Common misconceptions about Islam


So they were allowed to show lap dancing on TV in Tunisia, I guess Ben Ali wasnt so bad after all.

wll, hear that, police men, are not allowed to pray at the mosque, not allowed to marry a woman that wears hijab, hijab was once illigal, (not niqab, niqab is illigal and must be illigal) people who pray at the mosque, their names are saved, and they will spy on them, and follow them, people who express politics, are thrown to jail , and even tortured sometimes, etc... they were trying to remove islam, and also remove all educated people and etc... to make us like many americans citizens who thinks that paris is in australia, and japan is in europe, and UFOs come and kidnape people, education system is almost ruined, corruption, stealing money, they stole 60% of the tunisian budget! anyway western banks freezed those money to give them back later to tunisia.
and media? huh? we don't have media! maybe some good shows, but, we don't have media! i mean, our media is stupid, they treat us like if we were babies, and it's full with lying, and etc... the only news you see, or maybe most, (that was when ben ali is the presedent) ben ali received a letter, ben ali sent a letter, ben ali and he's wife leyla, invited, they have been invited, BEN alii, sent a letter again :bugeye: huh?
no debates at all at the tv. i can say, no one watch our media, idk who watch it, expet for some good shows, anyway, we only have 3 tv. channel! the national channel, we call koffa tv, means, bascket tv, because they only show ben ali's bascket and people who say, long live ben ali long live ben ali,
the other channel is private,hannibal tv. but effcorse, controlled by ben ali and etc... there's no expression freedom, nessma tv. funed by italy prime minister! the only thing they show, is immoral things and etc.. well, most times.
we don't watch our media, and if you meant the films, yeah there are many channels of films, like mbc2 mbc4 mbc action, mbc max, fox movies, fox series, dubai one, etc...
for news, also forigne channels like aljazeera and alarabiya and others, or just on web (and since half the internet is cencored, everyone knows the tricks to acces to those cencored sites, like usin the proxies, or the https, or the https://upload, upload instead of www, or login instead of www, and others, for facebook censored pages)

uuuuuh, nope, we don't have media,
Great post!

I'd like to clear up a common misconception about Druze:

Druze are not Muslims!

I should probably clarify and expand elsewhere...
...In an era with no government social services, I'll have to give them a pass on this one. The motivation behind it was most definitely not evil, despite how it worked out in the long run.
Yes, but that's just all too common really, isn't it.
Hell, paved, intentions, and whatnot.

I suppose now it's merely a variation on a wealthy man having several mistresses.

Same thing really, only one mob has a little book that says it isn't alright and has to be all secretive about it, and the other mob have a little book that says it's just fine. Others have enough money to to give a hoot about what anyone else thinks at all.

Justifications are simply that, and little more.

Pesonally, there are far too many rules in these religions for my taste. If a man wishes to live by a book of rules, then he's perfectly entitled in my opinion to do so. I am not, however, entirely confident that men in general are overly concerned about keeping themselves to themselves. Neither do I mean that by "religion" I refer only to a belief in a god, or gods.
History would indicate that men in a position to do so will impose their will upon others, for all their talk otherwise.

Nod, smile, and keep a gun by the door.
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ok, in islam, that's all bullshits, in islam the relegion, anyway, in muslim societies, well, more specificly, muslim arab societies, let's 70 years ago, in many countries, it was like, women , not illigal, but, immoral to go out, and to show her face, and etc... and guess what, that is exactly, the time, where those people, were back to stoneage like you said, but in islam, the relegion, all those are bullshits, and serious mistakes, according to islam, and yes human rights

