Degrees of Misogyny

Based on the comments by many people, if anyone does not comply to PC thinking they somehow hate women.
Not at all. If people hate women, they hate women.
One of the main problems is connected to liberalism. Liberalism has created social problems and then tries to solve these new problems in ways that create even more problems.
Like the abolition of slavery. If those damned liberals hadn't freed the slaves, there wouldn't be all these problems with race in America. If women had never been allowed to vote or own property, there wouldn't be all these damn feminists disagreeing with their husbands.
In the 1960's men had a lot more respect for women.
In the 1960's women were not allowed to do most things a man did. They were treated a bit more like dogs than humans; pampered and preened, then punished when they did something they were not trained to do.
Women were very safe and placed on a pedestal. The women may not have had all the opportunities, but they were safe and respected.
Great if you are a dog. Not so great if you are a human.

Would you want to be treated like a dog, even if your owner was a good one?
One was taught that the women and children get to survive on the life rafts, while the men stay behind with the sinking ship and need to find a way to survive.
Yep. And today the children would be put on the life rafts while some men and women would remain behind and try to find a way to survive together.
I think the notion of a biological factor interesting, where catcalling is concerned. However, I think the odds of success are rather slim. Nonetheless, it does make me think of other mating rituals among animals, which are also "show" in many cases. The peacock comes to mind. I don't think it is a far flung idea to assume it an impulse with biological origins.

Is it normal for males to make more forward advances in nature?
No, it's "normal" for males to advertise and for the females to be discerning and make the first approach.
I think the notion of a biological factor interesting, where catcalling is concerned.
There is a biological component in almost all mating behavior. Watch a male dove trying to court a female dove, then watch guys in a bar try to impress women.
Is it normal for males to make more forward advances in nature?
Depends greatly on the species. In some species the male has the exceptional display (ritual, plumage, nest) and in some species it's the female. In some species the female is the aggressor, in some it's the male, and in some it's neither.
Were a bored, yet intelligent individual, with excellent reading skills and an analytical mind choose to examine the approximately 30,000 posts I have made on a variety of forums over a period of more than a decade, they might observe the following: I will attack the content of a post regardless of the author. I will not, as is evident on this thread from others, defend a sub-standard argument because its aim is coincides with my thoughts, nor will I attack a properly structured argument, simply because its conclusion is at odds with my own.

You are free to form any conclusions you wish from this. Based upon past experience you probably shall.
Except this time you have attributed something to him that he never actually said or did and launched your strange accusation based on your misunderstanding.

You didn't attack the content. You attacked him directly in a bizarre spray that was completely unfair and unreasonable. And because of that, you have come out looking like you are defending the ideals of a misogynist.

It's quite likely that biological imperatives underly (at some level) such nearly ubiquitous cultural behaviors as men in large cities harassing women on the street, just as they do the common practice of mothers chewing food for their weaning children (an interesting sidelight into a largely uninvestigated factor in modern Western gut microbial communities, their influence on various developmental issues in young children, etc). The fact that these harassments are offensive to most of the Western women subjected to them is only one factor - there is also the role of relative status of the "men" among each other and as perceived by the women, the relative prospects of mating success in various circumstances, the development of such necessary traits as persistance, all manner of considerations.
Is there a society where catcalling and sexual harassment of this type is deemed acceptable and not offensive to women?

Within human groups, catcalling is less likely to result in voluntary mating with the woman being harassed. In other words, women who are harassed in such a way, and sometimes even fear for their safety, are less likely to want to have sex with the men or males who made her feel this way. Women often believe that men who behave this way are over-compensating. To wit, I have never heard of any woman dropping her dacks and screaming 'come do me' when some random stranger starts to sexually harass her. Have you?

Apes generally do not catcall in the way that human males do. Monkeys that do, for example, tend to have smaller testicles and less sperm.

The way human males catcall is not based on a biological imperative to breed or spread their sperm. He knows it will not lead to sex with that particular woman or girl he is catcalling or sexually harassing.

