Death penalty for child rape, in the US!

thats true. it really does stay with people but i think the true victims ends up hurting\destroying themselves.
thats true. it really does stay with people but i think the true victims ends up hurting\destroying themselves.

not all people who were abused has a child will go and kill themselves!

i know people (me included) who worked through it, and now we have learnt to lock it away behind a door and there it stays, but your right in one aspect it does stick with us,
"On the morning of March 2, 1998, the victim was transported by ambulance to Children’s Hospital
where she was examined in the emergency room. The victim’s predominate injury
was vaginal with profuse bleeding. Her entire perineum was torn and her rectum
protruded into her vagina. Dr. Scott Benton of Children’s Hospital testified as an
expert in pediatric forensic medicine that the victim’s injuries were the most serious
he had seen, within his four years of practice, that resulted from a sexual assault."

The whole case is at:

"On March 4, 1998, the police found
out for the first time about the defendant’s phone calls to his employer, A. Arpet
Moving Co., hours before he made the 911 call, telling Arguella that he would not be
into work and asking him how to get blood out of a white carpet because his stepdaughter
“had just become a young lady.”"
I think death is too easy a solution. He should be in prison for life, where he can bend over for everyone else.
How can you NOT give the death penalty for child rape? Rape in itself is worthy of capital punishment, let alone to rape a harmless child.

I believe in capital punishment, not as a deterrent, but rather as PUNISHMENT, a PAINFUL, excruciating and agonizing death for all the fucked up scum.

So, as Kadark said, line 'em up and gun 'em down. Murder and rape, imo, deserve CP.
I think death is too easy a solution. He should be in prison for life, where he can bend over for everyone else.

Depends; if, in that prison, he feels the pain he caused at ten-fold extremity daily without mercy and is treated like what he is (scum), then yes, but NOT the fucking prisons where they get TV's and all that shit. They are CRIMINALS for fucks sake, kill 'em or make their life hell; prison ISN'T a hotel.
yeah it's sad. it's probably not true either.
It was an SBS interview. The man now lives in the North Territory and the children that has was convicted for raping were young aboriginals. That communitee has a long history of child abuse so he knew that going there the children would be easily targeted and groomed with beer and drugs or petro sniffing.

It seemed from the interview that he was seriously remorseful, he's even married and his wife is apparently trying her best to help him. I don't know. I would not want him around any children ever - regardless of how remorseful he is or is at that time. This guy was seriously messed up.
When I was in MI I was told about a man that used scissors on a 2 year old and raped her. When I heard the story I puked. That must have been more than 20 years ago but just thinking about it is still sickening.
I was told that the man was sentenced to life in prison. I was also told that the family asked a guard for a favor and the guy was dead in a week - apparently another prisoner killed him. Although they never found out who.
I don't know if the story is true or not true - those sorts of urban myths go around in high school - I hope that if wasn't. BUT, the point of the story is almost everyone feels better knowing the rapist was killed. I know I did.


I stand corrected. There are some societies who would kill a child victim of sexual abuse.

It was an SBS interview. The man now lives in the North Territory and the children that has was convicted for raping were young aboriginals. That communitee has a long history of child abuse so he knew that going there the children would be easily targeted and groomed with beer and drugs or petro sniffing.

It seemed from the interview that he was seriously remorseful, he's even married and his wife is apparently trying her best to help him. I don't know. I would not want him around any children ever - regardless of how remorseful he is or is at that time. This guy was seriously messed up.
I remember that.

There are some people for whom rehabilitation is virtually impossible. For him, it has come too late. He suffered so much abuse as a child while in prison and then went on and committed the same crimes against other children. Instead of being rehabilitated then, he was released and went on to rape again. It can be and sometimes is a vicious cycle, where the victim becomes the perpetrator and does the same to others and so on.
bells with such a high percentage of abusers being victoms themselves do you ever wonder if its not ALL abusers were victoms wether they admit it or not?

I stand corrected. There are some societies who would kill a child victim of sexual abuse.

I remember that.

There are some people for whom rehabilitation is virtually impossible. For him, it has come too late. He suffered so much abuse as a child while in prison and then went on and committed the same crimes against other children. Instead of being rehabilitated then, he was released and went on to rape again. It can be and sometimes is a vicious cycle, where the victim becomes the perpetrator and does the same to others and so on.

Thus we come to the point where it seems perfectly logical that those who were victimized should be treated, possibly drugged, excluded from normal activities including normal sex, prevented from normal sexual play with their own peers, and God knows what else. All that you seem to have for them is some kind of exclusion, forced quack medicine, and destruction of their lives in various combinations, to make sure that they "don't get to the children." At the same time we have absolutely nothing to help those victims and abusers who always will go undetected in any society that is free enough to be worth living in.

