Developing Telepathy

what really tee's me off is he is teaching this crap to children.
every time i think about that. . . i want to know where he lives.
light said:
It varies between individuals. For a relatively few, it's a true psychosis. For some it's simply a rebellion against authority (science/teachers/parents). Another fairly common cause is an inherent desire to believe in things beyond the ordinary - like supernatural beings and beasts.

But the most common of all is just a lack of mental maturity. Practically all children are enthralled with stories of talking animals, magic, witches, charms, etc. and that explains the success of books and movies like the Harry Potter series. Unfortunately, many cling to such fantasies simply because they want it to be true and carry that over into adulthood.

In that first case, many people with Asperger's Disorder actually believe they can cast spells on other people. And in the latter class, quite a few will also recant if they are pressured hard enough.

Yes, it offers quite a few people some excitement to brighten their otherwise fairly dull lives. That's where the sensationalism comes in. They are bored and lack the mental drive to notice all the truly fascinating real mysteries of the everyday world that surrounds them. Such individuals are quite often excessively lazy and have very little motivation or ambition.

you explain absolutely nothing, and you believe you understand people?
ellion said:
light said:
It varies between individuals. For a relatively few, it's a true psychosis. For some it's simply a rebellion against authority (science/teachers/parents). Another fairly common cause is an inherent desire to believe in things beyond the ordinary - like supernatural beings and beasts.

But the most common of all is just a lack of mental maturity. Practically all children are enthralled with stories of talking animals, magic, witches, charms, etc. and that explains the success of books and movies like the Harry Potter series. Unfortunately, many cling to such fantasies simply because they want it to be true and carry that over into adulthood.

In that first case, many people with Asperger's Disorder actually believe they can cast spells on other people. And in the latter class, quite a few will also recant if they are pressured hard enough.

Yes, it offers quite a few people some excitement to brighten their otherwise fairly dull lives. That's where the sensationalism comes in. They are bored and lack the mental drive to notice all the truly fascinating real mysteries of the everyday world that surrounds them. Such individuals are quite often excessively lazy and have very little motivation or ambition.

you explain absolutely nothing, and you believe you understand people?

your explanation does categorise the behaviour, while not being a thorough explanation, it is in a sense is a step toward an explanation, but in this post i dont think there is demonstration of an understanding of the behaviour.
leopold99 said:
telepathy would be perfect for the military.
if that is true you can bet the farm that they have poured every last dollar they could afford into it.

telepathy is in my opinion impossible without a suitable encoder/decoder

true there are things that happen between people that cannot be explained.
but telepathy? i don't buy it.

I remember watching a Television program about all the "spytoy's" invented during and just after the second world war. One such toy was one that the CIA had admitted to using, It basically involved using a common household cat as a Bugging device. The cat was fitted with equipment that would allow operators to hear from the cats sensative hearing, using the cat a biofilter to distinquish sound.

Suggestibly though the misuse of the otherwise candid kitty, was brought to an abrubt halt during one of there tests, as their implanted kitty was pancaked by a passing motorist.

I purely point out this because this was in essense the dawning of Artificial Telepathy in the Espionage Arena. Although the Kitten in this anecdote involved the use of surgical implantation, the real threat of such use as a "biofilter" in as someones espionage agent is very real. It wouldn't take much for a person to have a small implantation planted on them or inserted into them, for them to be a walking "Ear" (And potentially eyes with current technology).

It could even be suggested that people that see aliens, ghosts, Hear voices which would of originally been classified by "textbook" definition as mental ailments are in fact a mixture of test subjects, "sleepers" (The nickname for espionage agents, that in this case don't even know which country they are working for) and of course disinformation agents (Afterall not every agents going to be "carrying the package".)

With such seeds sown, Hysteria then becomes the norm where people that aren't being misused draw their own delusional conclusions based upon the outputs of those who are.