I am always amused when I see people like wellwisher pull out the biological imperative argument to excuse misogyny. There is a much stronger biological imperative for a male, for example, to kill off any offspring his new wife or girlfriend has. Does that mean they would be welcoming of men who do this and justify murdering a woman's children because of said biological imperative? Each time I have asked men, who try to argue the biological imperative line to my face, that question, the response has been stunned silence. Or the female's biological imperative to find a stronger mate and if they would be happy if their wives or girlfriends just dumped them cold if they met a stronger mate who could potentially kill their children, because of the absolute biological imperative that exists for him in his new relationship and any children she might have with him.. Again, the answer to that has been stunned silence or 'of course not'. That biological imperative argument always seems to exist for men who wish to harm women or who hate them in some way. Funny that, isn't it?
There is a much stronger biological imperative for a male, for example, to kill off any offspring his new wife or girlfriend has. Does that mean they would be welcoming of men who do this and justify murdering a woman's children because of said biological imperative? Each time I have asked men, who try to argue the biological imperative line to my face, that question, the response has been stunned silence. Or the female's biological imperative to find a stronger mate and if they would be happy if their wives or girlfriends just dumped them cold if they met a stronger mate who could potentially kill their children, because of the absolute biological imperative that exists for him in his new relationship and any children she might have with him.. Again, the answer to that has been stunned silence or 'of course not'. That biological imperative argument always seems to exist for men who wish to harm women or who hate them in some way. Funny that, isn't it?
Sounds like you do not understand how sociobiology works. There are strategies which may be successful in some circumstances, and not in others. For lions, those who have killed any offsprings from other males have been successful, so now lions do this, instinctively. For humans, this strategy was not successful, thus, human males do not have a tendency to kill offsprings of other males. The reasons may be, in part, that males have no good method to find out. Or have not had them at that time when the human instincts have been developed.

The job of sociobiology is to explain our instincts. It is not to propose some "biological imperatives". But, of course, understanding what are our instincts - something we cannot get rid of - and what is, instead, a changeable cultural habit, is important. In particular, if some of our instincts have an obvious antisocial character, the question is what to do with this.

So there is a strong instinct like jealousy. Clearly antisocial - the social behavior would be to be happy once your friend has a loveful relationship and fun with sex. Once this is an instinct, we have no chance to get rid of it, but have to learn to live with it. And find some way to live so that this instinct does not lead to too much murdering out of jealousy. I would guess most of the sexual restrictions have the reason to minimize the harm caused by jealousy. Redirecting jealousy toward some sexual minorities, like gays or pedophiles, can be, for example, a nice way to do this. Instead of murdering each other, only a few outsiders are murdered, which do not have an important function as fathers or so, and not for having sex which one wants to have too (which would endanger everybody), but only for having somehow bad sex (so not dangerous for the majority).

And, of course, there is instinctive competition between men for women. Part of this competition is a strong urge to fight with other men. One way to minimize the harm is sport.

Women have a strong instinct to rigorously prefer their own children. For other children, she can be only a stepmother - in old fairy tales a really horrible fate for a child. How this instinctive preference is handled today? I doubt it is handled in a reasonable way. In particular, there is an increasing tendency to take away children from their parents for reasons of "child protection". The problem with this is that even a bad mother is a mother, and the only person in the world which has the "mother instinct" toward this particular child. The replacement is, at best, a stepmother.

Similarly, there are instinctive patterns about ways to find partners for sex. They are not completely unique - some women are interested in one-time sex with some attractive men, others are not. And these are differences on the instinctive level. And, whatever the culture, those women interested in occasional sex will be able to give this information to the men they want to have sex with. A typical way is that every society has rules of decent behavior, and the women who are not interested in sex with other men show this by restricting themselves to this decent behavior. Another typical way is that - to avoid conflicts based on jealousy with their husbands - open indecent behavior is restricted to a separate class of "sluts" which are not married, and married women have to be very careful with showing such indecent behavior.

