Death penalty for child rape, in the US!

I agree with you tiassa though im not actually sure that would be a bad thing. Im quite open in my critisium of the "justice" system, especially one that sentances scisophrienics to death because of something they couldnt help or kills a man so retarded that he put his last meal under the bed to have for latter.

Anyway do i think they should be exicuted?
No but i DO agree with orleander that there shouldnt be a statute of limitations on the crime. About a week ago in SA a report by Ted Mulligan was releaced on child sexual abuse in state care. Before the report was even finished the state goverment actually removed the statute of limitations so that ANY case that came up throught this inquiry could be herd
Rape is a terrible crime, but I don't know if I support the death penalty for it. Yet there should be some sort of restitution for victims (just don't ask me what). I'm not sure there is really anything you can do to make up for that. I mean if someone wrecks your car or damaged your property money can usually fix issues like that, but personal damage no matter how small, I just don't know how anything can atone for that.
CutsieMarie89 there is nothing the offender can do for the victom. I dated a girl who had been abused as a child and it took her YEARS to get to a funtional state before she became sexually active and then it took another HUGE ajustment to associate sex with anything other than the abuse.

Personally i dont know that punishment is the answer, it simply has no evidence that it works no matter WHAT the crime is and especially with sex crimes. Maybe the mental health system can do a better job or maybe not, but the current aproch definitly DOESNT work and i dont agree that the Death Penelty is a solution either
death penalty for child rape? common, I mean, common, children are important but death penalty...? What ever happened to sanctity of life?
I think that as long as it is proved beyond a shadow of a doubt then yes the person should DNA sampled and then put down.
CutsieMarie89 there is nothing the offender can do for the victom. I dated a girl who had been abused as a child and it took her YEARS to get to a funtional state before she became sexually active and then it took another HUGE ajustment to associate sex with anything other than the abuse.

Personally i dont know that punishment is the answer, it simply has no evidence that it works no matter WHAT the crime is and especially with sex crimes. Maybe the mental health system can do a better job or maybe not, but the current aproch definitly DOESNT work and i dont agree that the Death Penelty is a solution either
how about full castration followed by full frontal lobotomy?
Firstly what is the point of removing the restraint center of the brain? (ie the frontal lobe)

Secondly castration doesnt work either, my bloody cat can prove that (he sprays everywhere and tries to mate even though he HAS no balls)

Actually castration would probably make it easier for an offender to get away with his crime because there would be no speritoza to test for.

Oh and even if it DID would for pedifiles it definitly WOULDNT work for those who rape, young POST pubesant kids because that sort of rape is about power rather than sexual releace so you would need to establish wether the person was a true pedifile or wether they were a sadist (sorry dont know the correct termonology for this kind of offender, normal sexuality with sadistic tendancies maybe?)
CutsieMarie89 there is nothing the offender can do for the victom. I dated a girl who had been abused as a child and it took her YEARS to get to a funtional state before she became sexually active and then it took another HUGE ajustment to associate sex with anything other than the abuse.

Personally i dont know that punishment is the answer, it simply has no evidence that it works no matter WHAT the crime is and especially with sex crimes. Maybe the mental health system can do a better job or maybe not, but the current aproch definitly DOESNT work and i dont agree that the Death Penelty is a solution either

I have to wonder if that is because of the incident, or because of the abuse that came about when people found out about her abuse.
I agree. IMO,They can't be reformed and fall in the "sick puppy" category. Sick puppies get put down. We need to send a message to these warped cowards. Touch our children and die.

I think that I have good reason to prefer to die than touch anything that you spawned or any close genetic relation, but your prose demonstrates one reason humanity can't solve certain easy problems. By "touch" our children you may not know that you really do mean "touch" and not necessarily sexually, even after they are old enough.

And fuck your "sick puppy" phrase. I hope a sick puppy upchucks on your bed. You sound like an ignorant hooligan.
have you ever slept with a girl?
Ever had her flinch at your touch no matter how soft?

Dont talk about things you will never understand
I have to wonder if that is because of the incident, or because of the abuse that came about when people found out about her abuse.

Why do you assume that people would abuse a child sexual abuse victim because of the fact he or she had been sexually abused?
Firstly what is the point of removing the restraint center of the brain? (ie the frontal lobe)

Secondly castration doesnt work either, my bloody cat can prove that (he sprays everywhere and tries to mate even though he HAS no balls)

Actually castration would probably make it easier for an offender to get away with his crime because there would be no speritoza to test for.

Oh and even if it DID would for pedifiles it definitly WOULDNT work for those who rape, young POST pubesant kids because that sort of rape is about power rather than sexual releace so you would need to establish wether the person was a true pedifile or wether they were a sadist (sorry dont know the correct termonology for this kind of offender, normal sexuality with sadistic tendancies maybe?)

Certain parties spent a lot of time and effort creating this level of ignorance after all the work that was done finding out what goes wrong with people who do this sort of thing. Of course, it doesn't help when the stories that we tell each other don't take into account the kind of stress that the offenders were under and whether they were alcoholics (often because of stress). Just because stress doesn't excuse it doesn't mean that stress won't cause it. Maybe there is no such thing as a child rapist who was not first destroyed as a person, maybe quite early in life. It is horribly unfair to go on and kill someone like that, who may have been made like a weapon for his parents to use against a society that they hated.
Why do you assume that people would abuse a child sexual abuse victim because of the fact he or she had been sexually abused?

It's no assumption. It's fact. We've made a lot of progress in that such victims are now allowed to live.
have you ever slept with a girl?
Ever had her flinch at your touch no matter how soft?

Dont talk about things you will never understand

All I get about this subject is prattle by people who not only do not use the rational approach, they will fight it tooth and nail and use such commands as I am telling you to stuff up your ass. Why should I care in the least when the people who keep bringing up the problem won't use their brains?
i didnt start the thread and i would point out that the thread is about the penelty not the problem. You should really grow up and go out and SEE the damage this sort of abuse causes. As i have pointed out to you before sexual abuse is one of a VERY small group of things that can cause split personality disorder and on that list is torcher. This means that this sort of abuse is the equivlant of TORCHER in the harm it does to a child.

I have personal experiance in dealing with children who have been abused where does yours come from? Fingering little boys behind the school?
There is one thing that is true: No kind of threat is going to work against child rape. Threatening, chest-beating, actually carrying out executions and street justice, these will not put a dent in it and they will help prevent people from doing things that will actually work. I think that a lot of you just need the violence fix.

The only thing that I know of that will work is to teach these people to have sex with those who are not children. Make it an active part of their life, and yes, use sex therapists and prostitutes. Try to get to them before they offend, and treat people who are afraid that they might offend with compassion.