Degrees of Misogyny

mtf said:
If someone you fancy gives you a compliment, your response is to feel offended and intruded upon, right ...


... it also seems self-evident to me that one need not reach to abstraction in order to oblige respect unto our sisters. Rather, this is pretty straightforward and practical: Gentlemen: On such occasions that you might be seen reading in public, how often is that act intended as a signal that you want a man to try to get your permission to stick his erect penis inside your body? I would further remind that there comes a point at which the affirmative means you're likely not going to be hitting on women. Bisexual is one thing, but it's not going to work at Starbuck's, it's not going to work at the pub, generally speaking; and the places where it might work (A) you won't be hitting on women, and (B) it might still not work because in the gay male community, "too desperate" is sometimes interpreted as "lethally dangerous".

That is to say, among the men who most need to consider these questions, it seems rare are the days you'll grant another man who might be thinking of how good your lips will look with his sex jammed between them the same manner of intrusion and disruption of your reading time so many would otherwise oblige of women.

(Boldface accent added)

It's always suggestive when people simply repeat the simpleton's pitch without considering the larger issue.

To wit, we'll borrow the question I asked Bowser↑: What gives you the right?

And by what logic do you presume someone fancies you?

No, really:

"If someone you fancy gives you a compliment, your response is to feel offended and intruded upon, right ..."

If someone you fancy gives you a compliment? That's not the issue, here.

Which, in turn, is also pretty suggestive: When the response is to desperately try to change the subject.
You are a moderator. What am I supposed to say? You're in a position of power, everything you say is by default the truth and right.

Why should if they see a woman who takes their fancy?
But what gives him the right to intrude on her in that way? What gives him the right to accost her and tell her how he feels when she's just going about her day? Why doesn't she have the right to not be harassed or accosted in such a way?

Honestly? I do. Yes, men will speak their minds. Again, being told you are beautiful is not a terrible thing.
From people I know? Sure. From complete strangers I have never seen or spoken to, when walking alone or on public transport? That is a completely different kettle of fish. I don't care if men will speak their minds. They have no right to accost strangers to speak said mind. For one thing, the first thing that comes to mind is 'who is this guy?'.. then 'how long has this weirdo been looking at me and has he been following me?'.. And so on and so forth, pretty much every question a woman would ask herself in a fight or flight situation because a) she doesn't know this guy and b) she doesn't know if he could be some violent psycho or not.

Because he was taken by her beauty, of course.
And he can't shut up about it? He can't keep his thoughts to himself? He needs to share and intrude on another person, uninvited, to share?

As I said, if you walk past a house you think looks nice, would you walk into it uninvited just to speak your mind about said house? No, you wouldn't. You value someone's property more than you value a woman you don't even know.

I agree with you here. Most men wouldn't approach a women who is with a man. True. You are absolutely correct.
And yet you think it is perfectly acceptable to approach the same woman if she is alone? What? The guy who is so "taken by her beauty" who must "speak his mind" because she "took his fancy" won't say anything if she has a man with her? So he can shut up then, but not if she's alone?

Giving someone a compliment is wrong?
Someone you know? No problem with that. Complete strangers who are going about their day? You can't imagine why it might be inappropriate to approach a woman and comment on her looks? Why doesn't he give her the same compliment when she has a man with her? After all, it's not wrong, is it? You can't see how doing this to women who are alone is harassment?

Do you ask for permission before giving someone a compliment? I mean, is that how screwed up we've become?
I give compliments to people I know. I don't walk up to strangers on the street to comment on their looks or compliment them on their looks. To wit, I'm not a weirdo that way.

Again, I'm trying to understand how a compliment brings a person down. I can understand how vulgar comments are disturbing, but being told you are beautiful should be a high point in your day.
Because you are objectifying her. Because you are intruding on her to give her your opinion uninvited. Because she doesn't know you and you just look at her, walk up to her or scream it out in the street. Because she doesn't know you. Because she has the right to walk down the street without having you foisting your opinion of how she looks, on her. Because it is rude. Because it is intrusive. Because it is threatening to her. Because it is inappropriate. Because you look like a creep when you do it. Because she is not an object put there for you to admire.

I don't see a compliment equaling harassment.
When it is uninvited, to a complete stranger, inappropriate, intrusive, turns her into an object instead of a human being, it is harassment.

If I were young and single, if I saw a woman who knocked my socks off, yeah, I would let her know.
Because you think you have more rights over her than her right to not be harassed by you?