and HEY HEY HEY, are you talking about today how we treat our woman? go educate your self... maybe you got a dark image from saudi arabia and others, wich i didnt visit before to see with my own eyes and judge, because your media is actually ignorant in some parts...for example about the tunisian revolution, hmm, some media news, american ones, are ignorant in many points, many
Saudi Arabia is where I got the impression and it was from a well to do Saudi that I got the impression . It was demanded of Him by his family . Now my friend who was a white woman from Minnesota she was out with the other woman in Saudi Arabia advocating for rights to drive a car and , well she got a pretty good beating for her part in the protest. She was not real happy about it and she said her Husband would say as he was beating her . I don't want to do this , but I have to leave marks on you so my family knows I beat you for what you did. O.K. All hear say from my friend that got the Beating . That Guys name was Taric . ( Can't remember his last name ) He sure liked to smoke the weed when he lived in Sacramento California and would call Me all the Time saying Get Me some weed Mekigal . Yeah as they say I gots to do what is asked of Me so I would get him the weed. So one time I went to his house for thanksgiving and there were many Muslims there , or to say Islamic peoples . They cooked a goat and we would rip a piece of meat off the goat and drag it threw a yogurt type stuff and eat it. Pretty good stuff. There was also a turkey there for people like my wife to eat if they didn't like goat and kooskie ( Rice stuff) Not a big rice fan my self , I leave that for the Chinese peoples . Wheat is more to my liken. Anyway they were all friends at the time in Sacramento, but said if they were in there own countries they would be enemies . One big guy from Kuwait was not being to friendly with a guy from Libya though. Not quite sure what the problem was , but Taric said they are enemies here too that 2 . Anyway miss those guys . They were fun to be around when they lived in Sacramento California . Non of them beat there wives when they lived there . It was when Taric moved back home to Saudi Arabia that he had to beat his wife. I bet he don't get to smoke as much weed living there. Man that guy could smoke the weed. Stoner extraordinaire

Saudi Arabia is where I got the impression and it was from a well to do Saudi that I got the impression . It was demanded of Him by his family . Now my friend who was a white woman from Minnesota she was out with the other woman in Saudi Arabia advocating for rights to drive a car and , well she got a pretty good beating for her part in the protest. She was not real happy about it and she said her Husband would say as he was beating her . I don't want to do this , but I have to leave marks on you so my family knows I beat you for what you did. O.K. All hear say from my friend that got the Beating . That Guys name was Taric . ( Can't remember his last name ) He sure liked to smoke the weed when he lived in Sacramento California and would call Me all the Time saying Get Me some weed Mekigal . Yeah as they say I gots to do what is asked of Me so I would get him the weed. So one time I went to his house for thanksgiving and there were many Muslims there , or to say Islamic peoples . They cooked a goat and we would rip a piece of meat off the goat and drag it threw a yogurt type stuff and eat it. Pretty good stuff. There was also a turkey there for people like my wife to eat if they didn't like goat and kooskie ( Rice stuff) Not a big rice fan my self , I leave that for the Chinese peoples . Wheat is more to my liken. Anyway they were all friends at the time in Sacramento, but said if they were in there own countries they would be enemies . One big guy from Kuwait was not being to friendly with a guy from Libya though. Not quite sure what the problem was , but Taric said they are enemies here too that 2 . Anyway miss those guys . They were fun to be around when they lived in Sacramento California . Non of them beat there wives when they lived there . It was when Taric moved back home to Saudi Arabia that he had to beat his wife. I bet he don't get to smoke as much weed living there. Man that guy could smoke the weed. Stoner extraordinaire

i see that this is horrible, what you talked about, but even from the smoking weed thing, hmm, it's even forbidden in islam to smoke weed or drink alcoholic drinks or anything that can make you unconsious, or not very consious, anyway, so, that story, you poiting that it is, islam fault's, rather than their tradiontions and stuff? also, it's not like in only saudi arabia where a woman is get hitted by her husband or something, yes even in usa if you are asking, anyway, there's a difference, between, islam, the relegion and it's teaching, and what people do, for example, in christanity, it is forbidden to have sex before marriage, yet many christians do sex before marriage, and other things...
Why do you call yourself a Gal if you're really a guy?

Very confusing!