To summarize: Sociobiology explains instincts, but does not give any "biological imperatives". A society which thinks it can win against instincts is stupid and this stupidity will cause a lot of harm. A reasonable society accepts humans as they are, with their instincts, and defines rules which try to minimize the conflicts which are unavoidably caused by various antisocial instincts we have. To find such rules, it is important to know what is some antisocial instinct (something where it is hopeless to get rid of) and what is simply a stupid antisocial cultural habit (something one can get rid of).
Schmelzer said:
Women have a strong instinct to rigorously prefer their own children. For other children, she can be only a stepmother - in old fairy tales a really horrible fate for a child. How this instinctive preference is handled today? I doubt it is handled in a reasonable way. In particular, there is an increasing tendency to take away children from their parents for reasons of "child protection". The problem with this is that even a bad mother is a mother, and the only person in the world which has the "mother instinct" toward this particular child. The replacement is, at best, a stepmother.

How strange. You describe a condition completely foreign to my witness and comprehension. Where do we find these mothers you describe?

We Americans do seem to have a version, but that can't possibly be what you're talking about, since we consider those women and the would-be fathers terrible parents. You must be describing, at best, the cultural produce of particular societies. Which, in turn, raises the question of who and where the hell you're describing.

Much like the paragraph about sexual behavior, the whole effect is that your post reads like vicious, ill-conceived, poorly-executed satire.
You think I will give you some introduction into standard sociobiology for free? No interest. If I would see some real interest on your side, I could decide differently, but it is very obvious from the remaining text, that you only want to start cheap polemics. Not interest in cheap polemics.
Care to explain why being a stepmother is a bad thing? I'm sure many women who have adopted babies would love to hear all about how they're not real mothers.
Sounds like you do not understand how sociobiology works. There are strategies which may be successful in some circumstances, and not in others. For lions, those who have killed any offsprings from other males have been successful, so now lions do this, instinctively. For humans, this strategy was not successful, thus, human males do not have a tendency to kill offsprings of other males. The reasons may be, in part, that males have no good method to find out. Or have not had them at that time when the human instincts have been developed.

The job of sociobiology is to explain our instincts. It is not to propose some "biological imperatives". But, of course, understanding what are our instincts - something we cannot get rid of - and what is, instead, a changeable cultural habit, is important. In particular, if some of our instincts have an obvious antisocial character, the question is what to do with this.

So there is a strong instinct like jealousy. Clearly antisocial - the social behavior would be to be happy once your friend has a loveful relationship and fun with sex. Once this is an instinct, we have no chance to get rid of it, but have to learn to live with it. And find some way to live so that this instinct does not lead to too much murdering out of jealousy. I would guess most of the sexual restrictions have the reason to minimize the harm caused by jealousy. Redirecting jealousy toward some sexual minorities, like gays or pedophiles, can be, for example, a nice way to do this. Instead of murdering each other, only a few outsiders are murdered, which do not have an important function as fathers or so, and not for having sex which one wants to have too (which would endanger everybody), but only for having somehow bad sex (so not dangerous for the majority).

And, of course, there is instinctive competition between men for women. Part of this competition is a strong urge to fight with other men. One way to minimize the harm is sport.
And the excuses continue.

In other words, you are simply trying to pick and choose whichever excuse that benefits the behaviour of men who sexually harass because it is to your and their benefit to do so. And in doing so, you are attempting to ignore or dismiss an actual issue that has been studied because it does not fit your narrative to do so.

Each year a number of children are killed by members of their family. From 1989-1992 at least 88 per cent of children under 15 years of age (78 of 88 cases) were killed by other family members (Strang 1995). In most western countries it has been found that stepparents kill children in their care at a much greater rate than natural parents and that many more children are killed by stepfathers than by stepmothers (Daly and Wilson 1994, Strang 1995). The over-representation of stepfathers in cases of lethal abuse has been found to be particularly evident in cases of very young children (Daly and Wilson 1994), where children aged from birth to two years are estimated to be 70 to 100 times more likely to die at the hands of a stepfather rather than a natural parent (Daly and Wilson 1994). Daly and Wilson (1994) contended that this may not necessarily be because stepfathers are more dangerous than stepmothers, rather that small children rarely reside with stepmothers.

