Common misconceptions about Islam

that's totally wrong! that's totally against islam!! that's not islam! maybe that what many people thought before, when the muslim civilisation, was back to the stone age after they gave up their noble relegion after all those golden ages, and i think things like that are attached to cultural things, formed by time, for example, the burka, is not an obligation in islam, but the hijab is, but effcorse, some times you find a woman with no hijab and covering her body better than a woman with hijab with a tight clothes that would explode soon

and what is that muslim country?
(i didnt saudi arabia, i didnt went their to see how they live, i don't trust your media that keep insulting them)

beleive me, tht guy who otld oyu that, tell him go educate your self, he's a backward :p
what can i say, he or they don't know nothing about islam, that kind of stuff and thinking, is what brought the muslim civilisation from the golden ages where it ruled to the world, when they were following islam during it, to the stone age later, (the arab in middle east and north africa, civilisation) where they don't follow islam, and where we became like, hmm, backwards sometimes before, well, about 200 years ago, a man used to buy many women, and puted them in he's house, 200 years or maybe more, because my fother told me about this one, and, he wasn't alive in that time, nor he's fother or he's grandfother, so, i don't know the time exactly when they were doing that,

Yeah, uh huh, yeah.

See, the thing is, capitalism sounds all wonderful when you just read the theory too.

Doesn't it.
That's not capitalism!

That's not Christianity!

That's not what Marx said!

That's not the teachings of the prophet!

Get it?

I am sick of hearing "if only".
If only God would email us or something, just to tell us what he really wants us to do, instead of pissing around trying to guess.
Actually, I'm a little interested in exactly when that kind of stuff and thinking allowed Islam to rule the world.

Was I asleep?
It would appear I was also asleep when a man could buy several woman and put them in his house.

Islam sounds awesome. Man got cash, man have women.

Islam is all about capitalism then!

One thing I will point out, which may give fuel to the OP.

Back then, giving birth was a life-or-death thing. In half the cases or more, either the mother, or baby, or both would die in childbirth. Muslim men want a big family so their children can reap from the fields circa 700AD... Muslim men who have little to no children are considered part of a dying family line.

In comes the concept of multiple wives. As pure Qu'ranism dictates, the woman is to be revered to do her duties as nurturer and mother to the clan. She is not a slave and she is not property. Her #1 big job is to produce children... everything else should come to her with ease. Think about that notion.

In the big picture, you can point to nearly any religion and blame fault as no religion is perfect. But then again the Qu'ran was written 600 years after the New Testament and had plenty of time to adjust for society's needs.

I still revere the Qu'ran but it gets the same grain of salt as any other religious document.

Yeah, uh huh, yeah.

See, the thing is, capitalism sounds all wonderful when you just read the theory too.

Doesn't it.

yeah, but, true that islam is thinked to be applyed, but, heey, where are you islam? in japan, and other countries, you see islam, but you see no muslims, in some muslim countries, you see muslims, but you don't see islam.
well, i'm not saying there's no real muslims or good people, trhere's always good people, well, also, not everyone apply every everything of islam, some people apply little, some people apply more, and some people apply alot (wich is good), and some people, are just muslims by name, and not really muslims following islam

Actually, I'm a little interested in exactly when that kind of stuff and thinking allowed Islam to rule the world.

Was I asleep?

first, what i say, is not a point and stop, i'm not like, who know it all, and yes, many arab societies collapse, well, yes by crusades that christians did, and etc... and also, by forgetting islam and drinking wines and having fun with women and making them as "stuff" and also when rich people didnt help poor people, that's what also made it collapse, muslims will never get back their glory, intill they follow the way of god

It would appear I was also asleep when a man could buy several woman and put them in his house.

Islam sounds awesome. Man got cash, man have women.

Islam is all about capitalism then!


i said, that is not islam when some rich men were doing that, and it's not islam to treat women as animals as stoniphi said tht someone told him that women are less than a dog, and also it's not islam, that a women be sexual too, and it's not islam, that a woman sells her self by wearing hotty clothes and etc... and it's not islam, to treat women badly, get it?
Yeah, uh huh, yeah.