Guys are usually the ones who do the chasing. It's unfortunate that many women are in a constant state of fear, which I attribute to past negative experiences. I do understand, you fear men.
Okay, do you understand that she does not know you. All she knows is that she was walking down the street, minding her own business when this guy comes out of nowhere and either calls out something about her looks, or walks up to her and comments on her looks. You seriously cannot comprehend how that would be creepy and unsettling and unnerving to her? She doesn't know that when she ignores the guy or tells him no, that he isn't going to go apeshit and either abuse her or assault her.

If I fear men, it is solely because of men like you and what you keep advocating for and demanding is your right over my and other women's right to not be harassed, Bowser.

Telling someone they are beautiful is not disrespect, it's a compliment. If a man can get past a woman's general paranoia, he might stand a chance of getting to know her. Certainly catcalling will never break the ice. I agree on that premise.
A woman you know? Sure. A complete stranger and you decide to accost her and foist your opinion of her looks or body? It is exceptionally disrespectful.

And a woman's paranoia? Why do you think such paranoia exists, Bowser? Why do you think a woman walking alone and having some guy sidle up to her to comment on her looks, might be paranoid?

I think what you're asking for is respect for a woman's fear of men. I'm sorry for that. Again, if you never try, you will never know. Not all women think alike, Bells.
No, what I am asking for is to not be harassed. It's really that simple.

And you keep commenting about my fear of men or women's fear of men.

The man who walks up to me on the street or elsewhere, a man I do not know and have never seen before... You can't figure out why women are fearful of such men? I'll give you some examples of why women instantly bristle and feel fearful because they have no clue as to what is about to happen when a complete stranger accosts her to give his opinion on her looks..

  • In San Francisco last year, a man stabbed a woman in the face and arm after she didn’t respond positively to his sexually harassing her on the street.
  • In Bradenton, Fla., a man shot a high school senior to death after she and her friends refused to perform oral sex at his request. I
  • In Chicago, a scared 15-year-old was hit by a car and died after she tried escaping from harassers on a bus.
  • Again, in Chicago, a man grabbed a 19-year-old walking on a public thoroughfare, pulled her onto a gangway and assaulted her.
  • In Savannah, Georgia, a woman was walking alone at night and three men approached her. She ignored them, but they pushed her to the ground and sexually assaulted her
  • In Manhattan, a 29-year-old pregnant woman was killed when men catcalling from a van drove onto the sidewalk and hit her and her friend.
  • Last week, a runner in California — a woman — was stopped and asked, by a strange man in a car, if she wanted a ride. When she declined he ran her over twice.
See, the woman doesn't know how the man is going to react. She doesn't know if he is likely to harm her or not. She will assume since he has taken it upon himself to harass her, he poses a threat.

If she says no, she's lucky if he only calls her a bitch, because that means she got off easily. Because she has no idea who this person is and why he has accosted her.

Do you understand now how a guy walking up to a woman who's walking down the street to tell her how attractive to him can be construed as being a threat because she doesn't know who he is, what he is capable of and how he would respond if she ignores him or rebuffs his advances? Do you understand that foisting your opinion on perfect strangers regarding their looks is harassment?
And he can't shut up about it? He can't keep his thoughts to himself? He needs to share and intrude on another person, uninvited, to share?
Modern political correct America. You have to shut up. Freedom of speech? Forget about it.
You are a moderator. What am I supposed to say? You're in a position of power, everything you say is by default the truth and right.

It's almost like you live in a society where there is a group that is set up in a higher position than you, with more authority, and that you have to at least pretend to listen when they say something. You should take it as a complement that the moderator even said something in response to you.
Modern political correct America. You have to shut up. Freedom of speech? Forget about it.
Firstly, I am not American.

Secondly, freedom of speech does not mean that you have the right to cause harm to others through intimidation and through what is tantamount to solicitation. You do understand that there are exceptions to freedom of speech and sexually harassing someone falls under many laws, rendering it illegal, yes?

Thirdly, your suggestion that not allowing men to sexually harass women is mere political correctness says quite a bit about your personal character.
The fear that has been created, is due to irrational liberal social policies. Back in the old days, men were taught to have a lot of respect for women. This was taught by mothers, fathers, churches and even culture. Watch some of the old movies to see how men were portrayed dealing with women. The women were placed on a pedestal by the men, and had little to fear. Women and Children got in the life boats, with the husband staying behind, sacrificing for family and country.

Social opportunities may have been limited for women, since their needed role was as mother and wife, but their security and safety was not lacking. The world of the old time men, outside the family, was different, with men often tough and cruel to other men; war, business and life. The women were shielded from this darker world of the men, where the men strengthen each other via male competition; insults and fights. War was considered the way of the world so one needed to be prepared; train, to defend family and home. It was similar to football training where you can get hurt and sore in training, but this helps you during the big game.

