Common misconceptions about Islam

in islam, christianity, and jews, is not a problem as long they all beleive in god, and on the contrary, islam order us to respect christanity and jews relegion esspecially, because they also beleive in god.
You deliberately misread my post. That is intellectual dishonesty, a violation of the website rules.

My point was that it doesn't matter what your book tells you to do. All that matters is what you do. Christians, Jews and Muslims have been treating each other--and even those within their own religion who disagree with them about the minutiae-- with disrespect, intolerance, hostility, and deadly violence for hundreds of years.

This is not a misconception. This is an observation.

You deliberately misread my post. That is intellectual dishonesty, a violation of the website rules.

My point was that it doesn't matter what your book tells you to do. All that matters is what you do. Christians, Jews and Muslims have been treating each other--and even those within their own religion who disagree with them about the minutiae-- with disrespect, intolerance, hostility, and deadly violence for hundreds of years.

This is not a misconception. This is an observation.

there's a difference of what's in the quran, and what was going on in many parts in history, in tolerance between christians and muslims both in the muslim world and in the christian world, starting from the first days of islam in the arabia when muslims who were obsessed found peace and protection with a christian king of a city, forgot it's name, and of what's going on today and what happened in many chapters in history
so this thread is about, the misconceptions about islam, not about muslims or, history, or so on, all kinds of events happened during history, including how the maghreb countries and other arab countries gave the shelter to jews who runned from the holocusts, tunisian jews themselves say that, (not only in tunisia anyway..), also that big tolerance when a priest was murdered in tunisia, muslims went to the church to put flowers to him, (anyway the crime was planned, besides a protestations of hate words infront of a synagog, and bulldozing a histrical mosque, 400 years old mosque, anyway long story, a conspirecie wich never worked and failed hardly)..exemples also, are aloot

anyway, what rules did i break? LOL :bugeye:
anyway, what rules did i break?
You've explained yourself so I apologize for the accusation. But in the future, to avoid misunderstanding, please don't completely ignore the main point of a post when you respond to it. It could be interpreted as intellectual dishonesty. We're having a lot of trouble with that these days and someone could overreact.

You've explained yourself so I apologize for the accusation. But in the future, to avoid misunderstanding, please don't completely ignore the main point of a post when you respond to it. It could be interpreted as intellectual dishonesty. We're having a lot of trouble with that these days and someone could overreact.

ok i see
Jews, Christians and Muslims have been making war against non-Jews, non-Christians and non-Muslims (and even against people who claim to be of the same faith but practice it differently) since the religions were founded.

Well of course. Enabling the formation of powerful in-groups that can direct violence and competition against outsiders is the entire point of hierarchical religions (i.e., the ones associated with societies that have attained the state level of organization or higher).

This violence in the name of Abraham's god far outweighs any good that these people occasionally do during their rest periods between their wars and conquests.

Doesn't make sense - the violence is the "good." They've managed to built and maintain large, powerful civilizations in the face of determined competition - by means of organized violence, and the demonstrated capacity for such. The violence isn't some drawback that cancels out the upside - it is simply the other side of the coin, the means by which the upside is brought about.

If there's some problem with "good" there, it's the silly supposition that you can maintain large states without employing systematic violence.
Well of course. Enabling the formation of powerful in-groups that can direct violence and competition against outsiders is the entire point of hierarchical religions (i.e., the ones associated with societies that have attained the state level of organization or higher).

Doesn't make sense - the violence is the "good." They've managed to built and maintain large, powerful civilizations in the face of determined competition - by means of organized violence, and the demonstrated capacity for such. The violence isn't some drawback that cancels out the upside - it is simply the other side of the coin, the means by which the upside is brought about.

If there's some problem with "good" there, it's the silly supposition that you can maintain large states without employing systematic violence.

Really! Just so cut and dried is it? So, is there no other way to maintain large states other than systematic violence?
no, not exactly, but to beat her, in a very light way, like with a pen

When Shadow is married..............

Shadow: Sorry wife, you have had two warnings. I hate to do it, but I must beat you.

Mrs Shadow: Oh, I suppose you are going to get your pen out.

Shadow: Yes, here is my pen. Prepare yourself.
(beats with pen)

Mrs Shadow: (laughing) Oh, that really hurts.

Shadow: Yes. Behave better next time.
Really! Just so cut and dried is it? So, is there no other way to maintain large states other than systematic violence?

You got any examples of large states that have been erected and maintained without such?

Last I checked, the defining feature of a state is "monopoly on violence." It's also important that such a monopoly be legitimated - an area in which religion plays an important role.
quadra said:
Last I checked, the defining feature of a state is "monopoly on violence." It's also important that such a monopoly be legitimated - an area in which religion plays an important role.
It works better, for that role, if it eschews violence of its own - just as the state is more solidly legitimized by a religion of peace.

