Corona Virus 2019-nCoV

I have to admit to some sympathy for the people of the US. Where I live, the problem people have is handling the government's response in respect of loss of personal freedoms; in the US, people have the problem of really learning why the world's greatest economy has done such a poor job compared to other, smaller economies, admittedly with smaller populations. Will the truth come out, and will it make any difference (and to what exactly)?

On the other hand one reason most countries were not prepared is the opinion of the public, the message the government kept hearing; largely this is the public complacency about an event they can't recall happening, or something like that.
The goal is to get out of this paranoia
The Republican Party's goal is to abet and foster paranoia during the runup to November's vote.

That and profiteering helps explain why the US still cannot test enough of its population to allow restoration of normal civic and economic life among uninfected people.
No - but "taking advantage of" tends to get redefined depending on your worldview.
I think we all know what it really means, but maybe we feel uncomfortable admitting it because we may profit in those same systems that we take issue with. Human nature, maybe.

That is my fear , I hope we are wrong . For me its Too soon . Its only been 4 months and this virus is very contagious .
Very ....
The most important thing that people need to fully understand and make appropriate decisions about is that the virus must reproduce with in a set time period (21 days?) to survive.

So ideally if the whole world just stopped doing and maintained physical distancing for 30 odd days, the virus would be eradicated globally.
But because we are so concerned about chasing a buck we are going to have to co-exist with this virus and change our life styles to accommodate it.

So the best thing you can do is look out for yourself and maintain physical distancing at all times...until some sort of solution is found... ( safe zones may eventually be set up with strict quarantine provisioning etc...)
On the other hand one reason most countries were not prepared is the opinion of the public, the message the government kept hearing; largely this is the public complacency about an event they can't recall happening, or something like that
The US had preparations and responses set up even while the population was complacent, in years and even decades past. The requirement was competence in the Federal government.
I have to admit to some sympathy for the people of the US. Where I live, the problem people have is handling the government's response in respect of loss of personal freedoms; in the US, people have the problem of really learning why the world's greatest economy has done such a poor job compared to other, smaller economies, admittedly with smaller populations. Will the truth come out, and will it make any difference (and to what exactly)?

On the other hand one reason most countries were not prepared is the opinion of the public, the message the government kept hearing; largely this is the public complacency about an event they can't recall happening, or something like that.


To your last paragraph ; is more because the governments didn't listen to the scientists warnings .

Or haven't personally experienced . Whether through Family , or someone they know .
The US had preparations and responses set up even while the population was complacent, in years and even decades past. The requirement was competence in the Federal government.
So the sidebar is, a government's response shouldn't rely on public opinion; a government shouldn't become complacent about the outbreak of a new disease?

Yeah, I'd say that ship has sailed.
No - but "taking advantage of" tends to get redefined depending on your worldview.
Not really. There's a broad consensus in American society that is consistent and reliable in specific cases.
The jury selection for Martin Shkrili's trial was long and difficult, for example.
The intelligence service of the USA , concluded that the virus is Natural ( not lab produced , and escaped into the envirenment ) .
with out launching into conspiracy theories, a natural and deadly virus can be stored in a lab and released as a natural WMD.
It makes no sense that China would deliberately do this though...
I blame the Dems..always nit picking and then the BS impeachement must cause any elected government un necessary distraction. I mean that has always been their intention and look where that has ended up.

I mean really how can you run a country when you have a group of spoil brats non stop sooking and even now they are still going to lose...They could not win a game of Russian roulette if you took all the bullets out of the revolver. Any fool knows you can never win a battle if you let your emotions control your actions...
Elections are won on policy..can someone tell the Dems please.

I blame the Dems..always nit picking and then the BS impeachement must cause any elected government un necessary distraction. I mean that has always been their intention and look where that has ended up.

I mean really how can you run a country when you have a group of spoil brats non stop sooking and even now they are still going to lose...They could not win a game of Russian roulette if you took all the bullets out of the revolver. Any fool knows you can never win a battle if you let your emotions control your actions...
Elections are won on policy..can someone tell the Dems please.

I blame the Dems..always nit picking and then the BS impeachement must cause any elected government un necessary distraction. I mean that has always been their intention and look where that has ended up.
The only BS part of the impeachment was the Republicans in the Senate refusing to consider the evidence put in front of them.
