Common misconceptions about Islam

I didn't know that dnp.
That kind of lap dancer is definitely a semi whore.
I was thinking of respectable non touching lap dancers.
Maybe shadow is correct.
I thought that they just danced.

Experienced as I sound, I have never experienced a lap dancer.
Helping the poor is always a good idea, and Americans were the most charitable people on earth until President Roosevelt turned our country into a socialist workers' "paradise" in 1933 and began raising the income tax to its current confiscatory level.


Social security eliminated the worst forms of privation in the elderly and poor. We weren't so goddamn charitable if so many people were starving.
F*** you.
i went to the hellish depths of the internet to give you that date, translated and referenced.
people with short term memory loss should be banned from internet forums, since we can't whack them on the face.
Scifes, relink your post, because if I recall there were NO peer reviewed published evidence reported in ANY of your links.

Oh, and post the date of the Qur'an right here in this thread in the following format: The Qur'an was completed on January 25th, 2011. (include citation)

Lastly, I've read the evidence and the consensus among EXPERTS is the date is NOT known. Do you understand that Scifes? It is NOT KNOWN. No one knows when the Qur'an was completed. EXPERT ARCHEOLOGIST'S have a date RANGE in mind, but NO ONE know's for sure. AND the reason why you needed to go to the "DEPTHS" of the Internet is because it took you that long to gather up enough crackpot "Islamic" experts.

As it stands there is NO contemporary evidence of Mohammad having existed and NO ONE knows when the Qur'an was completed.

More than likely "Islam" is a branch of Syrian/Persian Christianity that didn't believe in the Trinity - which was VERY COMMON 1400 years ago. This explains why so much of the Qur'an is the "Bible".
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A lap dancer performs suggestive motions while rubbing up against a client. This sometimes results in a client orgasm. Both parties have their clothes on. A whore AKA prostitute engages in vaginal, oral or anal sex which virtually always results in a client orgasm. Sometimes sadomasochism or role-playing is involved. Usually, both parties have their clothes off. That seems different to me.
Ask your wife if she thinks that's an important difference.
I was thinking of respectable non touching lap dancers. . . . I thought that they just danced.
What in the world are you talking about? Why do you think they're called lap dancers if they're not dancing in your lap???
Experienced as I sound, I have never experienced a lap dancer.
Neither have I, but I know what they do for their money. It's a form of "safe sex" that became popular in the HIV era.
F*** you.
Oh, and Scifes, the point in me asking the question is to generate reflection and thought processes - which is the POINT in this thread. One MAJOR misconception about Islam is that the Qur'an's origins are well known. Which they are NOT (I think even YOU can agree to that).

Another misconception is that the Qur'an is "Perfect". Which it is not. The sentence itself is meaningless. It'd be like saying: Green is the "Prefect" color. Chocolate is the "Perfect" flavor. Which is of course MEANINGLESS.

So, one last time, if you can find a PEER REVIEWED source in a reputable archeological journal on the origins of the Qur'an then please post the citation. If you can not, then, that's because it's not known. Because I promise you Scifes, if you can provide proof, then you can get a Professorial job at a major University as well as receive academic accolades the world over :)
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not funny pinwheel

I thought it was extremely funny, O.K. here you go. Rid your self of contempt for all other humans and when you see some one before you turn away say to your self , about the other person not your self silly " I LOve You" and watch and see the change that occurs on there face and how it acts like an infection in a crowd. You will start to believe when you witness the cascade effect of what you did.
Megalomaniac not because I think I am better richer or more powerful, but because I believe you love Me and I want to be considered your equal in your heart instead of a lower class species. I love you unconditional, Even you Hero Man and if you read this you know who I am talking to
I didn't know that dnp.
That kind of lap dancer is definitely a semi whore.
I was thinking of respectable non touching lap dancers.
Maybe shadow is correct.
I thought that they just danced.

Experienced as I sound, I have never experienced a lap dancer.

Hi Captain , Love you brother and Me too, No Lap Dancing here either
Quad said it better than me. Responsibility doesn't make up for being treated like an inferior creature that can't even drive a car or talk to a man alone.

Not all Muslims are like that. A Lebanese Woman and her Husband are nothing like that and she I must say is a kick in the pants with berka ( Dyslexic , don't hurt Me) and all. Now she does not go flaunting her self in an American decadent type culture either , but is respectful by showing compassion and knows the meaning of Mercy . My heart is with Her Husband and her for the way thy Raise there children too. I consider it a blessing for my child to play with and know there children and a blessing for Me to know them too
Hey Shadow.
How come you know so much about lap dancing anyway?

While I have never experienced lap dancing, I do like a bit of Lapp dancing.


Lapp Dancers at my local Lapp Dancing Bar

The one on the right is my favourite. Her name is Helga.
For 5 euros she'll dance for an hour.
Definitely no touching.
I tried once, and my ears are still ringing.

I hope she never falls over while dancing.
She'd break your leg.
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I actually think that the most common misconception about Islam at the moment is that it's worth all this discussion to begin with.

Hey Shadow.
How come you know so much about lap dancing anyway?

While I have never experienced lap dancing, I do like a bit of Lapp dancing.


Lapp Dancers at my local Lapp Dancing Bar

The one on the right is my favourite. Her name is Helga.
For 5 euros she'll dance for an hour.
Definitely no touching.
I tried once, and my ears are still ringing.

I hope she never falls over while dancing.
She'd break your leg.

we don't have here those lap dancers, anyway, there's tv.
we watch alot of american movies and stuff :p

hmm, you call those lap dancers? well, i didnt mean those, i meant thosewho are in bars and etc... yes they are hores, nothing different, any dancer that dace to seduce or something, is a whore, yes even those arabian belly dancers.

oh, bytheway, i like their tradional clothes, where are they from? slovakia?
oh, bytheway, i like their tradional clothes, where are they from? slovakia?

Lapland. That's the only place Lapp dancers come from.
It's not so much dancing, as jumping up and down stamping their feet.
Every now and again they bring their Reindeer along.
You should hear the racket they make!

That Helga can seduce me any time she likes.
Wah Wah Way Wah!
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