It is Sumerian . Gal= Great . It is an abbreviation of my Name . Some say it means Great Below , in a hymn to Tammuz Eres-ki-Gal is called The Lady of the Great House and it is the Ki-Gal that represents the Great house part of the name , and would you have it , my last name is Greathouse. Also Mekigal is the original form for the name Michael and what have you my name is Mikel . So it is a perfect fit to my real name . Also Mekigal is said to be the guy that invented the plow that kicked off the agricultural age. He is said to be the origin of the Micheal myth , Michaelmas celebrations and all. Deified as time went on. Even the Babylonians had a month named after him. The new testament even refers to him by the Statement the " Lord of the Harvest "
The funny thing to Me now is no one else uses the name but Me . I find that odd . As many people use Enki , Zeus, even Jesus and what have you, but I seem to be the only Mekigal . I like it . Like it was waiting for me to pick it up and be the Mekigal . Shine on harvest moon. Anyway as they say about crazy friggen artist and fools . We come from a place that is neither male or female but human
i see that this is horrible, what you talked about, but even from the smoking weed thing, hmm, it's even forbidden in islam to smoke weed or drink alcoholic drinks or anything that can make you unconsious, or not very consious, anyway, so, that story, you poiting that it is, islam fault's, rather than their tradiontions and stuff? also, it's not like in only saudi arabia where a woman is get hitted by her husband or something, yes even in usa if you are asking, anyway, there's a difference, between, islam, the relegion and it's teaching, and what people do, for example, in christanity, it is forbidden to have sex before marriage, yet many christians do sex before marriage, and other things...
I don't blame Islam . I blame tradition by the Saudi family that required there son to beat his wife for doing something they didn't approve of. Christan wives get beat too. Christians beat there kids also. In the faith they have a saying " Spoil the rod spoil the child and what that means is beat your child as to force them to obey you. This is primitive thinking. I never beat my children and they are perfect. I don't call them sinners either. I tell them they are brilliant and perfect and they believe Me as they look up to Me like I was God and act accordingly . They are gifted and the schools think they are special for it . They also raise the other children up from there selves feeling like failures because I also taught them to show and have Mercy . I have had teachers cry right in front of Me because of the compassion my children show for others. It don't hurt that my son is 6" 2" and is 13 years old . He is going to save the world when he gets older. I raised him for the task and his name means Ahkenoton Pharaoh or Man of Light the Great House. He will live to his name. He can't help it for the world calls his name to succeed
I am not against Islam. I saw nothing to be against in the Quran or Islam . I am against Unjust acts towards the common people of the earth . I live with a big face to fight for the oppressed meek people of the world that have small faces . I don't even hold it against the radical Muslim for Jihad. I like to call there acts Demolition. For I believe every act of rebellion is a reflection of society as a whole and it is the inability of the people that think they are better than others that cause a lot of the violent acts of protest. Slaves to society revolt and one reason is " We will die with our hands unbound " It is the meaning of being American and is breed into us from birth . We will die with our hands unbound. Now Me I have extra inclinations for my family were Architects of America starting in 1709 and Harmon my direct Relative lived next door to George Washington . Owned a tavern at the cross road where many discussions of freedom took place. My Grand Fathers 1st. Cousin won the Civil war in America at a battle just out side of Atlanta . It was General Sherman"s March to the sea and he had written the President that if he could Take Atlanta he could deliver victory to the North. What have you My relative gave his life in an act of bravery and his troops were inspired to take the day and advance on to take Atlanta with ease. I know it took all the men to make it happen , but there was much noted on his bravery and how all took notice and fought with more vigor even though there strength had already waned . So you can see where I come from . My genetic disposition . Free or Die

I don't blame Islam . I blame tradition by the Saudi family that required there son to beat his wife for doing something they didn't approve of. Christan wives get beat too. Christians beat there kids also. In the faith they have a saying " Spoil the rod spoil the child and what that means is beat your child as to force them to obey you. This is primitive thinking. I never beat my children and they are perfect. I don't call them sinners either. I tell them they are brilliant and perfect and they believe Me as they look up to Me like I was God and act accordingly . They are gifted and the schools think they are special for it . They also raise the other children up from there selves feeling like failures because I also taught them to show and have Mercy . I have had teachers cry right in front of Me because of the compassion my children show for others. It don't hurt that my son is 6" 2" and is 13 years old . He is going to save the world when he gets older. I raised him for the task and his name means Ahkenoton Pharaoh or Man of Light the Great House. He will live to his name. He can't help it for the world calls his name to succeed

