Death penalty for child rape, in the US!

i know this coment will get hijacked but anyway

We had a person here a while ago talking about a comment from someone else and the comment basically boiled down to the person being atracted to prepubesant children. Now as far as we knew this person had never raped anyone but had those feelings. I wonder what should be done with these people. Its DEFINITLY not a criminal matter because the courts only deal with things after the fact and cant be proactive. Some people will say "shoot the guy" but i dont think thats the answer for someone who activly sort help for this problem

So what is the answer?

Would be very interested in bells opinion especially

Therapy and try to work through it and find out whether there is any underlying cause to this attraction. And then hope like hell the individual does not act on their attraction. In short, I don't really know. I would want there to be something that can be done, but sometimes there is not. It would basically boil down to making them understand that acting out their desires on a small child would harm the child.
Why prepubescent? Why? It's just sick. I can't get my mind around. Yuck.

It must be a control thing. That's the ONLY reasonable answer. They have this twisted desire to be worshiped. Actually, when you think about it, people like Warren Jeff (who founded the Mormon cult that is in trouble for raping their own children) really have this incessant need to be adored and pretty much worshiped by their dip-shit followers and children by inclination automatically look up to adults. So that's the only possible reason.

They somehow feel so pathetic in their life that they need to take advantage of some child to give themselves an once of superiority in their life.

This goes for people who are not in the cycle - but people who just for some f*cked up reason decide they are attracted to children.
Michael you need to rember your not talking about sexual sadists here. When people who rape POST pubesants its about power rather than sex. True pedifila how ever is something compleatly different. It tends to be about the person being at the same emotional level as those they are preying upon and inocents ect rather than being about exploitation. The sadisium tends to show up in OTHER forms of child abuse like pysical abuse where the aim IS torcher
Why prepubescent? Why? It's just sick. I can't get my mind around. Yuck.

It must be a control thing. That's the ONLY reasonable answer. They have this twisted desire to be worshiped. Actually, when you think about it, people like Warren Jeff (who founded the Mormon cult that is in trouble for raping their own children) really have this incessant need to be adored and pretty much worshiped by their dip-shit followers and children by inclination automatically look up to adults. So that's the only possible reason.

They somehow feel so pathetic in their life that they need to take advantage of some child to give themselves an once of superiority in their life.

This goes for people who are not in the cycle - but people who just for some f*cked up reason decide they are attracted to children.

The choices for a cause include, in the real world, having a history of abuse and some kind of genetic quirks. Neither of these are under the control of the pedophile.
The choices for a cause include, in the real world, having a history of abuse and some kind of genetic quirks. Neither of these are under the control of the pedophile.

I agree, those things aren't. Raping someone else is in their control.
IF his religious book had that his prophet, when given the opportunity to marry a child or adopt her, adopted her

Mohammad did marry his much younger I think cousin. She was around 14 or so...

Edit: I looked up, those are 2 different women. One was his cousin, the other was only 6-7 when got married and :

"Aisha was six or seven years old when betrothed to Muhammad. She stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, when the marriage was consummated in Medina."'s_wives
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The Women of Ancient Rome

"Many things that among the Greeks are considered improper and unfitting," wrote Cornelius Nepos in the preface to his "Lives," "are permitted by our customs. Is there by chance a Roman who is ashamed to take his wife to a dinner away from home? Does it happen that the mistress of the house in any family does not enter the anterooms frequented by strangers and show herself among them? Not so in Greece: there the woman accepts invitations only among families to which she is related, and she remains withdrawn in that inner part of the house which is called the gynaeceum, where only the nearest relatives are admitted."

This passage, one of the most significant in all the little work of Nepos, draws in a few, clear, telling strokes one of the most marked distinctions between the Greco-Asiatic world and the Roman. Among ancient societies, the Roman was probably that in which, at least among the better classes, woman enjoyed the greatest social liberty and the greatest legal and economic autonomy. There she most nearly approached that condition of moral and civil equality with man which makes her his comrade, and not his slavethat equality in which modern civilization sees one of the supreme ends of moral progress.

Things were different back in the day.
A Roman female with 3 surviving offspring is released to conduct her own business as she sees fit. A female slave was 4. While it makes good sense back in anceint rome when 3 in 4 children died it does not now. Thank the GODS no one wrote that down in a religious book! Who know how that could have effected women's rights in the modern day?

Yes it appears Mohammad took a 10th or 17th or whatever #th wife that was what we would consider a child. However, I don't think that Mohammad was a pedophile in doing so - he was simply doing exactly what everyone did there (and apparently still does do). My point is simply that someone with a bit of real foresight, you know - like God, could have clearly seen that polygamy and marrying 12 year olds is a cure fire way of holding back womens social standing in society. A more enlightened person would have said, you know what, yeah you guys are polygamists and that's OK for now and you guys marry you daughters very young - well she should at least be menstruating. BUT AS FOR ME, I'm only taking one wife and I'm only marrying someone of around my age. If you want to be closer to God then you should do the same.

Reminds me of a saying my grandfather used to say. "His dick in one hand and a jug in the other". Kind of makes me think of Mohammad minus the jug. :p

I have been told that in the Bahai religion IF only one child can go to university and there are two children, a boy and a girl, then the girl should be sent. There foresight in that. (A) obviously it educated the females and (B) it redirect the energy of the state towards education and (C) if pushes societies towards offering education to everyone.

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:bugeye: so what are you saying....the devil made them do it? They couldn't help it?

It's pretty close to the truth. That's one of the reasons that I vote for pre-emptive measures. Let the man recognize that the pressure is building up and teach him proper ways to relieve it. I consider prostitution and masturbation to be proper ways.