When liberalism broke up the family and its feminism wing disrupted the traditional roles of men and women, the old fashion men were often punished for being nice and respectful to the women. Unless you are older, you may not remember this. Back during the transition, if an old fashion male opened the door for a feminist woman, she would yell at him for being a sexist caveman. The feminist women work hard to teach the males not to be nice in any of the traditional ways. They wanted to be treated like the men. The women did not really understand what they were asking for.

Men slowly brought the women into their less than utopian world, that was full of conflict and confrontation; training for war. The women should have been happy, since this got what they wanted; grass is always greener. What they now wanted was all the advantages they fantasized the men had, but with none of the liabilities of the real world of men. They then worked on removing what they saw as the liabilities of the men, by feminizing the men, so they behave more like women; expecting to be on the social lifeboat. Men lost they natural male instincts connected to the old timer training. If one is tough they can survive even if the boat sinks. If one is weak they need a lifeboat to survive.

Old fashion male value is taboo based on the irrational rules of PC, since it is said this brings us backwards. While liberalism calls men brutes, cavemen, misogamists, which to the men means this is how liberalism wishes men to behave. Men are rational to cause and affect. You can't say caveman and expect socialite; that would be irrational.

This is why the males need to take control and straighten out the house; Trump. We need one standard for all and not liberal dual standard, emotional shake down, and irrational PC rules creating confusion and division.
Secondly, freedom of speech does not mean that you have the right to cause harm to others through intimidation and through what is tantamount to solicitation. You do understand that there are exceptions to freedom of speech and sexually harassing someone falls under many laws, rendering it illegal, yes?
I was not aware that the talk was about harassing.
So I have taken a look at the context:
I think it's just a natural reaction for men to recognize beautiful women. Most do it silently, for sure.
Okay.. So why can't they do it silently all the time?
And this was about harassing? Let's try:
I think harassing women is just a natural reaction for men to recognize beautiful women. Most do it silently, for sure.
Not plausible. So, it seems, Bowser has not talked about harassing. Of course, he may have talked about something which in political correct newspeak is named "harassing". So, this was not about real harassing, but about what is named harassment in political correct speech.
Thirdly, your suggestion that not allowing men to sexually harass women is mere political correctness says quite a bit about your personal character.
Indeed. My suggestion that not allowing politically incorrect speech is mere political correctness says quite a bit about my personal character. I have never liked political correct speech, already as a child during communist time, so that this may be indeed about my character.
Firstly, I am not American.

Secondly, freedom of speech does not mean that you have the right to cause harm to others through intimidation and through what is tantamount to solicitation. You do understand that there are exceptions to freedom of speech and sexually harassing someone falls under many laws, rendering it illegal, yes?

Thirdly, your suggestion that not allowing men to sexually harass women is mere political correctness says quite a bit about your personal character.
It's legal to be fired for it, but that doesn't make it illegal in general.
On Needing a Brutish Man

Click for a song that is supposed to be satire except it turns out to not be.

Schmelzer said:
Modern political correct America. You have to shut up. Freedom of speech? Forget about it.

Modern human rights of Schmelzer: Presuming he has some ownership stake over a woman's body.

Free speech does not include the right to harass. Why do men require a right to harass? What possible need do men have that people should argue for their right to stir up shit by harassing other people?

Isn't denigrating women enough, Schmelzer? Is the only way to fulfill your need to also denigrate men?

Seriously: Why do you see men as so weak and stupid as to require special protection of a right to harass?

Civilization is not a suicide pact; if men are as dangerous as you need them to be, then men need to be severely curtailed and monitored for public safety.

Really, Schmelzer, show some human decency; there ought to be some limit to just how much you're willing to humiliate yourself.
I was not aware that the talk was about harassing.
So you missed the pages of discussion that was addressing street harassment and sexually harassing women?

And this was about harassing? Let's try:
You do realise that Bowser was defending sexually harassing women on the street, yes? Context of the discussion passed you by?

Not plausible. So, it seems, Bowser has not talked about harassing. Of course, he may have talked about something which in political correct newspeak is named "harassing". So, this was not about real harassing, but about what is named harassment in political correct speech.
Bowser specifically says:

I think harassing women is just a natural reaction for men to recognize beautiful women. Most do it silently, for sure.

He literally says that harassing women is just a natural reaction for men to recognise beautiful women, and you don't think he is talking about harassing or harassment?