See, the thing is, capitalism sounds all wonderful when you just read the theory too.

Doesn't it.

Exactly. This is the culture that Islam creates. But no one wants to take stock of their ideology with any seriousness. We always make excuses that we weren't fundamentalist enough in following that ideology. A more honest approach would be to recognize that the flaws in your ideology create inherent problems when they encounter real life and real human beings.

Exactly. This is the culture that Islam creates. But no one wants to take stock of their ideology with any seriousness. We always make excuses that we weren't fundamentalist enough in following that ideology. A more honest approach would be to recognize that the flaws in your ideology create inherent problems when they encounter real life and real human beings.

uuh, execuse me, are you a muslims and know islam better than me? or studied islam?

One thing I will point out, which may give fuel to the OP.

Back then, giving birth was a life-or-death thing. In half the cases or more, either the mother, or baby, or both would die in childbirth. Muslim men want a big family so their children can reap from the fields circa 700AD... Muslim men who have little to no children are considered part of a dying family line.

In comes the concept of multiple wives. As pure Qu'ranism dictates, the woman is to be revered to do her duties as nurturer and mother to the clan. She is not a slave and she is not property. Her #1 big job is to produce children... everything else should come to her with ease. Think about that notion.

well, a wife, in first place, is to have the children and to take care of them and raise them, and effcorse, she have the rights to study, and to work, too, when it comes to work, if their family have ennuf money, she should put raising her children in the first place.
a mulitple wife rule: you must be ecaul to all of them as much as you can, because you can never be very ecaul.

to wife or wifes you had more than one: you must never cheat on your wife, and try to don't make her sad or angry (effcorse, you both have duties to do respect each other and etc.. also she musnt cheat on her husband, but sometimes, when a women runaway from her husban to another man [i didnt say to have an affair like s*x with him, because about that, that's not an exuce, that's cheating too, and effcorse, not only her get punished, but also her husband that was the first cause for that to happen) , because that husband keep beating her and not taking care of her and etc... well, that should be reviewed, according to the case ]
uuh, execuse me, are you a muslims and know islam better than me? or studied islam?

I study it almost every day. How can Muslims keep posting clarification about their religion all the time and not expect me to have learned anything? You can hardly get them to shut up about it. And why do you think I'm an atheist? It's in no small part due to the Bible and the Quran.
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yes, beat your wife without causing damage physicly, and yes beat, without herting physicly. i think you can see the link.

glory of 12 iman? huh?

See, that's where Islam is flawed. If you justify beating your wife at all, even in a minor way, you are setting up the man as the ultimate bearer of wisdom and strength in the family and confirming the woman as practically worthless, like a misbehaving child instead of an adult human being. This breeds contempt for women. This is human nature and Islam seems to be ignorant of it.

I study it almost every day. How can Muslims keep posting clarification about their religion all the time and not expect me to have learned anything? You can hardly get them to shut up about it. And why do you think I'm an atheist? It's in no small part due to the Bible and the Quran.

aha, and how your being atheist should be my problem?

See, that's where Islam is flawed. If you justify beating your wife at all, even in a minor way, you are setting up the man as the ultimate bearer of wisdom and strength in the family and confirming the woman as practically worthless, like a misbehaving child instead of an adult human being. This breeds contempt for women. This is human nature and Islam seems to be ignorant of it.

aha, also the woman, many times, is who keeps things running in the house, like money and food and etc... like in family with no fother, or a family where the fother is irresponsible, and no a woman is not worthless, that's why i said before, men and women, are ecaul, but sometimes, the woman is more than a man, and some times a woman is less than a man...
That's not capitalism!

That's not Christianity!

That's not what Marx said!

That's not the teachings of the prophet!

Get it?

I am sick of hearing "if only".

YES. Kudos here.

And pinwheel was very funny and, more to the point, exactly on the mark.
aha, also the woman, many times, is who keeps things running in the house, like money and food and etc... like in family with no fother, or a family where the fother is irresponsible, and no a woman is not worthless, that's why i said before, men and women, are ecaul, but sometimes, the woman is more than a man, and some times a woman is less than a man...

Slaves used to run things like farms very well too, that doesn't mean anything.