Using a data set of all cases of fatal child maltreatment reported to police in Australia for the period July 1989 to June 1992, Strang (1995) reported that the typical offender in the 24 cases was a young male living in a defacto relationship with the victim's mother. Strang noted that the majority of the families of child victims were characterised by instability. Often the mothers were in unstable relationships with the child's natural father or another partner. This instability was compounded by financial instability - only one of 25 offenders was known to be employed at the time of the child's death.

Daly and Wilson (1994) contended that the significantly higher risk to children of being killed by a stepparent has not been found to be due to reporting or detection biases, to the incidental traits of people who remarry, differential poverty, the duration of cohabitation, maternal age, or to the size of families. It appears that in associational terms, stepparenting itself is a risk factor for child homicide.

One explanation for this may be that stepfathers, particularly of young children, may incur the greatest social pressure from family and friends to feel and act like natural parents, 'a pressure they often resist and resent, sometimes violently' (Daly and Wilson 1994:208).

The absence of a protective bond between a child and step-parent has been implicated as a risk factor (Daly and Wilson 1994 Strang 1995). Strang (1995) asserted that the absence of a genetic link, in combination with the stress caused by financial insecurity, provide a clear indicator for increased risk of maltreatment. She noted that further support for her argument comes from risk factor lists commonly used in decision making studies and child protection systems - both factors are commonly cited on such lists (e.g. Greenland 1987).

One wonders why men rely on biological imperative to sexually harass women, but not to excuse killing small children?

Hypocrisy, maybe?

To wit, both are socially unacceptable because both cause harm.

I find anyone trying to fall back on a biological imperative to excuse bad behaviour to be abhorrent. We have evolved enough and formed and developed social contracts in society to ensure that we do not harm others. Relying on biological imperative to allow the continuation of harm, as wellwisher continues to do, is despicable.

Street harassment and misogyny is not driven by a biological imperative to breed. Birds do not sexually harass through birdsong. Men who sexually harass women are not doing it in an aid to breed with these women. They do it because it gives them pleasure. They like doing it. And they don't care that it causes harm to the woman because the only thing that matters is their pleasure.

Women have a strong instinct to rigorously prefer their own children. For other children, she can be only a stepmother - in old fairy tales a really horrible fate for a child. How this instinctive preference is handled today? I doubt it is handled in a reasonable way. In particular, there is an increasing tendency to take away children from their parents for reasons of "child protection". The problem with this is that even a bad mother is a mother, and the only person in the world which has the "mother instinct" toward this particular child. The replacement is, at best, a stepmother.

Similarly, there are instinctive patterns about ways to find partners for sex. They are not completely unique - some women are interested in one-time sex with some attractive men, others are not. And these are differences on the instinctive level. And, whatever the culture, those women interested in occasional sex will be able to give this information to the men they want to have sex with. A typical way is that every society has rules of decent behavior, and the women who are not interested in sex with other men show this by restricting themselves to this decent behavior. Another typical way is that - to avoid conflicts based on jealousy with their husbands - open indecent behavior is restricted to a separate class of "sluts" which are not married, and married women have to be very careful with showing such indecent behavior.

To summarize: Sociobiology explains instincts, but does not give any "biological imperatives". A society which thinks it can win against instincts is stupid and this stupidity will cause a lot of harm. A reasonable society accepts humans as they are, with their instincts, and defines rules which try to minimize the conflicts which are unavoidably caused by various antisocial instincts we have. To find such rules, it is important to know what is some antisocial instinct (something where it is hopeless to get rid of) and what is simply a stupid antisocial cultural habit (something one can get rid of).
Bollocks. Mothers are more likely to kill their own newborns than a stepmother is likely to kill a stepchild.