true, but, about children some times, it's ok to beat them, not to heart them, but to beat them, that would heart them, immitionally, and not physicly, and sometimes it should be done, if talking and etc.. didnt work, not all children are the same, and i agree on not to spoil the children very much, but that's sometimes only, when it cant be solved with talking and etc... anyway, there are more punishements, that are stronger than beating, like, not to talk to your kid for a day, or half a day, ignore him means, well, true that you may not handle it, but, sometimes, it should be, after all, violence=produce violence, and so on, the prophet mohamed (pbuh), said, teach the children while they are playing, anyway, beating children, some category of them, according to the personnality, beating them with the stick on their hands, can be harmefull to them, like to be, less active than should be, or, idk, i'm no a sicologist, i'm talking about, strong beating, that can hurt physicly= heart sicologicly more
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I am not against Islam. I saw nothing to be against in the Quran or Islam . I am against Unjust acts towards the common people of the earth . I live with a big face to fight for the oppressed meek people of the world that have small faces . I don't even hold it against the radical Muslim for Jihad. I like to call there acts Demolition. For I believe every act of rebellion is a reflection of society as a whole and it is the inability of the people that think they are better than others that cause a lot of the violent acts of protest. Slaves to society revolt and one reason is " We will die with our hands unbound " It is the meaning of being American and is breed into us from birth . We will die with our hands unbound. Now Me I have extra inclinations for my family were Architects of America starting in 1709 and Harmon my direct Relative lived next door to George Washington . Owned a tavern at the cross road where many discussions of freedom took place. My Grand Fathers 1st. Cousin won the Civil war in America at a battle just out side of Atlanta . It was General Sherman"s March to the sea and he had written the President that if he could Take Atlanta he could deliver victory to the North. What have you My relative gave his life in an act of bravery and his troops were inspired to take the day and advance on to take Atlanta with ease. I know it took all the men to make it happen , but there was much noted on his bravery and how all took notice and fought with more vigor even though there strength had already waned . So you can see where I come from . My genetic disposition . Free or Die

i respect your saying, free, or die, we win, or we die
We cannot judge a religion by the contents of its holy book. We can only judge it by the way its members behave. By that measure Islam is certainly no worse than Judaism or Christianity.

But it is also no better. The members of all three sects find in their holy books justification for considering themselves better than the others, justification for treating them unfairly and even cruelly, and justification for killing them and even going to war against them.

Jews, Christians and Muslims have been making war against non-Jews, non-Christians and non-Muslims (and even against people who claim to be of the same faith but practice it differently) since the religions were founded.

This violence in the name of Abraham's god far outweighs any good that these people occasionally do during their rest periods between their wars and conquests.

We cannot judge a religion by the contents of its holy book. We can only judge it by the way its members behave. By that measure Islam is certainly no worse than Judaism or Christianity.

But it is also no better. The members of all three sects find in their holy books justification for considering themselves better than the others, justification for treating them unfairly and even cruelly, and justification for killing them and even going to war against them.

Jews, Christians and Muslims have been making war against non-Jews, non-Christians and non-Muslims (and even against people who claim to be of the same faith but practice it differently) since the religions were founded.

This violence in the name of Abraham's god far outweighs any good that these people occasionally do during their rest periods between their wars and conquests.

in islam, christianity, and jews, is not a problem as long they all beleive in god, and on the contrary, islam order us to respect christanity and jews relegion esspecially, because they also beleive in god ;)
Well, this would be the nicer interpretation. Nothing for the atheists though?

Well, this would be the nicer interpretation. Nothing for the atheists though?

nope :p
(p.s.: if you think atheists must be killed or something, no, try to convince them of the existence of god, and that's it, you did your duty, wether you could convince them to beleive or not to beleive, it's between them and god, god will judge after all)