Developing Telepathy

There are plenty of scientists and those with scientific educations or outlooks, who post here, who are not denying the importance of a spiritual aspect to life. But that spiritual aspect is enhanced when we root it firmly in real, not imagined, experience.
Your failure to understand this Duendy is keeping you from real truth.
duendy said:
obviously 'mouse' my wrds seem invisible o you
Not invisible, but barely readable. If you want to attract attention, I expect you'd do a better job if you use language more effectively.

what i am ANTI is when your mindset wants to TAKE OVERY EVERY fukin thang
Look, I'm pragmatic in nature. I use what works. The scientific method works. So when it comes to approaching a topic like telepathy, I prefer to approach it with a methodology proven to get results.

Frankly, I do not. For example, what is this spiritual experience you mention? I've had moments of euphoria, of insights, of love and hate too, but for the life of me, I can't recollect any experience I'd solely describe as spiritual.
Ophiolite said:
There are plenty of scientists and those with scientific educations or outlooks, who post here, who are not denying the importance of a spiritual aspect to life.

me]]]]]]]]...I see. Interesting.

But that spiritual aspect is enhanced when we root it firmly in real, not imagined, experience.

me]]]]....ey? now i am confused. what do you MEAN?? you have a lot of xplainin to do with THAT one...

Your failure to understand this Duendy is keeping you from real truth.
well in tis case, i am awaiting an indepth explanation from YOU so as i can try and understand wheren yer comin all ears
mouse said:
Not invisible, but barely readable. If you want to attract attention, I expect you'd do a better job if you use language more effectively.

me]]]]]]ohhh, either read it or not fellah, i am not beggin. you obviously have replied to my laaast post sooooo....?

Look, I'm pragmatic in nature. I use what works. The scientific method works. So when it comes to approaching a topic like telepathy, I prefer to approach it with a methodology proven to get results.

me)))i know.and what we/i am saying is is that your criteria for measurement may be your impasse for understanding its limitations

Frankly, I do not. For example, what is this spiritual experience you mention? I've had moments of euphoria, of insights, of love and hate too, but for the life of me, I can't recollect any experience I'd solely describe as spiritual.
so your experience-lacking means others cannot? what do i mean by 'spiritual' really look into this question you got to begin understanding thehistory of ideas, and how 'spirit' has been understood oer the centruies---a good ...FERY good summary is in a chart i presented to the philosophy forums titled 'The Evolution of Dualism'----you will find a really dramtic shift of emphaais from te Age of Religion to the Age of Science---eg., the former emphasized 'spirit' and thelatter, 'matter', but here is theimportant clue. when 'spirit' IS emphasized it is separated FROm Nature,from matter-energy.....when science hits the scene they eventually dismiss 'spirit' from their equations and suddenly all is materialism. but CLUE, BOTH sides fundamentally-psycholigcally split 'spirit' from matter-energy.........slit 'spirit'/consciousness from matter-energy. you with me? THAT is the basic long ongoing problem, and which cayses the confusion, as is being played out in thisthread.
The analogy has been posted before.
There is a giant hyperspatial aardvark at the bottom of my garden. It has imparted to me certain Universal Truths. As a consequence of these it is important that you believe me and follow my instructions. If you deny the reality of what I have directly experienced you are clearly an evil materialist and I shall have nothing more to do with you.
In short, just because someone claims to have had an experience, whether spiritual or material, does not make that experience true. There are many charlatans in the world. Some of them practice in the 'material' world - cold fusion is a good example. Other's practice in the spiritual - some evangelists, some mediums, are good examples of this.
It is important, whether we are dealing with the spiritual or the material, that we not be deceived by such charlatans. How to distinguish between the real and the fake? Curiously the scientific method works rather well in both environments.
Huwy said:
Why do we see no evidence (eg bones, fossiles) of dragons, elves or fairies?

Because there are not any. Are you like leopold? Poor reading skills? I clearly said,cut and paste here.

Dragons, elves and faires are all words that originally, in the distant past of human history, described human beings with specific physical characteristics.

Huwy said:
Claiming you are being attacked by a mob is really just distracting from the real issue at hand, the lack of evidence to support your claims.

You mean like asking me for me credentials is really just a way of distracting from talking about the real issue at hand? Or the lack of evidence to support your claim that telepathy does not exist?
Ophiolite said:
Happeh, you are one monumentally fucked up dude.

You say this to me, but yet, in another thread, you treated me as a friend and asked me to do a favor for you.
when 'spirit' IS emphasized it is separated FROm Nature,from matter-energy.....when science hits the scene they eventually dismiss 'spirit' from their equations and suddenly all is materialism.

Or, 'spiritual' is dismissed because there is no evidence of its existence. One could possibly conclude that the spiritual was an explanation from ignorance. Since science increases our understanding and eliminates ignorance, the concept of the spiritual is quite rightly dismissed.

Whats the problem?
mouse said:
Will you comfortably sit in an airplane piloted by someone who had no training in using it? Will you comfortably leave your life in the hands of the surgeon who skipped medical school, or would you'd rather leave it in the hands of a surgeon who graduated?

Flying is a trained skill. No education is necessary. Teach someone the buttons and proper meter readings and anyone can fly a plane. Easy as driving a riding lawn mower.