Most importantly, many people are step-parents. Successfully and lovingly. Your suggestion that even a bad mother is better than a step-mother is frankly obscene and wrong. A bad mother is more likely to harm her child than a step-mother or an adopted parent. A real mother or father is someone who cares for their child, and coming out of one's loins is not a pre-requisite for that. So frankly, your post is pure rubbish. Your attempt to excuse bad behaviour by arguing that society should not fight against instinct shows just how ridiculous your post is.
Care to explain why being a stepmother is a bad thing? I'm sure many women who have adopted babies would love to hear all about how they're not real mothers.
Mothers have the ability to distinguish their own children from other children, and sociobiologically it is clearly a meaningful strategy to prefer the own children. And it agrees with everyday observations that human mothers have indeed a strong instinctive preference for the own children. At least in German fairy tales "stepmother" is simply an equivalent for a very bad mother, which prefers her own children and mistreats the stepchild. And, no, I do not present here any empirical research of the type "happy people have a tendency to smile more than unhappy". If you prefer, for ideological reasons, not to believe this, so be it.

Of course, a politically correct mother would never do such things. So, for the politically corrects this cannot be anything but wrong, even worse, it has to be "frankly obscene" and "pure rubbish". And, of course, children have to be taken away from any politically incorrect mother. Stepmothers are really loving, even better than their own mothers:
Indeed, and there is a known sociobiological reason for this, post-natal depression. Which is, indeed, a problem, and another example of an instinct which is antisocial, once it often leads to killing of newborns. And to understand why this happens, sociobiology is helpful too.
In other words, you are simply trying to pick and choose whichever excuse that benefits the behaviour of men who sexually harass because it is to your and their benefit to do so.
In fact, I couldn't care less about these funny games of the politically correct against the politically incorrect which you seem to like to play.
And in doing so, you are attempting to ignore or dismiss an actual issue that has been studied because it does not fit your narrative to do so.
One wonders why men rely on biological imperative to sexually harass women, but not to excuse killing small children?
And you invent some narrative which I don't have. And if you would read, instead of inventing my "narratives", you would have read the following: "Sociobiology explains instincts, but does not give any "biological imperatives"." I defend sociobiology, which is a useful science. And I reject the idea of biological imperatives.
Mothers have the ability to distinguish their own children from other children, and sociobiologically it is clearly a meaningful strategy to prefer the own children. And it agrees with everyday observations that human mothers have indeed a strong instinctive preference for the own children. At least in German fairy tales "stepmother" is simply an equivalent for a very bad mother, which prefers her own children and mistreats the stepchild. And, no, I do not present here any empirical research of the type "happy people have a tendency to smile more than unhappy". If you prefer, for ideological reasons, not to believe this, so be it.

Of course, a politically correct mother would never do such things. So, for the politically corrects this cannot be anything but wrong, even worse, it has to be "frankly obscene" and "pure rubbish". And, of course, children have to be taken away from any politically incorrect mother. Stepmothers are really loving, even better than their own mothers:

How many stories have there been where parents are given the wrong baby at the hospital and it often takes years for the mistake to be brought to light, to the shock of the parents involved? Women do not give birth to their babies and then sniff and lick them and imprint their cries.

If you are going to argue that the maternal instinct can only exist if the woman gives birth to her child, then it is clear you do not exist in reality where women exist. To wit, there is this prevalence of opinion about how women instantly bond with their babies, etc. I can assure you, that is not usually the case. It is this fantasy that exists that further forces women into these little boxes of how they should behave or simply be.

Your reliance on fairy tales to support your argument is telling of your ignorance on this issue. There mere suggestion that unfit mothers be made or allowed to keep their children because they would somehow magically be better mothers than a loving stepmother or adopted or foster mother is dangerous and obscene. Having spent years seeing what parents do to their own children, I can assure you, you have no bloody clue what you are talking about. It isn't a matter of political correctness. It is recognising that not every person, and that includes women, should be left in charge of their own offspring because they may very well pose a risk or danger to said offspring.

Indeed, and there is a known sociobiological reason for this, post-natal depression. Which is, indeed, a problem, and another example of an instinct which is antisocial, once it often leads to killing of newborns. And to understand why this happens, sociobiology is helpful too.
Maternal filicide is not always caused by postnatal depression. Other factors can also result in filicide.