Even better, the definition of "victimization" is so broad and so conflated that there is no difference in some minds between a pat on the ass and someone's severed head being found in a canal in Florida.

What exactly do our actions and attitudes teach children and other people about sex? It's pretty much, if the vengeful thinkers here don't like the kind of sex you have, your life is over if they can help it, and all contributions that you might make to society are ended. You are forced to be a burden on society at best. There is a person in Florida who had to move out of his home because he was arrested for peeing by the side of a highway over twenty years ago, because of stupid exclusion zones.

You people won't face the problem in any rational manner. You really do want this violence to happen, and the upcoming civil war that will tear down everything. We'll be living in caves again, short brutish lives without medical care or any of the conveniences, but by God we won't be hearing on the news about the latest child molestation.
bells with such a high percentage of abusers being victoms themselves do you ever wonder if its not ALL abusers were victoms wether they admit it or not?

I think that they are all victims of something. Even the "sick puppy" rhetoric says that they're victims of an illness. OK, does anyone know of an illness that can be cured by violence?
Yes. I too would like to see the little 8 yr old victim of child rape executed when she grows up to be an abuser herself. How nice. What a dandy solution to the problem.
Yes. I too would like to see the little 8 yr old victim of child rape executed when she grows up to be an abuser herself. How nice. What a dandy solution to the problem.

Do you think being a victim justifies abuse? Do you sympathise with a former abuse victim who carves up a two year old with a pair of scissors?
Do you think being a victim justifies abuse? Do you sympathise with a former abuse victim who carves up a two year old with a pair of scissors?
Oh of course not. The point is that the discussion has been 99% "Yeah! Ice the Bastards!" with hardly any acknowledgement that that's like giving out antibiotics for free while ignoring the festering river that everyone washes themselves in.

Yes. I too would like to see the little 8 yr old victim of child rape executed when she grows up to be an abuser herself. How nice. What a dandy solution to the problem.

That is a good way to say it.

You know, I don't think of sex as abuse. I think of injury caused by forced sex as abuse. One thing that people can't seem to tell the difference between is this strange fear that their child will some day have sex and the fear that the child will be raped.
bells with such a high percentage of abusers being victoms themselves do you ever wonder if its not ALL abusers were victoms wether they admit it or not?

Not all have been victims of child abuse. Some people are sexually attracted to small children. And some of those people will rape small children to fulfill their sexual needs and desires.

MetaKron said:
Thus we come to the point where it seems perfectly logical that those who were victimized should be treated, possibly drugged, excluded from normal activities including normal sex, prevented from normal sexual play with their own peers, and God knows what else. All that you seem to have for them is some kind of exclusion, forced quack medicine, and destruction of their lives in various combinations, to make sure that they "don't get to the children." At the same time we have absolutely nothing to help those victims and abusers who always will go undetected in any society that is free enough to be worth living in.
Do you have a viable alternative that will ensure those individuals do not harm other children?

Lets say you had a child who fell prey to such an individual at the age, of say, 3. Not a pat on the arse kind of thing, but raped and sodomised? What would you recommend for your child's abuser? What would you recommend for your own child to make sure they do not then grow up and continue the cycle against other children?

What exactly do our actions and attitudes teach children and other people about sex? It's pretty much, if the vengeful thinkers here don't like the kind of sex you have, your life is over if they can help it, and all contributions that you might make to society are ended. You are forced to be a burden on society at best. There is a person in Florida who had to move out of his home because he was arrested for peeing by the side of a highway over twenty years ago, because of stupid exclusion zones.
Is it normal for a grown man to sexually desire a 2 year old? Should we accept that as being normal behaviour? What of the child?

You people won't face the problem in any rational manner. You really do want this violence to happen, and the upcoming civil war that will tear down everything. We'll be living in caves again, short brutish lives without medical care or any of the conveniences, but by God we won't be hearing on the news about the latest child molestation.
And you're accusing us of not facing this issue in a rational manner?

You know, I don't think of sex as abuse. I think of injury caused by forced sex as abuse. One thing that people can't seem to tell the difference between is this strange fear that their child will some day have sex and the fear that the child will be raped.
I think you are wrong.

You need to be able to tell the difference between a rape and consensual sex before you can even attempt to discuss this issue.
i know this coment will get hijacked but anyway

We had a person here a while ago talking about a comment from someone else and the comment basically boiled down to the person being atracted to prepubesant children. Now as far as we knew this person had never raped anyone but had those feelings. I wonder what should be done with these people. Its DEFINITLY not a criminal matter because the courts only deal with things after the fact and cant be proactive. Some people will say "shoot the guy" but i dont think thats the answer for someone who activly sort help for this problem

So what is the answer?

Would be very interested in bells opinion especially