Part of their complementary role playing would likely be visible and much emphasized curbs on each other's behavior.

One hand washes the other - a large, organized, powerful, and peaceful religion is entirely possible, if the behavior of its State is reliably and competently supportive.
There's still always the threat of force: the legal system rests, ultimately, on force as a last resort.

Really! Just so cut and dried is it? So, is there no other way to maintain large states other than systematic violence?

USA? (oil, military manufacturing, banking, use the poor countries to keep their economy working good (not just usa effcorse) etc...):rolleyes:

When Shadow is married..............

Shadow: Sorry wife, you have had two warnings. I hate to do it, but I must beat you.

Mrs Shadow: Oh, I suppose you are going to get your pen out.

Shadow: Yes, here is my pen. Prepare yourself.
(beats with pen)

Mrs Shadow: (laughing) Oh, that really hurts.

Shadow: Yes. Behave better next time.

you have two warnings? and i hate to do it?whuut? LOL
and what? beating??
not like, somehow, those are, laws or something that if i didnt do i will be, somehow, be in hell? LOL
weird, that when talking about civilisations, and you talk about the arab expanding, you say it's terrorism, and violence, and islam, and blablabla, and if it is about mangolia, or rome, or something, it's so impressive, waow
i mean, what?? o_O

and weird, you still don't get the difference, between, the relegion of islam, and some muslim acts, or muslim leaders and kings around the history when is about conquesting, and etc... why i don't say that christanity told "christians" to make world war I and II, and to kill thousands if not millions of red indians, and etc.... etc.... o_O i see, so, christanity"told" them to do that? or is it in the bible? :shrug:
weird, that when talking about civilisations, and you talk about the arab expanding, you say it's terrorism, and violence, and islam, and blablabla, and if it is about mangolia, or rome, or something, it's so impressive, waow

Which no one seriously doubts in the slightest was accomplished largely by war, just to remind you.

Which no one seriously doubts in the slightest was accomplished largely by war, just to remind you.

war was done by each civilisation on earth, and by each civilisation that became larger and larger, rome for example too, mangolian dinasty, chinese dinasty, arab dinasty, it's history we all know, but this thread is about the misconceptions, not like, the bible told christians go invade that, and go kill millions of people, in world wars, and make ethical cleaning in america, or like quran told arabs to conquest and expand and etc...
why i don't say that christanity told "christians" to make world war I and II, and to kill thousands if not millions of red indians, and etc.... etc.... o_O i see, so, christanity"told" them to do that? or is it in the bible? :shrug:

Indeed, why don't you say that? Well, maybe the World Wars aren't such a great example (mostly Christian-on-Christian, those), but the other stuff? Sure.

Is your complaint that your targets are wrong on the issue, or just that they're hypocrits for failing to apply comparable scrutiny to their own religions?

Indeed, why don't you say that? Well, maybe the World Wars aren't such a great example (mostly Christian-on-Christian, those), but the other stuff? Sure.

what, other "stuff"? you mean, killing "non-christians"? i didnt know that red indians were christians :bugeye:
i didnt know that japanese were christians too in that time :rolleyes:
and etc...

Is your complaint that your targets are wrong on the issue, or just that they're hypocrits for failing to apply comparable scrutiny to their own religions?

no i'm not about the hypocrits for failing to compare their relegions too or whatever, i'm talking about, wether it's christanity or islam, or any other relegion of a certin civilisation, it's not that relegion that told them, expand, conquer, and etc... there's a difference between that relegion's teachings, and as for islam, the quran, and the history of the civilisaion, all civilisations had wars and maked wars and conquered in order to expand, and become greater, and even to survive
what, other "stuff"? you mean, killing "non-christians"? i didnt know that red indians were christians :bugeye:
i didnt know that japanese were christians too in that time :rolleyes:
and etc...

Reading comprehension fail.

no i'm not about the hypocrits for failing to compare their relegions too or whatever, i'm talking about, wether it's christanity or islam, or any other relegion of a certin civilisation, it's not that relegion that told them, expand, conquer, and etc... there's a difference between that relegion's teachings, and as for islam, the quran, and the history of the civilisaion, all civilisations had wars and maked wars and conquered in order to expand, and become greater, and even to survive

In what sense? The religions in question are integral parts of the civilizations in question - the killings and such could never have happened with the religions, and specifically the religious sanction for such. You can stand here and say that they were doing it wrong, but so what? That's not what the religious authorities said at the time, not what the masses of believers understood to be correct.

Not that I'm seeing any particular lack of clear Islamic teachings on those subjects in the first place.