In fact, I couldn't care less about these funny games of the politically correct against the politically incorrect which you seem to like to play.
That would be because a) you have zero idea of what is being discussed in this thread and b) you are resorting to fairytales about motherhood.

And you invent some narrative which I don't have. And if you would read, instead of inventing my "narratives", you would have read the following: "Sociobiology explains instincts, but does not give any "biological imperatives"." I defend sociobiology, which is a useful science. And I reject the idea of biological imperatives.
So you also reject the biological imperative, being argued by wellwisher, which he says is why men to sexually harass women?
Bells, why do men catcall? In your opinion. I've never seen it in a vulgar sense. Once while working downtown as a youth, an attractive woman passed me and a friend while we were working. My friend shouted out, "I think I'm in love!" To which she smiled. Does that smack of sexual harassment in your opinion?

I think there are different ways of expressing attraction. I'm leaning in the direction that some men are more willing to show their feelings verbally. I can understand how aggressive behavior would be a source of concern, but simply showing an appreciation of a woman's beauty? It's not something I have ever done, but, yeah, I do notice attractive women in public spaces.
Bells, why do men catcall? In your opinion. I've never seen it in a vulgar sense. Once while working downtown as a youth, an attractive woman passed me and a friend while we were working. My friend shouted out, "I think I'm in love!" To which she smiled. Does that smack of sexual harassment in your opinion?

I think there are different ways of expressing attraction. I'm leaning in the direction that some men are more willing to show their feelings verbally. I can understand how aggressive behavior would be a source of concern, but simply showing an appreciation of a woman's beauty? It's not something I have ever done, but, yeah, I do notice attractive women in public spaces.
Why do men catcall? Because they like doing it. Because they think it is correct to foist their opinions on passing females as to how women should dress, look, walk, run, smile..

See, I cannot understand what would compel your friend to do it. Had he considered how it might make her feel? It's quite possible she smiled because it could have crossed her mind that to not smile or to say what she really thought could have resulted in abuse from two strange men. Had you considered that?

Why do you need to show appreciation to how a complete stranger looks on the street? I'll put it this way, how would you feel if you were walking next to your wife, and some strange man decided to tell her that he thought she was pretty or suggested how she could pleasure him sexually? How would she feel at such attention from a complete stranger while walking down the street? How about your daughter? Do you think they might feel unsafe at such unwanted attention? Threatened in some way? Would they walk that little bit faster to move on and away from it?

Would you feel fine if a man did it to you? Say you are walking down the street on your own and a guy decides to walk right up to you and next to you just to tell you how cute your backside looks in your jeans? Or to tell you that he is in love with you? Would you smile? Say thank you? What if tells you that you should smile more because he thinks you'd be more attractive to him if you did? Would you smile for him? Or would you walk that little bit faster to get away from him?

Of course you will notice attractive women or men in public spaces. Walk on. Just because you notice them does not mean that you are entitled to accost them with your opinion. Save it for the women in your life.

They aren't there to please you or to be attractive to you. And that is what many men (and women for that matter) seem to not understand.

When a guy tells a complete stranger to smile more, it is telling them that they have to be or look a certain way to fulfill their wants or opinions to please them. And it is rude, disrespectful and yes, it is sexual harassment.

