigate through my home city.

Instead of immediately rejecting the subjectof telepathy, do whatever you can to hold your mind open.
The problem with this credo is that, if applied consistently, it is not restricted to telepathy alone. If I hold all, which seems far fetched and is unsubstantiated, under consideration, there is nothing preventing me from believing the most ridiculous notions. If I, without good cause, should consider telepathy as a distinct possibility, why not consider dragons to be a distinct possibility? Or why I should I not entertain the notion that the world is flying through space carried by four elephants standing on the shell of a giant turtle? And since with that last statement we are now firmly within the realm of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, why not believe in the Unseen University too?
Stryder said:
A general guess based on the law of averages:
A coffee mug stain.
no, i have a seperate desk for coffee stains.
after spilling coffee in my keyboard i learned that the hard way
Ophiolite said:
You apparently don't even understand what psychology is. Can I suggest you do some googling and learn the difference between psychologists, psychiatrists and psycho-analysts.

I thought the difference was status? Some of them make more money than the others?
SkinWalker said:
Ahh.. the mind of the woo-woo at work. Looking for the justifications to satisfy your biased conclusions of the world. I'm provisional. I'm willing to revise my position. You clearly are not.

Neither am I willing to change my position that 2 + 2 = 4.

SkinWalker said:
And here is the retreat. One has to be a 'telepath' to be able to prove know 'telepathy.'

You know? I might have misspoke there. I will have to think about it.
Light said:
But to the consternation of folks of your opinion science does NOT accept anything blindly. Simply stating that something exists, or that you have personally experienced it, in no way establishes it as fact. And I cannot even begin to count the number of times that same principle has been patiently explained on this forum - but the "woo-woos" never seem to be able to understand it.

How many of those people insisted that your way of thinking limits your life?

Light said:
Why? Because it shatters their pet beliefs.

No. Because you are contradicting reality from no experience. You yourself say you have never experienced telepathy. You have no right to tell someone else that they have not experienced it. You have no clue, but you are certain they are lying or deluded.

Light said:
If I were to tell you that there uncountable aliens from other worlds living among us and using us as a food supply, you would certainly ask me for proof - and rightly so.

Not really. I would ask you to define alien and define food. Because I am a scientist, I would verify that we are both thinking the same thing before I rush to hasty judgement. Maybe alien is the word for mosquito where you live. In your language, your statment above is correct. Mosquitoes do use humans for food.

Light said:
If I told you I was visited each night by angels that explained all the mysteries of the universe, you would again ask for proof - and again, rightly so.

They only come to you at night? Mine talk to me all the time. ;)

Light said:
So, no - science (nor I) will never simply "take your word" for anything.

Your and societies loss.

Light said:
That brings us to why you believe these things in the first place. I honestly don't know. Sometimes it IS the result of a delusion - a mental defect. Other times it might only be simple wishful thinking. Some would consider it comforting while others would consider it terrifying. The point is people believe things like this for their own reasons alone. Period.

I told you why. Personal experience. Then you told me I was a liar.

Light said:
So despite your claims that I am close-minded, the exact opposite is true; if you or anyone else provides proof, I will change my mind immediately.

Hopeless. I made 20 posts saying the same thing in 20 different ways and none of them worked. I can look in the mirror and say I tried anyways.
mouse said:
Ah, fiction.

Of course. I never said otherwise.

mouse said:
If anything, I pity you.

Then we are even.

mouse said:
They won't. If they are truly telepaths, they'll be delivering the evidence we seek and ultimately increase our understanding of the human brain.

Why? What makes you assume they are altruistic, sacrificing themselves for the greater good? Especially after I told you many of them use the ability for self enrichment.

I can't speak for all scientists, obviously, but it is my experience that the run of the mill scientist is not out to ridicule. He or she is out to model reality as accurate as possible.

mouse said:
The problem with this credo is that, if applied consistently, it is not restricted to telepathy alone. If I hold all, which seems far fetched and is unsubstantiated, under consideration, there is nothing preventing me from believing the most ridiculous notions. If I, without good cause, should consider telepathy as a distinct possibility, why not consider dragons to be a distinct possibility?

There are dragons. Depending on your definition of dragons.
There do actually exist, dragons----in the form of lizards. but i am assming the mscientists herer mean te 'Dragon' as described in mythology?

well THAT 'Dragon' symbolizes the conscioous awareness of Deapth,,,of Earth/Universal energies---all that is talked about here in sudo forums...and more, and ecstatic sex ...etcetera. itis the realization of the complimentarity of mind-energy and spirit/conciousness...of the dynamic polarity of reality

the impasse herer beyween the mscientists and the people sharing experiencesthat te former aren't familiar with is caused by the attempt to use one 'language' to understand another...............INSTEAD of te mscientists keeping the looop of askin a question from a limited scope, they/we shpould look for clues tat may heal the dramtic difference in worldviews

the clues is the present struggle in philosophy and science to understand consciousness!
Happeh said:
Because I am a scientist...

You claim to be a scientist?!?!

OK... I finally managed to stop laughing. :D Now, pray tell, just what kind do you claim to be?
James R said:
Have you tried it? Did it work for you?

BTW, that "using a tiny portion of our brain" thing is a myth. We use all of our brain. If we didn't, it would be unnecessary wasted space.

I realize that this is a somewhat late relpy, but it is not a myth. We do only use a tiny portion of our brain at one time. We humans use about 10% of our brain at any givin time. However it is not the same 10%. Different parts of the brain "light up" when introduced to new stimuli. If we used more than 10%, I suppose there are two possible outcomes. The first is that the brain may over heat, much like an overworked computer, it crashes. The second, is that we become more aware of our surroundings which may lead to amazing outcomes know as ESP.
Happeh said:
Knowing leopold, it is probably sexual lubricant.
at least i do not hide behind a facade of holier than thou
have you ever had an original idea in your life?
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Words of Wisdom said:
I realize that this is a somewhat late relpy, but it is not a myth. We do only use a tiny portion of our brain at one time. We humans use about 10% of our brain at any givin time. However it is not the same 10%. Different parts of the brain "light up" when introduced to new stimuli. If we used more than 10%, I suppose there are two possible outcomes. The first is that the brain may over heat, much like an overworked computer, it crashes. The second, is that we become more aware of our surroundings which may lead to amazing outcomes know as ESP.

Actually, that's another bit of misguided information. Since you've obviously seen pictures of scans I'm pretty sure that you should have noticed that it can be considerably more than 10% - and normally is. Look at the next one you find and re-evaluate your percentages. ;)
Light said:
You claim to be a scientist?!?!

OK... I finally managed to stop laughing. :D Now, pray tell, just what kind do you claim to be?

The kind that understands how to employ the scientific method of observation and deduction.
leopold99 said:
at least i do not hide behind a facade of holier than thou
have you ever had an original idea in your life?

Ummm. The one you are currently ridiculing over in Science and Society?

You prove my claim with every post.