Let me see if I have this correctly. You don't think that walking up to a stranger and commenting about how their boobs, arse, vagina, how their mouth would look on the man's penis, for example constitutes harassment? You think women being against this sort of thing is merely "political correctness"?

Is this normal behaviour in your society? After all, if you consider the demand that such behaviour be curtailed is mere "political correctness", one has to wonder what kind of society you come from that would result in such an astonishing argument? What planet or hovel do you come from that this sort of behaviour is not deemed harassment? Please tell me and I will scratch it off my bucket list of places to visit around the world.

Indeed. My suggestion that not allowing politically incorrect speech is mere political correctness says quite a bit about my personal character. I have never liked political correct speech, already as a child during communist time, so that this may be indeed about my character.
You believe that sexually harassing women is merely politically incorrect speech.. Do you think your right to sexually harass women should be protected? What of the woman's right to not be sexually harassed? Or does she not matter? Do her rights fall below the man's right to sexually harass her?

You do realise that women have the right to not be harassed, intimidated, bullied in public and private, yes? Oh I'm sorry, women's fundamental human rights is probably just political correctness to you.
Mod Hat ― Response

mtf said:
You are a moderator. What am I supposed to say? You're in a position of power, everything you say is by default the truth and right.


You could try addressing the issues. You could try making an argument. You might even try making sense.

Seriously, you had an iteration of the issue right in front of you, and you changed the subject.

This is not surprising. You are not original in doing so. You are not super-smart for having figured out some mysterious new innovation; rather, you're just another cheap disruptor who thinks too much of himself.

Your participation in this thread:

#424↑ ― Quoted misognyistic ravings of a (chortle!) "spiritually superior man".

#425↑ ― Unmitigated nonsense, including argument that catcalling is intended to disrupt°.

#427↑ ― Refusing to actually address issues.

#429↑ ― Incomprehensible save for its rancid self-superiority.

#430↑ ― Unmitigated useless irrelevance.

#432↑ ― Unmitigated stupidity.

#434↑ ― Further unmitigated stupidity.

#437↑ ― Even further unmitigated stupidity.

#441↑ ― Desperately stupid attempt to change the subject.

#443↑ ― Even more desperately stupid attempt to change the subject.​

Get this part through your head: There comes a point at which, yes, your stupidity is offensive to this community.

Investing that stupidity in apparent advocacy of dangerous, antisocial behavior only increases the imperative that we take note of that stupid investment.

What are you supposed to say? How about anything useful. That would be new.

How about something not utterly and disgracefully stupid? That, too, would be an innovation you could take some pride in.

Perhaps you might actually try saying something relevant? I mean, come on, that's not exactly asking a whole lot.

Seriously, figuring out how to be something other than a perpetual and irredeemable detriment to the community ought not be so difficult.

I know, I know, in this Orwellian system, that's like throwing cotton wads against a speeding train ...
So you missed the pages of discussion that was addressing street harassment and sexually harassing women?
Do you really think that I read all the ... written here?
You do realise that Bowser was defending sexually harassing women on the street, yes? Context of the discussion passed you by?
What I have realized is that this is what you claim. Which is, given that you defend modern politically correct speech, something very different.
He literally says that harassing women is just a natural reaction for men to recognise beautiful women, and you don't think he is talking about harassing or harassment?
If he has literally said this, please quote with a link to the source. Too lazy to search myself. Else [self-censored].
Let me see if I have this correctly. You don't think that walking up to a stranger and commenting about how their boobs, arse, vagina, how their mouth would look on the man's penis, for example constitutes harassment?
Why should I care? I have nicely survived in the USENET which existed without any form of censorship at all. And I felt quite comfortable there. Too bad that spam has killed it.
You do realise that women have the right to not be harassed, intimidated, bullied in public and private, yes? Oh I'm sorry, women's fundamental human rights is probably just political correctness to you.
I see you simply don't understand that they will never get this right in reality.

Or, to be more accurate, the only chance to get it is to get rid of the state of law, and return to lawlessness. The situation where every women who does not like a man can claim that she thinks this man has harassed her saying something which on can, in principle, interpret as quite indecent, but, given that the "law" is quite vague about this, even those who want to harass can do this quite safely (if they can afford expensive lawyers) and those who end in prison tend to be innocent poor people with bad lawyers - as usual if there is no rule of law.

This is sort of a theorem. Whatever the precise, law-like rule of censorship, you can circumvent it and remain legal, but transfer the same information. "In a patriarchal sexist society, I could have said 'wow, nice boobs'." Is this harassment or not? If not, the women receives essentially the same information in a legal way. If yes, you have to forbid even factually correct information. Censorship restricts only the stupid ones.