I'll put it this way, would you behave this way in the work place? Would you tell your female boss or yell out at her as she walks past in the office "I think I'm in love!"? How about complimenting on how what she is wearing pleases you? Or that you think she should smile more, because you think she would look prettier if she did? Would you comment on how her body looks? No, you wouldn't, because that would be considered sexual harassment. It is also a sign of disrespect to her as a person and demeans her as an object. If your wife came home from work and told you that some guy at her works keeps telling her she should smile more for him, or keeps commenting on how her body looks in particular clothes she wears or comments on her body, you would consider it disrespectful to her, yes? So why do you think it is acceptable to do that to women on the street as a sign of "expressing attraction" or "showing their feelings verbally"?
If you are going to argue that the maternal instinct can only exist if the woman gives birth to her child, then ...
Who cares what then? I'm not going.
Your reliance on fairy tales to support your argument is telling of your ignorance on this issue.
No. It is telling that I see a nice correspondence between sociobiological arguments and reality. So that I see no reason to wait for "happy people tend to smile" type of scientific research, and the reference to fairy tales is simply one simple and widely known part of the evidence. Once you, for obvious ideological reasons, do not like this, it is clear and expected that you will reject this, and I would not wonder if you even find some "scientific evidence" for this.
There mere suggestion that unfit mothers be made or allowed to keep their children because they would somehow magically be better mothers than a loving stepmother or adopted or foster mother is dangerous and obscene.
Of course, I know, everything which is not politically correct is dangerous and obscene. My very existence is dangerous and obscene, and if political correctness controls the whole world, I have to prepare some method to kill myself if I do not want to end in a reeducation camp. SCNR.

Of course, I do not doubt at all that there are also a lot of cases where even a stepmother is better than the natural mother. Instincts give only a general tendency. But if you compare children which have been grown up by their mothers, and children grown up in institutions for child care, the results are not in favor of child care. Why? Those working in child care have an education about how to care about children which is much better than the average mother, so the result should be much better, not?

I do not argue that it is a good idea to abandon all child care and force all children to live with their parents. In traditional societies, the extended family or some pedophiles care about them, above are no longer available (the former no longer exists, the latter is the ultimate crime today), so that this social function has to be taken by someone else. All I argue for is that those who decide about this should know that taking away a child from his own mother does some real harm to him. So that the question is which harm is greater.

In fact, I would argue in favor of leaving the decision to the child. Without any necessity for a "once and forever" decision. So that the child care institution is open to children who have a conflict with their parents, for the time of this conflict. If the child care institution is really better than the parents, the children will remain there forever. But if the child prefers to live with his parents, so be it. (Don't worry, children are egoists, they care about themselves - this is their instinct. But, of course, you know better what is good for them. :wink:)
Of course. (As if I would have said "always".) Postnatal depression is relevant only for a very special part of filicide - the killing of newborn children by their mother. Which was what you have referred to, with "Mothers are more likely to kill their own newborns than a stepmother is likely to kill a stepchild".
So you also reject the biological imperative, being argued by wellwisher, which he says is why men to sexually harass women?
Fine that you start to recognize this.

Instincts are not imperatives. We are in no way morally obliged to follow them. Instead, some of our instincts are antisocial, and a problem for every civilized society. Is this a clear enough rejection of the idea of "biological imperatives"?

But then comes the part which you, it seems, don't like. Namely that it is nonetheless important to distinguish instincts from purely cultural habits. Because purely cultural habits can be changed without problems, while instincts cannot be changed. So, to handle antisocial instincts, one has to find/invent/create cultural ways to live with them in a civilized way. And to distinguish the human instincts from purely cultural habits is not easy. One possibility to do this is sociobiology - if something can be understood as having a sociobiological explanation, it makes it much more probable that it is an instinct. Another one is cross-cultural comparisons. Things which are part of our instincts will be recognized in almost every society. Things which are purely cultural will tend to be very different in different cultures.

Similar to the problem which the left has traditionally with these points. They like fantasies about the power of education, and a human being with instincts which survive education is dangerous for these fantasies. As well as the idea that some of the problems which exist in all known human societies would exist even in their communist paradise too.
Why do men catcall? Because they like doing it. Because they think it is correct to foist their opinions on passing females as to how women should dress, look, walk, run, smile..

Hmm... That might be part of it. I think it's just a natural reaction for men to recognize beautiful women. Most do it silently, for sure.

See, I cannot understand what would compel your friend to do it. Had he considered how it might make her feel? It's quite possible she smiled because it could have crossed her mind that to not smile or to say what she really thought could have resulted in abuse from two strange men. Had you considered that?

He didn't growl at her and bare his teeth. It was his way of telling her that she was beautiful. He made no sexually charged remarks in any form or manner.