(All the more reason why "Non-Lethal Weapons" should be observed all the more closely)
Ophiolite said:
I didn't start 'going on about dragons'.

me}}}}}}which is why i put 'you' in commas--ie., you may not have specifically, yet belong to the same mindset of people who do

I pointed out that Happy Daze had got the origin of the word screwed up. You have to learn to compartmentalise. Do you honestly think Mythology has any significant role to play in making a scone?

me}}}}}}but qe aint ON about makin scones, we are on aboutpeople hafe experiences you lot cat explain, and thisninquiry involves mythological inquiry--espesh when 'dragon' starts bewing used as some form of put-down

So, what doe sit have to do with static loads on I-beams in construction? Answer: bugger all. Stop trying to claim, fallaciously, that the mechanical objectivity - that you choose to call materialism -that is responsible for the efficient working of plains, trains and micro-waves, is somehow evil because it arrives at its conclusions without the benefit of mythology. Get real.

you dont listen. of course i amnot saying it is evil. what IS evil, and/or can lead to evil is when you impose your materialistic view ontologically onto others which you'll are doing now saying people are 'whacko' 'crazy' 'woo woo' 'liars' 'mentally ill' 'chasin dragons'....! keep wid it!
leopold99 said:
telepathy would be perfect for the military.
if that is true you can bet the farm that they have poured every last dollar they could afford into it.

me)))EXACTLY......exfukinactly. this is how your minds work. tis is where ya comin from. you want to test fortelepathy right?? want it patented, commodified, and put in for theuse of themilitary industrial war complex. of couuurse yer bleedin do. thisis why it wll evade you, hopefully. you wid yur cold souless little test machines. you live on cold mean dead planet. you will NEVER understand the subtleties of bodymindenvironment. as we see , if you do you poison that like you do everything you touch

telepathy is in my opinion impossible without a suitable encoder/decoder

true there are things that happen between people that cannot be explained.
but telepathy? i don't buy it.
good.....D O N'T!!!!
SkinWalker said:
Just because you reject the explanation doesn't mean the understanding isn't there. TRUST his judgment!!

but your sentiment is best applied to your self. just because you reject others' 'weird' experience down't mean they don't exist. it means your criteria of 'measurement' is limited on many levels
Light said:
Right. So dragons, elves and fairies really do exist, eh? Right!

Dragons, elves and faires are all words that originally, in the distant past of human history, described human beings with specific physical characteristics.

Light said:
There's nothing arrogant about it and the descriptions aren't even mine. They are the cumulative results of years of studying human behavior and it's oddities. Probably in excess of a thousand human life-times all totaled together. Hardly something that pooped out of tree or from under a bush yesterday like your beloved mythical creatures.

You are a simpleton. I have clearly explained my definition of dragons, elves and fairies. In spite of my clarity, you continue to speak as if I am talking of Hollywood dragons, elves and fairies.

You are not listening or not reading or you do not comprehend what I am saying. That is your problem, not mine.

Light said:
And as long as we're more or less on the subject of human behavior, there are at least two of us here who separately asked you to provide some credentials and tell us the field you are working in as a self-proclaimed "scientist."

Don't be foolish. I have no credentials. This is not a penis measuring contest. Not for me anyways. Most of you are not scientists. You got a science degree. Then you went into the real world and you became beauracrats. Beauracrats who compare the size of the degrees and accomplishments and awards. You have lost all thought of science or the scientific method and replaced it with political power games.

Light said:
Your failure to do so is resulting in your credibility rapidly dropping. Are you going to provide the requested information or should we simply conclude that you are nothing more than a fraud?

If I am 2 years old and I say 2 + 2 = 4, 2 + 2 = 4. My age has no bearing on reality. Your education has no bearing on reality. You paid money to have your head filled with lies and half truths. You made a good living at it until you could retire. Good for you.

Just because lemmings paid you money so you could tell them how to live your life, does not mean you are right about anything. If you insist 2 + 2 = 3, you are wrong, no matter how many psychology degrees you have or how many awards you earned. That 2 year old with no schooling at all is right and you are wrong.
Light said:
Wow! Some of that was just plain pitiful. :bugeye:

You know what? I think the exact same thing when I read your posts. :bugeye:

As a person who claims training in psychology, why not talk to us about mob psychology? About how some simpleton, like leopold, can gather a group of like minded people togehter and hound someone they consider to be a target. Say me.

Then could you describe, how you as a trained and retired psycholgist who is supposed to know all about mob mentality, would walk right into leopold's "mob" and join their activities?

I will tell you why. Because in spite of your degree, you are just like anyone else underneath. An intelligent ape that responds to mob psychology. A person who throws his intelligence and training out the window the minute his personal feelings take over and he wants to cause someone trouble.
Why do we see no evidence (eg bones, fossiles) of dragons, elves or fairies?

And who is more likely to say 2+2=3?
That masturbation causes weakness, blindness, or gayness?
That telepathy isn't just possible, but actually exists?
The educated, or the non educated?