PS: If I don't answer some posts addressed to me, this usually means that their quality is far too low, in a far too obvious way, to address them.
Again, being told you are beautiful is not a terrible thing.
No, it's not.

The reason many women _take_ it as a terrible thing is due to what happens right after they hear "you are beautiful" and they don't shut the guy down right away. It is often one of the following:

"Wanna go out?"
"And your ass is perfect! And those boobs . . ."
Unwelcome intrusion into personal space
Unwelcome touching
Someone following you for 2 blocks saying "what's wrong, can't you take a compliment? Look at me, don't just walk away! Bitch."

Now, you may claim "but I would TOTALLY never do that! It's not my fault that other guys are jerks." Well, that may be - but that is also why you telling random women they are beautiful is stressful to many of those women. Because they are preparing for what usually comes next. You can ignore that, of course - but that's somewhat callous.
So, a few months back I was in the store getting a pack of smokes. There was a woman there wearing what I thought might be the coolest shirt I have ever seen (printed skulls).
"Wow, that's a cool shirt," I said. "Where did you get it?"
"A Grateful Dead concert," she replied.
"I really like it," I said.
And that was the total sum of our interaction.
schmelzer said:
Not plausible. So, it seems, Bowser has not talked about harassing. Of course, he may have talked about something which in political correct newspeak is named "harassing". So, this was not about real harassing, but about what is named harassment in political correct speech.
Repeatedly intruding into people's thoughts, progress down the sidewalk, etc, - coercively demanding personal attention for oneself from strangers - without being invited or welcomed, is harassment regardless of the ostensible content of the intrusion. Bullies do this, criminals do this, abusers do this, people of direct and real threat do this, and so the threat is present.

This has nothing to do with the content of the speech, its political correctness etc. It has to do with domination and threat, overt demonstration of vulnerability.

If you really do have any experience with oppressive societies, you must know that - it's a common, almost universal tactic of police in a police state, or organized criminals in neighborhood controlled by gangs, or men in a society featuring male oppression of women.

Bowser is talking about harassment.
schmelzer said:
The situation where every women who does not like a man can claim that she thinks this man has harassed her saying something which on can, in principle, interpret as quite indecent, but, given that the "law" is quite vague about this, even those who want to harass can do this quite safely (if they can afford expensive lawyers) and those who end in prison tend to be innocent poor people with bad lawyers - as usual if there is no rule of law.
Your fantasies about people calling the police on poor innocent men for casual remarks are not relevant.
bowser said:
And that was the total sum of our interaction.
In a store, where she was already impeded, had some control and protection, and your interaction was limited in advance, maybe it was the "total sum". If you had accosted her on the street and imposed the same conversation, different story. We're taking your word for the circumstances, your tone, etc - and you are apparently unreliable in this matter, as you seem oblivious to the viewpoint of your conversational targets.
Last edited:
So, a few months back I was in the store getting a pack of smokes. There was a woman there wearing what I thought might be the coolest shirt I have ever seen (printed skulls).
"Wow, that's a cool shirt," I said. "Where did you get it?"
"A Grateful Dead concert," she replied.
"I really like it," I said.
And that was the total sum of our interaction.

We all talk to people. Where and how you do it, and the context in which you do it, matters a great deal.

You might say "you look beautiful" to a woman who you met last week and who has, in the past, asked your opinion on the dress she was wearing - and it likely would not be taken as the prelude to something uncomfortable or worse.

You might say "you look beautiful" to a woman you don't know who ends up standing next to on a subway - and there would be a good chance it would be taken as the beginning of something she wants to avoid.
Bowser said:
So, a few months back I was in the store getting a pack of smokes. There was a woman there wearing what I thought might be the coolest shirt I have ever seen (printed skulls).
"Wow, that's a cool shirt," I said. "Where did you get it?"
"A Grateful Dead concert," she replied.
"I really like it," I said.
And that was the total sum of our interaction.

Two and a half points toward that:

• In contact social, there is always the rule of thumb that you don't know what kind of day a person is having. In contact more oriented toward mating, there remains the question of what gives a man the right.​

↳ It also seems important to note that any tension between the two contexts exists because too many people try to subsume the other under the one, as if there is no difference.​

• In either case, though, the interaction you describe passes muster under the unofficial "Two Questions Rule"↱, general discussion of which is often vicariously devastating for the constant, agonizing reminders that so many men apparently need it spelled out like that.​


Jones, Allie. "You Get Two Questions". Gawker. 1 October 2016. 26 July 2016.