Why do you need to show appreciation to how a complete stranger looks on the street? I'll put it this way, how would you feel if you were walking next to your wife, and some strange man decided to tell her that he thought she was pretty or suggested how she could pleasure him sexually? How would she feel at such attention from a complete stranger while walking down the street? How about your daughter? Do you think they might feel unsafe at such unwanted attention? Threatened in some way? Would they walk that little bit faster to move on and away from it?

If a guy walked to my wife and told her she is beautiful, I would agree. If he were to make sexually loaded remarks, yep, I would be upset. I think there is a line between the two. Again, letting someone know they are attractive isn't an insult or an overly aggressive act; however, I agree that sexually charged comments are rather creepy. Even worse are those who follow a woman in a stalking manner.

Would you feel fine if a man did it to you? Say you are walking down the street on your own and a guy decides to walk right up to you and next to you just to tell you how cute your backside looks in your jeans? Or to tell you that he is in love with you? Would you smile? Say thank you? What if tells you that you should smile more because he thinks you'd be more attractive to him if you did? Would you smile for him? Or would you walk that little bit faster to get away from him?

Well, if I were walking down the street and some guy yelled I think I'm in love, I would probably look around to see who she was. Now, if some guy were to stop me in the street and do the same, I would probably smile at the guy's poor taste in men.

Of course you will notice attractive women or men in public spaces. Walk on. Just because you notice them does not mean that you are entitled to accost them with your opinion. Save it for the women in your life.

If I were a young single man, and I saw an attractive woman who caught my eye, why wouldn't I say something? Of course I wouldn't assault her with sexual innuendos, but I would be a fool not to at least show some interest if that were truly the case.

They aren't there to please you or to be attractive to you. And that is what many men (and women for that matter) seem to not understand.

But that's how human sexuality works in many ways. It not just sexual appearance, but that can provide the initiative to try finding a deeper interaction. I think it's okay to approach someone. If they don't show any interest, let them be.

When a guy tells a complete stranger to smile more, it is telling them that they have to be or look a certain way to fulfill their wants or opinions to please them. And it is rude, disrespectful and yes, it is sexual harassment.

But what's wrong in telling someone they have a beautiful smile?

I'll put it this way, would you behave this way in the work place? Would you tell your female boss or yell out at her as she walks past in the office "I think I'm in love!"? How about complimenting on how what she is wearing pleases you? Or that you think she should smile more, because you think she would look prettier if she did? Would you comment on how her body looks? No, you wouldn't, because that would be considered sexual harassment. It is also a sign of disrespect to her as a person and demeans her as an object. If your wife came home from work and told you that some guy at her works keeps telling her she should smile more for him, or keeps commenting on how her body looks in particular clothes she wears or comments on her body, you would consider it disrespectful to her, yes? So why do you think it is acceptable to do that to women on the street as a sign of "expressing attraction" or "showing their feelings verbally"?

The work environment is an artificial environment. It's a controlled environment that, by law, dictates the limits of male and female interaction. Again, if I were young and single, and I truly had an interest in a woman at work, I would be a fool not show it. Certainly it would be restrained by propriety, yet it can be done.
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Bells, catcalls with overly sexual content are gross. I think we both agree on that point. But if you find someone attractive, letting them know isn't the worst thing you could be doing. Some time ago several women commented on my appearance in a flattering manner. Now, at my age that happens, like, never. So I appreciated the kind words. I suppose it might be different for women than for men, but if someone were to tell me I am beautiful, I would give them a smile in response. It's certainly better than being told you are fat and ugly.
Except this time you have attributed something to him that he never actually said or did and launched your strange accusation based on your misunderstanding.

You didn't attack the content. You attacked him directly in a bizarre spray that was completely unfair and unreasonable. And because of that, you have come out looking like you are defending the ideals of a misogynist.
Not for the first time your knee jerk reaction and stereotypical character judgement have corrupted your perception. This is unfortunate as it detracts from those many posts where you exercise good sense and objectivity.