Claiming you are being attacked by a mob is really just distracting from the real issue at hand, the lack of evidence to support your claims.
Consider Leopold99 - anyone who has looked at his posts will realise he is using the forum as a place to let off steam in a lighthearted way. In 'real life' he may take things very seriously, or not. Probably the former, but I am not wedded to the idea.
As part of his lighthearted approach he uses irony, sarcasm and sometimes just bad tatse, to deflate the pretentious and mock the foolish. It is quite telling that you a) fail to recgonise this, b) find such behavour spooky.

I suppose I lead a fairly mundane life. Despite travelling the world in my work, and meeting people from a wide variety of cultures and backgrounds, I suspect I have actually been quite sheltered. It was not until I began frequenting forums like this that I discovered quite how delusional and warped some people could be. It has opened my eyes. I am not sure whether pity or perplexity carries the most weight.

[insult deleted]
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Huwy said:
Why do we see no evidence (eg bones, fossiles) of dragons, elves or fairies?

mePPPPpwatch myyyy fukin lips. when we are talking about dragon, faieries and elves we is talking about deep experiential experience that somehow refeals the complimentarity between 'subjectivity' and 'objectivity', 'matter-energy' and 'consciousness'. YES....YES....YES??? hello hello. anyone at HOME?

And who is more likely to say 2+2=3?
That masturbation causes weakness, blindness, or gayness?

me)))anyone who wants to know about demonizaton of masturbation simply MYST--i insist--read Thomas Szasz's book Tha Manufature of Madness: A Comparative Study of The Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement. Szasz meticulously shows hoe -in psychiatric history-masturbation was pathologized. as a consequence many children etc had to wear penis-damaging equip,eht on so as to twart any nighttime erections. fukin unblieveable, and can t belive happenh is regurgitating this nonesense, especillay when his othr insights seem so more intelligent

That telepathy isn't just possible, but actually exists?

me))how do you K N O Wit D O E S N'T?

The educated, or the non educated?

me))))'educated' in OUR world MEANS INDOCTRINATION!!

Claiming you are being attacked by a mob is really just distracting from the real issue at hand, the lack of evidence to support your claims.

no it isn't my sepcialist mr. you HAVE to take into account the WHOLE affiar. all your actions and mannersims we is lookin at very very closely. yes sireee
Light said:
In that first case, many people with Asperger's Disorder actually believe they can cast spells on other people. And in the latter class, quite a few will also recant if they are pressured hard enough.
Thus, in the latter case, on the long run it may actually help them to keep pointing out their flaws in reasoning, and thus "keeping the pressure on"?

They are bored and lack the mental drive to notice all the truly fascinating real mysteries of the everyday world that surrounds them.
That could translate in a challenge for teachers, who can help in presenting science in an accessible way. The obvious (and perhaps overstated) example of Carl Sagan's Cosmos, is very appealing to me in this regard. You can't help being engaged by it.
Happeh said:
Don't be foolish. I have no credentials.
Why not enlist, and get a degree? I guarantee you, it'll not be a waste of your time.

Most of you are not scientists. You got a science degree.
In my case, you'd be correct. I left university with a master's degree, went off to work in IT and have found my education very usefull there. For one thing, it has learned me to approach complex problems.

For example, you learn by taking a simplified model and playing around with it. You pull here, you push there, and see what happens. From that, you distill an idea how it works, how it reacts. Then, you apply that idea to a bigger scale and a more complex environment, to see if your predictions and expectations still hold out. If so, congratulations. If not, note what went wrong and back to the drawingboard to try again.

I have found above approach very convenient when dealing with real life challenges in IT.
Happeh said:
Your education has no bearing on reality. You paid money to have your head filled with lies and half truths.
Will you comfortably sit in an airplane piloted by someone who had no training in using it? Will you comfortably leave your life in the hands of the surgeon who skipped medical school, or would you'd rather leave it in the hands of a surgeon who graduated?
And while we're at it, who paid money to get educated? I was fortunate enough to have been educated when the UK still believed in investing in the future. I was paid to get an education. I believe I have repaid that investment many times over.
mouse said:
Will you comfortably sit in an airplane piloted by someone who had no training in using it? Will you comfortably leave your life in the hands of the surgeon who skipped medical school, or would you'd rather leave it in the hands of a surgeon who graduated?

obviously 'mouse' my wrds seem invisible o you, yours are quite visible forme so i will repond. look we, or i, anm not a luddite. or even that anti-technologyas such. what i am ANTI is when your mindset wants to TAKE OVERY EVERY fukin thang. yeah. even spiritual experience. DO YOU UNDERSTAND??