I would never let a surgeon operate on me. I am not a steak.
mouse said:
Frankly, I do not. For example, what is this spiritual experience you mention? I've had moments of euphoria, of insights, of love and hate too, but for the life of me, I can't recollect any experience I'd solely describe as spiritual.

Can you feel energy? Are you aware of your energy or the energy of other people in any way? If the answer is no, that is one reason why you have had no spiritual experiences.
Ophiolite said:
Some of them practice in the 'material' world - cold fusion is a good example.

Really? I thought the government quashed that for security reasons. And yes, there is evidence the government does quash science for security reasons.
Flying is a trained skill. No education is necessary. Teach someone the buttons and proper meter readings and anyone can fly a plane. Easy as driving a riding lawn mower.

Happeh always ceases to amaze, but never ceases to entertain.
Happeh said:
Really? I thought the government quashed that for security reasons. And yes, there is evidence the government does quash science for security reasons.

No. Other scientists 'quashed' that [cold-fusion] for pseudoscience reasons. The claim was a scam.
duendy said:
ohhh, either read it or not fellah, i am not beggin. you obviously have replied to my laaast post sooooo....?
Sure, but you are not making it readily accessible by disregarding English. If your inability to write proper English is due to some kind of condition like dyslexia, you have my sincere sympathies. If it's due to a lack of education, please, get one. You'll do yourself a favour.

what we/i am saying is is that your criteria for measurement may be your impasse for understanding its limitations
I'm aware of the methodology's limitations. To understand the scientific method, you have to understand that it has rules, and those rules imply borders. That's why I've given up on this whole telepathy thing. If Happeh is correct in stating that I can not measure it or otherwise note it from "the outside", then, ok, it falls outside the reach of my toolbox and I can't investigate it.

so your experience-lacking means others cannot?
No, I didn't say that. I just don't understand what with you explicitily mean with a "spiritual experience".

when science hits the scene they eventually dismiss 'spirit' from their equations and suddenly all is materialism.
Probably because it is ill-defined and not measurable.

but CLUE, BOTH sides fundamentally-psycholigcally split 'spirit' from matter-energy
Look, I've no idea what "spirit" exactly means. So I can't judge your statement.

you with me?
No, for me to follow you, I have to know what you mean with "spirit".
Happeh said:
You say this to me, but yet, in another thread, you treated me as a friend and asked me to do a favor for you.
If you are referring to me asking you for where you had posted some 'evidence', that was not treating you as a friend. That was merely treating you with courtesy. It should be evident from several earlier posts that I consider you to be a pathetic excuse for a human being. Don't confuse courtesy with friendship, or discourtesy with enmity.
I did not ask you for a favour: I asked you to direct me to what you claimed you had posted as evidence. I was doing you the favour by being prepared to take the time to review what I strongly suspect is mindless drivel.
You live a deluded life, in an illusory world. We should like to shock you back into reality: it is a painful place to be, yet it also contains much joy.
(Q) said:
when 'spirit' IS emphasized it is separated FROm Nature,from matter-energy.....when science hits the scene they eventually dismiss 'spirit' from their equations and suddenly all is materialism.

Or, 'spiritual' is dismissed because there is no evidence of its existence. One could possibly conclude that the spiritual was an explanation from ignorance.

me))))))really try and listen (Q), or it gets more n more complex. we have already said that the interpretation of 'spirit' WAS ignoreance, in the Age of Religion. For 'spirit' was divided from Nature/matter-energy----------YES? for the Churchican propaganderists, 'spirit' defined their 'God', asceticism, MEN, clarity, order, truth....whereas Nature's 'prince' was the 'Devil'. so for that mindset, any talk of experience of deep spiritual experience WITH NATURE was judged to be DEMONIC!...right?...for as said, they had divided 'spirit' from Nature. is this clear......?
If so, keep listnin. So science hits the scene and, (listen!) ACCEPTS that version of 'spirit'.... it doesn't QUESTION it, but Galileo et al make a deal with church that they will focus on matter and its forces and leave the Church to deal with 'SPIRITUAL' maters. soooo, dont ya see/ they BOTH share a false premise----:OF a split between 'spirit' and matter-energy!! do you agree up to here at least?

Since science increases our understanding and eliminates ignorance, the concept of the spiritual is quite rightly dismissed.

me))but it DOESN@T. the wolrd has hardly even been so confused in a deep psychological way---and physically of course. ESPECIALLY in the 'developed' world, more and more people seek help from the mental health movement. today i read it was a QUARTER of the population of U.S do!! whatare you saying??

Whats the problem?

you obviously can't see a problem.....STILL?
Happeh said:
Can you feel energy?
Obviously. Heat, e.g., I can sense.

Are you aware of your energy or the energy of other people in any way?
Of course. For one thing, I see other people move about. They couldn't do that if they didn't have the ability to convert some type of potential energy in kinetic energy.
leopold99 said:
you happeh are fucking lying nazi cocksucker
This is not going to help. Calm down a bit, and don't let Happeh get to you like that.
i have dealt with him since he joined the board.
i tried to understand his point of view
in fact i was ready to dismiss him for being delusional
no he isn't that, he's a monster. a predator