Developing Telepathy

Words of Wisdom said:
I realize that this is a somewhat late relpy, but it is not a myth. We do only use a tiny portion of our brain at one time. We humans use about 10% of our brain at any givin time. However it is not the same 10%. Different parts of the brain "light up" when introduced to new stimuli. If we used more than 10%, I suppose there are two possible outcomes. The first is that the brain may over heat, much like an overworked computer, it crashes. The second, is that we become more aware of our surroundings which may lead to amazing outcomes know as ESP.

Of course there are academic sources as well, but these popular media sources appear to cite them properly enough.
Happeh said:
The kind that understands how to employ the scientific method of observation and deduction.

And yet the evidence for that claim doesn't present itself. What scientific methods and processes have you employed to the question of so-called 'telepathy?' What methodologies have you used and what were their results? Where are the data?

And, out of curiousity, what field of science are you in and what degrees do you hold?
Happeh said:
The kind that understands how to employ the scientific method of observation and deduction.

Right! And exactly what credentials do you hold and in what field, pray tell??? So far, you've come across as one of the least (not the worst, though) "scientific" people present here.
throwing references at him does no good
scientists in his opinion are quaks, incompitents, liars, frauds.
the media in his opinion is controlled by an israeli conspiracy
he has also stated that i am qoute
"a filthy talking person of low intelligence"
Words of Wisdom:

Have unused brain capacity makes no evolutionary sense, since to maintain the "spare" capacity requires more energy input and hence more food intake, less resources available to the rest of the body etc.

If there were 2 groups of humans, one of which had "extra", but unused ESP, then the group without the ESP would have an advantage in terms of survival, and would come to dominate the human population.

We would therefore expect that if ESP existed then everybody would both have it and use it, and that it would be useful. It wouldn't be just a small number of indivudals - unless you want to assert that some subpopulation of human beings is presently evolving...
it seems to me that one good whop on the head would make him see the light.
you know what they say about horses don't you?
when happeh reads this he will automaticly think dick.

to answer your question, i am actually a grunting, drooling ape with knuckles that drag the ground
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What is interesting is why someone chooses to practice such a level of self deception. If I cast my mind back many decades I was a firm believer in the probability of ESP and ghosts and the Bermuda Triangle and the predictions of Nostradamus. As nearly as I can recall what attracted me to these things was their novelty; their stand against the status quo; their imaginative quality (I loved science fiction for the same reason); their intriguing, mysterious quality.
I still find those aspects of them fascinating, but that fascination is now tempered with a mix of reality and proper analysis. In the face of that they fade into the mists of might-have-been.

leopold99 said:
to answer your question, i am actually a grunting, drooling ape with knuckles that drag the ground
Are you an endangered species? More to the point, could you address the issue raised in other threads by Bhudda1, as to whether animals are naturally predisposed towards male to male 'bonding'?
yes i am an endangered species. i am unique, one of a kind, in fact i am the greatest thing that ever waked on two legs, the best thing since sliced bread.
and yes i can love anybody but that doesn't mean i want to screw them.
Wow, this thread is still going eh... has evidence been provided to support the existence of telepathy yet?
Evidence is, apparently, a rude word Crunchy Cat. It implies an inherent disbelief on the part of the person requesting the evidence. This has several negative connotations:
1) It denigrates the persons stating that telepathy is real.
2) It supports the global Jewish conspiracy of media control.
3) It reveals a dark, spirtual void on the part of the materialist bastards requesting the evidence.
4) It shows a complete lack of respect for the many well meaning, uneducated, intellectually challenged, gullible people who believe in it around the world.
5) It goes against all the tenets of true, open minded science, by being close minded and unimaginative.

I think I got all the highlights. So the answer to your quesiton is 'No.'
Happeh said:
Why? What makes you assume they are altruistic, sacrificing themselves for the greater good? Especially after I told you many of them use the ability for self enrichment.
If out there, I expect them to be just as human as the rest of us. Some of them are bound to agree with my line of reasoning, just as some of them are not.

There are dragons. Depending on your definition of dragons.
The kind that takes to roasting knights, especially when the latter are in the process of liberating an imprisoned but fair maiden from the wretched hands of an evil king or wizard. So, no, I was not refering to the Indonesian Komodo dragon.

Duendy, don't try to analyse the above. It was not at all meant seriously, you know.
leopold99 said:
when happeh reads this he will automaticly think dick.

to answer your question, i am actually a grunting, drooling ape with knuckles that drag the ground

And you confirm it with every post
mouse said:
The kind that takes to roasting knights, especially when the latter are in the process of liberating an imprisoned but fair maiden from the wretched hands of an evil king or wizard. So, no, I was not refering to the Indonesian Komodo dragon.

No I don't think there are knights and dragons either. Nor was I speaking of Komodo dragons.

Dragon is a word that was originally invented to describe people. People with certain phyiscal characteristcs can be described as dragons. Then after people lost that knowledge, we have the fair tales of today.
Ophiolite said:
Evidence is, apparently, a rude word Crunchy Cat.

me))no itis THE word-impasse-term that keeps yer tickin on wid what you feels safe with

It implies an inherent disbelief on the part of the person requesting the evidence. This has several negative connotations:
1) It denigrates the persons stating that telepathy is real.

me))no,it is your worship of the MYTH of the all-encompassing (for you) sci-method that grosses us out....big syley

2) It supports the global Jewish conspiracy of media control.

me))who said it was 'Jewish'?

3) It reveals a dark, spirtual void on the part of the materialist bastards requesting the evidence.

me))who said 'bastards? moi??...spiritual void. a respunding...Y E S!!!!!!!!!

4) It shows a complete lack of respect for the many well meaning, uneducated, intellectually challenged, gullible people who believe in it around the world.

me))let me translate this for all with ears to understand. he means ANYone not a mscientinst like him truly, which implies ALL the Indigenous peoples since time immemorial...!

5) It goes against all the tenets of true, open minded science, by being close minded and unimaginative.

me)))this dude wouldn't know openminded science if it tripped him

I think I got all the highlights. So the answer to your quesiton is 'No.' say NO i say YES
Happeh said:
No I don't think there are knights and dragons either. Nor was I speaking of Komodo dragons.

Dragon is a word that was originally invented to describe people. People with certain phyiscal characteristcs can be described as dragons. Then after people lost that knowledge, we have the fair tales of today. a way we may seem to be on same side here. but i dont agre with your other rtheories about masturbation, and do you ignore my posts where i told yo the mythical meaning of DRAGON?.....cant ell if youu dont repond what you think of what i say. but believe it its true. yeah
Oh, for crying out loud...

By now, I should have known better than to mention another mythical entity and let the discussion derail completely once more. To all who were genuinely interested in an objective approach to the topic of telepathy, mea culpa.
mouse said:
Oh, for crying out loud...

By now, I should have known better than to mention another mythical entity and let the discussion derail completely once more. To all who were genuinely interested in an objective approach to the topic of telepathy, mea culpa.
No worries, Mouse, we can't prevent the cockroaches from crawling out of the woodwork. A myth smells just like reality to them. And remember that one of them - the one with an LSD-fried brain - just recently claimed to having actually seen fairies and elves. (And was serious about it, too!)